star wars civilization.

Chapter 479: Royal Family Meeting

After Shuaikang bowed and exited, only Shen Zheng and Ha Wu were left in the room. %&*

"Aren't you afraid that I'll plot against you?" Shen Zheng asked with a smile.

"I see people very accurately." Ha Wu said slowly. "I have an indescribable affection for you."

"I will prove with my actions that I deserve your trust." Shen Zheng said.

"Harley one is just a headache factor for me." Harvey cut to the chase. "When he competed for the throne, he clearly had the advantage in strength, but he lost to me in the end, just because of his character." [

"I feel the same way about this." Shen Zheng said.

"Things that can obviously be solved with strength, he has to use special means to complete them effortlessly, and then he will feel comfortable and have a sense of accomplishment by playing others like fools. This kind of character is unacceptable." Ha Wu Said, "That's a standard face of a villain."

"That's right." Shen Zheng nodded, "He recognized a mentor in the Crimson Spiral Galaxy, and he also has this kind of virtue."

"Birds of a feather flock together." Haru gave a rare smile.

"If you didn't guess wrong, you were actually murderous at the beginning, right?" Shen Zheng asked unceremoniously.

"Yes." Hawu nodded and admitted, "Having such a person beside me is a huge threat to me. Not only beside me, even if he is far away in the sky, I always feel that there is a knife hanging over my head." The sword may fall at any time and stab me to death."

"It is precisely because of this feeling that I desperately want to kill him." Shen Zheng said, "I am not afraid that he will hurt me, because he does not have that ability, but I am afraid that he will harm my friends."

"I like people who value friendship." Ha Wu's eyes were full of appreciation.

"He won't die, I feel uneasy, but I don't have the ability to let him die." Ha Wu continued, "Zuoqiu Xing doesn't count me as a total of nine star master-level powerhouses, and four of them are members of my Ha family." The relatives belong to the royal family, three of them are named princes, and the most important one does not hold any position, but decides everything in the family, that is our father's uncle, the highest elder of the Ha family, our uncle grandfather."

"He doesn't allow you to kill Harley." Shen Zheng said.

"Yes." Ha Wu nodded, "In his opinion, we are all his most lovable grandsons. Although Harley has some 'little problems', he cannot be blamed for these problems. Even if he used conspiracy methods, everyone Grandpa also thinks that the child made a mistake for a while, so it’s good to let him go outside to calm down for a while. Therefore, after he does something that I can’t accept, he can still get help from Grandpa, and he is free outside the galaxy.”

"When he comes back this time, he must not just want to be protected." ^"Shen Zheng said. "He will definitely use his tricks. When he left the crimson spiral galaxy, he had already done it. He used the power of his mind to attach his mind to Shuaikang and lure me away. At that time, I only thought that He wanted to provoke Shuaikang to fight me, but later he figured it out, the plan was definitely not that simple."

"He is sure that Shuaikang is an upright person, and you..." Ha Wu said, "I believe that Harley also thinks that Shuaikang is not too different, so after you meet, Shuaikang will definitely bring you back."

"So he said in front of you that Shuaikang may have colluded with me, an outsider, to plot evil." Shen Zheng said.

"You guessed right." Ha Wu nodded, "He said that you actually already knew his identity, that's why you chased him so desperately, in order to sneak into Zuoqiu Xing and get close to me by taking the opportunity. Then kill me and win the power. He said you have this strength."

"Do you believe it?" Shen Zheng smiled.

"A little bit." Haru was very frank. "Although I knew it was his trick, I admit that I was still worried. But after seeing you, that worry disappeared."

Shen Zheng looked at Ha Wu, vaguely feeling a little strange, suddenly he was taken aback, and couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty, have you ever been to a strange planet where a wonderful fruit grows called Yuguo... "

"Have you eaten it too?" Ha Wu looked at Shen Zheng with a slight surprise in his eyes. [

"You speak through my brain waves..." Shen Zheng looked at the other party and suddenly smiled.

Haru laughed too.

"After I became a first-level star master, I tried to find Harley in the crimson spiral galaxy closest to here under the pretext of going out to practice." Hawu shook his head and said with a smile, "Of course I got it. I took the star The power of the Lord is too strong, but in fact, what is it? It is too naive to search a galaxy... However, that adventure gave me this windfall. From then on, I can more easily distinguish Who is a sincere person and who is a liar. Therefore, my ability to govern the country is appreciated by my grandfather. In fact, I just know who the real loyal ministers are among the ministers, and who are the treacherous ministers."

"Don't say it, this ability is really suitable for the emperor to use." Shen Zheng nodded and sighed.

"I'm not interested in such things as status and power." Shen Zheng looked at Ha Wu and said slowly. "I'm not even from the Crimson Spiral galaxy. I'm from the distant Aura galaxy, and I'll go back there eventually, because there is my hometown, my relatives."

