star wars civilization.

Chapter 542: Thunder Dragon Insect

In the deep crypt, countless figures hurried and busy. %&*

In the deepest part of the crypt, next to a huge pool, there is a huge machine.In the center of the machine is a horizontally rotating transparent cylindrical container with a length of 20 meters and a height of [-] meters.In the container, there is a huge guy floating in the unknown liquid.

It was a huge Zerg nearly 80 meters long and five or six meters thick. At first glance, it looked somewhat similar to the Qinglong Holy Spirit, but its head was vicious. Although it also had two horns, there were no horns. Forked, but like the horns of an ox, its mouth is long and long, hidden in the shape of a lion's mouth.

This giant worm also had four claws, and its body was covered with carapaces, extending from the head to the tail and above the four claws, with silver lines.The power of thunder and lightning flows endlessly on it, like a river of electricity.

This kind of worm is called Thunder Dragon worm. It possesses powerful thunder and lightning power, and its level is extremely high. It is the strongest in the clan, comparable to the first-order star master. [

In front of the huge container, a man who looked to be in his 60s stood with his hands behind his back, quietly watching the brontosaurus in the container.

"Success or failure depends on one stroke. My blood relatives among the Zerg race, I will be able to open the door of light through you in a short time, and step into the ranks of true gods..."

He whispered to himself, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

This person is the supreme leader of the White Wolf Star and the Insect People, the Insect God Floating Life.

"Report!" A man with the obvious characteristics of a bugman - light armor came to him and saluted respectfully.

"Say." Fu Sheng replied softly.

Different from this bugman, Fusheng's body is about the same as that of a human being. Except for his somewhat weird appearance, he is a normal person no matter how he looks at it.When the insects first saw Xuesu, they had said "perfect body", which was obtained from the place of floating life.In their view, only this Lord Insect God is the perfect example of Insect Man.

And they can't get rid of the carapace like this, after all, they still haven't fully evolved.

"Insect God, the new human brain has been sent over." The insect man who reported said, "There are three of them in total, and one of them is a star master who has reached the sixth level."

"A sixth-order powerhouse?" Fu Sheng nodded slightly. "Not bad. What about the other two?"

"One is Tier [-], and the other is Tier [-]." Insect Man said.

"First order?" Fu Sheng frowned slightly. "On average, it's just a little more than Tier [-]. Which team's harvest is this?"

"It's Mr. Chong Prince An. %&*

"Zi'an?" Fu Sheng was somewhat surprised, with a happy expression on his face. "He is only a third-tier star master, but he can help me hunt a sixth-tier star and a fourth-tier star master. Good, good! It seems that he will be promoted more in the future."

Just as he was talking, a robust bugman had strode over.This bugman is the same as Fusheng, it doesn't have the characteristic light armor of bugman on its body.

"Lord Insect God." He bowed when he came close.

"Zi An, you did a good job." Fu Sheng nodded slowly, "How did you do it?"

"Wisdom." The worm Prince An pointed to his head. "Compared to the proud Zerg, isn't it just this kind of power that we have more? We use a little trick to let stupid humans kill each other, and then profit from it. That's all."

"Don't worry." Fu Sheng smiled, "After this plan is successful, I will let you get everything you deserve."[

"Thank you, Lord Chongshen!" Zi'an immediately bowed.

"How many years?" Fu Sheng looked at the huge container and sighed softly. "I'm afraid it has been nearly 40 years? We have been experimenting and trying, and now we have finally accumulated enough experience to finally complete this greatest feat."

"Yes." Zi'an turned to the container, and when he looked at the huge brontosaurus, his eyes were full of reverence. "Once your body is successfully built, you will be able to gain the support of the Zerg, and you will be able to reach the ancient homeland of mankind, Earth. I look forward to the day when you return in glory."

"It's still too early to tell." Fu Sheng said, "Bring those three brains over and inject them into its body."

"It's already brought." Zi'an waved his hand, and there were six worms driving three patient cars in the corner, and brought the three unconscious humans over.The three people are of different ages, the oldest one is only in his 30s, and the older one is in his 90s.

"At the age of more than 30 years old, he became a star master, what a genius." Fu Sheng looked at the youngest one and smiled faintly.

"Only such a character can better stimulate the mind power of your body." Zi'an bowed and said.

"Could it be that you have a heart." Fu Sheng nodded. "Before, I was a little annoyed at how you got a first-tier guy to come over, but it turned out to be such a genius. Okay, very good. Let's get started."

"Yes!" A worm beside him nodded and walked over with a few entourages.They all wore white coats like human doctors, and looked like they were responsible for some kind of special work.

They walked to the front of the three cars, and the lead bugman personally went to the side of the 30-year-old first-rank star master, looking up at Fu Sheng.

