star wars civilization.

Chapter 504: Another chapter in the depths of crimson

The crescent shovel fell headlong with a terrifying tearing space, and the crescent blade was facing Xiao Hei's neck. %&*

At the moment of life and death, Xiao Hei suddenly swung his head, and the black tide surged up on his body, rolling towards Zuo Qiudao.If Zuo Qiudao's crescent shovel didn't stop, he would surely draw a bloody groove on Xiao Hei's neck, but Xiao Hei's Kuroshio could also take the opportunity to wrap him tightly.

Zuo Qiudao had no reason to go all out.He retracted the shovel, retreated, and disappeared into the air in an instant, entering the temporary space he created.

"Xiao Hei, be careful!" Seeing that Xiao Hei was fine, Shen Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, and did not forget to tell him.

Xiao Hei shook his head and stared around.There was a trace of disdain in its eyes, as if it didn't care about Zuo Qiudao's trick. [

Suddenly, a black tide surged on its body, forming a huge wave layered on top of each other, surging back and forth around it, like a giant hand touching the surrounding space, judging which space is safe, And which space is dangerous.Suddenly, the giant hand seemed to have found its target, and suddenly rolled towards an empty place fiercely.

With the surge of the giant hand-like black tide, a huge water space suddenly appeared there, neutralizing a hidden space that existed there.

And the figure of Zuo Qiudao suddenly appeared in the void, frowning, swung the crescent shovel to kill Xiao Hei.

"You are very good." He said, "You can detect my position and make my sneak attack fail. But so what? The gap in strength is like a strict level, and you can't break through no matter what."

"The gap in strength?" Xiao Hei snorted, "Although I haven't reached the most perfect state, you don't want to do anything to me!"

Opening his mouth, Xiao Hei suddenly let out a loud roar, and the Kuroshio water wave resonated with its roar, turning into a black water column, and shot towards Zuo Qiudao violently like a giant cannon.

That was no ordinary water column.The water column contains a powerful space power, which is directly attached to the water column, evolving a space of water system, which is similar to the crescent shovel formed by tearing the space of Zuo Qiudao.

"Impossible!" Zuo Qiudao couldn't help exclaiming, stopped his forward charge, and the crescent shovel in his hand spun rapidly, bringing out surging space power.The tearing space formed a barrier in front of him, swallowing the water column.

But the water system space contained in the water column also neutralized his tearing space wall, the water column lost its hindrance, and still shot towards him. %&*

"Good method!" He snorted coldly, and the crescent shovel picked it up violently, tearing apart the space and engulfing the water column, quickly dissipating it.

"What's so great about this method?" Xiao Hei sneered, opened his mouth again, and sprayed water jets one after another with the Kuroshio space of the water system towards Zuo Qiudao.

Facing the water jets, Zuo Qiudao could only continuously wave the tearing space to resist, and then use the crescent shovel to disperse the water jets.But in this way, he fell into a passive defense, and he couldn't get close to Xiao Hei at all.

"Where is your prestige?" Xiao Hei couldn't help laughing triumphantly.

But with this smile, he stopped spraying the water jet, which gave Zuo Qiudao an opportunity.

"Little guy, you're still too tender!" Zuoqiu Dao would not let go of this opportunity, and came close to Xiao Hei in a blink of an eye, and the crescent shovel slashed towards Xiao Hei's neck with a tearing space.

"It's you who are too tender." The little black head didn't turn around, just sneered, while its snake tail opened its mouth wide, and suddenly spewed out a jet of water with the space of the Kuroshio.Caught off guard, Zuo Qiudao was hit by the water jet on his left shoulder, and he flew out at once, like a cannon fired by a cannon, thrown into the distance.

"You are not my opponent at all!" Xiao Hei let out a proud laugh, using the hyperspace to appear beside Zuo Qiudao as if teleporting, raised his left foot, and brought the Kuroshio space towards Zuo Qiudao fiercely Smash it.

Zuo Qiudao gritted his teeth, endured the great pain in his shoulder, and waved the crescent shovel with both hands, slamming upwards to meet it.The tearing space and the Kuroshio space collided, canceling each other out, and Xiao Hei's huge foot smashed hard on Zuo Qiudao's crescent shovel. The huge force made Zuo Qiudao's arms tremble, and he fell towards the space below. go.

"Come teach me again!" Xiao Hei yelled, and quickly chased after him, before Zuo Qiudao could recover, he slammed his foot on him again.Zuo Qiudao barely blocked it, but was thrown flying out again. [

When he was in the air, he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, obviously he was injured internally by the shock.But this kind of injury is nothing to the dignified peak star master, as long as he is given a little time, he can calmly restore himself to his original state.

But Xiao Hei obviously didn't give him this time, he still rushed over quickly, and swung his huge feet to hit him again.

"Damn guy, you're too deceitful!" Zuo Qiudao roared angrily, turned his body recklessly, and swung the crescent shovel fiercely.Above it, the huge tearing space became even bigger, hitting Xiao Hei's giant foot fiercely, and knocking Xiao Hei's giant foot back.

