star wars civilization.

Chapter 543: Confronting the Insect God

"Zhong Tianming, who is he?" Fu Sheng ignored Shen Zheng and asked Zhong Tianming directly. k

"Let me introduce you." Zhong Tianming smiled, "We are the honorary commander-in-chief of White Wolf Star."

"What?" Fu Sheng suspected that he had heard wrong.

"My name is Shen Zheng." Shen Zheng said coldly, "Your bug-man subordinates once colluded with the scum of human beings and wanted my life. I don't know if you have a deep impression."

"Then I don't know." Fu Sheng stared at Shen Zheng, "I do know that on this Xuanwu planet, there was a human who destroyed the plans of several of my subordinates. That seems to be you?" [

"That's right." Shen Zheng nodded.

"I heard that you were forced to leave by some deputy commander of yours?" Zi'an snorted coldly.

"Back off!" Shen Zheng's eyes were like lightning, "The important people are talking here, so you don't have the right to intervene!"

Zi'an's eyes met that gaze, and his heart trembled immediately.A great mental pressure made him feel cold all over his body, his face turned pale and he took a few steps back, his chest heaved uncontrollably.

"How bold!" Fu Sheng snorted coldly, and shot Shen Zheng with the same aggressive gaze.Shen Zheng looked at him, his eyes were still as bright as lightning, and he did not give an inch.

"Zhong Tianming, what do you mean by bringing this kid here?" Fu Sheng was surprised.He had heard of Shen Zheng's name, but he didn't have a deep impression of it, because since it was just a little protoss, it naturally didn't catch his eye.Unexpectedly, this star spirit has grown into a star master now, and his strength seems to be comparable to his own. He can't help being jealous, but at the same time he can't help being curious.

How did this guy become the pinnacle star master?It seems that it has been less than two years since he took an action to destroy our family here, right?

Could it be that this kid had some adventures?

His heart moved, and he looked at Zhong Tianming with a questioning look in his eyes.

"Fusheng, I think you should tell me everything." Zhong Tianming pointed to the brontosaurus in the huge container. "What's going on here? Your source of life is the Thunder Dragon Worm. Not to mention this guy who is highly valued by you, it has nothing to do with the chance of promotion you mentioned."

"Of course it has something to do with it." Fu Sheng suppressed his anger. "Whether I, and you, can reach the earth and get the chance to advance, it all depends on it. That's why I left the White Wolf Star and came here specifically for modulation, in order not to be disturbed, and at the same time Cause you humans to misunderstand..."

"Lies.|^" Shen Zheng sneered, pointing to the pool next to the huge container. "You are here because it is here."

Zhong Tianming shifted his gaze and saw several pipes on the huge container leading into the pool.On closer inspection, some pipes seemed to draw water from the pool into the container, while others drained the water from the container back into the pool, forming a cycle.

"This pool..." Zhong Tianming sensed in astonishment, and released his sensing power to the maximum, only to feel that there seemed to be a powerful force of the holy spirit in the pool.

Fu Sheng's eyes turned cold: "You kid is really powerful. You human beings can't sense the power in this pool unless you deliberately sense it, but how did you find it?"

"Why should I tell you?" Shen Zheng sneered. "Unless you tell me first what this brontosaurus has to do with your journey to Earth. Otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?" Fu Sheng felt a killing intent in his heart.

"The human beings on White Wolf Star already have two peak star masters." Shen Zheng said, "And what about the Zerg clan? I am different from Commander Zhong. I have at least 80 years to live. Opportunities come to me." It is possible to say it. But after all, there is something better. I can't let go of this opportunity, and you probably don't want to let me let go, right? Otherwise, after Commander Zhong leaves with you, there will still be some left on the White Wolf Star. A star lord at the pinnacle of humanity, aren't you worried about your fellow buggers?"

"Threat me?" Fu Sheng's eyes turned cold. [

"If you insist on understanding this way, I agree." Shen Zheng nodded.

"Zhong Tianming." Fu Sheng said in a deep voice, "I'll give you two choices now: [-], kill this kid together with me, and use his power to activate this brontosaurus, so that we can get the chance to enter the earth; [-], I immediately turned around and ran away, at worst, restart my plan and find the right person to help me, and you will get nothing!"

"Fusheng, at this point, I advise you to tell all the secrets." Zhong Tianming smiled, "Otherwise, I can't trust you completely. Things about mirrors and moons are always too illusory. You have lied to me for nearly 40 years. In [-], I only know that your goal is the earth, and I can't understand everything else you do. Why, when you are about to succeed, you still hide it from me? This can't help but make me suspicious."

"Let's be clear." Fu Sheng said, "To reach the ancient homeland of you humans, you must have some kind of power. I have repeatedly carried out the experiment of creating intelligent Zerg for so many years, in order to obtain the body of Zerg, and then be able to get close to mastering that kind of intelligence. The Zerg of power, so that they can take me to that place and get the chance to advance. Now everything is ready, the Zerg body I created for myself has also been fully activated, and can carry a high degree of power of thought, only one step away You will be able to merge with me. Zhong Tianming, whether you want to get that opportunity with me or not depends on your choice now!"

