star wars civilization.

Chapter 441: Absorbing the Power of Blood Mist

The hatch opened slowly, and the three of them flew out quickly, entering the vast space from the battleship. %&*

Looking at the deep red in the distance, even though it was not the first time for Xuan Yiwang and Li Yunhe to come here, they couldn't help being shocked.

Not only them, but also the peak protoss geniuses who flew out of the twelve warships felt the same way. After staring at the crimson world for a long time, they flew towards it.

"Let's go too." Xuan Yiwang said.

"Sorry, I'm going to take a step first." Li Yunhe smiled friendly, and suddenly flew towards the crimson world. [

"He's in a hurry." Shen Zheng smiled, and together with Xuan Yiwang, he flew with all his might, heading towards the crimson vortex.

"By the way, brother." Xuan Yiwang suddenly remembered something at this moment, and whispered to Shen Zheng. "In the crimson vortex, you must not summon your insect servants, otherwise you will definitely attract the crimson monster."

"I see." Shen Zheng nodded.

Everyone flew all the way at different speeds, but they were all faster than others. After more than a hundred hours of flying, they finally came to the edge of that area. Many people stayed outside for a long time. I don't know if they were mentally preparing to enter it. Prepare, or perceive whether there is any danger in it.

"Brother Shen Zheng, we have also broken up." Xuan Yiwang said, "Extreme experience is a personal adventure, and forming a gang will actually lead to bad things. You should be more careful inside. I look forward to hearing from you when the experience is over." good news."

"Definitely!" Shen Zheng nodded.

Xuan Yiwang pointed to those people standing still outside the huge space: "Look, they are all sensing the 'entry point' that attracts them most in the crimson vortex, which is a bit like looking for the best point when modulating the worm nucleus. Infiltration is the same. I'm going too, take care."

As he said that, he flew towards a certain distance, staying outside the crimson world there, motionless.

Shen Zheng was somewhat curious, and concentrated his energy to perceive the most attractive position, but after sensing for a long time, he couldn't sense anything.He couldn't help being greatly surprised, and after thinking about it, he flew around the edge, but after flying for a long time, he still didn't feel anything.

Am I not welcome here?He thought depressingly, and he simply didn't look for any entry and exit points, and directly plunged into the crimson world.

Immediately, he felt that he was in a deep red mist, and the edge of the mist seemed to pervade the entire universe, and it seemed to be another different time, space and world in the universe.In this mist, he can sense that the surroundings are full of more powerful space power, and the crimson particles also contain powerful insect power, which can be absorbed into the body at any time to replenish the loss of his own insect power, and Or use it to exercise your insect power to make it stronger.

This is simply an extremely powerful baby!Shen Zheng couldn't help getting excited, stretched out his limbs, and absorbed the insect power in the red mist to his heart's content. ^

After the insect power entered his body, it immediately spread to all parts of his body, and gradually merged with his insect power, guiding his insect power to boil and surge in his body, making him feel more comfortable.

He just lazily indulged in it, absorbing the power from there to his heart's content.

But he didn't know that in the red mist over there, there was a pair of eyes watching him from afar. When he saw him comfortably absorbing the insect power here, there was a strong shock in those eyes.

The owner of those eyes had an extremely kind-looking face, with a friendly smile on his face all the time - that was Li Yunhe, whom Xuan Yiwang called a killer genius.

He really lived up to the name of a genius. In the crimson world here, he quietly lurked beside Shen Zheng in the distance, but Shen Zheng didn't feel it at all.

In fact, the reason why Li Yunhe rushed to the edge of the crimson vortex first was not because he was eager to enter it and look for adventures, but because he wanted to rush here first and hide, so that he could catch Shen Zheng's body without anyone noticing. trend.

Facing Shen Zheng, he could never let go of that fiasco.That time, not only did he lose to the opponent in the martial arts competition, but it was also the first time in his life that he failed in a mission.For the first time, he tasted the pain of not being able to kill the target, and there was finally a stain in that miraculous killer career record. [

That was a stain that would never be erased, and since then, he can no longer proudly tell people that he has never missed a shot in his life.

That was not only a miss, but also a disastrous defeat, so that he lost even his confidence.

He has such a powerful weapon, which is equivalent to two star masters fighting for him under his command, but he was still defeated by Shen Zheng, even the white tiger's claw was snatched by Shen Zheng, if it weren't for Wen Gang Shu and Xuan Chifeng stepped forward, and he would lose that powerful weapon forever.

What a shame!A hired killer actually wants his employer to help him!

What a shame!

For this reason, he held a grudge against Shen Zheng, and once swore in his heart that if he had the chance, even if he violated the killer's rules, he would definitely kill Shen Zheng with his own hands!

But how can there be such an opportunity?Even Xuan Chifeng, who is the fourth-rank star master, couldn't do anything to Shen Zheng?The power possessed by Shen Zheng is too powerful, Li Yunhe probably won't be able to repay this point in his lifetime.

