star wars civilization.

Chapter 442: Capturing Ideas

I don't know how long he was floating in the blood mist over there before Shen Zheng suddenly woke up. %&*

Looking around Tranquility, Shen Zheng couldn't help but patted his forehead: What did I come here for?Could it be to absorb these insect powers to exercise themselves?There are more important things than this!

He scolded himself, mobilized the linear map in his mind, and after knowing where he was, he turned to face the center of the crimson vortex, and flew over quickly.

The closer you get to the inside, the stronger the power contained in the blood mist. Later, Shen Zheng didn't dare to absorb these powers easily, because he vaguely discovered that this power is not just simple insect power, but also includes the power of space .He is only a pinnacle protoss now. Although he has mastered a little bit of space power, it is limited to using the space of the insect core, and cannot be used for attack, let alone defense.

If you absorb a large amount of this power now, you will only bring yourself huge troubles. [

Suddenly, there was a faint movement in his heart, and he looked in one direction.A feeling that he couldn't explain clearly made him want to go there to find out. After hesitating for a moment, he finally went there.

After a long time, a huge sphere appeared in front of him. Upon closer inspection, the sphere was formed by gathering fragments of insect shells, human armor, clothing, ore crystals, and some unidentifiable things. The diameter is tens of meters, like a meteorite.

This is the grave of the strong, right?Shen Zheng observed carefully, and after confirming that there was no danger, he flew over slowly.

Exerting super-sensing power, he scanned the sphere, but he didn't know whether it was because of the influence of the surrounding blood mist, or some powerful force inside the sphere, his super-sensing could only scan the outermost thin area. Layers are not much more detailed than naked eye observation.

At this time, a faint sound came from there, and Shen Zheng felt that it was not a vibration transmitted by air or insect power, but a brain wave.

He listened carefully, and vaguely heard: "Who will release me? Who will rescue me?"

This is! ?

He couldn't help being startled, and hurriedly raised his hand, the bloody glove was already on his hand while the red light was flashing, he came to the ball, transported the insect power on the glove, and connected the carapace, clothes, etc. The shell of the ball was quickly peeled off, gradually dismantling the big ball.

As the ball gradually disintegrated, a force was suddenly released outward, like a gust of energy wind, and Shen Zheng faintly heard a sigh in the wind: "It's finally over! Thank you so much! Oh, I knew it earlier, I regret it at the beginning, this is really not a place for us to come..."

The voice gradually weakened, and it was no longer audible. Shen Zheng could clearly feel a brain wave force, which was slowly dispersed and dissipated in the air. %&*

Is this... the residual consciousness of the strong?

Surprised, he couldn't help but think of the cry for help he heard just now, and he couldn't help but feel a little creepy when he thought about it carefully: the strong man inside died before he knew how to thank him, but his consciousness remained there, maybe because he couldn't bear the treasure he got?As a result, he guarded the treasure and was entangled in it by these sundries. In the blood mist here, his consciousness was protected by these carapaces and nourished by the blood mist. Suffering from being trapped...

Shen Zheng couldn't help shivering.

This is simply a more terrifying thing than death. If there is a hell, then this kind of death is thrown into hell. If you want to live, you can't live, if you want to die, you can't die, you can only be trapped in that closed space inside……


After stabilizing his emotions, Shen Zheng continued to dismantle the ball, and found a skeleton from the center in a short time.The clothes on the bones had been fused with the bug's carapace, ore, and crystals, and were separated from the human body, leaving only the naked body.

From the physical point of view, it was a man in his 40s, with a strong figure and a resolute face, and he could tell at a glance that he was an extraordinary man before his death.

As soon as it came into contact with the blood mist outside, the corpse immediately shattered into countless dust particles, spreading in all directions, Shen Zheng hurriedly avoided, and let those dust particles be carried away by the blood mist, drifting in all directions.

Only when the dust particles cleared away did Shen Zheng come to the front and carefully observe the innermost part of the spherical tomb.There, he found a bug egg. [

The worm egg was the size of a human head, and I don't know what kind of worm egg it was. Now it has completely become a fossil, lifeless and without any signs of life.

It can be seen that this strong man has died here for an unknown number of years.

Sighing lightly, Shen Zheng searched carefully again, but found nothing, so he left there.

It is obviously empty, so what is it that attracts me to come here?As he left, he thought about it, and suddenly he was taken aback: Could it be the residual consciousness of this strong man?


But how did he do it?Is it a special power?No, doesn't Lin Lie also have residual consciousness?And the Holy Spirit who counts many deaths here... So, being able to have residual consciousness is a common ability of a certain level of powerhouse?

