star wars civilization.

Chapter 541: The snow team that will surpass the peak star master

Standing in the vast wilderness, looking at the five people standing in line with their hands behind their backs, Shen Zheng couldn't help but want to laugh. %&*

"Brother, be serious." Shen Ying reminded him.

"It's okay." Xue Su on the other side said with a smile.

"You guys, be serious, Brother Shen can't be serious anymore because of his hippie smile." Shui Qingqing tilted her head and trained the four people in the snow group.

"With a team leader like you, it's hard to be serious..." Yan Xin muttered in a low voice, Ke Meng and Shi Lanfeng held back their laughter, and only Xun Fei had a good expression on his face. [

"Look at Xun Fei!" Shui Qingqing counted the three, "Do you have any comparisons?"

"I was thinking that if I became the team leader, the team's temperament would be much better than it is now." Xun Fei said lightly.

"Hahahaha!" The three laughed outright, stomping their feet in anger.

"It's against you!" She yelled, but didn't listen to her.

"Okay, stop making trouble." Xue Su covered her mouth and waved her hand, and the five of them immediately stood up.

"It doesn't have to be like this." Shen Zheng waved his hand, "Your respective identities are already clear, and the reason why you have a human form and become a human should be related to Qingqing."

All four of them turned to Shui Qingqing, and Shui Qingqing had a smug expression on his face.

"Actually, this is just speculation." Shen Zheng said, "I'm afraid no one can explain why the four great holy spirits turned into human forms. But at least I know that your powers can be combined together."

He pointed at Xuesu: "Through your sister Xuesu."

Among the five people, the eyes of the three newcomers all shone.

"Back when Qingqing and Xin were just protoss, they and Xue Suli together, together with my power, can form a powerful power of the eighth-level star master." Shen Zheng said, "Now There are three more of you, and all of you have been promoted to rank four star masters, I think that when your strength is combined, it should be far superior to what it was before."

"How powerful would that be?" Yan Xin's eyes lit up with a yearning expression on her face.

"You should be able to know now." Shen Zheng said. "Xun Fei, Ke Meng, Shi Lanfeng, the three of you are optimistic..."

As he said that, he nodded to Qingqing and Yan Xin: "Qingqing, Xin, let go of your strength, and then become one with Xuesu."

"Yes!" The two nodded heavily, each displaying their strength without reservation.Immediately, a strong yellow light surged from Shui Qingqing's body, while a sharp white light appeared from Yan Xin's body. ^

Xue Su smiled slightly, and the power on her body radiated out, forming a soft white light.The three rays of light attracted each other in an instant and converged to one place, and then slowly moved to Xue Su's body.

"Master, I can feel a powerful force..." Xue Su's body became more and more radiant, but she didn't form the kind of light cocoon that could turn her into a giant of light.She turned to Shen Zheng, pointed at Xun Fei and the others: "I feel that if their power joins in, we might be able to break through some kind of limit!"

"Break through the limit?" Shen Zheng's eyes showed joy.That was the result he most wanted to see.

"Xun Fei, Ke Meng, Shi Lanfeng, follow their example, release your power and join the light cluster on Xue Su's body!" He immediately issued an order. [

"Yes!" The three nodded, each letting go of their breath.

The black tide immediately surged around Ke Meng's body, but what Shi Lanfeng emitted was intense flames, and what Xun Fei emitted was blue light.

At this moment, within the light cluster on Xue Su's body, a force quietly changed.It was the white light belonging to Yan Xin. At this time, it still maintained its sharp characteristics, but it was no longer light, but a white wind visible to the naked eye.

"I feel as if I suddenly found my true self." Yan Xin looked at the three of them in astonishment.

"I feel it too!" Shui Qingqing also exclaimed at this time, following the cry, the part of the power belonging to Xue Su in the light ball on Xuesu's body also changed, it was no longer just yellow light, but formed by several yellow particles The "yellow dust".

"The wind of the white tiger, the earth represented by the central holy spirit..." Shen Zheng nodded slightly as he looked at the two changed forces. "Sure enough, the five of you are one. Only when you get together can you exert your true strength and find your true self! Xun Fei, Ke Meng, Shi Lanfeng, inject your strength into Xue Su!"

"Yes!" The three of them responded again, and the power of different colors and natures on their bodies gradually moved towards Xue Su's side, and finally injected into the light cluster on Xue Su's body.

In an instant, the light group underwent a huge change, emitting a dazzling white light.Five different powers were completely integrated in the light cluster, turning into a dazzling white, and finally, together with Xue Su's power, formed the light cocoon.

"Master, I feel it!" Xue Su exclaimed happily, "That power is so powerful! I can break through the current limit in an instant and reach another level!"

"Great!" Shen Zheng nodded excitedly, and was about to let Xuesu exert her power to transform the light cocoon into her body of light, truly showing the strength of Xuesu's combined body, but suddenly his heart moved.

Insect God Floating Life does not know where it is now.If he is also on the planet or nearby, then if Xue Su exerts the power of the master of the galaxy, Fu Sheng may sense it.How will Fu Sheng react when a master of galaxy level appears on the White Wolf Star?What if he ran away immediately?

