star wars civilization.

Chapter 520: Prepare "Live Insect Core"

Standing quietly in front of the modulation table, Shen Zheng slowly put the worm core of the [-]th-level star master into the locker, and then took out a white tiger worm core from the worm core space. %&*

This is one of the two white tiger worm nuclei obtained in the crimson vortex.The quality of these two worm cores has reached the fifth-order star master or above. Compared with other worm cores, they are simply superior existences.

However, in his worm core space, there is a stronger worm core, that is the worm core of the blue dragon worm he met and killed in the crimson vortex.The quality of that worm core exceeded the sixth rank, and it was about to reach the seventh rank.

In addition to these three strongest bug nuclei, he also has hundreds of second-tier star-master bug nuclei, nearly a hundred third-tier star-master bug nuclei, and more than 20 fourth-tier star-master bug nuclei. pieces.

This huge worm core resource is enough for him to conduct a big experiment to verify what level of worm core will help the protoss and star master. [

He decided to start with the white tiger worm nucleus.

After carefully placing the white tiger worm core on the preparation table, Shen Zheng closed his eyes for a while to calm down his mood.

Looking at these worm cores and touching the modulator that has not been used for a long time, he couldn't help feeling excited.He couldn't help but think of when he joined the army, when he prepared the bug core for the first time, and when he left his hometown.

Times have changed, and I'm no longer who I used to be.In the past, when I faced the Star Lord, I fought hard. In the past, only the protoss-level bug core was the treasure I longed for but could not get.

But now, the worm nucleus of the sixth-order star master has quietly been lying in my worm nucleus space.

Can you calm down?

Taking a deep breath, Shen Zheng slowly opened his eyes.

Nothing can't be calm.

There is still a long way to go, and the road to the top powerhouse has not yet seen the end.The peak star master is indeed a powerful existence, but it is still not strong enough.In this seemingly marginal universe, what is the crimson spiral galaxy?What is the aura galaxy?

Maybe hundreds of thousands of galaxies like them add up to nothing in the entire universe, just a small corner.

Now I am like a child who grew up in a deep mountain cave, thinking that the small village I saw outside the mountain is the whole world, but in fact, the real world is wider, more colorful and more complicated.

There are too many things I haven't seen. %&*

In the past, I thought that being a worm controler was a superior person; in the past, I thought that being a worm melter was the best of both worlds; in the past, I thought that being a protoss was becoming a god.

On the way forward, you can't turn back, and you can't be satisfied with what you have in front of you. You can only keep moving forward.

The mood gradually calmed down, Shen Zheng put his hand on the insect power input device, and immediately, the power of space was transmitted into the modulator along his hand, and the whole machine seemed to be sublimated at that moment, faintly exuding an extraordinary power. Extraordinary strength.

After becoming the star master, this is Shen Zheng's first time modulating the worm core, using a modulator.Only then did he discover that the powerful space power of the original star master level was so different from the original insect power in manipulating these dead objects.

In just an instant, his power of space surrounded the worm nucleus.He was shocked to find that he didn't need to look for the best penetration point at all, because under the effect of the force of space, the entire worm nucleus was completely open to him, as if there was no distinction between inside and outside.

And when the power of space penetrated into it, it became quite easy to transform the structure of the worm's core power.As the pinnacle star master, the power in Shen Zheng's body has been transformed into the power of space. He does not need to attract the surrounding space power at all, and can generate a powerful space just by himself. Reorganization and transformation are even easier.

He felt that it didn't take long for that one worm nucleus to be transformed successfully, so he immediately took out the ten first-order star master-level worm nucleuses from the locker, transformed them separately and extracted their power, and then Inject into the white tiger worm nucleus.To him, the whole process was as smooth as clouds and flowing water, and it seemed to him that it only took about ten minutes to complete it. [

When the last step is done, the white tiger worm nucleus has completely transformed into a white tiger-shaped light quality worm nucleus.Not only that, but the light quality white tiger also became active on the mixing table, sometimes walking in circles, sometimes lying down to calculate, sometimes opening its mouth to growl, and sometimes rolling playfully.

Seeing the worm nucleus like a real living being, Shen Zheng was also very surprised.He could feel the powerful power emanating from the worm nucleus, and he was very happy about it.

He took out the box where the worm core was placed, and put the white tiger into it carefully. The white tiger didn't resist at all, and just lay down in the box and closed its eyes to sleep peacefully.