But having this ability is really terrifying. How terrifying is it to be trapped for thousands of years after death like this?

But after he thought about it, he couldn't help but feel relieved: it was just residual consciousness, not the real soul, so in fact, the dead strong man had already lost all thoughts and lost consciousness after death.It's just that the power of this consciousness still remains, and gradually under the protection of the shell, it enjoys all the space power left on the corpse to itself, and finally grows into a new mind life, but it can only have the shadow of the memory fragments of the previous life, and Can't think wholeheartedly...

etc!He was startled suddenly and stopped.

If it is a fragment of memory, does it also contain the cultivation experience and martial arts experience of these strong people?If that's the case, and I can absorb it...

Doesn't that mean that I can directly possess the abilities of these strong people just like I implanted insect eggs to obtain the genetic memory of the Zerg race?

Thinking of this, Shen Zheng couldn't help but feel joy in his heart.

"What's going on with him?" In the distance, surrounded by a cloud of blood mist, Feng Zizai frowned slightly. "This is great luck? It's easy to find a tomb of a strong man, but it's nothing!"

"Don't worry." Li Yunhe smiled kindly, "The fact that you can find a tomb of a strong man so easily already explains the problem. If it were you and me, would it be so easy to find it?"

"That's right..." Feng Zizai nodded slowly. "But I always feel... and he is suddenly happy now, what did he think of?"

"As long as we stay with him, won't we know everything?" Li Yunhe smiled.

At this time, Shen Zheng had already started to calm down, and carefully felt any kind of power coming from the blood mist. Gradually, he felt a sense of a certain direction again, his eyes lit up, and he immediately flew towards that direction. go.

"Look!" Li Yunhe pointed at Shen Zheng's back and said, "He is not in a daze, but sensing something. Let's follow, if he can easily find another tomb of a strong man, it means that he is indeed Have this kind of ability to find graves!"

"What shall we do then?" Feng Zizai's eyes also shone with excitement.

"Wait!" Li Yunhe said with a smile, "No matter how many treasures he collects, we are just waiting! When he finds the incomparable real treasure, we will give him a surprise attack!"

"Okay!" Feng Zizi smiled, and looked at Li Yunhe. "Brother Li, all this depends on you, but be careful not to expose us."

"What am I doing?" Li Yunhe shook his head and smiled, "If someone found out so easily, would you have hired me to kill you for you?" [

The two looked at each other and smiled, and quietly followed Shen Zheng.

Shen Zheng flew quickly in the blood mist, and dozens of hours later, he saw another tomb of a strong man with an irregular shape.The size of this tomb is about the same as the one just now, and there is also a faint cry for help that can only be captured with thoughts.

Shen Zheng flew forward, with the red light flashing in his hand, the insect spirit sword was already in his hand, and the powerful insect power brewed and surged on it, and suddenly turned into a huge blade with a length of [-] meters. With a shout, he slashed down, cutting off the tomb from the center.

"Relieved! I regret it so much!"

A thought rushed to his face, and Shen Zheng heard this sigh.

This time he didn't let it flow away, but concentrated his mind desperately to perceive its existence.In an instant, he felt the worm power in his brain shake violently, and there was a bang in his head, as if something flew out, grabbed another object flying in the air, and dragged it into the air. In Shen Zheng's mind.

That's just a feeling, in fact, the things that fly out and the things that are caught don't exist.It's like a person fantasizing about having superhuman strength and saving the world when nothing has changed.

But this feeling is so wonderful, it makes people feel as if they have experienced everything in person, although in fact they only get the void, but what can they get from this void.

That is the fragment of memory.

Shen Zheng felt that the shapeless power in his brain, which was beyond his control, was rapidly decomposing and would reassemble again. Suddenly he had a feeling, a kind of familiarity with a certain power control technique Feeling, as if he had practiced that method of control a million times before.

How to control space power?

After being slightly taken aback, he couldn't help but get excited.

Although it was only a short section, but that short section belonged to the skills of star masters above the second level, as if he had practiced it for many years, he knew it completely.

But it's a pity that it can't be connected with the whole power system, so Shen Zheng still can't use it to really control the space power.

But that's exciting enough!Just think, although some people have read the notes of the strong Star Lord, and some have received direct instructions from the Star Lord, but no matter how they read and study, they can't really appreciate the power changes when controlling the space power.

But now Shen Zheng intuitively understands that although he is still a protoss body, he has the power memory of a star master!

This will have a huge impact on him, and perhaps allow him to display the power of a star lord before he advances!

He couldn't help but feel excited!

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