star wars civilization.

Chapter 469: The Space Power of the Peak Star Lord

There is another huge planet in front of me, but it is not full of terrible red and black like the previous Jiaoyan Star, but with white clouds, blue sea, and green land. It looks like a beautiful planet full of life. Shen Zheng couldn't help but think of his hometown, White Wolf Star. ^

At this time, Yanhuo has reached the atmosphere of the planet, and is about to break through the atmosphere and enter the planet.

Shen Zheng took a deep breath, and roared: "Yanhuo, you have nowhere to run!"

Amid the roar, he entered the hyperspace again, moved slightly in the hyperspace, and had already reached the outer edge of the planet's atmosphere, and then he suddenly broke through the hyperspace and appeared.

Yanhuo was a few hundred meters away to his left, looking at him coldly, and sneered. [

"How dare you!"

Suddenly, a dull voice came from the planet, and then, a turbulent flow suddenly appeared in the space in front of Shen Zheng, and a three-meter-tall insect appeared from it.

The appearance of the bugman was about the same as that of a human being, wearing a gorgeous robe. Apart from his astonishing height, only the color of his skin was different from that of a human being, which turned out to be green blue.

Looking at Shen Zheng, there was a cold look in his eyes.

When that person appeared, a sense of danger suddenly appeared in Shen Zheng's heart, he felt as if his heart was being suppressed by something, he had to beat harder, otherwise he might not be able to beat again.

And when the man stared at him, he immediately felt a powerful aura, which made him feel a huge pressure.He recalled it carefully, and seemed to be able to find a sense of this momentum in his memory.

Suddenly he thought of it, that was the fear he had only felt when he met the seriously injured and weak Lord of the Galaxy in space.

Is he the Lord of the Galaxy?Shen Zheng couldn't help being stunned.

No... He denied his own thoughts again.If he is really the lord of the galaxy, then the sense of oppression for himself will never stop there.

But now that I have the power of a seventh-level star master, it is impossible for a star-level character to bring me such pressure!Could it be that this person is proficient in some mind ability, and it is through the oppression of mind that I feel fear in my heart?

He could feel that there was a kind of aura emanating from this person's body. This aura was not offensive, it just floated around like air, but it was full of threats.

"Human Star Lord, don't you know what this place is?" The green-skinned worm looked at Shen Zheng with a cold voice.

"Sorry, I really don't know. %&*

The insect man couldn't help showing a hint of approval: "Then you entered here by mistake? Well, let me tell you, this is Luo Shaxing, and I am the master of the four nearby planets belonging to the insect man family. Zonghuang Luosha. You should have heard of this name, right?"

Shen Zheng's eyes flickered, and he didn't know how to answer for a moment.

At this time, Luo Sha turned his eyes to Yanhuo again, and frowned slightly: "Yanhuo, what are you doing here?"

"His Majesty the Zonghuang!" Yanhuo endured the pain, saluted respectfully, and then cried out in grief and indignation. "Please decide for me! This damned human invaded my Jiaoyan planet, killed dozens of my subordinates, and wanted to kill me again. I...I really had no choice but to escape to you..."

"What?" Luo Sha's eyes turned cold, and he looked at Shen Zheng coldly.

"His Majesty the Zonghuang." Shen Zheng immediately felt the huge coercion, but he still held on with his powerful thoughts. "It's just my grievances with him. To be honest, I don't have any direct hatred with him. It's just that he hid one of my enemies and refused to give it to me. That's why the conflict arose. By the way, my enemy is also a human being.”[

"Yanhuo, what do you mean?" Luo Sha turned to Yanhuo, his eyes were equally cold.

Yanhuo shivered, glared fiercely at Shen Zheng, then opened his mouth suddenly, but no sound came out.

Worm sound?Shen Zheng frowned, immediately opened a gap in the worm core space, and used his mind to get in touch with Xue Su.

"Xue Su, what is he talking about?"

"Master, he's talking about the crimson giant monster and Li Yunhe." Xue Su said anxiously, "He's trying to use that secret to convince the worm emperor to help him kill you, Paul Li Yunhe. Master, we are not his opponents now, or Let's go! Isn't our purpose to kill Li Yunhe? Now Li Yunhe is on Jiaoyan Star, without the protection of Yanhuo, we can easily..."

"Xue Su, don't you understand?" Shen Zheng said with his mind, "Why did I kill Li Yunhe? It was because I was afraid that he would bring disaster to the other side star, Brother Wu and Sister Ding!"

"I understand." Xue Su sighed and smiled again. "So you have to kill this Yanhuo too."


At this time, Luo Sha's eyes changed several times, becoming hesitant, and then he talked with Yan Huo in insect voice.

"His Majesty the Zonghuang, please allow me to intervene." Shen Zheng said loudly. "If Yanhuo is using the secret of the crimson monster to save your protection, then I can also tell you the secret."

