star wars civilization.

Chapter 496: Opportunities and dangers coexist

The crimson vortex, the red world around, and the mist everywhere. ^

The three warships were moving forward in the red mist, and from time to time, various detection fluctuations were emitted from the battleships and spread to the surroundings.

"Father, I think it's better for us to be more cautious." In the main battleship, Xuan Yiwang stood in front of the ship, and said to Xuan Chifeng who was standing behind him without worry.

"Wealth and wealth are sought in danger." Xuan Chifeng said slowly. "Although the secret of the crimson giant monster has not been revealed, after the Li Yunhe incident, everyone has discovered that something has happened to the crimson vortex. Star master-level powerhouses can finally enter here. Do you think others can Are you not tempted? If we don’t complete the exploration before others, I’m afraid we will only be able to eat the scraps left by others.”

"But the first adventurer will also bear the greatest danger." Xuan Yiwang said, "The crimson vortex is so big, if there are any amazing treasures, they can't just exist in one place, they should be everywhere... "[

"There won't be many treasures that are really valuable." Before he could finish speaking, Xuan Chifeng interrupted him. "For the protoss, something like the Claw of the White Tiger is already a very good treasure. But for the star master, it is not worth mentioning at all. Because it cannot change with the master's strength, it is just a dead."

"But taking risks for treasures that don't know whether they exist or not, I always feel..." Xuan Yiwang said.

"It's impossible not to have a real baby." Xuan Chifeng's eyes were a little fanatical. "Look at Shen Zheng! If he hadn't had a huge adventure here, he would never have achieved what he is now. Remember, when he participated in the martial arts tournament, he never had the power he has now."

"Opportunities and dangers are directly proportional." Xuan Yiwang knew that he could not persuade his father, so he could only look at the crimson world ahead and let out a sigh.

"Therefore, opportunities will not be obtained for nothing. Only those who dare to take risks can gain the favor of the God of Destiny." Xuan Chifeng said.

Xuan Yiwang just felt uneasy.

The battleship moved forward, and from time to time, some tombs of strong men could be found.Xuan Chifeng didn't seem to notice these things, his eyes were fixed on the deeper part of the crimson vortex, and he just gave an order randomly, asking the other two warships to send protoss to smash the tombs of those strong men, and search for treasures left by the strong men inside.

Not long after, the three warships entered the middle layer of the crimson vortex, and Xuan Chifeng's eyes couldn't help becoming more fanatical.

What kind of secret treasure will be here waiting for me to discover?

My mind is full of fantasies, even dreaming that I will have an adventure like Shen Zheng's and reach the peak of strength.

Not long after, some insect corpses came into his sight.These worms obviously died not long ago, but they all died extremely tragically, and their bodies were all broken into several pieces.

"Scan for bug nuclei!" Xuan Chifeng immediately issued an order, and the operators of the battleship immediately got busy, and it didn't take long to find the signal of hundreds of bug nuclei. ^

Immediately, more than a dozen protoss and dozens of small spaceships flew out of the battleship to collect insect nuclei from the insect corpses.It didn't take long for these people to complete the collection and return to the battleship to report to Xuan Chifeng.

"Are they all protoss-level bug cores?" Xuan Chifeng couldn't help frowning after hearing the report.

"We found the corpses of the Star Master Zerg, probably a dozen or so." The protoss who led the team reported, "We also collected this part of the corpses, but... but there are no insect nuclei in these corpses. The nuclei are taken when they are killed."

"We're still one step too late." Xuan Chifeng looked at Xuan Yiwang, "Someone came here earlier than us to hunt for treasure. Obviously, he killed these bugs."

"The middle layer is indeed the forbidden area of ​​the Protoss." Xuan Yiwang sighed. "There is such a terrifying swarm of insects. Any protoss that encounters them will be torn apart in an instant..."

What he felt was obviously different from what Xuan Chifeng felt.

"We have to speed up." Xuan Chifeng looked ahead, "fate is unpredictable. I didn't expect that we deliberately avoided the entrance of the extreme experience, but we still happened to choose the same path as others. Now it depends on both of us, who Be more favored by the god of fate." [

The warship did not collect the worm nuclei from the worm corpses further away, although it has been scanned that there are still a large number of worm nuclei in those worm corpses.Xuan Chifeng felt that we should race against time and not waste time on these valuable but not precious things.

"Speed ​​up." He ordered. "Go deeper!"

The three battleships accelerated at the same time, and the protoss who controlled the battleships input their greatest strength.The only meaning of their existence on these battleships is to be the manipulator and source of control power.They are distinguished in the world of the strong, but here they are only high-level technicians.

This world is strictly hierarchical, and there are strong people above the strong.The difference between different realms is like heaven and earth.In front of the Star Lord, the Protoss is nothing.

Similarly, in front of the peak star master, the ordinary star master is nothing.

So there is no one who does not want to become stronger. Although there are still mountains and seas on the head, the vast and insurmountable levels, but everyone is unwilling to stop on the road to becoming stronger.

At the very least, one must be the strongest among the same level, and become a strong person that people of this level can despise.

Just like these protoss who control the warships, if it weren't for reaching the peak of the protoss realm, they would not be qualified to be Xuan Chifeng's direct subordinates at all.

They are also not eligible to participate in star-level actions, and then gain experience and experience far beyond those of their peers, as well as huge benefits.

But it's not all good, as Xuan Yiwang said, opportunities and dangers are directly proportional.

