star wars civilization.

Chapter 478: Your Majesty Haru

In the boundless hyperspace, the streamlined ships are moving at high speed, even if the speed is the opinion of the peak stars, they can't help but be amazed by it. %&*

"How many ships like this do you have?" Feeling the incredible speed, Shen Zheng couldn't help asking in amazement.

"Not much." Shuaikang said truthfully. "Our planet has two ships, and the other four extremely powerful planets have one ship for each planet—the extra ship we have is because of the tallest elder in the Emperor Clan, that is, Harley's great-grandfather and The head of the star area has a very good relationship, so I got more. It can be said that it is the treasure of our planet."

Shen Zheng smiled and didn't continue to ask.

"I'm really sorry." Shuaikang blushed slightly, "If I have the final say, I will definitely give it to you." [

"It's okay." Shen Zheng waved his hand, "You are worrying too much, I just asked casually."

But to be honest, these words are a bit involuntary, Shen Zheng is actually quite eager for this super fast ship.

He couldn't help self-examination: With your little thoughtfulness, you are far behind Shuaikang. You can see if he knows what to say.

Self-criticism, serious self-criticism, from now on you should be more frank with respectable people.

"Actually, I really want it." Shen Zheng said, "I just didn't expect this thing to be so precious. I'd better work hard to improve and strive to reach the realm of the galaxy master as soon as possible."

"I think..." Shuaikang looked at Shen Zheng and smiled slightly. "According to your strength, that realm is not far away from you."

As for Shen Zheng's true identity, Shuaikang already knew it during the long voyage.When he knew that Shen Zheng was actually only a third-level star master, two levels lower than him, he was really surprised.

But he finally understood one thing in his heart, that is why Shen Zheng's Holy Spirit Wheel is composed of two parts, black water and red flame.

For such a monster-level genius, he couldn't understand its power, and he simply didn't think about it.Anyway, Shen Zheng's strength is higher than his own, and it is enough to admit this.

The ship slowly broke through the hyperspace and returned to the vast universe. At this time, Shen Zheng looked out through the side, and what he saw was a huge blue planet, which seemed to be full of life.

Outside the planet, countless satellites of various types are flying around the planet, showing that the planet has powerful technological power.

There are also several insect sound detectors mixed in the satellites, alerting the movements of the Zerg in outer space.

"I'm going to keep quiet for now. ^" Shuaikang looked at Shen Zheng and said, "Secretly take you to see His Majesty the Emperor first, and explain everything to him. What do you think?"

"Very good." Shen Zheng nodded, "But according to my guess, Li Yunhe should have started a new round of conspiracy now. Maybe he is planning how to use me to deal with His Majesty Haru, and how to use his great grandfather to deal with him I can't tell either."

"There is still this possibility?" Shuaikang's face turned pale, obviously, Shen Zheng's words made him quite worried.

"Very likely." Shen Zheng nodded slowly, "This person has always been good at taking advantage of interests and provoking conflicts. He will even use the strong to deal with people stronger than himself."

"Then it is even more necessary for you to meet with His Majesty alone," Shuaikang said.He walked into the dressing room, took out a coat that fit Shen Zheng's figure, and asked Shen Zheng to put it on.

"After landing, I will find you an officer's clothes." He said, "Please pretend to be my adjutant. I have wronged you."

"What is this?" Shen Zheng smiled. [

When the ship approached the atmosphere, a defensive satellite driven by insect power flew over, but when it saw this ship, the satellite immediately retreated, as if the ship itself symbolized a noble status.

Entering the atmosphere and gradually approaching the surface of the planet, Shen Zheng could clearly see patches of green forests, beautiful lakes, rolling mountains, and bustling and vast cities through the boat.Among them, there are some buildings that are obviously military bases everywhere, showing the strength of the planet's military power.

The ship slowed down, and after descending to a certain height in the atmosphere, it did not descend any more, but kept equal to the ground, flying all the way to the east.After flying at an extremely slow speed for a period of time, he came near a sky city.Shuaikang used the shipboard communicator to get in touch with a space ship dock, docked in it, and then took Shen Zheng off the ship.

Looking at this familiar floating city in the air, Shen Zheng couldn't help but think of his hometown, White Wolf Star, and at the same time he felt a little puzzled.

He has come to this strange galaxy and has been to several different planets, and only here can he see this kind of floating city in the air. However, in his hometown, White Wolf Star, there are exactly five such floating cities.

Is it because the technology of White Wolf Star is more powerful?

Before he had time to think about it, Shuaikang had already brought him to the lounge at the dock, ordered his soldiers to prepare several sets of officer's clothes and brought them over, and picked out a suit that Shen Zheng was wearing that was more suitable for Shen Zheng to change into. Shen Zheng left the dock by car and headed all the way to the central area of ​​the floating city.

