star wars civilization.

Chapter 498: The Secret Caused the Trouble

"General Shen Zheng, this time...thank you very much. ^" Xuan Chifeng looked at Shen Zheng and didn't know what to say for a while, but after thinking about it, he still said thank you.

"Let's go." Shen Zheng looked at the three warships. "The lives of tens of thousands of soldiers are in your hands. You are really a wise monarch and you should think about them."

"I...understand..." Xuan Chifeng nodded mechanically.

At the time of the crisis, I really never thought about giving up the lives of everyone to keep my father and son safe. It seems that I should be considered not bad.

But it was really safe, but the impulse in my heart still couldn't be erased. [

Strength, after possessing great strength, one can look down on the terrifying insect swarm and do whatever one wants... The temptation is too great.irresistible.

"I won't stay any longer." Shen Zheng said, "Say hello to Brother Xuan for me. Although the crimson vortex is calm now, there is danger in the calm. Your Majesty, please don't go into this muddy water."

Saying that, he nodded at Xuan Chifeng, and he had already gone deep into the crimson vortex.

Looking at the background of Shen Zheng's fading away, Xuan Chifeng felt that everything was so unreal.Not so long ago, this young man was still a member of the peak protoss, and he was still vying for the championship of the Star District Tournament together with everyone, but in the blink of an eye, he was already superior to himself.

A sixth-level star master can increase his strength to eighth-level strength through mysterious skills, or even higher...

Is it comparable?

Xuan Chifeng suddenly felt disheartened.What treasure are you still fighting for?What kind of treasure can make me surpass Shen Zheng in front of me?

Sighing, he flew to the main ship and entered it, and soon came to the central control room.

"Father!" Xuan Yiwang walked over, his expression and tone equally excited. "I really didn't expect that Shen Zheng is so powerful now! How did he do it? Without using that mysterious secret method, he has reached such a high level..."

"He's a monster." Xuan Chifeng looked at his son and smiled wryly. "How stupid I am, I was afraid that you would be taken away by such a monster... In fact, we are not from the same world as him. He belongs to another field that we cannot detect. He is the super genius in the world of geniuses." genius."

"He seems to be going deep into the crimson vortex?" Xuan Yiwang asked worriedly. "It's too dangerous there, father, why didn't you remind him?"

"He reminded me." Xuan Chifeng looked thoughtfully at the distance overboard. "He said that although the crimson vortex is calm now, there is danger in the calmness...Son, we don't know whether what Li Yunhe said is true or not, but from Shen Zheng's performance just now, I can only see calmness and confidence. ^ He must know the secrets of the crimson monster, and he is not afraid of being swallowed by the most terrifying existence in the crimson vortex."

"Let's go." Xuan Yiwang said firmly.

"But..." Xuan Chifeng looked at the crimson depths, very unwilling. "If the appearance of Shen Zheng means that the God of Destiny is taking care of us? It means that our good luck is coming..."

"Father!" Xuan Yiwang looked a little excited. "The God of Destiny has given us a warning, we..."

As he spoke, he stopped suddenly, and a wave of aura was turbulent in him and his whole body, producing different changes with his complex emotions.He felt that he suddenly realized something, but he couldn't tell what it was.

It seems that just now Shen Zheng's performance made him understand something, but he didn't think about it at that time.Although he didn't think about it now, the deep consciousness that couldn't be explained in his mind made him seem to grasp something.

"Father, I..." His body trembled slightly, looking at Xuan Chifeng, he couldn't quite believe his intuition.

"This is... you actually have a sign of breaking through the limit?" Xuan Chifeng looked at his son, sensing the strength of his son, with a surprised expression on his face.That expression instantly transformed into an excited smile. [

"Son, calm down, you must calm yourself." He said as calmly as possible, but his tone was full of excitement.

"Turn back, return to the extreme star at full speed! Pay attention to stay vigilant, and the main ship must not be disturbed in any way!"

He was almost yelling.

This trip to the crimson vortex was not fruitless, and Yiwang actually showed signs of breaking through the limit at this time!Great, my son is finally about to enter the Star Master Realm!

With joy, Xuan Chifeng helped Xuan Yiwang leave the control center, came to a quiet secret room, and personally guarded his son's upgrade.

Shen Zheng didn't know that his battle had such a big impact on Xuan Yiwang, at this moment he just kept heading towards the deepest part of the crimson vortex.

In the previous escape, the center of the crimson vortex blocked him with a strong resistance, but he couldn't be sure whether it was generated against him, or against the Zonghuang Luosha, or even against the power of Suzaku's holy spirit of.So he's going to try again.

However, the unease that I just got used to has always been there, like a shadow, never leaving.This made him feel extremely anxious and impatient, but he still couldn't pinpoint the source of that anxiety.

