star wars civilization.

Chapter 467: Fist vs. Sword

Two lights, one black and one red, shone on the wheel of the Holy Spirit. Suzaku and Xuanwu danced in the wheel. Shen Zheng's gaze was like lightning, looking directly at the flames, with such awe that one dared not look directly at it. %&*

Yanhuo snorted coldly: "It does have some skills, but this is my territory!"

While speaking, he opened his mouth and let out a whistle, Shen Zheng frowned, knowing that he was calling someone with the sound of insects.

He was right, this is his territory, he can mobilize countless subordinates, if surrounded by those miscellaneous soldiers, it would be a headache, Shen Zheng immediately stopped hesitating, the blood spirit whip in his hand shook slightly, The person had already rushed towards the flames, and was severely whipped off.

"Open!" With a roar, Yanhuo swung his epee sword upwards, and a wave of fire surged up with the sword, crashing into the blood spirit whip violently, while five clusters of sparks flew between the sword swings. , flew from the sword to five different directions, spread out in the rapid burning, and turned into five giant flame insects nearly ten meters long in a blink of an eye. [

Those worms were shaped like snakes, but they had terrible flaming jaws on their heads, sharp flaming spikes on their tails, and a row of jagged flaming blades on their backs, hovering in the air and screaming sharply, Suddenly, it attacked Shen Zheng from five different directions.

The blood spirit whip collided with the epee, and there was a crisp sound immediately, the whip was raised high, and the opponent's epee was also knocked down by the force of the blow.

Just as the whip was being swung, five black currents flew out from the wheel of the holy spirit behind Shen Zheng, and instantly turned into five black current basalts, roaring and flying out, meeting the five flame monsters .

Under Yanhuo's sword, he fought evenly with Shen Zheng, and he couldn't help being surprised.

Insect people's ability is different from that of human beings, they can't generate the wheel of the Holy Spirit, but they can also emit the killing move of life source.This move of his is to integrate the ultimate move of life source with the attack of the sword force, making the opponent think that he is a simple sword attack, but in fact he is launching the ultimate move of life source at the same time, and the opponent is caught off guard.

Many people can't imagine that this seemingly reckless guy would have such an insidious ultimate move. Therefore, although many strong men are powerful, they were hit by this move at the beginning and hated it.

But this Shen Zheng looks like he is only in his 20s, even if he is a star master, he must be a beginner among the star masters, yet he has such a mind!

This has already surprised Yanhuo, but the other party was able to cast a powerful killing move no less than his own in an instant, which made Yanhuo know that this human being in front of him is definitely not a guy to be messed with.

"Interesting!" Shen Zheng flicked the blood spirit whip slightly, and made a crisp sound. ^ "I didn't expect you to be like an enemy I met before, a person who likes to fight with tricks."

"Everything is a martial skill." Yanhuo looked at Shen Zheng, suddenly smiled coldly, stopped roaring, and there was a trace of clarity in his eyes. "Pretending, psychological warfare, traps... People who fall into the opponent's tricks can only blame themselves for being too weak, but they can't blame others. Young man, I think you have good skills, and I can't bear to kill you. You should go. As for That Li Yunhe... I can keep him for now, but I can't give it to you for the time being, and I won't need him in a year or so, if you want, I'm willing to make a friend like you!"

"Sorry." Shen Zheng shook his head, "As I said, he used many people as shields before. Your Majesty Yanhuo, since you are not a reckless person, you should understand that joining forces with such a person is seeking skin from a tiger. "

"Tiger?" Yan Huo laughed, "Such a little guy is probably a fox. And I'm a Tyrannosaurus Rex!"

"Those who think too highly of themselves often die from contempt for the weak." Shen Zheng said.

"Of course I understand this." Yanhuo snorted, "But I really need him right now. Young man, I think you have such power at such a young age, I really feel a little sympathetic to each other, I don't want to..."

"What if I must kill him immediately?" Shen Zheng's voice revealed an unchangeable determination.

What kind of person is Li Yunhe?After a year and a half, who can guarantee what kind of relationship he will form with His Majesty Yan Huo, and how many tricks he will play against himself?At that time, I may no longer be in the Crimson Spiral Galaxy, but Wu Ximing is still there, Ding Yuqing is still there, and Bian Xing is still there!

He must not take the risk of letting Li Yunhe vent his anger on his good friend.

"Then you go to die!" Angry fire appeared in Yanhuo's eyes, and with one stroke of the epee, five flame worms suddenly exploded, and under the bombardment of that powerful force, the five black tide basaltic weapons were blasted to pieces!

And Yanhuo, taking advantage of the chaotic flames and the aftermath of the black tide, rushed towards Shen Zheng quickly with a sword in the chest. [

"Someone will die, but it's definitely not me." Shen Zheng sneered, the flame armor had already protected his whole body, facing the powerful sword, he did not dodge or dodge, but put all his strength in the blood spirit whip superior.

