star wars civilization.

Chapter 507: Crimson Vortex Closed

The power of the flames surged in the surrounding space, and Eggy's eyes seemed to overflow with the light of flames. It suddenly let out a loud and long cry, and shot out a sharp arrow of fire.A powerful, arrow-shaped flame space was attached to the arrow, and the strong force of space slammed into the solid resistance wall.

The surging flames scattered in all directions, but the powerful flame space couldn't overlap with the barrier, and was completely blocked from the outside, unable to enter at all.

As the rocket flew away, the rocket-shaped flame space also fell apart, turning into space power and scattered everywhere.

"How could this happen?" Eggy was taken aback, "Who created the barrier that even my strength can't break through? No, it's not a question of whether to break through or not. The space here actually blocks my space from going inward. Extend... what kind of power is this?"

Can block the power of space? [

Shen Zheng looked at the barrier and couldn't help being stunned.

If it is really such a power, then the person who created this barrier has mastered the power of space to an extremely terrifying level.

Lord of the galaxy?

Shen Zheng stared at the barrier, shaking his head slowly.

No, there should be only the crimson monster in the center of the crimson vortex, and according to my measurement, the crimson monster is not really a tangible creature, it should be the idea of ​​all the holy spirits on the ancient holy spirit battlefield, An immortal thought group generated.It devours star-level powerhouses just to maintain the operation of its own space, so it should not have independent consciousness.

So who made this barrier?

And why did he make it?Just to hold me back?

block me?

Shen Zheng looked at the barrier, and felt the urge not to admit defeat.

I want to see if you can stop me!

"Eggy, let's come together!" Shen Zheng roared, a soft white light flickered all over his body, his consciousness penetrated into the space of the insect nucleus to contact the three of Xuesu, and sent power into his body.

The body of light emitted a dazzling light, and Shen Zheng's body suddenly turned into a thousand-meter-high giant. He was so startled that all the star masters hurriedly ran away from him for fear of being hit by his body.

"Here we come!" Dandan's eyes flashed with flaming light again, and the white light on Shen Zheng's body turned into countless threads, connecting him with Dandan.Eggy danced in an instant, expanding her body to a length of more than a thousand meters, standing side by side with Shen Zheng, while brewing huge strength.

"Oh my God!" The Star Lord powerhouses stared in astonishment and couldn't help but exclaim.

"Shen Zheng like this, who can be his opponent?" Someone couldn't help but sigh.

While the light was cooling, the flame passed from Dandan's body to Shen Zheng's body, and the white light passed from Shen Zheng's body to Dandan's body. The light and flame of the two were entangled with each other. It rises in the middle, driving away the thick blood mist around it far away.

A monstrous insect power boiled in Shen Zheng's body, and he suddenly felt that all the insect power in his upper, middle and lower dantians boiled and burned, as if they had all turned into flames, burning his body , forging their own strength.He felt a force flowing towards his back, and that force moved the wheel of the holy spirit on his back to slowly rotate, turning faster and faster.

Finally, the holy spirit wheel spun like the wind, without stopping.And the power of the five holy spirits merged instantly, transforming all the insect power in Shen Zheng's body into the power of space.

This is the real space power?This is the power that can generate space? [

Sensing that power, Shen Zheng's eyes became clearer.He suddenly realized that he no longer needed the power of Xue Su and others, because the power added to him did not bring much improvement to his power, but could only transform him into a body of light outside his body, turning him into a body of light. Just giant giants.

But the strength will not change, because he has reached the limit of strength, which can be increased.

"Master, you... have you advanced?" Eggy turned to look at Shen Zheng, and cried out in surprise.

"Is it influenced by you?" Shen Zheng smiled slightly, and turned to the barrier. "Eggy, our two peak star masters work together, if you don't believe it, you won't be able to break this damn barrier!"

"That's right!" Eggy responded loudly.

White and red brilliance shone on both sides, forming a terrifyingly powerful force.Eggy faced the resistance barrier and uttered a long cry, while Shen Zheng raised his fist and struck forward quickly.

Amidst the sound, a dignified space of flames appeared on the barrier, completely surrounding the barrier, and under Shen Zheng's heavy punch, a space as sharp as a sword overlapped with the space of flames, rather than neutralizing each other , but borrowed from each other to fuse the two spaces into a destructive space full of high heat and sharp power.

"Explosion!" Eggy and Shen Zheng yelled almost at the same time, exerting the power of space to the extreme.

Amidst the loud bang, the surrounding space became turbulent, and the whole world seemed to start to shake. The more than 20 star-level powerhouses who followed Shen Zheng couldn't stabilize themselves in this turmoil. , like fallen leaves in a storm, was thrown up and down, and was rushed to the distance in the turmoil.

