star wars civilization.

Chapter 470: White Light Fusion, Power Up to Level 8

What is the difference between possessing the power of space itself and needing to borrow power from the surrounding space?

It's like the difference between ordinary people and skilled craftsmen. ^

Skilled craftsmen can freely shape wood, metal, and mudstone into any tool that suits them according to their own wishes and needs.

Ordinary people can only buy tools that are more suitable for their needs when they need it.

In the past, no one told Shen Zheng how strong the star master would be when he reached the ultimate level, but now he finally knows. [

Yanhuo's sentence "The power to create space at will only possessed by peak star masters" made him understand the difference between peak star masters and ordinary high-level star masters.

That's like a whole level of difference!If you want to find someone who is similar to it, it can only be the gap between the first-level star master and the second-level star master.

No matter how powerful the former is, he can't control the power of the surrounding space. Even if he reaches the peak, he is definitely not an opponent of the second-order star master who may only be a little higher than himself in terms of insect power.

That is the difference in "quality", and the accumulation of "quantity" alone cannot make up for it.

It's like a giant log weighing [-] jin, and a small steel ball weighing a few grams.Even if ten thousand catties of giant wood is pressed on the small steel ball, there can only be one result—the small steel ball is deeply embedded in the giant wood.

It was still the giant wood that was damaged, not the small steel ball.

"Let me ask you again, do you still want to kill my subordinates?" Luo Sha looked at Shen Zheng coldly.

Shen Zheng didn't answer.

After realizing the strength gap between himself and the other party, a trace of fear arose in his heart, but at the same time, this trace of fear was not accompanied by other negative emotions, but—excitement!

Strong, this is the real strong!

What do I need most?It is a battle with the strong!

He is not the lord of the galaxy, he has not reached the level of strength that makes me fight back; he is not an ordinary high-level star lord, his power will bring me a real threat of death.

Is there any better opponent than this?

In an instant, Shen Zheng's eyes sparkled, and what was burning in his heart was poor fighting spirit.Under his control, the power of space frantically gathered towards him and his surroundings, and he answered the other party with practical actions.

No matter how strong you are, my choice is - fight!

Luo Sha's eyes also flashed, and he nodded slightly: "It's commendable, but I won't show mercy because of it!"


"Okay!" Luo Sha smiled coldly, suddenly raised his hand, and shook it lightly in the air. %&*

The condensed ratio of those space powers is not at all as loose as the space power gathered by people of Shen Zheng's level. In comparison, it seems to be refined steel that has been tempered thousands of times. [

It's too powerful, if it's head-to-head... Shen Zheng frowned slightly.

His eyes moved to Yanhuo, that nasty guy was his target.He wants to use Luo Sha's power to cultivate, but before that, he must take Yanhuo's life first!

While his mind was spinning, Shen Zheng had already made up his mind. Amidst the loud shouts, the black tide surged on the wheel of the holy spirit behind him, and five black tide basalt rushed out, spinning around Shen Zheng quickly, as if turning into a Wall of Darkness.

Several arrows of space power shot at the wall, and there was an ear-splitting noise immediately. The seemingly solid wall was immediately covered with cracks, and finally shattered into countless Kuroshio fragments with a bang. The strength lost its resistance and immediately shot towards Shen Zheng in the wall.

In the ear-shattering bang, several waves of spatial power hit Shen Zheng's body, shaking Shen Zheng's body and spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"Huh?" Luo Sha's eyes moved, revealing a hint of surprise.

According to his strength, this blow is absolutely sure to beat Shen Zheng to pieces, but he didn't expect that when these space arrows hit Shen Zheng, he just spit out a mouthful of blood, obviously he just suffered some internal injuries.

And Shen Zheng's heart also set off a huge wave.

One must know that Eggy's flame armor has strong defensive power, and he has a deep understanding of it. After wearing it, he is safe from being attacked by so many strong people, and he doesn't feel it at all, which shows its strength.But the eyes, under Luo Sha's casual blow, although the flame armor was not shattered, it was still intact, but Shen Zheng in it was greatly shaken, his internal organs were damaged by the shock, and he even suffered internal injuries.

What a terrifying pinnacle star master!

He couldn't help sighing, and because of this stagnation, the action he planned just now failed to be completed in the end.

It seems that we must use the ability to press the bottom of the box...

Shen Zheng thought secretly, his thoughts sank into the worm core space, and got in touch with Xue Su: "Xue Su, give me more of your strength!"

"Okay, master!" Nodding, Xue Su's body immediately flashed a soft white light, and Shui Qingqing and Yan Xin also cleverly mobilized their power, combined the three forces into one, and sent them out of the insect core space.

"What?" Luo Sha couldn't help opening his eyes wide, staring at Shen Zheng in a daze.