But now, this opportunity has appeared!In the crimson vortex, no one can exert the power of the star master, otherwise, what awaits him will be devoured by the passion of the crimson monster.Here, Shen Zheng's power over him will be completely sealed off, and there will be no difference between them.

Naturally, he couldn't let go of such a good opportunity for revenge.So he went one step ahead, lurked down, observed Shen Zheng's movements under the cover of the red mist, and finally followed him here.

But the Yimo in front of him shocked him even more.

This crimson mist is the blood of the holy spirit spilled during the ancient war, which is naturally full of powerful power, but no one has ever dared to absorb it directly like Shen Zheng.

Because it is the blood of the Holy Spirit, in addition to the powerful power, there is also the extreme terror of death, and the humiliation and rage of being defeated by the opponent. Anyone who absorbs the power in this blood mist will be affected by it, Lose your mind and end up going crazy under the influence of many negative emotions.

Then what awaited him was death.

At first, when he saw that Shen Zheng began to absorb this power, he couldn't help but be ecstatic, thinking that Shen Zheng, a kid who came here for the first time, would definitely go crazy and die this time, but after a few hours, he But he was horrified to find that not only did Shen Zheng not go crazy, but he was like a swimmer soaking in the water, enjoying it more than the ground, more comfortable than the ground!

How is this going?Who is this kid who can absorb the power of the Holy Spirit's blood without dying?

Li Yunhe thought about it in astonishment, and couldn't help thinking: Could it be that the blood mist in this area only contains power, but has no negative effects?

While hesitating, he cautiously inhaled some blood mist power, and then slowly sensed it.Not long after, a sense of fear suddenly spread in his heart, and at the same time, a strong sense of anger also rose.He hurriedly suppressed his emotions with all his strength, quietly floated in the mist to adjust his breath, and it took a long time before he recovered.

No problem here.

he thought in amazement.

So, is Shen Zheng extraordinary?

Looking at Shen Zheng floating in the mist, he gritted his teeth with hatred.

Why can he have such a physique?God is too unfair!I want to reverse this injustice, I want this damn guy to die here! [

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and then something physical shot out from his eyes, slowly drifting towards Shen Zheng, and clinging to Shen Zheng's body.

But Shen Zheng didn't notice it.

Li Yunhe sneered, and then became dizzy for a while. After he made that move, most of the insect's power was consumed, and some symptoms of weakness appeared in his body.He hastily and slowly adjusted his breath, opened another space worm core, took out several worm cores from it and swallowed them, and then he got better, and after taking a last look at Shen Zheng, he flew away.

The power of thought is really useless!

As he flew, he sighed in his heart.

Shen Zheng, I have locked on you with my mind, no matter where you escape to in the crimson vortex, you cannot escape my induction.Just wait, I will bring you a huge surprise soon!

He flew quickly in the blood mist of the crimson vortex. After flying for nearly thirty hours, he slowly slowed down, concentrated his strength to sense something, and then flew towards the depths of a fog.

Not long after, a robust figure appeared in the distant mist, he smiled slightly, and called loudly: "Your Highness Feng Zizai, go slowly!"

"Who?" The man's eyes turned cold, and he immediately turned his head. As the red light in his hand cooled down, a spear was already in his hand.

The man was about thirty years old, with a square face, and he was handsome, with a look of arrogance in his brows, very much like the kind of person who held great power for a long time.

"It's me." Li Yunhe smiled friendly and flew over slowly. "Old friend."

"You?" The man's face softened slightly, and he put away the spear. "Why are you looking for me? The matter between us should be over. Isn't your rule that you shouldn't harass your employer?"

"This time, I'm not here to meet you as a killer." Li Yunhe said with a smile, "but as an invitee."

"Then what do you want from me?" the man asked suspiciously.

"Your Highness Feng Zizai, I'm not a person who likes to beat around the bush." ​​Li Yunhe smiled slightly, "I found a character with great luck, and I feel that if I follow him, I can get unexpected gains. But with my own strength, I'm afraid it's not enough to deal with him, so... I want to invite His Highness to enjoy this day's great benefits!"

"Great luck?" The person known as His Highness Feng Zizai smiled, "What is great luck? How big can it be?"

"He can freely absorb the power of the blood mist in the crimson vortex of the Holy Spirit's blood mist!" Li Yunhe said with a smile.

"What?" Feng Zizai couldn't help exclaiming, his expression became serious.

"Whether it's because of his special physique, miraculous skills, or treasures." Li Yunhe's eyes lit up, "It means that he has extremely strong luck. Your Highness, you should know that in the deep In the adventure in the red vortex, luck actually plays a huge role..."

"Needless to say." Feng Zizai waved his hand, "Take me there!"

Li Yunhe smiled.

These proud geniuses actually have the same IQ as hunters!What I am best at is letting you self-righteous pigs be led by the nose...

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