Finally, he suddenly stopped in the air, looking around vigilantly.But no matter how he sensed it, he couldn't sense any trace of the stalker.

"Come out." He said coldly, "Although I don't know who you are and where you are hiding next to me, I can feel you."

"Young man, you are really good." From the misty blood mist on the left, the figure of an old man slowly emerged.Shen Zheng felt that he didn't appear from the blood mist, nor did he come out from the turbulence of time and space, but... suddenly appeared from a mysterious space.

The blood mist is not just a cover.

"Peak Star Master?" He frowned slightly, and immediately recognized the other party's identity.

"Awesome, you can know my strength just by the way I appear, not bad!" The old man nodded.

The old man looks like he is in his 80s because his beard and hair are all white.But if you look at the skin alone, he looks a bit like a baby.The so-called "hefa and childlike face" is probably like this.

The old man was dressed in a very casual attire, not a sharp officer nor a stately robe.The style of the clothes is between the popular clothes of the planets in the Crimson Spiral Galaxy, and there is no special style, nor can it be said whether it is good-looking or ugly.

"Thank you for the compliment." Shen Zheng nodded at the other party, which was regarded as a respect for the old senior and a congratulatory gift for the other party's praise for him.But mentally, he is on high alert and can suddenly exert his full strength at any time.

Of course, it refers to the power to escape.

He didn't think that the current self could deal with such a peak star master, especially the old man in front of him.

Because in theory, compared with humans and Zerg, among the strong at the same level, Zerg is still stronger.Insects are between humans and insects, and their strength is more biased towards insects. Therefore, among the strong at the same level, the strength of human beings is not as strong as that of insects.

But Shen Zheng's impression of the old man in front of him was no less than that of Luo Sha.Shen Zheng felt that although the coercion he brought to him was not as good as Luo Sha when he had the flame arm, it was stronger than the previous Luo Sha.

"It's not a compliment, it's just telling the truth." The old man smiled faintly. "The old man's name is Bruuu." [

"Nice to meet you." Shen Zheng nodded slightly. "I just don't know why Mr. Bruu followed me all the way here?"

"Why did you come to the crimson vortex?" Bruu didn't answer, but instead asked Shen Zheng. "You have already reached the sixth level, even among the star masters, you are already a top-notch expert. Why did you go to this terrifying tomb of the star master alone?"

"Aren't you here too?" Shen Zheng asked back.

"Young man, I heard a rumor before that there was a man named Li Yunhe who knew the secret of the crimson monster." Bruu said, "This secret made me curious, so I started looking for Li Yunhe, but unfortunately I can't find him anymore. But he is not the only one who knows this secret, it is said that he entered the center of the vortex with another person, and that person is you, right?"

"Of course." Shen Zheng nodded.

"Then can you tell me the secret?" Bruu smiled kindly, but Shen Zheng knew that there was a murderous intent hidden under that kind smile.

That secret is really not worth mentioning, and knowing it or not doesn't help anyone.But the problem is that people who don't know the secret don't see it that way. They just think it's a secret that can benefit them greatly.

If Shen Zheng told the truth, everyone would think he was lying.

Shen Zheng suddenly realized that even if Li Yunhe died, he could still harm himself.The temptation of the mystery of the "crimson giant monster" will make several strong people stare at him and bring him countless troubles.

Shen Zheng sighed secretly, but he still told the truth under his choice.

"There is another world in the belly of the crimson monster." He said, "In that world, it is full of powerful residual power and will of the Holy Spirit. These powers and wills form countless energy bodies, the Holy Spirit. They are constantly killing each other in the inner world of their stomachs. Their will only have a short memory, and because they are not living things, they will not die. After being killed, they will be reborn immediately, and then continue to fight, stopping forever. There is a Shura field. "

"It turned out to be like this?" Bruu's eyes radiated light, obviously tempted.

"So, what good did you get there, and how did you get out?" he asked.

"Actually... not everyone who enters it will benefit." Shen Zheng said. "Didn't Li Yunhe just enter and travel for a while? As for how to get out... I can't explain clearly. Because I don't know how to get out."

"Young man, just such an answer will not satisfy me." Bruu shook his head slightly and sighed. "But I know that you will not tell me all the secrets anyway."

"I've already told you, but if you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do." Shen Zheng said.

"Then, come with me." Bruu smiled slightly, "Someone can make you tell the truth."

"Sorry, I'm not interested in taking a walk with you." Shen Zheng smiled, suddenly a soft white light appeared on his body, and he shot away into the distance.

"Come back." Bruu smiled and raised his hand slightly.

In the distance, a wave of space enveloped Shen Zheng, and in the next moment, Shen Zheng passed through a space and came in front of Bru Wu.

Frowning, he knew he couldn't escape.

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