That sword carried a monstrous wave of fire, and it directly stabbed Shen Zheng's chest. Immediately, the huge flame power burst out instantly, just like a heavy artillery bombardment, a huge flame power faced Shen Zheng. Blast out, turning a large space of the universe into red!

In this turbulent flame, countless meteorites were directly turned into gas and dissipated, while the meteorites a little further away turned into crimson magma, writhing in the universe, constantly changing their shapes.

Once the move was successful, Yan Huo didn't show any complacent look on his face, on the contrary, at this moment, he actually stepped back quickly with all his strength!

Just at this moment, a white light shot out from the sea of ​​flames and hit his left shoulder. He couldn't help but groaned and shook his body violently.

There was a hot feeling on the shoulder, and upon closer inspection, a line had been sunken, and the bones had been crushed.

He gritted his teeth, let out a roar, and a raging flame ignited on his shoulder, and the entire shoulder turned into pure fire, and the injury was completely healed during the surge.

But the insect power also consumed a lot.

In the sea of ​​flames, Shen Zheng flew out slowly, his eyes were blazing, and he nodded slightly: "Your senses are really sharp."

Looking at Shen Zheng, Yanhuo felt shocked in his heart.Although this blow was not the ultimate move of the Holy Spirit, it was more than [-]% of his strength, and after Shen Zheng was hit by this move, he was able to recover completely, and even had time to counterattack himself...

Who the hell is this guy?

"Your name is Shen Zheng, right?" Yan Huo stared at Shen Zheng and asked slowly.

"Since Li Yunhe has told you everything, why do you need to ask knowingly?" Shen Zheng sneered.

really him?Yanhuo was stunned.He had heard from Li Yunhe that the Shen Zheng who was chasing and killing him was not bad, but he expected that no matter how good he was, where would he go?

But I didn't expect that it was really "good"!The worm master of his own planet, with all his might, couldn't hurt him?

How can this be?

"Get out of the way, or hand over Li Yunhe to me, you still have a way out." Shen Zheng looked at the other party and said proudly.

"Arrogance!" Gritting his teeth, the flames in Yanhuo's eyes flickered, and suddenly he took a step out of the void, and the epee danced in a circular arc beside him, bringing up a powerful wave of fire, and slashed at Shen Zheng again.

Facing the opponent's blow, Shen Zheng's heart skipped a beat.

The flame armor can protect my full strength and is indestructible, so...

With a slight smile, he suddenly raised his left hand. A powerful water force was brewing on his arm, and the surrounding space force surged in and concentrated on his arm. The epee struck hard!

With an ear-shattering impact, the fist and the epee collided together. The sharp edge of the sword was completely unable to break through the flame protection on Shen Zheng's fist, and could not hurt Shen Zheng's fist. The contained firepower and space power compete head-to-head with Shen Zheng's water power and space power. [

After a collision, they were evenly matched.

No, if you look carefully, it is Shen Zheng who is superior. Although his fist retreated during the impact, his body only retreated a few meters, while Yanhuo's epee was hit high.

"Impossible!" Yanhuo roared, and the epee swung again, spinning rapidly by his side, like a terrifying wheel of fire. During this rotation, the surging space power quickly concentrated on the sword, and the sword His aura became stronger and stronger, and it seemed that he could easily cut off and burn everything.

With a roar, the epee slashed towards Shen Zheng with terrifying power in an instant.

The light in Shen Zheng's eyes cooled down, looking at the opponent's epee full of destructive power, the urge to smash it in his heart grew stronger and stronger.He shouted loudly, swung his fist with a force of space, and punched the blade again.

The ear-shattering sound reappeared, fists and swords collided in the air, the power of flames and water splashed everywhere, Shen Zheng was shaken by the power of the epee and retreated several meters, but Yanhuo almost couldn't hold the epee and let him let go fly out.

Yan Huo's face became extremely ugly, his sword had already concentrated more than [-]% of his strength, second only to the power of the ultimate move of Life Source, but Shen Zheng blocked it again with his fist!He couldn't help being stunned: What kind of fist is this kid's fist?Can it collide with my insect spirit blade without any damage?

He couldn't help feeling extremely depressed, because he found that he had to admit that his strength was not as good as this young human who looked only in his twenties!

At this moment, hundreds of figures had already flown over from the Jiao Yan star behind him, but they were hundreds of protoss-level insect-human powerhouses, one by one holding flame weapons, and quickly focused on Yan Huo's side.

"Listen to me, let's work together to kill this little human!" Yanhuo roared, exuding a powerful aura from his body, enveloping hundreds of protoss-level powerhouses to prevent them from being killed. They were intimidated by Shen Zheng's coercion.

Hundreds of bug-human protoss stared at Shen Zheng one by one, and quickly spread around.

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