star wars civilization.

Chapter 519: Chapter [-]

"This matter does not need your help, if you come forward, the matter may develop to the point of no control. %&*

"Excuse me." Liang Tao said, "This matter is of great importance, so we dare not just let you go. At least, we need someone to accompany you."

"I can understand your feelings." Shen Zheng nodded, "But please listen to me carefully explain the whole story - I am not from the crimson spiral galaxy, but from another galaxy far away from here. Galaxy: Lingguang Galaxy. The reason why I left my hometown was because I was framed by a villain, so I had to be separated from my relatives and friends and endure humiliation. Now that I have the power of the peak star master, no one can bully me anymore. So I'm going back to get revenge, but also to meet my family and friends so they can live with me again."

"So...that's how it is." Liang Tao was stunned for a while, because he really didn't expect such a thing.

After a little thought, he understood what Shen Zheng meant. [

It's one thing for him to become a top expert outside of cultivation and come back for revenge, but it's another thing to bring a strong man from another galaxy back to his own galaxy to kill his enemies.That means something else entirely.

For the former, they may kill their enemies as soon as they are killed. The powerhouses in this galaxy will even smile and wave their hands, saying that is nothing.

But the latter is to bring outsiders back to show off.

In this way, where will the powerhouses of this galaxy be placed?For the dignity and face of the strong, the strong in this galaxy will not sit idly by.Although they are also willing to accept Shen Zheng, they are afraid that others will say that it is because they are afraid of the powerhouse of the crimson spiral galaxy.

"I understand." Liang Tao nodded slowly. "However... I still want to send an elder to accompany you. Don't worry, he will never intervene in any of your affairs. He will only pretend to be an ordinary follower."

"Can it really be done?" Shen Zheng asked. "You know, the five of you are all peak powerhouses, even if you're pretending... I'm afraid your self-esteem won't allow you to pretend to be successful, right?"

"It can be successful." Liang Tao said. "Because it will be me who will accompany you."

"You?" Shen Zheng was a little surprised, but then he understood again.

It's really not safe to hand over such an important matter to others.

"Me." Liang Tao nodded. "Can you rest assured?"

Shen Zheng nodded slowly.

It doesn't mean reassuring, just agreeing. %&*

"Happy cooperation." Liang Tao finally smiled.

"Then let your people make other arrangements." Shen Zheng said, "I still have to go to the other side to say goodbye to my friends."

"No problem." Liang Tao nodded, "I'll accompany you."

Afterwards, things became easier. After Liang Tao explained to the other four elders, the four left directly, while Liang Tao and Shen Zheng entered the hyperspace and flew towards the star from the other side.Although the journey was far away, both of them were peak star masters, and they flew down with all their strength, so the long journey was nothing.

After arriving at the other star, Shen Zheng looked at the beautiful planet and couldn't help but feel emotional.When I first came to the Crimson Whirlpool galaxy, I met Wu Ximing and Ding Yuqing. At that time, I was just a small second-level protoss, but now, I have become a star. The peak powerhouse among the masters.

As time goes by, everything changes quietly. Today's me is no longer the boy who had to leave his hometown.And finally, I can return to my hometown openly and reunite with my relatives and friends.

Re-entering the hyperspace again, flying directly from there to the outside of the emperor's palace, and then breaking through the hyperspace, Shen Zheng stood quietly in front of the palace gate, looking at the majestic palace with a smile on his face.A moment later, Wu Ximing had emerged from the turbulent flow, and he was on guard solemnly, but after seeing clearly that it was Shen Zheng, he couldn't help shouting excitedly: "Brother, are you back?"

While speaking, he looked at Liang Tao who was beside Shen Zheng with a puzzled look on his face.

"Let me introduce, this is the head of the five core elders of the Crimson Alliance, Mr. Liang Tao." Shen Zheng first introduced the two of them.Liang Tao nodded and smiled at Wu Ximing, showing courtesy.Of course, Wu Ximing, the fourth-rank star master, was nothing to him at all, and the reason why he was so polite was entirely for Shen Zheng's sake.

While Wu Ximing greeted Liang Tao, he carefully sensed the strength of the other party's breath, but after trying for a long time, he couldn't see the depth of the other party at all, and he couldn't help being very surprised.Turning his head to look at Shen Zheng again, he found that he couldn't see the depth of Shen Zheng, so he froze there immediately.

"Brother, this trip to the crimson seem to have gained a lot, right? Brother, I can't see through your depth now. Are you advancing?" He asked.

"It was a fluke to reach the peak." Shen Zheng said with a smile.

"You have reached the peak, you really deserve to be..." Wu Ximing smiled happily, and suddenly realized something was wrong. "What, you... what did you say? Say it again? What realm have you reached?"

"This friend of yours is now the pinnacle star master." Liang Tao said in a low voice from the side.

"This..." Wu Ximing stared at Shen Zheng, speechless for a long time.

