star wars civilization.

Chapter 506: A Powerful Resistance Barrier

"The power of the peak star master is simply a sharp weapon for destroying life." Shen Zheng looked at the starry sky beside him, recalling the situation in that moment just now, and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

"Of course." Eggy was unhappy.

"Your promotion has also benefited me." Shen Zheng said. "Now that I have advanced to the eighth level, I don't know what kind of improvement will be brought to me when Xiao Hei fully wakes up. Is it really possible to reach the peak like this?"

"Who knows." Eggy said, "The peak state of the star master level is extraordinary. Compared with it at the peak level, it can almost be regarded as another level."

"I hope it can come true." Shen Zheng waved his hand, the space power overflowed from the basalt worm core, and Eggy quickly entered the worm core. [

Turning his head to look at the fleet, Shen Zheng flew over quickly.Thirty or so star masters greeted them together, and almost at the same time they straightened up and saluted Shen Zheng.

"General Shen Zheng, thanks to you this time!" Someone said to him excitedly.

Looking around at the crowd, Shen Zheng found that most of them were unfamiliar faces, and only a few had seen them during extreme training, and they were the team leaders of several other star regions.

"It's nothing, this is what I should do." Shen Zheng saluted back with a kind attitude, which won him the favor of many people.

"If you didn't show up in time this time, we would all be finished." Someone said sincerely, "Your righteous deed will always be engraved in our hearts."

"The Red Light Sector is proud of you," said an officer.

"Are you from the Chiguang star region?" Shen Zheng asked in surprise.

"The captain of the exploration team sent by the headquarters of the red light star area." The officer said with a smile, "not only me, but these officers in front of me are all officers from the headquarters of the twelve major star areas in this galaxy. Swirl."

"Galaxy-level collective action?" Shen Zheng asked in surprise.

"Not really." The officer in the Chiguang Star District shook his head, "It should be said that the action was agreed upon by the major star districts. Therefore, the main forces in the star districts were not dispatched."

"Understood." Shen Zheng nodded, "But I advise everyone to leave here earlier. The crimson monster fell silent, but it doesn't mean it won't use other powers to deal with humans. Just now is the best example .I have encountered the battleship of Extreme Star before, and it was also almost destroyed by the swarm."

"Sure enough, the crimson vortex is not that simple..." Someone couldn't help sighing.

"Then what about you, General Shen Zheng?" an officer asked.

"Me?" Shen Zheng smiled, "The crimson vortex is a rare opportunity for me. %&*

"Our minds are the same," said an officer, "so please understand."

"I have an unfeeling request." The captain of the Chiguang star area hesitated, and finally opened his mouth. "General Shen Zheng, after all, you are from the other star, that is, from our star area. Can... can you also lead us into the depths of the vortex? Although we are not talented, we are still a force that can help you. And if there are chores that need to be done, we can do our best.”

Everyone's eyes lit up, staring at Shen Zheng with expectations.

Shen Zheng knew that even if he drove them away, they would still continue to go deep into the crimson vortex, and when something happened, he still couldn't leave them alone, and had to come to rescue them.

He is not sure about the situation inside the crimson vortex. It is a good thing to have a group of people to help him. [

"Okay." Shen Zheng nodded slowly. "But everyone must follow my command. If there is danger, I want you to evacuate, and you must evacuate."

"Understood!" Thirty people almost said in unison.

They looked at Shen Zheng as if they were looking at their immediate superior, the highest official.

Shen Zheng couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.

After these people reorganized the fleet, Shen Zheng came to the giant ship in the Chiguang star area.The team leader of the Chiguang star area was very respectful to him, and gave Shen Zheng his seat in the control room.Although Shen Zheng refused, but he couldn't persuade him, so he sat down.

Not only him, everyone inside the battleship looked at Shen Zheng with gratitude and reverence.Shen Zheng knew that it was because he had just pulled them back from the death line.

Man is not an individual creature, he must live in a group.And living in a group, being respected and supported by others, is far better than being simply feared.Shen Zheng already understood this truth, so he agreed to everyone.He knew that after he did these things today, his reputation in the entire galaxy would be even higher.

People live a lifetime, but seek to be famous in the world, this is success.

Shen Zheng is not a Zen master or a monk who sees through the red dust, so naturally he also has the desire for success.Feeling the admiration of the people around him, he was somewhat complacent.But at the same time, he also reminded himself that this success was brought about by a strong force. If he was satisfied with this and stopped being strong, he would only be like these soldiers and become an admirer who looked up to the strong.

Crimson vortex, will you surprise me?

Shen Zheng was thinking.

