star wars civilization.

Chapter 456: The strongest contradictory team

That green dragon worm has the same body shape as the green dragon, with long whiskers, sharp claws, and long horns, but the whole body is not covered with scales, but just a blue smooth carapace. ^Its eyes are shining with red light, showing its strong desire to attack at the moment.

"Suzaku Zerg, Xuanwu Zerg, and... small humans!" Qinglong Zerg stared at Shen Zheng's side, with a look of madness in his red eyes. "Kill, kill them all!"

In an instant, a powerful aura was released from the whole body of Qinglongchong. The aura was so strong that even Shen Zheng couldn't bear it.

"Star master level... at least level six or higher!" Eggy whispered to Shen Zheng. "Master, don't be afraid, with me, Xiao Hei, and you, the three of us can fight it away together! But let me fight it first, I want to see the power inherited from the Holy Spirit family, in the end how!"

"Be careful yourself!" Shen Zheng urged with concern. [

"Don't worry, Master!" Eggy let out a long roar, "Xiao Hei, protect Master!"

Xiao Hei still couldn't speak like a ball, but he could fully understand any words, and after hearing the words, he roared and stood by his side.

"Fire worm, kill!" The blue dragon worm glared at Dandan who was flying forward, let out a loud roar, and opened its mouth to spray out a blue beam of light, hitting directly at Eggy like a spear.

With a long howl, Eggy's body changed from more than ten meters long to more than one hundred meters long, comparable to that of the blue dragon worm. It opened its mouth, and suddenly spewed out a thick pillar of fire, facing the beam of light.

The two pillars, one green and one red, collided, and there was a loud bang immediately, but the situation of the two strong contenders did not appear. The blue light pillar broke through Dandan's fire pillar at once, and directly blasted on Eggy's body!

But the moment the blue beam of light hit Dandan, a layer of flame armor suddenly gushed out from Dandan's body.

With a screaming sound, Eggy was hit on the head by the beam of light, and was sent flying horizontally, and was already a thousand meters away in an instant.

"Eggy!" Shen Zheng's eyes were about to turn red, his whole body was surging with insect power, and he was about to strike.

Xiao Hei was not in a hurry, but shook his head and blocked Shen Zheng.Shen Zheng looked at it in astonishment, and saw that its eyes were clear, and it looked neither in a hurry nor in a panic, as if it knew that there was nothing wrong with Eggy.

At this moment, a stream of fire and heat rushed over, and Eggy flew back from that thousand meters away, and came to Shen Zheng's side.

"Eggy, are you okay?" Shen Zheng was relieved to see that there was nothing wrong with Eggy, but he still couldn't help asking.

"This guy is so powerful!" Eggy said, "I have no resistance in front of it, but it's strange, how come I don't feel anything when its attack hits me?"

"No feeling?" Shen Zheng looked at Eggy in surprise, then his eyes flashed. %&*

"Ah?" Eggy just noticed the flame armor wrapped around her body, and looked it up in surprise, "No... no, why did she suddenly develop such power?"

"Could it be the result of inheriting the power of Suzaku's holy spirit?" Shen Zheng's heart skipped a beat.

"It's very possible!" Eggy's eyes also lit up, and she looked up at the blue dragon worm that was gathering strength, "It's just a good time to try it!"

As he spoke, he uttered a long and loud howl, and rushed over again.

After knocking Eggy into the air, the Azure Dragon Worm roared a few times triumphantly, but when it saw Eggy flew back safely, it immediately became angry again, its four claws grabbed the void, and the countless spatial powers immediately directed towards it. It concentrated on its four claws, and quickly spread to all parts of its body.

A layer of cyan shadow slowly emerged from its body, slowly separated from it, and turned into a blue dragon worm that was exactly like it. With its roar, the energy blue dragon worm immediately opened its teeth and claws, and moved towards Eggy. rushed over. [

Eggy was terrified, the flame shield on her body burned even more vigorously, she let out a loud cry, and rushed over!

"Eggy be careful!" Shen Zheng was worried to death, terribly anxious, but Xiao Hei shook his head, looking calm.

In an instant, the energy blue dragon worm and Eggy slammed into each other fiercely, with an earth-shattering bang, the power of the energy blue dragon worm completely exploded, and Eggy couldn't move under this powerful force. With little room for resistance, he was sent flying away!

In the blink of an eye, he was already beaten tens of thousands of meters away!

Shen Zheng was so nervous that his heart was wrinkled into a ball, but Xiao Hei still shook his head slightly, as if telling Shen Zheng that Eggy was fine, and seemed to be dismissive of the power of Qinglong Chong.

"Death, everyone is going to die!" Azure Dragon Worm roared triumphantly, "You guys will be next!"

With that said, its four claws began to condense space power again, and blue shadows floated slowly around it.

"What big talk!" At this moment, a crimson beam of light shot towards Shen Zheng's side and stopped suddenly, it turned out to be the long dragon that was dragged by Eggy while flying fast.

"Eggy, are you okay?" Shen Zheng was surprised.

"It's okay!" Eggy yelled excitedly, "After inheriting the power of the Suzaku Holy Spirits, although my attack power has not improved at all, my defense power has risen to an unbelievable level! Although I was shot so far just now , but I didn’t feel anything at all, as if I was not hit by someone, but washed away by the waves! This flame armor is really great!”

