star wars civilization.

Chapter 465: Advance to Star Master!

"Your Majesty Feng Qianling, get out of the way!" Seeing Feng Qianling flying to Shen Zheng's side, Wen Rencheng couldn't help being anxious, and let out a loud roar to remind him. ^

But Feng Qianling only thought that Wen Rencheng was afraid that he would snatch Shen Zheng first, so he just smiled complacently: "Don't worry, President Wen Rencheng, I will tell the secret..."

Before he could finish his words, a sharp white sword pierced through his unprotected chest, which was just getting carried away.

No, that wasn't a sharp sword, but a blood spirit whip that suddenly shrank to a meter long and changed from soft to straight and hard.

"You..." Feng Qianling's eyes widened, and he stared blankly at Shen Zheng in front of him, only then did he realize that this guy who he thought was dying was not injured at all. [

Light shone on Shen Zheng's body, and the moment he made a move, he turned into a body of light again.And a flame lit up from Shen Zheng's body, quickly turning into a layer of armor.

"I'm sorry, my flame armor is too strong." Shen Zheng looked at Feng Qianling and smiled coldly. The powerful worm power followed the blood spirit whip into Feng Qianling's body, instantly hitting Feng Qianling's internal organs. smash.This incomparable seventh-rank Star Lord powerhouse, ruler of the strongest planet in the Crimson Spiral Galaxy, has turned into a dead body in an instant.

A generation of strong men has just fallen!

In the distance, everyone was stunned by this scene. Luo Dao stared blankly at the battlefield, seeing Shen Zheng shake Feng Qianling's body aside with a shake of his hand, his body trembled violently, and he hit him several times. a chill.Fear spread in his heart, and his teeth could not help but chatter.

"Not human, he is definitely not human..." He looked at Shen Zheng and couldn't help talking to himself. "He is the devil, the devil from hell who brings death!"

Wen Gangshu's face was constantly changing, first pale from fear, and then rosy from joy.He understands that it is impossible for the Red Light Star District not to become the strongest Star District in the Crimson Spiral Galaxy.With people like Shen Zheng, perhaps one day, the Red Light Star Region will become the center of the Crimson Spiral Galaxy.

In the battleship far away, Feng Zizai, who had been standing on the side, waiting to see his father avenge himself, fell to the ground in a shaking.

The stimulation was so strong that he passed out directly.

"What a despicable method!" Wen Rencheng looked at Shen Zheng, gritted his teeth and cursed.

"Despicable?" Shen Zheng's eyes turned cold, "In front of the despicable ancestors, I can thank Bumin. %&*

As he said that, his face darkened: "Wen Rencheng, now it's your turn!"

"You can't kill me!" Wen Rencheng said viciously, "Now I suddenly figured out one thing - if I want to escape, you can't stop me! Because although you used some power with the secret method, but Allow yourself to obtain the power of the star master and the power of the star master, but your grasp of that power is still insufficient. You can use the power of Suzaku to defend, so that we can't hurt you in the slightest, and you can also use the power of Xuanwu to attack. Wound us hard, but you can't move with the power of space!"

As he said that, a vicious smile appeared on his face: "Shen Zheng, after all, you are just a dwarf who borrowed the power of a giant! Just pay attention, I will appear by your side at any time, and when you are negligent , kill you!"

He let out a burst of laughter, and waved his hands triumphantly. Immediately, a burst of spatial turbulence surged around his body, and half of his body sank into it.

"Every moment of the rest of your life, you have to be careful not to show any flaws. You'd better not practice, or the moment you enter the realm of silence, maybe my knife will stab you Into your heart. You must always live in vigilance, and you must not be distracted for a moment! I guarantee by the reputation of the king of killers, I will always follow you, and I will always be ready to kill you!"

"This..." Hearing these words, Wen Gangshu's expression changed drastically.

That's right, if Shen Zheng can't master the power of space movement, then facing this king of killers who hates him, he must always be vigilant and be ready to use such powerful power immediately.But Wen Rencheng was different, he could come and go when he wanted, and he could leave when he wanted to. Shen Zheng had no way of chasing him, he could only be passively beaten forever.

Unless Shen Zheng advances to Star Master.

But with such a seventh-rank star master staring at him, how could Shen Zheng cultivate to the star master level? [

Wen Gangshu was sweating.

He looked at Shen Zheng, not knowing what Shen Zheng would do, but to his surprise, Shen Zheng smiled.

"Wen Rencheng, you said that I failed to master the power of space movement, I admit it." He said, "Although I have power stronger than the seventh-level star master, although I can exert your ability, but I If you want to open the hyperspace, you must use other powers, which will always slow you down a step, and make it impossible for me to catch up with you."

"Not bad." Wen Rencheng sneered, most of his body sank into the turbulent current. "I want you to live in fear forever from now on!"