The fleet moved on.I don't know if it's because all the powerful bugs in the middle layer are dead, or there is some powerful force that doesn't want to embarrass them anymore. The fleet moved forward smoothly, and didn't encounter a single powerful bug.

Gradually, the fleet came from the middle level to the inside of the crimson vortex.The surrounding blood mist became thicker, and a palpitating breath of death began to appear around. The fighters below the protoss could hardly control themselves, and many of them shivered, as if they had a bad cold. Same in fever.

"Report, we have encountered a strong resistance field ahead!" At this time, a protoss-level officer reported to the captain.

"How strong?" the captain asked.

"It's like substance," said the officer. "Just ten kilometers ahead, if we forcibly crash into it, I'm afraid we will destroy ourselves like a ship crashing into an iceberg and sink in the cosmic sea of ​​stars."

"If that's the case, you won't be able to see the sea of ​​stars." Shen Zheng stood up, "I'll just be melted into the blood mist here..."

Many people thought carefully and shivered.

Sleep here forever, become an existence like the tomb of the strong, and then many years later, maybe in the generation of your own descendants, strong will be born again, and then come here to practice, and finally find your own bones...

Thinking of this, everyone felt fear.

"Stop advancing!" Shen Zheng issued an order decisively, and the captain immediately ordered his subordinates to obey Shen Zheng's command.

The warships in the Chiguang star area stopped first, and then, either because they received their notice, or because they saw that the warship Shen Zheng was on stopped, they themselves stopped to wait for news, and the entire fleet stopped there. outside the resistance field. [

"I'll go and see for myself." Shen Zheng said, "You guard the fleet."

"I'll go too." The captain chased after Shen Zheng with his star-level adjutant. "There are still the deputy captain and other officers, and the battleship does not necessarily need to be guarded by me."

"Alright." Shen Zheng nodded without objecting.The situation ahead is unpredictable, and it is not a bad thing to have a few more help.

The three of them flew out one after the other, and then, more than 20 Star Master powerhouses flew out from the battleships and caught up with the two of them.Among these people, 11 are the captains of the various star regions, and 11 are their adjutants.

"General Shen Zheng, are you going to investigate in person?" Someone asked.Seeing Shen Zheng nodded, he immediately said: "Let's go with you too, so we can take care of each other if there is anything to do."

"Everyone be careful." Shen Zheng said, "If any dangerous situation happens, you must obey my orders."

"Yes!" Everyone said in unison.

A group of people immediately formed a formation, followed closely behind Shen Zheng, formed a sharp triangle formation, and flew forward.The distance of more than ten kilometers is nothing in the eyes of these star masters, and they have reached the detected resistance field after a while.

Feeling the powerful aura ahead, everyone slowed down immediately, and finally stopped.Shen Zheng signaled everyone not to follow, and flew forward slowly.

The more you go forward, the more you can feel the huge resistance, as if you are a magnet, and there is a bigger magnet in front of you, facing you with the same pole.

Gradually, against the huge resistance, Shen Zheng came to the power barrier of the resistance field.He felt that with his eighth-level star master's strength, if he didn't use huge strength to stabilize himself while hanging here, he would be pushed far away by resistance.He frowned slightly, slowly stretched out his hand, and touched forward.

In the void, there was a force that formed a solid "wall". When his hand touched the wall of force, it felt like touching the strong and smooth steel outer wall of a battleship.

"It's really solid." Shen Zheng nodded slowly. "At that time, I was chased by Luo Sha, and you were the one who blocked me with great power, right? What are you? Who made you? Why did you keep me out? Who is afraid to see me?"

He whispered to himself, and suddenly, the wheel of the holy spirit emerged from behind, and the central holy spirit exerted a powerful power to control everything, combined the power of the other four holy spirits into one, and injected it into Shen Zheng's body.

With a shake of his hand, the Blood Spirit Whip broke out of his body, sucked the power into his body completely, and instantly transformed into a big snake shining with five colors continuously.

At this time, a soft white light flashed on Shen Zheng's body, Xue Su and others also exerted their power in the worm nucleus and sent it to Shen Zheng's body.Shen Zheng integrated this power into the big snake.In an instant, the big snake was completely wrapped in white light, looking holy and noble.

Gently spitting out the letter, staring at the invisible power barrier, the big snake suddenly twisted its body, and slammed into the barrier fiercely like this.

With a bang, it was quickly opened again.

The shape barrier in that space did not shake at all, but the big snake that hit it showed signs of shattering.

so strong?Shen Zheng couldn't help being surprised.

That was his all-out attack just now, even such an attack can't break the force field?

Is it really impossible to get in?

He frowned, and called Dandan, and immediately, a flame shot out from the core of the basalt worm, turning into Dandan with a length of [-] meters.

"I'm coming!" it roared.

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