"Great!" Shen Zheng couldn't help but get excited.

"What's going on here?" Qinglong Chong stared at Eggy, who had nothing to do with it, and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

At this moment, Xiao Hei's eyes suddenly shone, and he let out a loud roar, and the surrounding space seemed to tremble.

"Xiao Hei wants to try its power." Eggy said with a smile. "I don't know how powerful it can be."

"Come on, Xiao Hei, just be careful!" Shen Zheng urged.

Xiao Hei roared, his voice full of confidence.The Kuroshio around it suddenly surged up, but this time it didn't form the image of the Kuroshio Xuanwu around its body, but during the surge, its body rapidly expanded, and it also became a hundred-meter-long The huge basalt worm was about the same size as the Qinglong worm and Dandan, and it was not inferior at all.

"Little basalt worm, court death!" The blue dragon worm roared and started to rage, and the huge power was about to be condensed.

Xiao Hei's eyes shone brightly, he completely dismissed the green dragon worm, and instead of flying, he clawed at it deliberately and slowly, really like a slow tortoise.

"Xiao Hei, it's too easy to take care of yourself, right?" Shen Zheng frowned, "Don't be careless about Jingzhou!"

"Don't worry." Eggy smiled, "The Xuanwu clan has always been known for its prudence. Although it has not yet evolved into Xuanwu, it is a blood relative of Xuanwu after all, and its personality is the same. If it dares to do this, it shows that it has enough strength. grasp."

"Didn't you say that the other party is at least a sixth-level star master or above?" Shen Zheng asked puzzled.

"En." Eggy nodded, but said nothing more. [

Shen Zheng couldn't help being stunned, turned his head to look at Xiao Hei's back, and thought to himself: Could it be that our Xiao Hei's strength has...had far surpassed the sixth level or above?


Xiao Hei walked steadily in small square steps in the blood mist, constantly approaching the green dragon worm, and the blue dragon worm took advantage of its leisurely walk to gather its strength completely, and a blue dragon worm with the same energy as it came out of it again. Leaving, staring at Xiao Hei.

"Go to hell, stupid turtle!" The green dragon worm snorted disdainfully, and the energy blue dragon worm above roared and flew into the air, deliberately hovering in the air for two weeks, showing its powerful and perfect power, and then violent He rushed down headlong, and went straight to Xiao Hei with his teeth and claws!

Shen Zheng couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

Xiao Hei slowly raised his head, looking at the oncoming ferocious blue dragon worm, a look of disdain flashed in his eyes.It opened its mouth lazily, as if it was about to sneeze, the mouth opened wider and wider, but there was no other movement.

Shen Zheng's heart couldn't help but hang up.

But at this moment, a dark tide suddenly brewed in Xiao Hei's big mouth, its eyes suddenly flashed with fierce killing intent, and suddenly let out a roar.

Amidst the roaring sound, the black tide was spurted out, but it didn't shoot forward, but it was like a fog that encountered a tenth-level wind, and quickly retreated, completely enveloping Xiao Hei, and then , almost in an instant, maintaining the image of Xiao Hei, separated from Xiao Hei's body, roared and flew forward, and ruthlessly bumped into the body of the energy blue dragon insect.

There was no loud bang, but a dull impact sound. In the impact sound, the body of the violent energy green dragon worm suddenly shrank, and it was deformed by the black tide basalt worm.

The Kuroshio basalt worm advanced all the way, smashing the energy blue dragon worm into pieces with a powerful impact. At this moment, a huge explosion sound of the energy blue dragon worm shattered erupted in the air, and several blue light spots flew in all directions, like a crimson worm. A cyan torrential rain fell in the vortex.

"Impossible!" The blue dragon worm roared in horror, "I..."

Before it could finish what it was about to say, the Kuroshio basalt had already collided with it, and with a loud noise, the Kuroshio basalt burst open, and all the power was applied to the blue dragon worm, and the blue dragon worm screamed Before he could make a sound, he was already blown to pieces!

one strike!With just one blow, Xiao Hei killed the powerful Azure Dragon Worm in front of him, whose strength was at least above the sixth rank star master!

Shen Zheng stared wide-eyed, stared blankly at Xiao Hei, and suddenly burst out laughing.

"Xiao Hei, you are really awesome!"

He screamed excitedly, flew over, and hugged Xiao Hei's big head.At this time, Xiao Hei has turned into a giant beast of [-] meters, but it is not like hugging him, but like a fly swatting on the glass, which looks very funny.

Xiao Hei smiled, screamed for a long time, and immediately shrunk its body back to normal size, only this time Shen Zheng hugged its head firmly.

"Don't be too happy." Eggy shrunk his body to a length of more than ten meters and flew over, "Xiao Hei just said that it felt that it only increased its attack power, but its defense power didn't change much."

"That's not bad." Shen Zheng said with a smile, "You two, one is the strongest defensive shield, the other is the strongest attack gun, the enemy of the world!"

"Depressed." Eggy groaned, "It stands to reason that Xiao Hei should defend the enemy, and I should attack the enemy. Why is it the other way around? Strange."

"Forget it, let's collect the worm's nucleus first." Shen Zheng looked at the body of the worm, his eyes lit up. "It's not just the bug core, this guy's whole body is full of treasures!"

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