At this time, Ding Yuqing rushed out with a group of protoss experts, and when he saw that Shen Zheng had returned, he was overjoyed at once, and he held Shen Zheng's hand: "Brother Shen Zheng, you are so arrogant!" You'll be back soon, you must have gained a lot, right?"

"Of course it's a great harvest!" Wu Ximing said while wiping off his sweat. "Peak Star Master, Peak Star Master!"

Hearing this, the surrounding protoss were startled.

For them, the Star Lord is already an unattainable superpower, and the peak of the Star Lord is something they dare not even think about.Unexpectedly, Dijun's good friend Shen Zheng has achieved this kind of glory at this moment. Everyone looked at him with reverence and astonishment, but they didn't dare to look too much, for fear of causing this super strong unhappy.

"I said, brother, you... you are taking promotion as food and drink!" Ding Yuqing was stunned for a long time before speaking.

"It can be regarded as a fluke." Shen Zheng said with a smile, "I also borrowed a lot of help from outside forces to reach this step."

"The Crimson Whirlpool is really a good place!" Wu Ximing sighed.

"Actually, although my promotion is related to the crimson vortex, it is not directly related." Shen Zheng said, "and the crimson vortex has been closed now, only the outer layer can still enter, but for the star-level strong In other words, there is nothing attractive there. Protoss might as well go around, you should be able to gain a lot, and you don’t have to worry about powerful bugs coming out of the middle layer.”

"The crimson vortex is closed?" Wu Ximing was taken aback. "How is this going?"

"Go in and talk." Shen Zheng said.

Everyone entered the emperor's palace, and the rest dispersed, only Wu Ximing and Ding Yuqing accompanied Shen Zheng and Liang Tao to the palace and took their seats.Shen Zheng then told about everything that happened during his trip, even about going to the ancient homeland Earth.Liang Tao couldn't help frowning slightly, obviously dissatisfied, but he didn't dare to blame Shen Zheng for making him unhappy.

"Mr. Liang Tao, Brother Wu and Sister Ding are my life-and-death friends who share weal and woe." Shen Zheng turned to Liang Tao, "I will never hide anything from them."

"Understood." Liang Tanai nodded.

"I'll go with you too!" Wu Ximing looked at Liang Tao, vaguely feeling uneasy. [

"You?" Liang Tao looked at him and smiled slightly. "Young man, you are not qualified. The participants in this trip are all peak star masters. What level are you, young man?"

Wu Ximing's face turned red.

"Brother Wu, prepare Mr. Liang Tao a place to rest, and prepare me a quiet place." Suddenly, Shen Zheng's heart moved, and he hurriedly said to Wu Ximing.

"Brother, are you going to..." Wu Ximing was puzzled.

"You just do it." After saying that, Shen Zheng turned to Liang Tao again. "Mr. Liang Tao, please stay here for a few days, I have something to do temporarily."

"Okay." Liang Tanai nodded.He could not immediately bid farewell to Wu Ximing with Shen Zheng, and then return to Shen Zheng's White Wolf Star to settle everything so that he can go to Earth as soon as possible.But the key to this trip is Shen Zheng, without Shen Zheng nothing can be done, so he has no choice but to succumb to Shen Zheng.

"Let me arrange Mr. Liang's residence." Ding Yu stood up knowingly, and politely invited Liang Tao out.She knew that Liang Tao was also a peak powerhouse, but she didn't dare to ignore him because of Shen Zheng's relationship, so she was extremely respectful to Liang Tao.

After the two left, Shen Zheng also stood up, and Wu Ximing asked in a low voice: "Brother, what are you doing?"

"Made the worm core." Shen Zheng smiled slightly. "I'm going to try it out and see if I can concoct a heaven-defying bug core so that you and Sister Ding can advance again."

"Let me advance?" Wu Ximing was stunned, "I... I am a star master, a fourth-rank star master, not a star spirit, using the worm core to let me advance? How can it be so easy! If it is so easy, All the star masters in the world have already reached the peak."

"Then you have to try it before you know?" Shen Zheng said with a smile. "Besides, I now have nearly a thousand bug nuclei of star master-level bugs. I don't trust this level of bug nuclei as auxiliary preparations, and I can't concoct a bug core that can make star masters advance to the next level."

"Nearly...nearly a thousand?" Wu Ximing was stunned. "Where did you get it? Didn't you find some treasure in the crimson vortex?"

"When you are promoted to the peak powerhouse, you will know that as long as you meet a powerful insect swarm, it is not difficult to obtain a large number of star master-level insect cores." Shen Zheng looked at Wu Ximing meaningfully , with a faint smile.

"My God!" Wu Ximing's eyes widened, "How can the peak star master be so powerful?"

"In a sense, it is almost an independent level between the star master and the galaxy master." Shen Zheng said.

"Then try it!" Wu Ximing's eyes showed excitement. "I really want to enter this realm and see how powerful it is!"

"I can't guarantee that you will be promoted to the peak." Shen Zheng wiped his sweat.

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