He is not an ordinary character, but a peak star master who has mastered the power of space to the point where he can create his own space. Maybe Shen Zheng didn't notice it when he used the power of Xue Su and others in the bug core, but he was like Watching the fire at night is like watching the fire, you can see clearly!

"A space worm core that can house living things?" His eyes couldn't help but a greedy brilliance, "Is there such a treasure?"

Greed instantly grew in his heart, and his eyes became fierce: Such a treasure should not belong to such a little guy, but should belong to a strong man like me!

But at this moment, Shen Zheng's body also lit up with a soft white light, and after being integrated with Xue Su's and others' power, he quickly evolved that powerful body of light.

Behind him, on his wheel of the holy spirit, the images of the central holy spirit and the white tiger holy spirit immediately came to life, moving in the flickering light, exuding powerful power.On the entire wheel of the Holy Spirit, except for the Qinglong Holy Spirit, the other four holy spirits are lifelike and exude great power.

"The ultimate move of the holy spirit has reached the seventh level, and the power has reached the level of the peak star master?" Luo Sha showed a hint of shock in his eyes. "What kind of secret technique is this that can do this?"

Before he could figure it out, Shen Zheng had already started to move. That movement was like lightning, and in an instant he was in front of Luo Sha. He swung the blood spirit whip and lashed towards Luo Sha fiercely! [

At this time, Luo Sha didn't dare to be careless at all, because he was not sure whether the other party also possessed the ability of the peak star master after improving his strength in this way. If that was the case, the young human in front of him would become as powerful as himself Existence, a single carelessness, may be the one who perishes!

With a soft shout, Luo Sha raised his hands at the same time, and a clear light shone in his palm, which turned into a long sword in the shape of a dragon in an instant.

Holding the long sword in his hand, the blade pointed forward at the blood spirit whip, and Luo Sha stabbed out with a flat sword.

The seemingly ordinary sword suddenly made the surrounding space power disappear, as if to swallow the entire universe, and struck towards Shen Zheng.

But at this moment, Shen Zheng suddenly smiled, and the blood spirit whip came out of his hand and turned into a big white snake. At the same time, the wheel of the holy spirit behind him suddenly emitted light, and it evolved into the four great spirits of the white tiger, vermilion bird, basalt, and central holy spirit. The Holy Spirit followed the serpent and attacked him.

What does it mean?

Luo Sha frowned and snorted, the sword remained unchanged, still stabbing forward.

In an instant, the Blood Spirit Whip serpent encountered the force that made the power of space disappear. In front of this force, the serpent suddenly lost momentum and writhed limply as if drunk. It danced wildly as if being pierced by a sharp blade, and exploded with a bang.

The four holy spirit killing moves that came immediately after it, after encountering this blow, were like it, first shaking like drunk, and then after a violent shock, they exploded into energy fireworks all over the sky.

what happened?

Luo Sha felt that the opponent's blow was not as powerful as he had imagined, so he couldn't help but startled, the sword slowed down slightly, and only then did he notice that Shen Zheng had already taken advantage of this false move to draw his attention away At this moment, he flew in front of Yan Huo!

"Bold!" He couldn't help shouting angrily, and when he raised his hand, the power of the space surged up, sucking the flames into it.

But it was already too late. Just when Yanhuo was about to enter the space vortex created by Luo Sha, Shen Zheng's fist had already hit Yanhuo's head hard, and that head seemed to have been blown into too much. Like an inflated balloon, it burst with a bang.But at this time, Shen Zheng had already retreated calmly, not even a drop of blood was splashed on his body.

"You!" Luo Sha's eyes were red, and his hands clenched into fists.

Beside him, a vortex of space surged up, "vomiting" Yanhuo's corpse out of it.Luo Sha turned his head to the side, looking at the corpse with nothing on his neck, his eyes changed from initial coldness to coldness and anger.

"Boy, good trick!" He said coldly, "You dare to kill my important subordinates in front of me! If I don't kill you today, how will I gain a foothold in this vast sea of ​​stars in the future! You die for me! Bar!"

Amidst the roar, the long sword in his hand emitted streaks of blue light, like a shower of meteors, towards Shen Zheng as a hood.

Shen Zheng can feel that each of these blue lights hides extremely terrifying power of space, and any one that stabs him can seriously injure him, or even kill him on the spot.He didn't dare to be careless at all, amidst the whistling sound, the Blood Spirit Whip suddenly swung.

A force flew out, turning into an arrow of white light in the air, and four different-colored forces of White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu, and Central Holy Spirit rose up, quickly merged into the arrow of white light, and flew towards the blue light meteor shower. go out.

When the two met in the air, there was an ear-splitting noise, and the seemingly ordinary white light arrow immediately exploded and turned into a huge white spherical space, covering all the blue light meteors in it.

"Break it!" Luo Sha snorted coldly.

In an instant, several blue lights blasted the ball of white light, and the ball of white light immediately shattered into the sky!

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