Not only them, but even the fleet more than ten kilometers away was affected, spinning and flying like a boat in a hurricane, and was blown away in all directions.

The world was shaking, but the huge barrier of resistance did not shake in the slightest.It is like a huge rock in the sea, no matter how the tide is, it remains motionless and unshakable.

The power of the two spaces exploded completely, and eventually dissipated, but the resistance barrier was unharmed, mocking the two peak star masters with their own unscathed damage.

"Failed?" Eggy was a little dumbfounded, looking at the resistance barrier at a loss.

And Shen Zheng was full of confidence just now, but now he gradually calmed down.

There are people beyond the human world, and beyond the sky, there is a greater existence above the pinnacle.Now I have only stepped in front of a door, and there is still a threshold to pass, so why do I feel that I am already great?Why dare to face greatness without fear?

At that moment, his mood was more mature.He seemed to have an epiphany, no need to explain, it was wonderful.

He suddenly smiled, without any annoyance or surprise, just a simple smile.Just like the flowers will bloom after the spring breeze blows, just like the land will be fertile after the river water is moistened.

Just as the sky is blue, the water is clear, the mountains are majestic, the sun is warm, and the moonlight is cold.

There is no reason, everything is natural, coincides with the rules of the creation of heaven and earth, coincides with the rules of the creation of the universe, coincides with the evolution and development, birth and death of all things.

"We should leave." Facing the resistance barrier, he smiled lightly.

"Master, what did you say?" Eggy looked at him in astonishment, unable to understand his emotions.

At this moment, in the deepest part of the crimson vortex, in the center of the body of the crimson monster whose true colors can be seen, in the center of the huge blood cell. [

The long-haired man slowly opened his eyes, slowly turned his neck, and looked towards a distant place.

As his eyes opened, huge coercion immediately spread in all directions, and the ten strong men surrounding him immediately felt trembling all over.The sea of ​​people in the distance is surging, and people are shaking into a ball.

"Holy Emperor, you..." The old man with thick beard and hair raised his head in panic and looked at the long-haired man.

"The fire of thought is burning." The man said slowly. "Weak, small, and insignificant. However, it will eventually spread and become a force that burns everything. Danger is the biggest obstacle for my family."

A kind of invisible power hovered around him, as if loyal servants were surrounding him to please him, and as if a loving mother was stroking his whole body with her hands to comfort him.

He slowly closed his eyes and fell into silence.The frightening coercion disappeared, the ten people returned to normal, and the sea of ​​people in the distance gradually calmed down. There were fewer and fewer people trembling, and finally they all straightened up, and they were even more refreshed.

It seems that the seedlings that have survived a heavy rain have grown stronger because they have received sufficient moisture.

Ten of them slowly exuded enormous energy.The benefits they gained under this coercion were obviously far greater than the crowd over there.

The power hovering around the long-haired man gradually went outward.But no one can perceive it.It exists, but it does not exist. It is ethereal and has a shape, but it has stronger power than any tangible and qualitative things.

It went to the distance, crossed the vast sea of ​​people, crossed the vast blood cells, easily overflowed from the solid shell, passed through the long space, crossed the battlefield of the holy spirit, and crossed the crimson monster The shell, and then surpassed the thick blood mist over there.

At that moment, Shen Zheng suddenly put away his smile, looked into the depths of the resistance barrier, and couldn't help saying: "Are you here?"

I am coming.

A faint voice answered him.He wasn't sure if it was a real voice, or just a figment of his own head.But he knew that the voice did not exist, everything was just a feeling of himself.

When he felt those three words, a huge force was suddenly generated, and the resistance barrier suddenly exerted a powerful force like a storm, and rushed out vertically and horizontally. Shen Zheng and Dandan had no resistance, and were blown away immediately To the distance.

As for those star masters, they flew out irresistibly.

This gust of wind blew out of the crimson vortex, and it didn't take long for Shen Zheng, Eggy, the star masters of each star area and their fleets to blow out of the middle zone of the crimson vortex.

When everything stopped, the dizzy star masters were shocked to find that they and the fleet had been placed in the outer layer of the crimson vortex.In front of them, at the border between the outer layer and the middle layer, the powerful resistance barrier shone with a gleam of light, as if it were a smooth glass wall.

"Master, are you alright?" Eggy came to Shen Zheng's side immediately after waking up.It still remembered that Shen Zheng had just said something inexplicable, it was worried that something was wrong with Shen Zheng.

Shen Zheng also seemed to wake up, waved his hand: "I'm fine."

He shook his head, recalling the wonderful feeling just now, vaguely felt like he had experienced a dream.

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