star wars civilization.

Chapter 511: Welts and Anger

Ye Jihua actually displayed another dimension in an instant, defusing Shen Zheng's attack, which surprised Shen Zheng a lot. ^

He finally understood why Ye Jihua didn't defend himself against his attack, because he already had the means to protect himself.

Facing Ye Jihua's attack, Shen Zheng was useless.

I should let you know my ability. It is a good psychological blow to a person like you who is so conceited.

He thought to himself, the blood spirit whip wrapped around his arm in a flick.It seems that it is just an action to draw the weapon, but in this action, there is a violent space power.A huge space spread out around him, forming a huge space of destruction in an instant. [

That is his unique space, with several completely different powers.All the forces are combined to form a space like the real world.

Just call it "Second World".Shen Zheng thought in his heart, and chose a name for his destruction space.

The "second world" is expanding, just like the expansion of the real universe after the explosion.Ye Jihua's water system power attacked and surrounded Shen Zheng, but as soon as he came into contact with the second world, he immediately collapsed and was completely swallowed and melted.

And the Second World has only lost a small part of it.


Ye Jihua's eyes widened instantly.

No one will not be shocked after seeing this peculiar space.It has exceeded the imagination of all peak powerhouses.It should not exist, because there is no record of such a space in historical materials.It is hardly a temporary space, but the prototype of a world.

"What is that?" He couldn't help but open his mouth to ask, as if he forgot that the enemy in front of him was not obliged to tell him the truth about his strength.

"I named him 'Second World'." Shen Zheng said slowly. "Because it contains all the powers I have in it, and these powers combined are almost an imperfect world."

Opening your mouth represents strong self-confidence.Only someone with such self-confidence can be so outspoken.This self-confidence alone has shocked Ye Jihua and made him lose a lot psychologically.

"The second world..." Ye Jihua repeated in a low voice.There was a trace of jealousy and unwillingness in the voice, as if that power should belong to him.

In an instant, there was something more in his eyes.A villain who has no tolerance for others will often see these things in his eyes when he sees someone stronger than himself. ^

"You are not afraid." Shen Zheng said. "Your will is not strong enough, and you are narrow-minded. It is impossible to become a stronger powerhouse."

"Character is related to strength." Ye Jihua said. "The heart is more related to the will!"

"Really?" Shen Zheng smiled faintly.In terms of psychological warfare, he has already surpassed Ye Jihua.

"You've already lost." He said, raising his arm suddenly.The blood spirit whip rotated rapidly around the arm, and during the rotation, it broke away from the arm, and formed a vortex-like force, rolling towards Ye Jihua.

That force is composed of several small circular second worlds, which are constantly rotating around a center, as if they are galaxies that are constantly moving in the universe.The overwhelming power radiates outward, symbolizing destruction and ruling the killing.

That space is actually moving, like a real vortex, spinning and moving forward.Weird and terrifying.It's like hell has opened its mouth, and it's still wandering around, devouring all living beings.

Ye Jihua's face changed instantly, showing the shock in his heart.He didn't dare to touch this terrifying vortex easily, he stepped back, and then shook his soft sword.In an instant, the soft became hard, and a hard space was formed, surrounding the vortex.A cold wave surged in the space, and all the continuous water power turned into relatively hard ice. [

Ice is like a gun, and also like a sword, criss-crossing in the space, just like the glass suddenly produces frost when it is cold, spreading to all the gaps in the space.

The two spaces overlapped, and the forces collided with each other seamlessly, but in the real cosmic space, no one could feel the powerful collision in that space.For this universe, it is just an equal overlapping space, and it will not affect any objects in this world.

Unless that object is sucked into it.

"It's difficult to tell the winner in this way." Ye Jihua glared at Shen Zheng, "Don't hide, don't try it out. Like a real strong man, use your own strength to decide the winner."

"That's exactly what I mean." Shen Zheng nodded, and the power of space began to gather on the blood spirit whip, and the second worlds attached to the blood spirit whip, contributing their power to it privately.

A force was slowly generated on the Blood Spirit Whip, and it began to appear a shell composed of the second world, and it became bigger and stronger.

The soft sword is also attached to a powerful water system space, that space is filled with eerie cold air, and the cold air turns into ice in the turbulent water flow, which is sharper and stronger than others.

The ice space also condensed into a huge sword-shaped space on the outer layer of the soft sword.

"Let's fight with our strongest strength, and I will let you understand what it means to be strong." There was a hint of conceit in Ye Jihua's eyes.

"Please." Shen Zheng only replied with one word.

He doesn't need to talk, he just needs to act.In an instant, he had already started to move, heading towards Ye Jihua, swinging the blood spirit whip in his hand, carrying the powerful power of the second world.While waving, the space on the insect spirit moved across the real universe, and the two spaces, which had no influence on each other, actually faintly resonated, and the power of space in the real universe became turbulent.