Then, I can take Zhong Tianming to the earth with peace of mind.Because of losing the protection of the peak human powerhouse, God knows what terrible things the Zerg clan will do.Shen Zheng didn't want to become famous, so after returning home, what he saw was a scorched earth, a world of insects.

Fu Sheng must be killed, and the crisis of the bug-man must be resolved before he can leave with peace of mind.

"Xue Su, stop." He waved his hand calmly.

"What's wrong, Master?" Xue Su looked at him suspiciously. "I feel that as long as I call out the body of light, I can immediately get more powerful power and directly break through the realm of the peak star master."

"I'm afraid that Fu Sheng will be scared away." Shen Zheng said.

As soon as these words are spoken, all wise people will understand.Xue Su nodded slightly: "I understand, then let's try again after this guy is dealt with." As she said, she slowly closed the light cocoons on her body, and the five different powers also came from her body. The light cluster was separated and injected into the bodies of the five people.

"Brother, although the Snow Group is strong, but if the power is concentrated on one person like this, what should the other five do?" Thinking of this question, Shen Ying couldn't help but ask.

"It's okay." Xue Su put away the light on her body and smiled faintly. "Don't forget that both my master and I have space worm cores that can hold creatures. This is how we used it before. Qingqing, Xin, and I entered the worm cores together, and then sent the power out of the worm cores for the master to use. .”

"Oh, it's okay!" Shen Ying's face was filled with surprise, but it wasn't because the Xue team had solved a security problem.She hugged Shen Zheng's arm and said softly: "Brother, you can't get rid of me this time, no matter where you go, I will follow you, and I won't be a burden anymore, just put me in the space worm core It's gone!"

"I won't let you leave me anymore." Shen Zheng scratched Shen Ying's nose. "We brothers and sisters will never be separated, we must live together in life, and we must die together in death."

"Yeah." Shen Ying smiled sweetly, her face flushed. [

Looking at these people in the Xue group, Shen Zheng felt a strong sense of self-confidence.On Xiaohei's body, there is the Xuanwu Ice Soul, a weapon that can exert the power of the master of the galaxy, and Xue Su can obtain the power of the master of the galaxy through fusion with the five members of the snow group. It's like having double insurance.

This trip to the earth, just from the perspective of whether it can be reached smoothly, has been considered a success.

Next, Shen Zheng began to train the five of them. Although the five of them have obtained the powerful power of the fourth-order star master, they probably haven't fully understood and mastered it because they jumped too fast.And Shen Zheng is not only the pinnacle star master powerhouse, but also obtained countless direct experience memories from the tomb of the powerhouse in the crimson vortex, and has a better understanding of the power of star masters at each level.With his personal guidance, the strength of the few people really improved by leaps and bounds, and many methods of using power that they didn't understand before had all hoped.

In this way, the strength of the snow team has stepped up to a new level.

Three days later, Zhong Tianming returned to the Floating Void City of the Star-Moon Alliance.

"I have found Fusheng's whereabouts." He said to Shen Zheng and Liang Tao. "That guy is now on the new worm star Xuanwu star, and he is doing some experiments. I think it may be an experiment related to intelligent zerg."

"Commander Zhong, don't we have natural intelligent Zerg in our galaxy?" Shen Zheng asked suspiciously.

"Of course there are." Zhong Tianming said, "but they don't like insects. They think that they are just a mutant of humans, related to their insect race. The reason why Fusheng is committed to this kind of experiment is to cultivate wisdom by himself The Zerg should also be related to the trip to the earth. As for the relationship, I don’t know.”

"It's easy to handle." Liang Tao said, "Catch that worm, won't you know everything?"

"Mr. Liang, can I ask: What kind of ability is needed to reach the ancient homeland Earth?" Zhong Tianming couldn't help asking.

"There is no need to hide it now." Liang Tao smiled, "It's very simple, it is the power of the master of the galaxy."

"What do you mean?" Zhong Tianming looked at Shen Zheng in surprise. "Brother Shen Zheng has..."

"No, he just has the weapon of the master of the galaxy." Liang Tao said.

"Just like this?" Zhong Tianming asked in surprise.

"Of course." Liang Tao nodded. "But it's not easy to get. Isn't it?"

He stared at Zhong Tianming's eyes with deep meaning in his eyes.Zhong Tianming looked at him for a moment, then suddenly looked at Shen Zheng, then nodded.

"Not bad." He sighed softly. "Mr. Liang, it's no wonder you rely on Brother Shen Zheng so much. Indeed, there is no more suitable candidate than him!"

Shen Zheng naturally understood what he was referring to.

The lord of the galaxy, Qiangbi, if he got this secret, would he be willing to bring along these peak star lords with him?To mortals, they are gods, but to the Lord of the galaxy, they are simply a burden.

And even if they were brought along, wouldn't they be used as cannon fodder at critical moments?

Even if they are not used as cannon fodder, if it is really beneficial, can they be distributed to them?

But Shen Zheng is different. Although he has the power of the master of the galaxy, he is only the peak star master, and his strength is comparable to theirs. It is impossible to pose too much threat to them, and it is impossible to turn against them when he gains benefits Go all alone.

And Shen Zheng's character, they have already seen in their eyes such a person who knows how to repay kindness, who wouldn't trust him?

"Let's go to Xuanwu Star." Zhong Tianming said.

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