star wars civilization.

Chapter 466: Chasing down Li Yunhe

With complacent madness in his eyes, Wen Rencheng stabbed the three-edged knife at Shen Zheng's back viciously without a sound!

But at that moment, he suddenly lost sight of Shen Zheng. ^

"My mind has locked on you, and you can't play tricks in front of me."

A cold voice sounded from behind him. The king of killers, who was accustomed to hurting people from behind, felt his hair stand on end. He desperately turned around, trying to launch a counterattack with the last and strongest force to save his life.

He did turn around, but before he could use his strength to attack the person behind him, the white blood spirit whip had pierced his chest, and a powerful force of insects smashed into his body along the whip, destroying all of his body in an instant. offal. [

He widened his eyes and stared at the person who killed him, a series of sounds came out of his throat, as if he still wanted to say something.

But there will never be that chance.

Shen Zheng pulled out the Blood Spirit Whip, and seeing Wen Rencheng's body trembled violently for a few times before he stopped moving, he shook his head and sighed: "You only did one thing wrong in your life - you accepted a wronged one. The disciple you accepted. When you were fighting fiercely with me, the disciple you worked so hard for ran away from you. What a pity, what a pity, from the beginning to the end, your biggest failure is that you misjudged a person."

With a wave of his hand, Shen Zheng controlled the corpse, searched, and found a space worm core.He opened it and looked, but there was nothing in it that excited him. The most valuable thing inside were more than 40 star master-level bug cores, and the best ones did not exceed the second-order level.For him now, it was no longer a great baby.

With his thoughts surging, he began to search for Li Yunhe.

If it was changed to before, it would be difficult for him to find Li Yunhe who was already far away, because he lacked his own strength.

He couldn't explain the wonder of the mind. Although he could reach the strength of the seventh-level star master with the help of the three Xuesu, Dan Dan and Xiao Hei, that power was not his own, so he was strengthening the mind. In terms of strength, it has almost no effect.

But it’s different now, he himself has advanced to become a star master, and as Wu Ximing predicted at the beginning, because he was contaminated with the space power of the mysterious and powerful existence that hit Wu Ximing’s battleship, he directly jumped to the second rank .

Now, his strength has far surpassed that of the beginning, it is almost a world of difference, that huge power enables him to manipulate the power of the surrounding space at will by his own will, which is more natural than borrowing the power of others ,skilled. ^

And this power belongs to him, and it can be perfectly combined with the power of his thoughts without any barrier.

With the support of this power, he could still vaguely sense where Li Yunhe was, and immediately his face sank, and he flew away.

Guys like Li Yunhe are sinister, despicable, and affectionate, no matter how Shen Zheng can't let such an enemy continue to exist in the world.

He identified his position and flew with all his strength. After dozens of hours, he gradually approached Li Yunhe in hyperspace.He felt that Li Yunhe was also in the hyperspace at this time, and it seemed that he should be on a protoss warship.

You can't run away!

With a cold snort, Shen Zheng accelerated again, chasing towards Li Yunhe.

At this moment, Shen Zheng felt that the battleship suddenly broke through the hyperspace and broke away.

Even your mentor can't escape my grasp with this kind of trick, can you succeed?

Shen Zheng smiled coldly, caught the other party's mind sensing position, and rushed over quickly. In just over two hours, he arrived at the position where the battleship broke through the air, and also broke through the hyperspace and returned to the cosmic space among.

In the eye, there is a space stone array formed by meteorites of different sizes. Looking through the stone array, you can see a huge red and black planet, of which the black is more than the red, and the red part is bright. The scorching heat, which seems to be fire, spreads everywhere on the black earth like lines. [

The position of Li Yunhe's mind is on that huge planet at this time, Shen Zheng can't help but wonder: what is he going to do in such a deserted place?

Immediately, he flew quickly from among the chaotic rocks, heading towards the huge planet.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Shen Zheng sensed hundreds of thoughts hundreds of kilometers ahead, and he couldn't help but be a little surprised: there are people here?But he didn't care about it, and kept moving forward.

"Stop!" Just as he was passing there, a team of more than a hundred people suddenly flew up from a huge meteorite and blocked Shen Zheng's face.

Shen Zheng's eyes flashed.

Only then did he discover that these were not real human beings, they all had various carapaces on their bodies, and they turned out to be a group of insects.

"Who are you?" Shen Zheng frowned slightly.

When these worms saw the wheel of the holy spirit behind Shen Zheng, they couldn't help but startled for a moment, but obviously they didn't know what the wheel of the holy spirit represented to the strong human beings. Although they were puzzled, they still spread out and surrounded Shen Zheng. Stop, the leading worm pointed at Shen Zheng, and asked loudly: "Running to our Jiao Yan star, but asking who we are, how courageous! Who are you? This is Jiao Yan star of our worm clan, human beings! No Entry!"

