star wars civilization.

Chapter 497: Vague Uneasiness

Not long after Shen Zheng entered the crimson vortex, he discovered three giant ships in front of him. ^

Judging from the standard and hull marks, these are three extreme star warships.For Extreme Star, Shen Zheng has complicated feelings.From Xuan Chifeng's point of view, it disgusted him, but from Xuan Yiwang's point of view, it gave him a kind of sympathetic appreciation.

When he was about to go around and pretend not to see it, he suddenly noticed the bug swarm chasing after the fleet, and Xuan Chifeng who was between the bug swarm and the fleet.

At this time, His Majesty the Emperor lost the prestige he had when he was on his own planet, and his face was full of panic, revealing the fear in his heart.He turned around from time to time, trying his best to radiate the ultimate holy move, temporarily blocking the swarm's footsteps, but every attack could only make the swarm lose a negligible corner, unable to block the swarm's footsteps at all.

Having reached the outer layer of the crimson vortex, these bugs still have no intention of stopping, chasing and killing them all the way, as if they will not stop until they wipe out this fleet. [

Frowning slightly, Shen Zheng flew towards the fleet.

He didn't like Xuan Chifeng very much, but there were countless famous soldiers on the three warships.With a powerful mind, he can sense the panicked consciousness in those huge ships, so he can't just sit idly by and ignore these people.

"Someone is flying over ahead!" The operator in the main ship said to Xuan Yiwang.

"Let me take a look." Xuan Yiwang walked to the observation screen, looked into the distance through the observation screen, and suddenly showed a surprised expression.

"It's Shen Zheng!" He shouted excitedly.

"Quick, turn on the external communication device!" he yelled.

"Is it brother Shen Zheng?" The huge loudspeaker of the external reading device sent his voice far ahead.

"It's me!" Shen Zheng mobilized his insect power, and the huge power amplified his voice several times and passed it on. "Brother Xuan?"

"It's me!" came the surprised voice.

"How did you disturb such a swarm of insects?" Shen Zheng asked.

"We went deep into the middle layer of the crimson vortex, and finally encountered it." Xuan Yiwang said, "They are chasing us endlessly, the situation is too dangerous!"

"Go ahead, I'll help you!" Shen Zheng said loudly.

These words echoed in the space, bringing hope and confidence to everyone on the three battleships.They were no strangers to Shen Zheng's strength, even if they hadn't seen it personally in that extreme experience, they had heard it vividly from their colleagues.

In the hearts of many of them, Shen Zheng has almost become a mythical hero in legends, and seems to be an impossible existence.

Now that he has appeared and agreed to help at such a critical moment, for the vast majority of people, it is simply the hand of God that pulls them back from the brink of hell.

Many people became excited, silently praying in their hearts that Shen Zheng could repel the swarm. ^

Xuan Chifeng also heard Shen Zheng's voice, and his old face couldn't help but blush.

At the beginning, he wanted to harm Shen Zheng, so he hired Li Yunhe, which brought great disaster to Shen Zheng, but Shen Zheng looked at Xuan Yiwang's face, and finally didn't care about it.

That's all, he can still pretend that nothing happened. [

But at this moment, Shen Zheng came to save him and his son, no matter how thick his skin was, he couldn't stand it anymore.

Shen Zheng moved like lightning, and soon he had crossed the fleet and came to his side.

"General Shen Zheng..." Xuan Chifeng looked at Shen Zheng with embarrassment on his face, and gritted his teeth. "You go, I will try my best to block this group of bugs..."

"You can't stop it." Shen Zheng shook his head slowly. "I can't watch the swarm kill tens of thousands of people in front of me."

"General Shen Zheng, what happened before..." Xuan Chifeng's face turned red. "Everything is my fault, I am willing to..."

"Don't say any more." Shen Zheng waved his hand, "I am attacking brother Xuan Yiwang, those tens of thousands of innocent soldiers, not you, Your Majesty."

"No matter what, Extreme Star will be your forever friend from now on!" Xuan Chifeng said solemnly, "I will keep in mind the mistakes I made before, and remind myself of my confusion for the rest of my life, and thank you for your kindness now .”

"Although the crimson monster has become silent, it doesn't mean it can't use its powerful power." Shen Zheng looked at the approaching insect swarm and said, "There are many powerful insects in the middle layer, but this force is not any one. The forces of the planet can handle it. Although the treasure is tempting, you have to live to enjoy it. After this danger is over, you can leave."

"I understand..." Although Xuan Chifeng was unwilling, he still nodded.

The swarm of insects was getting closer and closer, those powerful insects bared their teeth and claws, each with a hideous face, and the whole body exuded the breath of death.

Shen Zheng's eyes were calm and his face was calm.

In an instant, a powerful aura emanated from his body, and the wheel of the holy spirit slowly appeared from behind him.On it, the four great holy spirits shone with light, exuding different powers, and turned their gazes to the swarm of insects in the distance.

"This..." Xuan Chifeng's eyes widened in an instant.

He couldn't believe that the person in front of him was really Shen Zheng.

It's true that Shen Zheng had shown his supernatural power before, showing the power beyond the seventh-order star master, but after all, Shen Zheng used some kind of magical skills to achieve the state through changes.

But now, Shen Zheng, who was a mere second-tier star lord back then, has directly exerted the power of a sixth-tier star lord without using that special method!

Got promoted?In such a short period of time after his extreme experience, he was promoted from the realm of the second-level star master to the sixth-level star master! ?