"You also know?" Luo Sha's eyes flashed. "Okay, then please tell. I promise, as long as you say it, I will immediately let Yanhuo hand over that person to you."

"Not only that person, but also Yanhuo." Shen Zheng pointed at Yanhuo.

"You!" Yanhuo was so angry that the flames in his eyes exploded, but he didn't dare to attack.

"Human, don't go too far!" Luo Sha's eyes turned cold. "Yanhuo is one of my important subordinates. You trespassed on my planet and dared to use the power of space in front of me. This has violated my dignity. I will not kill you, but also allow you to use the crimson monster's Secretly exchanging your enemies is already extraordinarily merciful!"

"Xue Su, did Yanhuo tell Luo Sha who I am and where I come from?" Shen Zheng asked Xue Su in the worm nucleus with his thoughts.

"Not really." Xue Su shook her head, "Time is running out, he just talked about Li Yunhe and the crimson monster."

"Understood." Shen Zheng nodded.

"Then, there is only one battle between us." He looked at Luo Sha, his eyes became colder, and powerful forces began to gather around him.

Keeping the fire is always a scourge.Shen Zhengfa promised that this guy would give up attacking Bian Xing.So even if it was a risk, he would absolutely kill it.At that time, as long as he quickly finds Li Yunhe and kills him, even if he offends this super strong man, at least the other side star will be fine.

"War?" Luo Sha looked at Shen Zheng with a disdainful smile on his face. "It's been a long time since I've heard someone say this word to me, it's really nostalgic..."

Before he finished speaking, Shen Zheng had already made his move. Shen Zheng understood that what he wanted to kill was Yanhuo when facing such a strong man, what kind of frontal attack and other full effects were he talking about? Enough time will do.

Immediately, the Kuroshio surged violently in the wheel of the Holy Spirit behind him, turning into five Kuroshio Holy Spirits, roaring and rushing towards Luo Sha at the same time, while Shen Zheng waved the blood spirit whip, and shot at Yan Yan with lightning speed. Huo, the blood spirit whip was instantly filled with the power of his own water, and at the same time, he frantically sucked in the power of the surrounding space. [

This blow is almost capable of destroying the planet!

But at this moment, something unexpected happened to him

Facing the five Kuroshio basalts, Luo Sha didn't even move his eyelids, as if they weren't the five holy spirit killing moves, but just five inconspicuous little bugs.There was a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, and he slowly raised his hand.

A space force that Shen Zhengfa understood suddenly appeared in the void in front of him. The space force seemed to turn into a vortex, attracting the five Kuroshio basalts with great force. In an instant, the five Kuroshio basalts Inhaled it and disappeared without a trace!

And Luo Sha calmly flew in front of Yanhuo, looked at Shen Zheng, and slowly raised his hand.

He didn't spend half a second gathering space power at all, a powerful space power shot out from his hand, as if the power didn't come from the surrounding space, but from within his body.That force was like a heavy hammer, directly hitting the Blood Spirit Whip, Shen Zheng only felt a huge force coming, he was immediately knocked flying, and the Blood Spirit Whip almost fell out of his hand.

"Don't overestimate your capabilities." Luo Sha looked at Shen Zheng and said lightly.

In Shen Zheng's hand, there was still the space power left by the other party, that power made his hands tremble uncontrollably, he had to gather the space power quickly, and then he returned to normal after dissolving it.

He was horrified.

What level is this, what power is this?

"Can't you play it?" Yanhuo saw it in his eyes and couldn't help laughing excitedly. "In front of the emperor of our family, what is your little ability? Let me tell you, your majesty's power has reached If you are the peak star master in your human level, and possess the power to create space at will that only a peak star master can have, your holy spirit killing move is useless in front of His Majesty!"

"Talking!" Luo Sha's eyes turned cold, and Yan Huo was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and he hurriedly hid and stepped back.

The peak star master?

Shen Zheng was slightly taken aback.

Is there such a big difference in power between the peak star master and the seventh-rank star master?

He couldn't help thinking to himself:

The first level of star master is divided into eight levels. The so-called peak star master is the peak of the eighth level.Shen Zheng thought to himself that with his own strength, he could be regarded as the peak of the seventh step, which was extremely close to the eighth step, so how could there be such a big difference in strength?

Could it be that after the star master reaches the peak, there will be other changes that will allow him to far exceed the strength of the seventh level, or even... even say that after reaching the peak, his strength will far exceed the ordinary eighth level?

What does it mean to create a space? Could it be that the one that sucked the five Kuroshio basalts away just now was the space he temporarily created?

What kind of strength does it take to be able to create space by yourself?

While thinking quickly, Shen Zheng looked at Luo Sha.He felt it carefully, explored through the power of his thoughts, and finally felt the surging power of space on the opponent's body. He understood that after reaching this level, he no longer needed to borrow power from the surrounding space.

This level of powerhouse can generate the power of space itself!

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