Shen Zheng stared at Fu Sheng, reading the brain wave language that came out with him.He heard something, which was a sincere signal, and also heard some false fluctuations.Fu Sheng concealed the fact that he had to rely on the power of the master of the galaxy to go to the earth, and made a fuss about "a certain power", just to confuse Zhong Tianming.And he probably didn't intend to let Zhong Tianming share everything with him.

"I think I understand." Shen Zheng nodded slowly.

Fusheng changed color: "What do you understand?"

"Commander Zhong, he wants to use this Zerg's body to transform himself into a Zerg." Shen Zheng said, "Then he can be recognized by the Zerg's galaxy leader. At that time, he will lure him to help him into Earth."

Fu Sheng's expression changed drastically.

"It turns out that the Zerg clan is dedicated to creating intelligent Zergs, and that's the purpose." Zhong Tianming sneered. "Fusheng, you have deceived me for the past 40 years. In fact, you said earlier that the most critical power to reach the earth is the power of the master of the galaxy. I am afraid that I have already returned from the earth."

Fu Sheng's eyes were not good, and he stared at Shen Zheng dead: "Boy, you know a lot!"

"It's okay." Shen Zheng nodded, "It's just that I have traveled to outer galaxies, met many powerful people, and mastered a lot of secrets. Commander Zhong, let's stop talking nonsense with him. Since the insects create the secret of intelligent insects It's clear, so let's do it."

"Are you here on a special trip to kill me?" Fu Sheng's eyes glowed red, revealing his killing intent.

"Then what do you think?" Zhong Tianming snorted disdainfully. "You used the opportunity to go to Earth as a bait to lure me for nearly 40 years. In the past 40 years, how many of my White Wolf Star humans have died at the hands of your Zergs? Today is the time to seek justice!"

"Fair?" Fu Sheng sneered, "Is the death of those people related to you?"

"Shut up!" Zhong Tianming's eyes were full of killing intent. "I was wrong in the past, but now I am no longer confused, you suffer!"

"I understand." Fu Sheng stared at Shen Zheng, "It's this kid, right? This kid has also mastered the secrets of the earth, and he has found a galaxy master who is willing to take you there, right? Zhong Tianming, you have I never thought that the relationship between you humans is too fragile. It is absolutely impossible for the masters of your galaxy to love and care for their own race like the Zerg powerhouses! With this fragile relationship, do you think Will I become cannon fodder to be used, abandoned miscellaneous soldiers, or be regarded as relatives of the same kind?"

"Is the Zerg really that good?" Shen Zheng sneered. "I've also seen quite a few Zerg experts who used their own kind to attack strong people from other races, and then escaped by themselves when they were in danger."

"You are talking nonsense!" Fu Sheng roared angrily.

"There's no point in discussing this." Shen Zheng looked at Zhong Tianming, "Commander Zhong, all the worms except Fusheng will be handed over to you."

"Don't worry, none of them can escape from this crypt!" Zhong Tianming was furious.

"What a big tone!" Fu Sheng's eyes flashed coldly, suddenly he raised his hand, a space power came out of his palm, and turned into a long knife in his hand.The knife was completely condensed from the space of thunder and lightning, shining with the light of electricity, emitting a cold blue brilliance like death. [

"A new peak star master also wants to challenge the old powerhouse?" Fu Sheng sneered, "Dreaming!"

"Gather all the same race, and swear to kill mankind!" Zi'an roared, a tyrannical insect power surged on his body, and the space power in the crypt frantically gathered towards him. Some changes occurred on his body, and growths grew on his limbs Out of the Zerg carapace, with aggressive spines on it.

The other more than 100 bugmen in the cave quickly gathered around him. Each of those bugmen exuded powerful power, and they returned to the original source of life without any care, and turned into a creature between humans and bugs. Horrible monsters, through which they exerted greater power than usual.

"It's not worth mentioning." Zhong Tianming sneered and raised his hand slowly.A force of space was generated in his hands, and he didn't even have any interest in using the insect spirit.

Shen Zheng looked at Fusheng, and when he raised his hand, white light flew out from his palm, turning into a blood whip.With a shake of the hand, the power of several spaces burst out and turned into the power of the second world, attached to the blood spirit whip.

At that moment, Fu Sheng's eyes moved.

What kind of space force is this?He was shocked in his heart, and the hand holding the lightning space long knife trembled slightly.He sensed that the power of space on Shen Zheng's blood whip possessed many different types of power, and these forces cooperated with each other to form a world that seemed to contain nothing but life.


When he thought of this, his body trembled uncontrollably.

But after a while, he stabilized, looked directly at Shen Zheng, and spoke slowly.

"Boy, if you have the guts, you can take my trick and try it. If you can stop it, I will admit to anything you want me to do!"

"Come on." Shen Zheng smiled lightly.

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