A force of space surged from Fusheng's hand, and Fusheng slammed it violently. Immediately, three thin streaks of thunder were formed like blades on the heads of the three strong human beings on the three vehicles. stroke.

A moment later, a thin line appeared on the foreheads of the three strong men, and then their skulls split from the thin line, and fell backwards, exposing their brains.

At this time, they were still breathing evenly.

Just this one hand showed Fusheng's extremely precise and terrifying space power.Zi'an saw it and couldn't help being envious.

The worms in white immediately took action, quickly removed the brains of the three strong men, put them into some small containers filled with transparent liquid, and quickly brought them to the front of the machine at the end of the huge container containing the brontosaurus. .

After some busy work, three human brains were put into it, and in the long transparent cylindrical container, a needle with a long tube slowly moved to the head of the brontosaurus, slowly injecting it into it. wearing something.

That is the brains of three strong human beings.

Fu Sheng stared nervously at the Thunder Dragon Worm, feeling the changes in the strength of the Snow Dragon Worm.Time passed by every minute and every second, and suddenly the Thunder Dragon Worm shook violently, the lightning wires on its body flickered with dazzling lightning, and the four claws also began to move slowly.

"Success!" Fu Sheng couldn't help but let out a loud roar, which shook the entire underground world.All the bug people here heard his excited shouts, and they also became excited and shouted loudly together.

"Successful?" Zi'an stared at the brontosaurus in disbelief, "You mean... you can already fuse with this body?"

"Not yet." Fu Sheng shook his head. "Although it has become a carrier of wisdom, it still lacks a lot. It is just a first-order star master-level creature, how can it be worthy of my powerful ideas? There is also a need for a human peak star-lord powerhouse, Give it the last brain resource."

"Peak Star Master?" Zi'an was stunned. "But……"[

"Can't we get it with our strength?" Fu Sheng smiled and pointed to his head. "Zi'an, didn't you just say that you need to rely on this?"

"I understand!" Zi'an showed an excited expression, "Are you going to use that old Zhong Tianming's brain?"

"Not bad!" Fu Sheng sneered, "Hasn't he been waiting for me to provide him with that opportunity? Isn't this a good opportunity? Let him become a part of my body, and we will reach their ancient homeland Earth together, and then..."

As he spoke, he couldn't help laughing: "This is his wish fulfilled in a disguised form! Now that I've become a part of my body, then I've been promoted to be the lord of the galaxy. Doesn't it mean that he has successfully promoted along with me?"

Zi'an couldn't help laughing along with him.

At this moment, Fu Sheng frowned suddenly: "A star master has come to Xuanwu Star, who could it be?"

"Star Lord?" Zi'an was startled, and it took a while to sense the space power coming from the outside world, and his expression changed. "Didn't come here directly... Does this mean that they are not our people, could they be humans who happened to come here to hunt bugs?"

Just as he was speaking, Fu Sheng's eyes became sharper, and he suddenly turned around and stared at a corner in the huge cave.At this moment, a space turbulence surged in the corner, and the two people flew out of the turbulence and landed on the ground.

"Zhong Tianming?" Fu Sheng stared at one of them, with a faint look of anger in his eyes. "Why are you here?"

At the same time, he looked at the other person vigilantly, his heart sank.Because he found that he couldn't sense the depth of this person's power at all, but he could be sure of one thing, that person was also the pinnacle star master.

How could there be such a young peak star master?He looked at the man in surprise, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that the man was in his 20s at most, and he couldn't be any older.

The people who came were Zhong Tianming and Shen Zheng.

"Old friend." Zhong Tianming looked at Fu Sheng and smiled. "You made me wait for nearly 40 years, and my heart was dying. Now I heard that you seem to be doing some experiments related to that incident here, so I'll take a look."

"Have you forgotten what I said?" Fu Sheng's face darkened. "As I said, I will naturally take you there after the matter is completed."

"But what if you break your promise?" Zhong Tianming asked.

"My people are all on the White Wolf Star." Fu Sheng said, "If I break my promise, you will naturally vent your anger on them. We worms are not human beings, and we don't kill each other. We have deep feelings for our own kind. Deep love. It is impossible for me to abandon them."

"That's what you say." Zhong Tianming smiled, "But after all, you have delayed me for more than 40 years, and recently you have repeatedly attacked my subordinates. I have to come and ask."

As he spoke, he looked at the three human corpses.

"This is not a person from the White Wolf Planet." Fu Sheng said coldly, "After that incident happened on this planet last time, you protested to me. I have ordered my subordinates not to attack your people, but to harass them on other planets. What else do you want?"

"Human beings on other planets are also human beings, and they are our own race." Shen Zheng spoke slowly at this time, his face was cold, and his voice was even colder.

Fu Sheng frowned.

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