Shen Zheng knew that this worm core didn't have its own intelligence, the reason why it could move like a living thing was actually only the powerful force inside it.But no matter what, it is just a worm nucleus, and it is impossible to act according to its own ideas.

How long did it take this time?I'm afraid it's only half an hour?

As he thought about it, he picked up the timer that had been placed on one side of the table before, but he was really shocked!

Because he found out that it took him 26 hours!

impossible!He was astonished.Because in his feeling, the entire modulation process seems to only take ten minutes.

Why is there such a big gap between the time I feel and the real time?Is it because I put all my heart into it, so... mentally, I lost the correct sense of time?

It's amazing, it's incredible!

Shen Zheng shook his head, no longer thinking about the huge contrast, but took out another white tiger worm core and put it on the preparation table.

Twenty-six hours later, he finished preparing the white tiger worm nucleus, and after putting it in the box, he finally took out the blue dragon worm nucleus.

Although the difference is only one step, the gap between the first step on the star master level is beyond imagination.Especially the power of this green dragon worm is actually very close to the seventh level, so the quality of this worm core is almost two levels lower than the two just now.The quality of the prepared worm core is definitely better.

This time, he took out ten second-order star master-level worm cores as auxiliary preparations.

He has already made up his mind, first use a white tiger worm nucleus to use for Wu Ximing to see how much he can improve, and then use this green dragon worm nucleus to test to see if he can greatly improve Wu Ximing again on that basis. The power of breath.

The whole process was as smooth as before, but it took a little more time. After the preparation was completed, Shen Zheng looked at the timer and found that he had spent thirty hours this time.

Will it take longer than mine for other pinnacle stars to master the worm core?Shen Zheng couldn't help but wondered curiously, but then shook his head: What other peak star masters think about most every day is how to improve their own strength and hit the limit, and who would bother to modulate the worm core so that other ordinary star masters would Do the lords or the protoss increase their power?

I'm afraid I'm the only one who has this kind of leisure, so work so hard for others.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help shaking his head and smiling: I'm not afraid of wasting time because I'm too young.For me, there are still more than 80 years to live in my life.But for a peak powerhouse like Liang Tao, there are only at most 20 years.

The four-fold gap made them afraid to be distracted by other people's affairs.

Shen Zheng couldn't help but understand the anxiety of Liang Tao and the others.But there is no way, I have my own things to do, and I can't be a good person and put their things first in order to take care of their emotions.

Cleaning up his mood, looking at the blue dragon worm core prepared on the mixing table, Shen Zheng slowly took out a box. [

The green dragon worm nucleus is the same as the white tiger worm nucleus, they are both light and alive.After the green dragon circled and flew on the modulation table for a while, it hovered on the modulation table, as if it was resting.And when Shen Zheng took the box and stretched out his hand to it, it flew up and landed in Shen Zheng's palm, allowing Shen Zheng to put it into the box.

Carefully put away the box, Shen Zheng has no intention of leaving.This time, he took out a fourth-order star master worm core, and started to prepare it with the help of the first-order star master worm core.

This time the modulation took even less time, only about eighteen hours.However, the worm nucleus after the preparation is still the same as the worm nucleus of Qinglong and Baihu, and it can move by itself like a living thing.After Shen Zheng put it away, he took out another third-order star main-level bug core and prepared it. This time it took even less time, and the preparation was completed in only ten hours.

Then, he prepared a second-order star master-level bug core and a first-order star master-level bug core respectively.

Then he discovered that although he had put in the same effort, the worm cores of the first- and second-order star masters only changed into light-quality insects after the modulation was completed, but they did not resemble the star masters of the third and above. Activated like a super bug nucleus.

After thinking about it, he felt that this should be related to the level of the insect core.You know, the second level is a watershed, and so is the third level, and above the third level, it is only the number of holy spirits, and it is not until the eighth level that there is another watershed.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but be a little curious: If I have an eighth-level star-master worm core, what will it look like after modulation?Quite different from what it is now is possible for sure, but how different will it be?

It's really itchy!No, I must find a chance to hunt a few bugs above the eighth rank, preferably... bugs with a peak star master rank.

Well, although the Zerg races at the same level are stronger than humans, I am different from other peak powerhouses. With Dandan and Xiao Hei, it is not difficult to hunt and kill peak star master bugs.

Must try!

He was full of excitement and eager to try.

But at least it can't be now, otherwise, Liang Tao might go crazy.

With these prepared worm cores, Shen Zheng slowly walked out of the underground quiet room that Wu Ximing had prepared for him, and walked along the corridor towards the upper floor of the Emperor's Palace.

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