star wars civilization.

Chapter 455: The Mysterious Blood Cell

In the bright red world in the belly of the crimson giant monster, on the terrifying battlefield of the Holy Spirit, all the Suzaku Holy Spirits and the Xuanwu Holy Spirits looked around blankly, but they couldn't find a way out for themselves. ^

They are like lost children, overwhelmed there.

At this moment, a surging thought surged up from afar and spread in all directions of the bright red world. The thought quickly swept over every Suzaku Holy Spirit and every Black Tortoise Holy Spirit, their bodies trembled slightly, and then As if waking up suddenly, he roared and screamed, and rushed towards the alien holy spirit who was closest to him.

The restless war started again.

That thought was slowly retracted, and with it, it could come to the very center of the holy spirit battlefield.There, there is a huge blood-colored sphere, which is no longer a thick blood mist, but a round crystal composed of blood. [

The size of the sphere has far surpassed that of ordinary planets. If Shen Zheng can get here, he will find this huge blood sphere, which is probably nearly a hundred times larger than his hometown White Wolf Star!

All the power in the crimson monster's body, and even all the power of the entire crimson vortex outside its body, are connected to this giant ball of blood, and this giant ball seems to be the heart of the entire crimson vortex, maintaining it works.

That idea shrank into the blood cell, and then continued to shrink toward the center of the blood cell, and finally came into a sea of ​​people.

This sea of ​​people is composed of hundreds of thousands of people who are emitting yellow light all over their bodies. Those powers are concentrated on them from the blood cells in all directions, and then transmitted to the center through them.They have different appearances and different hairstyles. There are men and women, but they are all naked. They sit cross-legged, arranged in a neat spherical shape, and surround a long-haired man in the center.

The man closed his eyes and stood with his hands down. Apart from the yellow light constantly shining on his body, there was no trace of life.

Surrounding him were ten older human beings. They slowly raised their hands, dividing the huge power transmitted from the sea of ​​people into ten parts, and continuously passed them into the body of the man in the center along their hands.

The man kept devouring the huge energy, and after every few hours, he radiated that energy, passed it to the sea of ​​people through the ten elders, passed it to the blood cell shell, and then passed it to a further distance.

"It's so dangerous." At this moment, an old man with a thick beard and hair among the ten people sighed. "I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen, and it almost destroyed our magic circle. How could they do this? They can inherit the power of the Holy Spirit. You know, even if the real Suzaku Holy Spirit and Xuanwu Holy Spirit come Here, you can only be trapped in it, it is impossible to do this step..."

"Fortunately, although they have the legacy of the white tiger, they have mutated. %&*

"They should all be killed." Among the ten people, a beautiful woman said coldly. "Just like dealing with those strong people, get their mind and space power to strengthen our magic circle."

"There is my blood in it." Among the ten people, a bald man slowly opened his mouth. "We can't kill her too."

"So what if you kill him?" The beautiful woman just now frowned.

"Not much." Guang Guang Dahan said, "It's just that if the reason why the basalt worm and the Suzaku worm can continue the power of the Holy Spirit is because of our same race, then she is in great danger. Her power is weird, if Infiltrated into our family's formation, it is very likely to endanger the Holy Emperor."

"Besides, there are weird creatures among them." Another short-haired old woman said, "The one who can combine the power of all people into one must be a cosmic worm. But... it doesn't seem like a strong creature with the power of a cosmic worm." Like a monster, with the help of its power, it seems to have some kind of power that can be used... I think maybe it is because of his existence that Suzaku and Xuanwu can have this magical ability."

"If we let this kind of guy's mind enter the magic circle, do you think it will be dangerous?" the bald man pressed the beautiful woman.

"What's the danger?" The beautiful woman snorted, "Over the long years, we have seduced countless star masters, galaxy masters, and even two kings of the star sea, killed them and strengthened them with their thoughts. And strengthened our magic circle, so that the magic circle has the scale it is today. What is a small protoss?"

"What do you know!" the bald man snorted.

"Only you understand?" The beautiful woman's eyes were cold.

The disharmony between the two immediately caused a wave of power, which was directly transmitted to the man in the center standing with hands down. In an instant, a tyrannical coercion came from the man, and the whole crowd was shocked. Trembling, the huge blood cells were also turbulent, and all the holy spirits on the outer holy spirit battlefield stopped moving at that moment, as if they were struck by lightning. [

"Concentrate and maintain the Holy Emperor!" The old man with thick beard and hair roared angrily, "If you keep arguing, it will become part of the power of the magic circle!"

The roar immediately made the bald man and the beautiful woman quiet down. They stared at the man in the center with wide eyes, sweating profusely.

"The body of creation..." At this moment, the long-haired man in the center slowly opened his mouth and spit out four words.