Is he still human?What kind of monster is he?

Xuan Chifeng felt that his whole body was sweating.In his heart, he was glad that Xuan Yiwang had made friends with Shen Zheng, and he was also glad that Shen Zheng was a gentleman with a broad mind and not a villain who would take revenge.At the same time, he was afraid.

At the beginning, a wrong idea, a wrong move, almost made a big mistake!If Shen Zheng is a calculating person, let alone his son's future, even himself and the entire Extreme Star, I'm afraid they will all fall into the abyss of eternal doom!

"Under the Star Lord No. 1", what is the meaning of this title?

He couldn't help laughing bitterly. [

To him, to Xuan Yiwang, that may be a great honor, but to Shen Zheng...Xuan Chifeng understands that this person's eyes will not be limited to this kind of vanity, and he will not care about such a star. Spiritual title.

What Shen Zheng possesses is the power of the star master level, what he wants to pursue is the realm beyond the star master level!

"Under the Star Lord No. 1"?Ridiculous, he would care about this kind of thing?

The biggest mistake in life did not lead to the biggest regret, luck, luck!

Xuan Chifeng chanted silently in his heart, slowly accumulating insect power.He couldn't let Shen Zheng fight alone, even though his strength was weak, he had to do his best to save his son and his soldiers.

"Your Majesty, I didn't care about our affairs before because of Brother Xuan." Shen Zheng looked at Xuan Chifeng, "But now, there is another reason."

"What's that?" Xuan Chifeng looked at him.

"In the face of such a huge danger, you didn't choose to give up the tens of thousands of officers and soldiers on the three warships and escape with only Brother Xuan, but you chose to let him command the warships to evacuate and you were the rear." Shen Zheng said, "Therefore, you are a A qualified emperor can even be said to be a wise monarch."

"No." Xuan Chifeng showed shame. "I almost caused disaster for the entire Extreme Star. How can I be qualified? Not to mention wise."

Shen Zheng looked at him, vaguely guessed that the catastrophe was referring to himself, so he couldn't help but smile.

"In the ancient legends of our ancestors, there is a story about the loss of a horse." He said, "The story tells us that the boundary between misfortune and blessing is not so clear. Maybe sometimes misfortune is fortune, and fortune is misfortune. Your Majesty, you want to Hold on..."

Before the words fell, the people had already gone towards the swarm.

"Be careful..." Xuan Chifeng thought about this sentence, and then chased after him with all his strength.

"You guys just stay here, don't go any further." Shen Zheng looked at the swarm, and a soft white light gradually flashed on his body.Three beams of light shot out from the space worm's core and merged with the light on his body. In an instant, his whole body turned into a cocoon of light.The light cocoon continued to expand, and then turned into a human-shaped body of light.

The thousand-meter-high body of light slowly stretched its limbs, looking at the swarm of insects that had arrived in front of it.

"Contribute your worm cores." Shen Zheng smiled slightly, and waved his giant arm of light, sweeping into the worm swarm.The huge power scattered and spread in the swarm of insects, killing anyone who touched it.

Xuan Chifeng stopped, behind Shen Zheng.

The huge body of light stood in front of him, like a majestic mountain, giving him a sense of transcendence.In front of that high mountain, he felt his own insignificance, and for the first time realized that he was nothing.

He couldn't help laughing bitterly.

He is not qualified to join this battle at all.

The swarm panicked and became turbulent, and began to spread in all directions, as if they wanted to bypass the terrifying giant Shen Zheng.

"Can you escape?" Shen Zheng's back of the holy spirit wheel flashed, and four rays of light flew out together, forming a huge ball that looked like an asteroid.Four different forces of red fire, black water, white wind, and yellow light constantly surged on the sphere.

It was only then that Xuan Chifeng noticed that although Shen Zheng hadn't reached the realm of the eighth-level protoss, he already possessed the central holy spirit.He looked at the sphere in astonishment, and at the same time noticed that this space was not a single space of Holy Spirit power.

"He can actually integrate the power of the four great holy spirits he possesses into this space?" Xuan Chifeng's hands trembled slightly. "How did he do it? In theory, it doesn't work at all..."

At this time, in Shen Zheng's space, all the bugs were caught in the scorching of fire, the invasion of water, the freezing of frost, and the cutting of gusts of wind.And Shen Zheng, with the help of the power of the central holy spirit, calmly controlled these three different forces, allowing them to fuse together to exert a stronger terrifying force.

In this kind of space, the bugs lost all their advantages and were quickly killed by the giant of light.

Soon, the leading star-level bugs were completely killed, and the cores were directly taken away by Shen Zheng.

Next, there are those peak protoss-level bugs.

The rest of the bugs, trembling under the powerful coercion emitted by Shen Zheng, could no longer form a group, but scattered to the surroundings, desperately trying to break out of the huge space barrier.

Shen Zheng didn't stop them. Even if he wanted to, his strength was not enough to keep these tens of thousands of bugs.The constant impact will weaken the strength of the space shell and consume his own insect power, and it is meaningless to kill all the insect swarms.

More importantly, he faintly felt a trace of uneasiness.

The uneasiness was not caused by the swarm of insects, but was hidden somewhere deep in the universe, making it impossible for him to clearly perceive it, but he could faintly perceive its existence.Therefore, he has to preserve his strength and guard against all variables.

With a wave of his hand, he dispersed the space, and tens of thousands of bugs fled frantically.

Putting away the body of light, he flew back to Xuan Chifeng who had a dull expression.

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