star wars civilization.

Chapter 477: The Story of Her Majesty Harley

"I feel you are a sincere person. %&*

Then, Shen Zheng roughly talked about the matter between himself and Li Yunhe. Shuaikang listened, his brows furrowed deeper and deeper, and finally said: "This kind of scum and scum, of course, must be eliminated! Even if he won't threaten To you, just relying on justice and justice, as an upright man, you should also get rid of this cancer for this world!"

His words were impassioned, and the ensuing brain wave language was also full of this taste. Shen Zheng understood that he had really met an upright man who took this as his creed.

Looking at each other, Shen Zheng suddenly felt that fate is really interesting.

I never used those insidious and despicable means, so I got adventures many times, turning dangers into blessings.And Shuaikang is an upright person. Although he is in danger, there are still people who help him in the dark.Even if someone framed him, he could turn the framed frame into his own advantage. I have to say that fate is really amazing. [


Li Yunhe attached his thoughts to Shuaikang, with the intention of distracting Shen Zheng, and even causing Shen Zheng and Shuaikang to conflict.As for the outcome of the conflict between the two, Li Yunhe knew better than anyone else.

Apart from Shuaikang's death, there will be no other result.

But what about Shuaikang?He didn't die, but because of the idea added to harm him, Shen Zheng found him and saved his life at a critical moment.

"There is one thing that I care about." Shen Zheng looked at Shuaikang and said, "I came here for that person, but I didn't expect to meet you here."

"We are destined." Shuaikang smiled.

"It's not by fate." Shen Zheng shook his head, "It's because someone did it on purpose."

"What do you mean?" Shuaikang was taken aback.

"How well do you master the power of thought?" Shen Zheng asked.

"Don't...don't be joking." Shuaikang smiled awkwardly, "That is a powerful power that only the peak star master can touch, and the master of the galaxy can grasp it. How can I, a fifth-level star master... "

Suddenly, he was slightly taken aback, looking at Shen Zheng, as if he had thought of something.

"Can you describe your enemy?" he asked anxiously. %&*

"Yes." Shen Zheng nodded, "He looks like he is in his 30s, but he looks younger. He has a standard figure and handsome appearance. His biggest feature is his love for laughing. That friendly smile may confuse many people. have……"

He described Li Yunhe's appearance in his memory in detail, and at the same time, he also described his intuitive impression of him.

Shuaikang listened quietly, the more he listened, the worse his complexion became, and finally turned as white as paper.Shen Zheng looked at him, more and more convinced that he and Li Yunhe must have some kind of special relationship, the two must know each other.

"I can't explain why I'm so sensitive to his thoughts. I can track him no matter where he is." Shen Zheng said, "In short, I followed his thoughts to come here, and then I discovered you .You have his remaining thoughts on your body, and I regard you as him."

"It ended up saving my life." Shuaikang smiled palely.

"Yes." Shen Zheng nodded, "In fact, he intends to harm you and mislead me at the same time. It's just that he didn't expect that although good people often don't get good rewards, they may also get the blessings of fate at critical times." God's protection."

"Thank you." Shuaikang smiled a little awkwardly. [

Shen Zheng smiled, just looked at him, and didn't say anything.He felt that Shuaikang would tell everything by himself, so he didn't need to ask.

"The Li Yunhe you mentioned, no matter in appearance or characteristics, is very consistent with a person I know." Shuaikang was silent for a while before speaking. "And regarding the power of thoughts, only he can do it. But the person I know is not Li Yunhe, but Harley, the prince of the Zuoqiu star where I am."

"Halley? Prince?" Shen Zheng couldn't help being stunned.

Does Li Yunhe have this special identity?Then how could he become a killer?

"It's a long story." Shuaikang pointed to the outside of the crimson vortex, "It's not safe here, and it's not a place to stay for a long time. Let's go outside while chatting."

"Alright." Shen Zheng nodded, and flew out of the crimson vortex together with Shuaikang.

"The galaxy we are in is called the Xiaoyao Galaxy, and our Zuoqiu star is the most powerful planet in this galaxy." Shuaikang said, "Our previous emperor was a star master who had reached the peak of his strength, but he died unexpectedly during a practice. After the position of the emperor became vacant, disputes arose. I don’t know the specifics because of my low status, but I do know that the current emperor Hawu won the support of several princes during the whole battle. He was promoted to the emperor, but Harley failed, and finally left Zuoqiu Xing to wander outside. But I just learned that before leaving, he got the support of the former emperor's uncle, that is, his great-grandfather, and got a job from The gift of the power of thought from the galaxy. Therefore, as a protoss, he has a powerful mind ability to track others and perceive some wonderful sensations that I cannot understand."

