star wars civilization.

Chapter 510: 2 vs 2 Contest

In the outer layer of the crimson vortex, the atmosphere was tense for a moment.

Shen Zheng and Ye Jihua looked at each other unceremoniously, the former had clear eyes, while the latter had a trace of anger and jealousy.

"Young man, haven't your elders taught you to be humble?" Ye Jihua said, "Conceited geniuses are often the ones who degenerate the fastest."

"Maybe." Shen Zheng said. "But I don't feel like I'm conceited, I'm just telling the truth."

"At your age, it's really surprising that you can reach such a level." Ye Jihua said, "But no one uses the ratio of age and strength to measure strength. A hundred-year-old peak star master will be defeated by everyone." Everyone is recognized as a strong person, and although a ten-year-old seventh-level star master is also called a strong person, he is also respectful in front of the former." [

"The question is, am I also the peak star master?" Shen Zheng looked at Ye Jihua, his smile made the latter have the urge to grit his teeth.

"You deserve a beating." Ye Jihua suddenly said something that didn't match his temperament and image.

"Have you been a hooligan in the past?" Shen Zheng smiled back. "I mean the kind of little punk who scares people by talking."

"Just say this to you, and I will take good care of you." Ye Jihua's voice was cold.

"I was still looking forward to fighting with you before." Shen Zheng shook his head, "but now I find that I was wrong. I thought you were a very powerful person, but now it seems that it is just a fluke who got on the board." An ordinary character at the peak. You are full of aura, did someone tell you?"

"What breath?" Ye Jihua's eyes were cold, but he still couldn't help asking.

"The aura of the nouveau riche." Shen Zheng said, "Become a strong man through unexpected power, and then forget what your own strength is. After all, you are the same peak star master as me. Powerful external forces help you, and you are still a peak star master, not the master of the galaxy."

"Your words are very interesting." Ye Jihua sneered, his eyes full of murderous coldness. "I even want to violate the agreement with the alliance. Instead of taking you back, I will kill you directly."

"Uncle, didn't your elders teach you to be humble?" Shen Zheng returned Ye Jihua's words to him.

"Looking for death!" A cold light flashed in Ye Jihua's eyes.At this time, Bruu flew back to his side, and whispered: "He has a huge interest! That interest belongs to the entire alliance, and the beneficiary includes you! Mr. Ye, don't be impulsive!"

The killing intent faded slightly in Ye Jihua's eyes.

"Shen Zheng, now we must work together." Zuo Qiudao came to Shen Zheng's side and whispered in his ear. "Leave Bru Wu to me, and you will deal with Ye Jihua. How about it?"

"No problem." Shen Zheng nodded slowly.

The two factions of the two sides confront each other far away in space, brewing the power to kill each other.

"What a young peak powerhouse." Suddenly, Ye Jihua showed a smiling face.But following that smiling face was a chilling killing intent.

At this moment, a ring-shaped space suddenly appeared beside Shen Zheng, overlapping towards Shen Zheng's body without warning.The surging water system power is brewing in that space, and the water current is surging like a world-destroying torrent, full of destructive power.

"Obviously possessing great power, but instead of attacking openly and squarely, he uses a sneak attack technique. I have seen this kind of trick before." Shen Zheng's face was calm, as if he had expected the opponent's attack long ago, and he was also in shape. It didn't move, but released a force.

It was a ring-shaped fire-type space, which was exactly the same size as the space released by Ye Jihua, and it appeared right above that space, completely overlapping with that space.

Two spaces, several paths erupted with their own power at the same time, merging with each other's space.Both spaces wanted to devour the other's space and maintain their own existence after being wiped out, but they couldn't do it, and both returned to nothingness. [


The two of them gasped slightly at the same time, both surprised by the strength of the other's space power.

Ye Jihua looked at Shen Zheng hesitantly, vaguely feeling that something was wrong.You know, he is a veteran peak powerhouse, and he has a deep understanding of the use of peak power, and because he has extraordinary power in his body, he can exert stronger power than others.

And Shen Zheng is just a new peak powerhouse, logically speaking, his understanding and mastery of peak power is still in the initial stage, so it is impossible for him to be his opponent.

But the opponent can not only use that kind of space to neutralize his own space, but also completely complicate the shape, and even create a circular space.

Changing the shape of a space is not an easy task. Among the known experts, Ye Jihua has never seen anyone who can change the shape of a destructive space like himself.

This kid is really not simple!

Seeing that the two moved their hands, Zuo Qiudao was not idle, and suddenly flew towards the distance, as if he wanted to escape first.

"Zuo Qiudao, where are you going!" Bruu roared, stretched out his hand, the red light flickered, the square-headed heavy stick appeared in his hand, and the man chased towards Zuo Qiudao, swung the long stick, and caused a wave space power.