Not long after the fleet entered the middle layer of the crimson vortex, the insect sound discriminator on the battleship suddenly rang.Xuan Chifeng's face changed, because at the same time, he also sensed the breath of a powerful Zerg.The insect sound discriminator actually worked at the same time as his induction, which can only show that these insects were suddenly killed from hyperspace.

But Xuan Chifeng knew that this should be impossible.

The records in history all say that the crimson vortex can use the power of space movement, and in the previous journey, he has tried it, and found that in this crimson world, the space movement ability of the strong star master Completely useless.There is a powerful force in the surrounding crimson world, oppressing the surrounding space, and hyperspace cannot exist under such huge pressure.

How can these bugs do this?

"Enter the combat state immediately!" He ordered loudly, and rushed to the door of the control room.

"One look, protect the battleship and issue orders for me!" He did not forget to tell his son when he left.

Running all the way, he came to the side door of the battleship in a blink of an eye, opened the airtight cabin and entered it, and then came out through the outer cabin door, and came into the boundless red mist.Xuan Chifeng looked into the distance, and what he saw was a dark cloud.

He sensed the power of the cloud, and his expression changed instantly, because he discovered the existence of the power of the star master.Although he couldn't clearly sense how many powerful insects there were, even if there was only one, with the overwhelming swarm of insects, he, the fourth-level star master, would try his best to stop it.

In terms of numbers, there were at least [-] to [-] bugs in that bug cloud.

"Back, back with all your strength, get out of here!" He suddenly roared, and his fear and roar were transmitted to Xuan Yiwang's ears through the network eye on his chest.

"Father, what's the matter?" Xuan Yiwang realized that the matter might be more serious than imagined.

"The swarm is too strong!" Xuan Chifeng gritted his teeth and said, "We are definitely not rivals! You lead the team to retreat quickly, and I will be the rear!" [

"Father, I'll help you!" Xuan Yiwang shouted anxiously.

"Don't be stupid!" Xuan Chifeng said with a frown, "We, father and son, can't both be stuck here! Besides, although the swarm is a threat to me, if I want to escape, they can't do anything to me. Go away immediately! "

"Okay." Reason overcame emotion in an instant, and Xuan Yiwang knew that there were tens of thousands of soldiers in the three giant warships, and he was still responsible for the lives of these people.

"All battleships, turn around immediately and retreat to the outer layer with all your strength! The long-range space cannons are ready to fire with all their strength in the direction of the insect swarm!"

Following the order, the three giant ships turned around slowly almost simultaneously, while the offensive weapons on the battleships fired at full power, firing dense rain towards the swarm of insects in the distance.The light of the flame rose up in this crimson space, like a gorgeous rain, bringing the blessing of death.

After a while, the rain bloomed everywhere in the insect swarm, and the sound of huge explosions reverberated in the crimson vortex.

Countless powerful bugs were directly blown to pieces, but compared to this huge bug cloud, that little loss is completely negligible.Moreover, those who were killed were not low-level bugs in the protoss class, but higher-level bugs, they completely calculated the trajectory of the rain, and quickly dodged while protecting themselves with insect power.

And those powerful insects at the star master level let go of their own power and formed a protective field, which not only protected themselves, but also protected the huge number of insects around them.

The rain did play a role in hurting the enemy, but the effect was weak.However, the swarm was enraged by this small harassing attack. The giant worms let out deafening roars. The roars converged into a big river, rushing forward, and the hearts of those who heard it were shattered.

"Retreat with all your strength, retreat with all your strength!" Xuan Yiwang roared.

"Come on, little bugs!" Xuan Chifeng gritted his teeth and watched the approaching insect swarm. The wheel of the holy spirit behind him slowly emerged, the green dragon and the basalt holy spirit radiated light, and the two ultimate moves of the holy spirit took shape. Take the first step towards the swarm.

The Qinglong holy spirit led the blue light, and instantly broke through the protective force field of a star master-level insect, all the way into the insect swarm, and the teeth and claws moved together, and the insects were torn apart without any resistance.

Black currents surged around the Holy Spirit of Basalt, penetrated into the protective force field, instantly disintegrating the force field, and under the impact of its huge body, the star master-level insects that radiated the protective force field turned into a corpse with just one blow. dead body.

They exerted great power and soared across the swarm of insects, leaving only a few dead bodies in their path.

However, there are too many rats biting cats.

One by one, the bugs rushed over fearlessly, and finally surrounded them.At great cost, the swarm was finally victorious.

The lives of hundreds of powerful worms were exchanged for the ending of the exhaustion of the power of the two ultimate holy moves. Under the attack of more worms, the two ultimate ultimate moves of the holy spirit exploded. Although dozens of worms were killed, But for the swarm, it is not a loss.

"Come on!" Xuan Chifeng roared, and suddenly opened up a huge spherical space, which was completely composed of Kuroshio, and locked him and the bugs in it.As the Kuroshio surged, the power of the water penetrated into the bodies of the bugs, and the power of the cold made it difficult for them to move.


A few minutes later, the space finally shattered, and Xuan Chifeng flew out covered in blood, rushing towards the fleet of battleships that had already fled into the distance.

Behind him, a huge swarm of insects chased after him without stopping.

In a blink of an eye, Xuan Chifeng had caught up with the fleet, and the group of bugs were extremely close to the fleet.At this time, the fleet had reached the outer layer of the crimson vortex, but the swarm still had no intention of stopping, so the fleet had no choice but to go further to the outer layer...

The swarm is still not falling!

A sense of despair suddenly appeared in Xuan Chifeng's heart.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the fleet.

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