"But..." Shen Zheng looked at Wen Rencheng, ignored his words, and talked about himself. "Have you ever thought that when a peak protoss actually killed a seventh-rank star master, wouldn't this miraculous achievement make him suddenly realize something?"

"What do you mean?" Wen Rencheng's body trembled, and he seemed to read something from Shen Zheng's words and his expression, but he couldn't believe it, and he didn't want to believe it.

"See it with your eyes!" Shen Zheng suddenly shook his arms, and the flame armor and the body of light disappeared instantly!

But the wheel of the holy spirit behind him did not disappear, it just changed from the state of black and red water and fire to the normal state of the wheel of the holy spirit.

"Star Lord!? And it turns out to be the second rank as soon as it is promoted?!" Wen Rencheng couldn't help but exclaimed. "Impossible, how is it possible? How could you just kill Feng Qianling and..."

"Nothing is impossible!" Shen Zheng roared suddenly, "Wen Rencheng, now I have mastered the power of spatial movement, and you have no advantage in front of me! Today, you will not be able to escape again. My palm is gone!"

"Joke!" Wen Rencheng's eyes flashed red, "Even if you have advanced to Star Master, you have just mastered the power of space movement, and you will never be as proficient as me. You can't catch up with me!"

"You are wrong." Shen Zheng said coldly, "In the crimson vortex, I had countless adventures, and the heroic spirits of those strong seniors have made me a theoretical high-level star master. What you have I have almost all the knowledge, and I have even experienced the cultivation methods and power use techniques that a strong person like you has never experienced!"

"How is this possible?" Wen Rencheng's body trembled, and then he gritted his teeth suddenly, without saying any more nonsense, he sank directly into the turbulent flow of space, and escaped into hyperspace!

"You can't run away." Shen Zheng sneered, and flames flashed on his body again. At the same time, the power of Eggy and Xiao Hei in the core of the Xuanwu insect rushed out again, and poured it into his holy spirit wheel, the two great giants of Suzaku and Xuanwu. In the holy spirit, he just waved his hand, and the turbulent flow of space wrapped him up, and disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.

After a long time, everyone in the battleship came to their senses.

"Hurry up, contact the Star Region Headquarters!" Many star master-level powerhouses yelled in the battleship, "Report this matter to the superior immediately! The power structure of the Crimson Spiral Galaxy will definitely undergo major changes, and it must be done as soon as possible!" Establish a friendly relationship with the Chiguang star region!"

"Who the hell is Shen Zheng, how could he do this?" There were also people standing there dumbfounded, only sighing.

"How is this possible?" Luo Dao was one of those who were in a daze. He was floating in space, looking at Feng Qianling's floating corpse, and then at the place where Shen Zheng disappeared, his body trembling violently.

"After this news spreads, the entire crimson spiral galaxy will be shocked..."

In the hyperspace, the flames on Shen Zheng's body were burning fiercely, and the flame power originating from Eggy turned into a wing of fire behind his back, allowing him to have the speed of Eggy.

At this time, although he is at the level of a second-tier star master, his actual strength is equivalent to that of a seventh-tier star master!Without the help of Xue Su and others, he is fully capable of competing with a strong man like Wen Rencheng!

And the perception of the power of mind that he obtained before gave him a magical power that the seventh-level star master had never experienced. His mind was firmly locked on Wen Rencheng, and no matter how he fled, he could not escape Shen The sensing range of the sign.Although he fled a step first, Shen Zheng followed closely without leaving each step, constantly and slowly narrowing the distance between the two of them. [

"Bastard, bastard!" Sensing Shen Zheng's aura coming from behind, Wen Rencheng roared angrily and terrified.

"Why, why?" he roared, "I, Wen Rencheng, am a majestic seventh-level star master, only two steps away from the top peak! My disdainful and powerful enemy, even the peak star master, rarely mentions me without three points of respect! But why, why am I being chased and fled by a second-rank star master today?"

He hates, he is afraid, he is angry and fearful!

So he ran desperately, constantly jumping out of the hyperspace, and re-entering it under the cover of a certain star, trying to get rid of Shen Zheng.

But completely useless.He ran like this for hundreds of hours, but he saw that the distance between Shen Zheng and himself was getting closer and closer.

"No, I want to calm down, I am the king of killers, not a fighter!" He gritted his teeth fiercely, with a cold and gloomy smile on his face. "I want to kill him with the method I am best at, not the fighting style he is good at!"

With a sneer, he suddenly stopped, and his figure disappeared instantly.

Shen Zheng, who was flying fast, stopped immediately, looked at Fang solemnly, as if he was puzzled because he lost Wen Rencheng's trace.

At this moment, Wen Rencheng had quietly appeared behind Shen Zheng, raised the triangular knife and stabbed at Shen Zheng.

At this time, Shen Zheng didn't have a flame armor on his body!

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