Shen Zheng nodded slowly while listening.

He quickly understood the situation on Zuoqiu star.

For a weak planet with low strength, the star master is probably the master of a planet, but on a truly powerful planet, the star master may be just a member of the high officials.Shuaikang, on a planet like Bi'an Star, can be called emperor, but on their Zuoqiu Star, as he said, "the status is low".

On such a planet, there must be many strong men in the Dijun family, otherwise, it would be impossible to maintain the majesty of the Dijun, and it would be impossible to restrain the strong Star Lords below.However, the strong members of these families may not be willing to become emperors, responsible for the affairs of the entire planet, and may not even assume any official positions, but only concentrate on cultivation.

In this way, when the current emperor has any accidents, they will choose a new emperor from the clan.And the duty of the emperor is actually to manage the planet on their behalf, but it doesn't have to be a star master-level powerhouse, as long as they are the direct descendants of their clan.

Harley was defeated in the battle for the throne with his brother and was about to leave his hometown. It can be seen that some shady means must have been used.When Shen Zheng thought of Li Yunhe's character, he could understand what methods those would be without thinking carefully.

Using despicable means, but failed to win, this feeling of shame alone is enough to make him get along with everyone on Zuoqiu star, and it is natural to leave.

But after all, he is the son of Zuoqiu Xing's former emperor, his great grandfather must not be willing to let him drift away like this, that's why he helped him, he just wanted him to live better and not be in danger .

But now, Li Yunhe's life was threatened, but he no longer dared to take care of that useless face.He wanted to seek protection, and wanted the powerful Zuoqiu Xingdijun family to be his backing against Shen Zheng.

"Brother Shen Zheng." Shuaikang looked at Shen Zheng, hesitantly persuading him. "Since His Royal Highness Harley has fled back to our galaxy, he should no longer pose a threat to you. To be honest, the strength of the emperor family is extremely powerful, not to mention others, just the veteran 'Grandpa', That's enough to keep you from getting close to Harley. I think you might as well give up."

"I can't give up." Shen Zheng shook his head, "Because Li Yunhe is a guy, he will never give up revenge on me. If I give up killing him, it means giving him enough time to prepare for killing me. He is killing me. Not mine, but the possibility of him hurting my friend is unacceptable to me."

Shuaikang was silent, and finally nodded after thinking for a long time: "Okay, brother Shen Zheng, I will take you back! I will report the whole story to His Majesty the Emperor, and I think His Majesty will definitely uphold justice for you! Because... ..."

He smiled slyly: "Because although he and His Royal Highness Harley are brothers, they are also competitors, and after all, they were former enemies. If His Royal Highness Harley is really like what you said, I think he was competing for the throne. He must have made a lot of dirty tricks, His Majesty will not show mercy to him."

"In that case, I will trouble you." Sensing the sincerity in the other's brainwaves, Shen Zheng nodded with a smile.

"I can't talk about whether there is no work or no work." Shuaikang shook his head, "The thing I hate the most in my life is the despicable person. I didn't know it before, so I have more respect for Harley than sympathy, but now It's different. If he is really that kind of person, don't worry, even if His Majesty protects him, I will help you." [

"Thank you." Shen Zheng nodded slightly.

For the future, he is still very optimistic.Although Li Yunhe may say that Harley has a noble status, as Shuaikang said, although the responsible emperor is his brother, he is also a competitor.

Some of these struggles between competitors are often extremely cruel.Harley left Zuoqiu Xing back then, maybe it wasn't all because he didn't have the face to stay. In fact, a large part of the reason should be that he was afraid that after his brother gained power, he would get rid of himself as a potential threat.

He left his hometown to save his life, and now he returned there because he wanted to save his life.

But can you really save your life?

Shen Zheng sneered.

Shuaikang was not as fast as Shen Zheng, so the two of them flew for nearly ten hours before leaving the crimson vortex.After coming to the vast dark universe outside, Shuaikang removed a very small battleship from the space bug core he carried.The battleship is only four to fifty meters long, and the overall shape is streamlined, with a smooth surface, which gives people a sense of speed at first glance.

"We star masters can't travel long distances between galaxies." Shuaikang explained, "But some trivial tasks cannot be completed by the masters of the galaxies themselves, so they will assign people for the tasks. This kind of space ship of the Lord of the Galaxy class. This thing is quite safe and comfortable, and it is much more interesting than flying by yourself. Please?"

"It's easy to say." With a trace of curiosity, Shen Zheng followed Shuaikang into the ship.

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