These worms can survive in the universe, they are obviously protoss-level powerhouses, and the leader, Shen Zheng, can sense at a glance that his strength should be at the level of the peak human protoss.

Facing these juniors, Shen Zheng couldn't help but sneered, but he didn't show his strength, but asked: "Human beings are forbidden to enter? Then why did a human warship enter your planet before?"

The leading worm's expression changed: "How do you know?"

"Of course I know." Shen Zheng said proudly. "Get out of the way, I don't mean to conflict with the worms on Jiaoyan Planet, I just want to catch a human on that battleship."

"No way!" The leading insect man shook his head and said firmly. "I said, this is the territory of our worms. Humans are not welcome. You can go."

"Toast, don't eat fine wine." Shen Zheng snorted, and in an instant, a powerful star master-level coercion had radiated from him, enveloping everyone in an instant.

Except for the leading worm who was struggling, the rest of the worms immediately passed out under the close pressure.The leading worm-man's face was as white as paper, and he shouted in horror: "The strong man? You... what do you want to do? If you dare to act wild here, I, Lord Jiaoyan, will never let you go!"

Shen Zheng snorted coldly, concentrated his pressure on the worm man, the worm man trembled immediately, and passed out without any suspense.

Shen Zheng's purpose was to kill Li Yunhe, and he didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble, so he didn't kill them, it's fine if they just fainted from fright.Immediately, he flew towards the huge planet.

But at this moment, a powerful force surged up immediately, and Shen Zheng clearly felt that a star master level powerhouse was breaking through the hyperspace, coming towards him from the planet.Sure enough, in a short while, a spatial turbulence appeared in the space in front of him, and a bugman more than two meters tall appeared in the turbulent flow.

The worm man is strong and mighty, without the hard armor of ordinary worm man. It looks different from humans, but the shape of the face is a bit strange in comparison, and the eyebrows and eyes do not seem to be normal human beings, especially the eyes. Without the whites of the eyes, the pupils are red.

"Who is so bold, dare to trespass on my Jiao Yanxing and hurt my people?"

As soon as the bugman appeared, he glared at Shen Zheng and roared.

"Your Excellency is the insect master of Jiao Yanxing?" Shen Zheng stared at the other party and asked calmly. [

"That's right!" the worm roared angrily, as if he couldn't speak without getting angry. "My king, Yanhuo, is the unique master of Jiao Yanxing, the supreme master of all insects! Human, who are you?"

"My name is Shen Zheng." Shen Zheng nodded slightly at Yanhuo, "I didn't mean to offend you when I came here this time. As you can see, I didn't hurt your subordinates, but just made them lose their ability to resist."

Yanhuo didn't even look at the worms floating in space in the distance, but just stared at Shen Zheng: "Are you Shen Zheng?"

The tone was rather unfriendly, as if meeting a long-lost enemy.

Seeing that he actually knew his name, Shen Zheng's heart moved, and he realized that Li Yunhe had deceived him with some nonsense again, and nodded with a frown: "Your Majesty Yanhuo, I think Li Yunhe must have said something to you to make him Make you full of hostility towards me, right? This guy Li Yunhe is just a despicable villain. In order to avoid my pursuit, he used several people as shields in a row, which resulted in their death and injury..."

"You mean, if I block your way, I will either die or be injured?" Yan Huo's eyes burst out with a fierce light of flame. "Interesting! I haven't heard such a threat from a human being for a long time! I want to see what amazing abilities you, a strong human being, have!"

Amidst the roar, waves of power gushed out from his body, turning into a huge flaming sword with black rock as the core and red flame as the blade in his hand.The sword was two meters long and half a meter wide, and it looked amazing.

"I don't mean to be your enemy." Shen Zheng said in a deep voice, "But if you continue to be so entangled, don't blame me for being rude!"

"You're welcome?" Yanhuo yelled furiously, "Did you be polite from the beginning? When you came to my planet, you applied to see me impolitely. You didn't give me a big gift, but you stunned me when you came. Subordinate, this is contempt for me! No human being can leave alive after defying me, no!"

Shen Zheng's brows were deeply frowned, he understood completely that the worm man in front of him was a reckless madman, without any wisdom, and only possessed huge savage power.To deal with this kind of person, it is useless to say anything, only by using the strongest force to knock him down can he be convinced.

"Since you said so, I'm sorry if I don't make a move!" Shen Zheng said coldly, the flame wings gathered around his body and turned into flame armor. With a shake of his hand, the Blood Spirit Whip was already held hands.

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