star wars civilization.

Chapter 505: Instant Kill, Group Destruction

"It's Shen Zheng!"

When someone saw the Giant of Light, they immediately knew that Shen Zheng had rushed over, and couldn't help but smile on their faces. %&*

Shen Zheng's fame spread throughout the star regions of the Crimson Vortex through every participant, the first team leader, and even every soldier on the battleship after the extreme experience. Many people know There is such an amazing peak star spirit who can transform into a white body of light and sweep away the tyrannical seventh-level star master.

His appearance at this time, even more so with a frightening [-]-meter-tall figure, undoubtedly brought hope to everyone.

The swarm immediately panicked.Although most of them are huge monsters over a hundred meters high, in front of the giant of light at a height of a thousand meters, they are like big mice. With one punch and one kick, several or even dozens of them will be beaten immediately. into pieces. [

The bugs at the star master level immediately panicked. They screamed wildly and directed the swarm to surround Shen Zheng. At the same time, they pulled out most of the star master level power and attacked Shen Zheng.

Of the nearly 100 star-level bugs, only more than [-] stayed and continued to attack the defense line of the strong human beings, and all the rest rushed towards Shen Zheng.

About [-] star master-level bugs came towards Shen Zheng overwhelmingly like this, even if Shen Zheng had the eighth-level power at this time, he couldn't help but feel a headache.

But he had no other choice, and the body of light rushed towards the army of bugs without hesitation. At the point of punching, the two bugs were smashed into pieces all over the sky, and the bug core in its body was in Shen Zheng's hands. Under the control of power, he was collected into the body of light, and then came to Shen Zheng's side, and was sent into the space worm core by him for storage.

Several bugs screamed strangely, calling for their companions to gather together. In a blink of an eye, the nearly three hundred star-lord-level bugs were divided into dozens of groups of a dozen or so, and each group was combining their forces. In one place, it was launched violently towards Shen Zheng.

The way they are grouped is not a random combination, but a reasonable grouping with star-level bugs above Tier [-] and above, supplemented by other bugs. Attack with force to boost it.

All of a sudden, dozens of huge Zerg life source ultimate moves appeared in the space, and they all shot towards Shen Zheng with crazy screams.

Even the mighty eighth-rank star master still has a headache in the face of these dozens of life-source ultimate moves, and dare not beat him lightly.Shen Zheng immediately retracted the body of light, changing from an astonishing height of a thousand meters to a height of more than a hundred meters. In this way, the target became smaller, and many life-source killing moves were swept away.

But the life source ultimate move is different from ordinary fire and water arrows. They have their own attack will and are controlled by their masters. ^After rushing into the air, they immediately turned in the air, roaring and charging towards Shen Zheng again.

Shen Zheng walked in the air, dodging these ultimate moves, and when he encountered something he couldn't avoid, he immediately released the ultimate holy move to detonate it.

But if one is exploded, another worm will be released immediately, keeping a certain number of life source ultimate moves to deal with Shen Zheng, so that he can't get close to the worm swarm.

There is no way to go on like this!

Shen Zheng frowned, and the power surged on the wheel of the Holy Spirit, intending to use strong means to defeat these life-source ultimate moves and attack the insect swarm.

But at this moment, there was another wave of fluctuations in the basalt worm core, and a breath of flames poured out from the Kuroshio overwhelmingly, as if to be equally divided with the Kuroshio.Immediately, a powerful will opened up the space of the basalt insect nucleus, and a pillar of fire shot out from it, turning into a vermilion bird egg more than [-] meters long beside Shen Zheng.

A huge force surged on Eggy's body. Feeling the signs of this force, the insect power in his body began to change. On the wheel of the holy spirit behind him, five different forces were interacting with each other. Intertwined, slowly fused together, perfectly integrated into a whole under the control of the central holy spirit, and instantly exuded stronger power.

Infected by Eggy's power, Shen Zheng actually broke through the seventh-order limit at this moment, and finally advanced to the eighth-order star master, only one step away from becoming a peak existence!

"Eggy?" Sensing the changes in his body, Shen Zheng was pleasantly surprised. "you're awake?"

"Wake up!" Eggy raised her head and let out a loud cry, "Wake up completely! Master, I have absorbed all the power I got, and the power has reached the peak level, so I will come out to help you immediately!"

"It's just in time." Shen Zheng nodded, pointing to the crazily coming Zerg Life Source killing move. "This stuff is giving me a dead headache."[

"In front of the peak powerhouses, these things are nothing." Eggy cried out triumphantly. In the space in front of him, there was a scorching airflow criss-crossing all around. A huge space of flames suddenly formed and spread to the surroundings. The real cosmic space overlaps.

As soon as those powerful Zerg life source killing moves approached this space, they were sucked into it, and under the burning of the flames there, they turned into pure energy bodies and were swallowed and obliterated.

