star wars civilization.

Chapter 509: Ye Jihua

On the boundary between the middle layer and the outer layer of the crimson vortex, before that glass-like transparent and shining resistance barrier, but as solid as an insurmountable world boundary, a figure was hovering incessantly.

It was an old man with gray hair.

Before the resistance barrier, he looked left and right, and carefully felt the power of the barrier. After hesitating for a moment, he finally stretched out his hand and pressed hard against the barrier.

The barrier is like a substance, and there is a slight warm feeling in the tentacles.When he pressed down hard, there was a huge resistance from the barrier.

He frowned slightly, stepped back, then suddenly raised his fist, and moved forward slowly.Immediately, a huge space of destruction appeared in front of the barrier, trying to overlap with the barrier and destroy it. [

But that space can only exist in front of the barrier, and can't go any further.

The old man's eyes were full of worry, and he shook his fist violently, and all the power burst out from that piece of destruction space, shattered and turned into attack power visible in this world, and hit the barrier.

Amidst the huge shock, the barrier remained motionless, but the old man was knocked sideways by the force of the recoil and flew backwards.

"So strong!" The old man looked at the barrier in astonishment, "What the hell is this? What kind of strong man can create such a thing?"

"Can't you guess?"

A voice came, and then, a figure approached from a distance, and quickly came to his side.He watched intently, and cold sweat immediately poured out of his body.

"Shen Zheng?" he exclaimed.

"Long time no see, Mr. Zuo Qiudao." The visitor sneered.

The two stood in the air, looked at each other, and talked to each other for a while.

"You actually..." Zuo Qiudao looked at Shen Zheng in a daze, his eyes filled with horror. "You actually achieved the pinnacle? This is impossible, how is this possible?"

"Disappointed you?" Shen Zheng smiled.

"What's going on here?" Zuo Qiudao pointed at the barrier excitedly. "Who set up such a barrier? Did you achieve the pinnacle because of the crimson vortex?"

"It has something to do with it." Shen Zheng nodded, "But it's not entirely because of it. If you ask me who set up this barrier, I don't know. In short, it should be set up by a powerful existence inside the crimson vortex Right. No matter what, no one can get in there now, at most, we can only break open some tombs of the strong on the outer layer, and search for their relics."

"Can't you break it?" Zuo Qiudao looked at the barrier, frowning deeply.

"With the combined strength of two peak powerhouses, there is no way to shake it." Shen Zheng said truthfully.

"So, the crimson vortex closed by itself..." Zuo Qiudao looked at the barrier, his eyes showing unwillingness.

"Compared to that, you seem to care more about the grievances between us." Shen Zheng looked at the other party. "When you forced a confession from me before, you didn't think of this situation, did you?"

"Listen, Shen Zheng." Zuo Qiudao did not retreat in panic. "As for the grievances between us, I sincerely admit to you. Speaking of which, you have not lost anything, right? We have no deep hatred, and we have a common enemy. Now the strong enemy is still there, but we are fighting each other A lose-lose situation, it can only benefit people from the Crimson Alliance.”

"Men are old and mature." Shen Zheng looked at Zuoqiu and said, after thinking for a while, he could only say these four words. [

Zuoqiu laughed.These four words already represented Shen Zheng's attitude.Yes, it is not advisable to act on one's will. In the face of a strong enemy, it is better to have one more comrade-in-arms, even if not too reliable, than one more enemy who hates each other.

"Although you are young, you have wisdom." Zuoqiu said. "I will prove to you that your choice is correct--I have received news that that fellow Bruu has found another partner to deal with you together. If I am here to help you, plus Your pinnacle insect servant, our chances of winning are very high."

"The other party is two peak star masters, but there are two such powerhouses on my side alone." Shen Zheng looked at Zuoqiu and said, "You actually only said that our chances of winning are 'very high'?"

"Because I think he found the strongest player in the Crimson Alliance." Zuo Qiudao said.

"The gap between the peak star masters doesn't seem too big, right?" Shen Zheng asked.

"I don't know the specific situation, but if I know more about him, even the five core elders will be in awe." Zuo Qiudao looked at Shen Zheng.

"What did you say?" Shen Zheng frowned. "You mean that his strength far surpasses the five most powerful elders?"

"It should be." Zuo Qiudao nodded, "Crimson's founder and our only leader is a galaxy master, but he hasn't appeared for a long time, and the internal affairs of the alliance have always been in charge of the five core elders. You can imagine how strong these five elders are. Everyone in the alliance respects them and dare not disobey their orders, except for one person. That person is like a lone ranger who disdains to cooperate with us. Maverick, but the five elders never interfere with him, what does this mean?"

"He is so powerful that the five elders can't suppress him." Shen Zheng said.