"Although our Majesty's strength is not as good as yours, but..." Shuaikang looked at Shen Zheng in the car and said a little embarrassedly.

"I understand." Shen Zheng nodded. "I will not lack anything in terms of etiquette."

"That's good, that's good." Shuaikang nodded hastily.

"What level is His Majesty Ha Wu?" Shen Zheng asked. "Harley can be regarded as a genius, Harvey shouldn't surpass him, right?"

"He is now a second-level star master." Shuaikang said in a low voice, "but when he competed with His Highness Harley, he was only a seventh-level star spirit, and His Highness Harley was an eighth-level star spirit at that time."

"After becoming an emperor, he has been cultivated with all his strength, right?" Shen Zheng nodded.

"Yes." Shuaikang nodded. "I think His Majesty Harley will feel extremely unbalanced when he sees His Majesty now. He is such a genius, but... a person with evil intentions, even if he has enough talent, will eventually be suppressed by fate at a critical moment." !"

"God bless those who do good." Shen Zheng slowly said an old saying that has been circulated on the White Wolf Star for a long time.

"Not bad." Shuaikang agreed deeply.

Not long after, the car arrived outside a huge palace, and the two got out of the car. Shuaikang asked the captain of the guard to inform him of his request to meet the emperor in private, and took Shen Zheng to a waiting room next to the palace to wait.After about half an hour, the captain of the guard came in person and took the two of them to a room inside the majestic palace.

It was a small reception room, the layout inside was simple and elegant, which fit Shen Zheng's aesthetics very well.

"Did the handsome general discover something in the crimson vortex that cannot be disclosed publicly?"

As soon as the two entered the room, a middle-aged man sitting on the chair spoke.The man was about forty years old, wearing a very strict uniform, and the collar was tightly buttoned.His eyes showed a sense of solemnity. Although his face was very similar to Harley's, it gave off a sense of seriousness, but his temperament was quite different.

Shen Zheng could feel that the aura emanating from him was much worse than his own.

Obviously, this is Zuoqiu Xing's emperor, Harley's elder brother Ha Wu. [

"Report Your Majesty, it is indeed so." Shuaikang saluted solemnly, and then said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, please allow me to introduce you to a strong man from the Crimson Spiral Galaxy."

"Who?" Ha Wu stared at Shuaikang.

"This is General Shen Zheng." Shuaikang retreated to the side, giving way to Shen Zheng behind him.

"Nice to meet you, Your Majesty." Shen Zheng looked at Ha Wu, nodded slightly, and solemnly saluted him.

"The officer of the Crimson Whirlpool Galaxy?" Ha Wu looked at Shen Zheng, keeping his expression calm. "Nice to meet you, please sit down."

"Thank you." Shen Zheng was not polite, and sat down directly on the guest seat, and Shuaikang also sat down.

"Your Majesty, I think His Royal Highness Harley has already arrived?" Shuaikang asked.

"Yes." Ha Wu's eyes flickered slightly, and he nodded. "I've already arranged for him to live in his old residence. By the way, I remembered that he mentioned the name Shen Zheng to me."

As he said that, he stared at Shen Zheng, his eyes seemed to want to see through Shen Zheng.

"You are at least a strong person above the second level." He said, "Because I can't see through your strength. As we all know, those who can't see through their own strength are either too much beyond themselves, or have some kind of special ability. I think You should be the former, right?"

"Mr. Shen Zheng is a third-level star master." Shuaikang said hastily, and then added: "But his strength in real battle can reach the seventh level. If there is no General Shen Zheng this time, I am afraid I will die in the crimson star." In the vortex."

"Seventh rank?" Ha Wu couldn't help being moved this time, he looked at Shen Zheng with a dazed look.

"Let's talk straight to the point." Shen Zheng looked at the other party and said slowly. "I'm here to kill Li Yunhe, your brother Harley."

"It's not very polite for you to say that." Haru put away his surprised eyes, and his voice was calm.

It is worthy of being the emperor who won in the end.Shen Zheng looked at the other party and couldn't help but secretly nodded.

If I were the picker, I would also choose this frighteningly calm Harvey instead of Harley, who only knows how to play tricks.

"I think for His Majesty, the issue of politeness is probably not more serious than the issue of the throne?" Shen Zheng smiled faintly.

"How to say?" Haru's eyes remained steady.

"I can't think of anything unexpected. Li Yunhe is also Harley. He must have said something to you to provoke your relationship with General Shuaikang, right?" Shen Zheng asked with a smile.

"How do you know?" Ha Wu frowned.

Shuaikang was taken aback.

"We are all open and honest, and it will be more beneficial to each other." Shen Zheng's voice was calm. "You know better than me what kind of person Harley is. There may be many people who want him to die, but the people with the strongest desire must be you and me."

Ha Wu looked at Shen Zheng and didn't speak for a while.

"General Shuaikang, please let me have a private talk with General Shen Zheng." He said slowly.

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