"Not bad." Ye Jihua praised, but his tone was full of hatred.There is no direct hatred between the two, but Shen Zheng's strength and youth are the source of Ye Jihua's hatred.Jealousy is the greatest devil, and he has been possessed by it.

The soft sword that had hardened was swung, and the ice sword of space moved accordingly.Using the straight to break the straight, he stabbed at Shen Zheng with a straight move, intending to break Shen Zheng's whip.

The straight line between two points is the shortest, it seems that his sword will touch Shen Zheng's body first.

But the Blood Spirit Whip suddenly changed from soft to rigid, and turned into a hard long stick.Shen Zheng turned his wrist, the long stick was not drawn towards Ye Jihua's head and face, but turned downwards, hitting the sword-shaped space.

The stick-shaped second world collided with the sword-shaped ice space, the two forces canceled each other out, and a powerful impact erupted in the real universe.The power of the two spaces flowed out from the space, colliding with each other between the insect spirits, the light spots of energy splashed in all directions, and the ice fragments turned into frost flowers and flew around.

It looked so beautiful.

Feeling the huge power here, Bruu couldn't help but look sideways.The scene in front of him greatly surprised him, he never expected that Shen Zheng, a new peak powerhouse, would be evenly tied with Ye Jihua at this moment, looking evenly matched.

"Don't be distracted." Zuo Qiudao sneered, and the crescent shovel moved towards Bruu's neck with the power to tear apart the space.Bruu withdrew his distracted attention, and blocked it with the force of a heavy square stick.Powerful forces of different attributes also flowed out from the space between the two. This force collided in the air, and a huge sound and dazzling sparks also erupted.

But compared to the battle between Shen Zheng and Ye Jihua, their battle seemed calm.

What's interesting is that apart from the fact that these two people are not as powerful as Shen Zheng and Ye Jihua in real power, they also retain a part of their power.Bruu knew why Zuo Qiudao did this, so he didn't bother to exert all his strength, forcing Zuo Qiudao to desperately.

He knew that Zuoqiu was a fox, and he would never tie himself and Shen Zheng to the same boat like this.For Zuo Qiudao, Shen Zheng was just an object to be used to escape danger.Once he has a chance to escape by himself, he won't care about Shen Zheng. [

Since you don't use your real strength, I don't need to waste my strength.I want to accumulate strength, and when you feel that Shen Zheng can no longer be relied on by you and want to escape, I will give you a big surprise!If I use all my strength to fight with you now, I may not be able to defeat you, but with this kind of surprise attack... you will die!

That's what Bruu thinks.

While they were fighting with their strength, Shen Zheng and Ye Jihua each exerted their full strength.

The strength of the two men shocked each other.But it was Ye Jihua who was the most shocked.He really couldn't believe that Shen Zheng was just a newly promoted peak star master.He even felt that Shen Zheng should not be a young man in his twenties on the surface, but an old man of his own age.Because without the accumulation of decades of combat experience, it is impossible for anyone to have such sophisticated combat skills.

He didn't know that most of Shen Zheng's combat skills came from the ancient genetic memory of the Zerg.The method of fighting, after tens of thousands of years of evolution, has long been refined into the strongest skill for the Zerg to save their lives.Simple, direct, and powerful.

And the wisdom of human beings enables Shen Zheng to integrate all these together to serve his battle together.

The more Ye Jihua hit, the more frightened he felt.He even felt that if he continued to fight like this, he might be negligent at some point, and if he lost a move, he might be killed by Shen Zheng.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help being distracted, and immediately, Shen Zheng seized this opportunity, and his offensive became fiercer, forcing Ye Jihua to retreat again and again.

In a hurry, Shen Zheng was hit with a whip, and that whip hit his face very skillfully.Although under the protection of powerful space power, the power of this whip did not explode, and the whip tip only swept his face, but a bloodstain still appeared immediately.

"Boy, I won't play with you anymore!" He said viciously, stretched out his hand to touch the hot cheek, and suddenly exerted great strength to force Shen Zheng back.

He stared at Shen Zheng with gloomy eyes.At this moment, he forgot the original purpose and the huge secret that Shen Zheng carried.He was just jealous, and he could only feel the pain on his cheek.He couldn't bear to have such a powerful young man in front of him.He wants to destroy it and take revenge for this whip.

"In the first level of the peak star master, no one can hurt me. You are the first and will be the last." His tone was serious.

Slowly raising his hand, the blood-colored insect spirit long sword was put into his body.

Another powerful force gradually rose from his palm, and a clear tide shot out from his palm, and then turned into hard crystal ice.The solid ice is constantly accumulating, gradually accumulating from a small ice chest, forming a vivid biological image.

Shen Zheng's gaze couldn't help but change because of it.

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