"That's right." Zuo Qiudao said, "His name is Ye Jihua, he is only 52 years old this year, and he looks very young."

Looking at Shen Zheng, he couldn't help smiling: "Of course, compared with us. Compared with you, he is already too old. But you will be surprised when you see him, because he is not like 50 years old at all. People who are more than [-] years old can at most look mature and attractive in their forties."

"Having great strength, a body younger than yours, and such an aura, this person is really the best in the world." Shen Zheng smiled faintly.

"If you want to truly integrate the great achievements of the world, you must be there." Zuo Qiudao looked at Shen Zheng and sighed suddenly. "In front of you, any peak powerhouse will feel ashamed, and can't help feeling envious or even jealous."

"What about you?" Shen Zheng looked at him.

"Same." Zuo Qiudao was honest. "I only hate that I don't have the genius and adventure like you."

"They should be here." Shen Zheng didn't answer his words, but turned in one direction and looked there.There, there is a piece of deep red, which is still far away from the outer space.Zuo Qiudao looked there, but couldn't see anything, couldn't sense anything.

But he knew that Shen Zheng didn't have nothing to do to make fun of himself, Shen Zheng must be aware of a certain existence.This made him feel horrified. How powerful is this young man?He has only just been promoted to the peak star master, can he surpass me, a veteran powerhouse?

Not long after, his expression changed slightly.Because at this time, he also felt the two powerful auras from afar.One of them was familiar to him, and it was Bruu who had been conspired and injured by him, while the other seemed to be not as powerful as Bruu.

But if he sensed it carefully, Zuo Qiudao found that it was just a deliberate concealment of his strength.After hiding his strength, he can still perform like this. If he lets go of his strength, how strong will he be?

Zuo Qiudao turned pale in an instant.

A moment later, two figures flew towards them and stopped in front of them.One of them is Bruu, while the other is wearing elegant and elegant clothes, covered with a flowing overcoat, with thick black hair, dazzling eyes, and a very handsome face. He looks 40 years old. The appearance of many years, with the unique charm of a mature man.

Obviously, this should be the legendary "Lone Ranger", Ye Jihua who refuses to be controlled by anyone in the Crimson League. [

His eyes swept across Zuo Qiudao coldly, staying on Shen Zheng's body, Ye Jihua's eyes slowly emitted a palpitating brilliance.

"Zuo Qiudao, didn't expect that?" Bruu didn't notice Shen Zheng at first, just stared at Zuo Qiudao. "Mr. Ye is nearby. As soon as I found him, he promised to help me deal with you, a traitor! I didn't expect Shen Zheng to be with you too. This is just right...Huh?"

At this time, he noticed Shen Zheng, looked up and down this young man whose temperament was completely different from before, his face became extremely ugly.

"Impossible, how is it possible?" He showed a startled expression, "You... have reached the peak realm?"

"Why, can't you?" Shen Zheng smiled faintly. "Mr. Bruuu took good care of me before, and now is the time for me to repay you. I have just been promoted to the peak star master, and I still don't have a good grasp of the power of this level. Mr. Bruuu, it's not as good as you A good person will do it to the end, and then give me some pointers?"

"Genius." At this moment, Ye Jihua spoke slowly.

His voice is deep, magnetic, and pleasant.Shen Zheng felt that if he could be a radio host or something among mortals, he would be fully qualified.

"Thank you for the compliment." Shen Zheng saluted slightly, "I'm just luckier than others."

"Luck is also strength." Ye Jihua nodded slowly, but Shen Zheng read disdain from his eyes, and read a trace of jealousy from his brain wave language.

Shen Zheng smiled.

"What is that?" Bruu's eyes suddenly changed, because he saw the glass-like resistance barrier at the boundary between the middle layer and the outer layer of the crimson vortex.He couldn't help but flew in a big circle and reached out to touch it.

"It's useless, don't waste your energy." Zuo Qiudao sneered, "It's completely closed, no matter how much power you use to attack, it won't move a single inch."

"That's just because the strength to attack it is insufficient." Ye Jihua looked at the resistance barrier and smiled conceitedly.

"Then Mr. Ye can try it himself." Shen Zheng slowly stepped aside and made a gesture of "please".

"No rush." ​​Ye Jihua looked at Shen Zheng. "Honestly, I didn't come here this time to ask Master Zuoqiu Daoxing. I mainly wanted to find you. I heard from Bruuu that you are not willing to tell the truth about the crimson giant monster's secret. I understand Your mood, after all, you attribute all the benefits to yourself, so that you can excel alone, while others can only look up to you, it is a good feeling."

"That's just your idea." Shen Zheng shook his head. "Only people with a narrow vision will be obsessed with this. For me, the long road to the strong is just the beginning, and I will not compete with others for the scenery at the starting point."

"What a big tone!" Ye Jihua's eyes turned cold.

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