But at this moment, he let out a muffled snort, stopped hastily, swung the stick violently, and then slowly threw it out.A huge and heavy space immediately appeared in front of him, overlapping with another tearing space that just appeared, canceling each other out.

"You villain, you are using a sneak attack again!" He cursed angrily.

"It's only your own stupidity to blame." Zuo Qiudao also stopped, and smiled coldly at Bruu. "If you're not as smart as others, it's shameful to blame others. Besides, if you want to talk about a sneak attack, your friend seems to be the first to sneak attack Shen Zheng, right? Is he also a villain?"

Ye Jihua frowned slightly, and glared at Zuo Qiudao fiercely, but his eyes also swept over Bruu intentionally, his dissatisfaction was palpable.

What a fragile partnership.Seeing that look, Shen Zheng couldn't help laughing secretly in his heart.But when he thought of his "partner" Zuo Qiudao, he felt that he had no right to laugh at Bruu and his gang.

Of course, he didn't intend to rely on this unreliable guy to form a so-called "alliance" with him. In fact, it was just to let him not take action against him temporarily, and to have one less enemy.

Eggy has reached its peak, and I can join forces with it.The two peak star masters are united, are you afraid that the other two will fail?

"I'll kill you!" Bruu also saw that Zuo Qiudao was provoking, but the hateful thing is that this provocation has actually taken effect. If he can't make him furious, he has already rushed towards Zuo Qiu with a roar. road.

"Let's start too." Ye Jihua slowly raised his hand, red light flickered in his hand, and a slender sharp sword appeared in his hand. Shaking like a willow branch in a tree.

Soft sword?What a rare weapon.

While thinking, Shen Zheng also raised his hand.The pure white light shone, and the Blood Spirit Whip slowly appeared in his hand, and slowly floated in the air.

Ye Jihua's eyes lit up: "It's also a soft weapon? But what's the matter with the white color? Could it be that your white is white?"

"What do you guess?" Shen Zheng smiled. [

"There's no need to guess." Ye Jihua sneered, "I'll know after cutting your body."

"Then please." Shen Zheng stood upright, with a look of fear on his face.

"Those who know are afraid." Ye Jihua said.In an instant, the soft sword in his hand swung rapidly, like a device for hypnosis, exuding a drowsy power.

"It's useless to me." Shen Zheng shook his head, his eyes were as clear as before.

"The willpower is good." Ye Jihua nodded slightly.

Suddenly, the blood spirit whip in Shen Zheng's hand started to flick, and the long whip flicked lightly with Shen Zheng's wrist, and quickly whipped towards Ye Jihua.And an arc-shaped sharp space has come to Ye Jihua's side, surrounded him, and wanted to overlap him.

"So fast!" Ye Jihua's eyes flashed coldly, slightly startled.

When the hand is raised, the soft sword brings up a space force, which turns into water-like waves, and condenses into the space of the water system.Although the formation of that space was a step slower than Shen Zheng's, it was also in time before Shen Zheng's space power erupted, overlapping with it, and offsetting it together.

"It's a good technique." Shen Zheng nodded, waved his hand, and the blood whip whipped up, and once again whipped out a huge water system space, surrounding Ye Jihua.

"Overthinking one's abilities." Ye Jihua just sneered.It seemed that Shen Zheng, who was showing off the power of the water system in front of him, was ridiculous.

He didn't move the soft sword in a hurry, but slowly made a forward stabbing gesture, and then ignored the water system space that had surrounded him, and pointed his sword at Shen Zheng stabbed slowly.

To say "slowly" is only relative to Shen Zheng's speed.Compared with other peak star masters, his sword has been stabbed faster.

A huge water system space began to condense and form around Shen Zheng.

What is he doing?Shen Zheng was puzzled.

His own space is formed first, and of course Ye Jihua will be devoured and killed before Ye Jihua's space power is exerted.Ye Jihua will take a step slower in any case.At that time, he will be swallowed into his own destruction space, and the natural force will let the water system space surrounding him exert its power.

He is going to commit suicide?

In doubt, Shen Zheng still aroused the power of his water system space.

So, he immediately understood why Ye Jihua was so calm.

In an instant, a powerful spatial force suddenly appeared on Ye Jihua's body, that force was surging and full of icy aura.It appeared instantly, forming a huge water-cold space, which immediately neutralized the water system space released by Shen Zheng.

But at this time, the water system space radiated by Ye Jihua had already begun to explode with power, intending to swallow Shen Zheng in it, and destroy him with a monstrous tide.

Ye Jihua sneered, he was waiting to see the scene where this young genius was destroyed by his own hands in an instant, he had a vague sense of great accomplishment.

Die, you young man.

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