"I'll kill you first!" Zuoqiu Dao had a look of madness in his eyes, and flew towards Shen Zheng recklessly.With a wave of his hand, a tearing space appeared within a radius of more than ten kilometers, surrounding Shen Zheng, and it seemed that it would explode at any time, tearing Shen Zheng apart.

"You dare!" Xiao Hei roared, and returned to Shen Zheng's side like lightning. The powerful Kuroshio space spread all around immediately, and a powerful water system power suddenly burst out.For a moment, within a radius of more than ten kilometers, the Kuroshio surged, as if the universe changed into a water world.

The waves were flying, the black tide was surging, and when everything was over, Zuo Qiudao disappeared without a trace.

"Fake?" Xiao Hei looked around in a daze. "It turned out to be a false move, this guy is really cunning."

"Xiao Hei, I really have you." Shen Zheng looked at Xiao Hei, and reached out to gently stroke its forehead. "It's great to have the power of the peak star master. Now we don't have to worry about those powerful guys making trouble."

"No..." Xiao Hei looked at Shen Zheng, and smiled, "Because I... because I haven't woken up yet. I'm just trying to force myself to wake up, I..."

As it spoke, it slowly closed its eyelids.

"The enemy's breath disappears, and the power to keep me awake also disappears." It said, "I will continue to sleep, sleep... But there is still good news, Eggy..."

What happened to Eggy, Xiao Hei didn't say anything.Because at this time, it had completely fallen into a deep sleep, just lying in the vast space, and fell asleep quietly.

Gently stroking Xiao Hei's head, Shen Zheng shook his head and smiled, and put it into the basalt worm core.This time it was Xiao Hei who saved his life, so what about next time?

Only by becoming stronger yourself is the most solid foundation.Shen Zheng thought in his heart, and couldn't help looking at the crimson vortex.There is a huge battlefield in that huge crimson blood fog space, and there should be a huge secret hidden in that battlefield.He wants to uncover this secret, and he wants to find the power that will allow him to break through.

The crimson vortex, although I have gone all the way to you and have experienced so many twists and turns, but this is the case, the stronger I want to see through your mind.

You can't stop me!

The power unfolded, towards the huge crimson world, Shen Zheng flew away with all his strength, and it didn't take long before he entered it, and continued to move forward, crossed the outer layer, and entered the middle layer.

When he was about to reach the deepest part of the middle layer, Shen Zheng suddenly felt waves of thoughts coming from afar.Judging from the quality and quantity of fluctuations, there should be a large number of human beings exuding a sense of fear.

Have human fleets entered the meso-deep?Shen Zheng couldn't help frowning.Isn't this courting death?What are they trying to do?

Thinking of this, he suddenly shook his head and smiled wryly.

What do you want to do?What do you want to do here by yourself?They are actually the same as you, eager to be strong, eager to receive huge external support, and eager to be the best among others.

You can't just watch them die here.Shen Zheng didn't hesitate, and flew towards it directly. [

Not long after, a huge battlefield appeared in front of his eyes.

There are more than [-] warships moored in the space deep in the middle layer of the crimson vortex. They form a defensive fortress. They use powerful main naval guns to continuously bombard the powerful Zerg in the distance, and then use guided missiles and machine guns to destroy the mid-near Zerg.

Surrounding them is a huge bug swarm, led by hundreds of star master bugs, the total number may be around [-] to [-].Such a huge swarm of insects surrounded the entire fleet, making all humans flee.

Thirty or so powerful star master level strongmen are brandishing their insect spirit weapons, releasing their holy spirit killing moves and holy spirit space, dealing with those powerful star master level insects.It is because of their existence that the powerful insect swarm cannot easily break through the defense line and enter the inner circle of the battleship group.

But the difference in the number is too big, there are [-] to [-] bugs, and there are hundreds of star master bugs.

But the strongest of these human beings is only at the level of fifth-tier star masters, and there are only less than ten of them. Most of the other star masters are only second- and third-tier star masters. Such a team wants to block this army forever. It is impossible to do it outside the battleship group.Moreover, in order to protect the entire fleet, they had to disperse. One person was in charge of a large space, while the swarm took advantage of their numbers and formed more than thirty groups to attack them specifically.

After a long attack, some star masters have gradually shown a state of exhaustion.That solid line of defense is already in jeopardy.

Thanks to those fifth-tier star masters, who are constantly running around, supporting various defense areas where dangers arise, and coupled with the artillery cooperation of the battleship group, the safety of the human army can be maintained.

But the building is already on the verge of falling.

"Everyone, don't be afraid, I'll help you!" Shen Zheng mobilized his strength and let out a loud roar. In an instant, a soft white light radiated from his body, and he transformed into a giant with a height of a thousand meters.

With just a movement of his body, he had already reached the edge of the battlefield, and the giant arm swung violently, and several bugs were directly smashed into pieces in the path of the giant arm.

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