Dozens of life source killing moves were completely wiped out in a moment.Eggy flapped her wings triumphantly, and the flame space dissipated instantly.

"Junior!" It opened its mouth and let out a loud roar, "How dare you be arrogant in front of me? It's really desperate!"

The swarm trembled in panic.

Feeling the aura of blood relatives of the Holy Spirit and the powerful power of Eggy, all the bugs felt instinctive fear.But in the dark, there is a force that brings them courage, making them unite amidst the screams.

"Don't be afraid, we can kill it with our combined efforts!" A powerful worm roared, and at the same time surging worm power surged from his body, and the life source killing move radiated out again. With the assistance, it immediately turned into a terrifying force of gigantic proportions, rushing towards Eggy.

The other groups also exerted their strength at the same time, radiating out a ultimate move of the source of life, intending to use the advantage of numbers to kill Dandan in one fell swoop.

A disdainful smile represents the contempt of the strong for the weak.Eggy looked around coldly, and looked at this group of powerful bugs with an ant-like gaze.It didn't run away, and it didn't use any power to resist. It just let out a long cry, created a temporary space of flames in the space in front of it, and swallowed all the life-source killing moves into that space.

The fierce and spectacular life source ultimate move disappeared in that instant, without bringing a single spark of energy into the vast universe, nor did it generate any loud explosion noise.They entered another world, where they died together with the flames, but they couldn't have any influence on this world.

"Continue to attack, we have a large number, and we will definitely consume its power!" The powerful bug in the lead roared, gathering a powerful force on his body again.

"I don't want to play with you guys anymore." Eggy looked into the distance coldly and snorted softly.It opened its mouth, as if taking a breath, but what was formed in its mouth was not an air mass, but the turbulent space power of Penghu.Afterwards, it uttered a loud cry towards the swarm, and in that cry, a huge flame space with a diameter of more than 60 kilometers slowly formed around the swarm, surrounding the entire swarm.

"Not good!" The mighty worm howled in horror, "Run, run! That is the strongest destructive power, we are far from opponents!"

The instinct to survive, and the strong will coming from somewhere, can't control them to fight to the death again.They disintegrated into independent individuals in an instant, desperately fleeing towards the distance.

Those bugs who were fighting against the strong human beings also left their companions at this moment and flew towards the distance.

"It's the space power of the peak star master!" The strong human beings were also in panic, they hurriedly gathered together, desperately exerting their respective powerful powers, trying to contend with this power.At the same time, someone shouted at Shen Zheng with all his strength: "General Shen Zheng, keep your hands! The bug has already escaped, don't accidentally hurt your own people!"

Under this kind of wide spatial attack, every time anyone has the power to resist, everyone's heart hangs in their throats for an instant, I am afraid that Shen Zheng's worm servant will release his power recklessly, and wait for the time to come. It's a doomsday situation for everyone.

"Eggy, don't hurt anyone!" Shen Zheng hurriedly yelled at Eggy.

"Don't worry, I know it." Eggy smiled slightly, her eyes showed strong confidence.

"Really?" Shen Zheng asked.

"Of course." Eggy said proudly.

"Then leave all their worm nuclei, don't burn them together." [

"...Master, you are really greedy."

Joking is all joking, but when she was really exerting her strength, Eggy was not ambiguous at all.It looked at the swarm of scattered insects, and suddenly let out another loud cry.Amidst the chirping sound, the huge flame space suddenly exerted a powerful force, and in an instant, all the Zerg within its range were swallowed into it.

But around the human fleet, the space of flames receded far away, so that they couldn't even feel a little heat flow.

In a space with a diameter of more than 60 kilometers, even if the entire insect swarm is scattered, it is enough to wrap the entire insect swarm in it. What's more, the insect swarm is attacking the human fleet, and naturally adopts a dense attack formation. They started to run away with all their strength now, and they couldn't escape from the range of Eggy's flame space at all.

In just an instant, the huge swarm of insects, numbering as many as [-] to [-], disappeared into this vast space.In the flame space that overlaps with it, raging flames soar, like a hell of flames, burning every bug that enters into coke and fly ash.

The huge insect swarm that could destroy several planets and obliterate several civilizations was completely wiped out in an instant!

This is the power of the peak powerhouse!

"Master, these are for you." Eggy said triumphantly, as she flapped her wings, several flames flew from the flame space, and it turned out to be hundreds of star master-level insect cores that were still burning.

"I can only keep these." Eggy said, "Those protoss-level insect cores are too weak, even if I control the heat of the fire to the lowest point, they can't stand the burning, and they are all turned into ashes."

"Good, good!" Shen Zheng was overjoyed, and waved his hand to extinguish the flames on these worm cores, and put them all into the worm core space.

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