Ha Wu looked at Shen Zheng and nodded slowly.

"It's even more admirable to work hard for friends who will eventually part ways," he said.

"Li Yunhe came back to use my hand to get rid of you." Shen Zheng said, "He knows that I will kill him soon, and he also knows that under your uncle's surveillance, you dare not deal with him, but will help him .So, he has hope to start a war."

"But that's clearly out of the question," Harvey said. "But if he knows about this, he will definitely find another way."

"Now there is a way to make things easier." Shen Zheng said.

"Please tell me." Ha Wu looked solemnly.

"You will come forward to hold the internal meeting of the royal family." Shen Zheng said, "I don't think your great-grandfather will attend, right?"

"How did you guess that?" Ha Wu became interested.

"A dignified peak powerhouse, if something happens to come forward, is it still the ultimate powerhouse sitting on the planet?" Shen Zheng smiled.

"You are really smart!" Ha Wu also laughed, "He must maintain his detached position and cannot participate in disputes of different opinions. Instead, he can only be the final referee, and only mediate and judge when the opinions of the tribe disagree. However Those princes are actually acting according to his face, and often they have to deal with me who disagrees. Of course, the dispute is only limited to Harley, and they listen to me on other matters."

"Just this one is enough to cause a headache." Shen Zheng said half-jokingly.

"What are you going to do?" Harvey asked.

"It's up to you to clarify your position and support me in seeking Harley for revenge." Shen Zheng said, "Then I will expose what he did. At that time, these princes must be speechless, but they must defend him .”

"What then?" Harvey asked.

"Responsiveness." Shen Zheng said, "I may challenge the princes, and if they are provoked and accept this challenge, I may lure your great grandfather out."

"And then?" Hawu was somewhat nervous.

"You have to find a way to let me talk to him alone." Shen Zheng's eyes flickered, "I promise he can agree."[

"You promise?" Ha Wu looked at Shen Zheng with surprise in his eyes.But from Shen Zheng's brain wave language, he didn't read such things as deceit and boasting.

"Please believe me." Shen Zheng said, "But I can't tell you the specific details, because in that case you will reveal your flaws unconsciously, and with Li Yunhe's shrewdness, you can definitely see the flaws easily. At that time, my plan will fail, and your grandfather will continue to protect Li Yunhe, and will not even let him leave the planet. At that time, the most dangerous person will be you."

The two looked at each other, and after a long time, Hawu gritted his teeth and nodded heavily.

"You're right. He's not as threatening to you as he is to me. Although he's threatening your friend, he's threatening me even more directly." He said, "It's not too late, I'm This calls for a council of kinship."

"Thank you." Shen Zheng smiled.

"I'm for myself." Haru confessed quite frankly.

This is the convenience of people who all have the language ability. No one has to pretend to be in the room, and they can say whatever they have. Although it may not sound very pleasant, at least it is the truth.

Ha Wu's actions were extremely fast, and Dang even sent people to contact the three princes, and even his great grandfather, to hold an emergency family meeting.

Although his strength is mediocre, his status is there after all. The power of the planetary emperor is enough to make those princes who are stronger than him bow their heads.Half an hour later, in a large hall in the central imperial palace, Shen Zheng saw those three extraordinary figures.

The three of them were all wearing golden robes that represented the royal family. The robes had a golden brilliance under the light, and they looked noble, but there were silver decorations on the necklines, cuffs, and the center of the bodies of these robes. It is different from the overall all-gold robe worn by Emperor Haru.

Shen Zheng stood quietly not far from the upper throne, because he was wearing the uniform of a senior officer of Zuoqiu Xing and half of his face was covered by a military cap, so no one could see his appearance, and no one paid attention to him, It's just a guard in the palace.

Shen Zheng looked at the three people, and saw that they were all over 60 years old, the oldest one was slightly fatter, the next one seemed to have the strongest body and strength, and the other had no special features, but gloomy eyes.

Li Yunhe was the last one to come in.He still had that extremely friendly smile on his face, making everyone who saw him feel that he was a really good person who hurt others.

"Brother Wang." As soon as he entered the hall, Li Yunhe respectfully bowed to Ha Wu first. "Sorry, I am late."

"It's not too late to come." Ha Wu said calmly, pointing to the position on the right side below. "sit down."

According to the etiquette of Zuoqiu Xing, the left-hand side is an important place, where the three princes are sitting, and the right-hand side is a relatively secondary place, if ministers are participating in the meeting, they should sit there.

As soon as Ha Wu asked Li Yunhe to sit there, the three princes immediately frowned.

Li Yunhe smiled and didn't care at all, walked over and sat down.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid this way of sitting is inappropriate?" The robust old man spoke immediately.

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