Then, he closed his mouth and remained silent, and the extremely terrifying coercion completely disappeared.

"The body of creation?" Almost all ten people recited these four words silently, with complex lights shining in their eyes.

"Then, we really can't let them mix into the magic circle, otherwise..." The beautiful woman murmured to herself in a daze, she closed her mouth and did not speak again.

"After ten thousand years, the body of creation appeared again..." The old man with thick beard and hair said to himself, "And our clan has all concentrated here, working hard for the coming of the Holy Emperor, and then manipulating the power of the world to destroy it ...Is the law of automatic generation of this universe really unchangeable? Creatures must have their natural enemies..."

"No, the Holy Emperor of our family is the enemy! As long as this magic circle is finally completed, our family will be the only god in the universe!" He slowly closed his eyes, no more words, no more thoughts, just silently The power was passed into the long-haired man's body, and then the power released by him was emitted.

In this way, the cycle continues.

No one knew of their existence, not even Shen Zheng, the only one who had gone deep into this place.

At this moment, Shen Zheng is struggling in the darkness. He feels that he has fallen into the terrible darkness. In that darkness, he can't sense anything, not even his own limbs, as if he has melted into a ball. Round things, without hands, feet, chest, abdomen, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.

He struggled in horror, but honestly, he didn't know if he was struggling because he didn't feel like he had a body either.

That struggle might just be a mental trembling of fear.

Suddenly, a feeling of extreme terror hit his end, he lost all consciousness at once, and sank into the depths of darkness.

After an unknown amount of time, a sense of danger suddenly stabbed him like a knife. He struggled violently to his feet, opened his eyes and looked around.

Surrounded by a deep red blood mist, filled with some kind of wonderful power.

He hurriedly looked around, perceiving carefully, and finally determined that he had left the body of the crimson monster and returned to the crimson vortex.

Taking a deep breath, he flew towards Dandan and Xiaohei who were suspended not far away.At this time Eggy and Xiao Hei are still in a coma, the black tide around Xiao Hei has disappeared, and Eggy's body has also shrunk to a length of more than ten meters, as if that is its original size.

Think about it, there is such a possibility, isn't the young Xiao Hei only as big as a house?Eggy also belonged to a newborn child, so it should naturally be of this size, because it seems that there shouldn't be too much difference in body shape between Holy Spirits.

Thinking about the test about the stature of the blood relatives of the Holy Spirit before, Shen Zheng couldn't help but nodded: Eggs may have their own consciousness as they get bigger, so they prefer to become their true size instead of being subject to the will of the previous "nanny" Influenced, and always turned into the appearance of the giant.

He flew over, waved his hand and released two worm powers, hitting Dandan and Xiaohei's body, the two little guys woke up immediately, roared and looked around, looking for the powerful enemy that stunned them.

"Don't look for it, we're out." Shen Zheng waved his hand with a smile. [

At this time, his body of light had also disappeared. He carefully observed the inside of the worm nucleus, and found that Xue Su, Shui Qingqing, and Yan Xin were all asleep, but there was nothing serious, and he didn't wake them up at all.

"How did we get out?" Eggy asked in surprise.

"I don't know either." Shen Zheng said, "At that time, I felt a powerful idea that could hardly be described in words, and then passed out. When I woke up, I was already here."

"It's such a pity." Eggy shook her head and sighed, "I could have liberated all the thoughts of the relatives of the Holy Spirit and inherited their power, but in the end I only freed a small part... Alas, the remaining Holy Spirit Relatives, we can only continue to suffer inside..."

Xiao Hei also became sad, opened his mouth and yelled a few times, his voice was quite sad.

Shen Zheng looked at them, sensed the direction indicated by the linear map in his mind, and slowly turned his head to look at the central area of ​​the crimson vortex, half-talking to himself, Ye said: "If we send out a powerful star master level again power, and then go deep into the central part, will the crimson giant swallow us into its belly again?"

"Forget it." Eggy shook her head hastily, "Master, what if we go in this time, we won't be able to get out again?"

"En." Shen Zheng shivered and wiped his cold sweat.

I was careless, I just thought about benefiting Eggy and Xiao Hei, but forgot that I didn't know how to get out of the belly of the crimson monster.

"Master, something is wrong." Eggy suddenly raised her head and stared into the distance.And Xiao Hei had been looking there for a long time, but his eyes remained the same, without any change.

In contrast, Eggy was much more nervous. It looked there and said in a low voice: "It seems that some powerful guy is rushing over!"

"Not good!" Shen Zheng frowned, and also sensed the dangerous aura coming from there.

In an instant, a figure flew over and arrived in front of Shen Zheng in an instant.

It turned out to be a [-]-meter giant insect with a blue carapace and a dragon-shaped body!

With such characteristics, no one will admit that it is a blue dragon worm!

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