star wars civilization.

Chapter 548: The Mysterious God

In the flow of starlight, Xuesu moved forward rapidly in the hyperspace, but after a short while, she gradually slowed down. She gradually couldn't sense the other party's breath, so she couldn't help but looked around suspiciously, searching carefully. |^

"Sister Xuesu, go forward to the left!" Shui Qingqing's thoughts flowed out of the insect nucleus space along with her power, guiding Xuesu's way.

"Can you sense its existence?" Xue Su asked in surprise.

"I don't know, but I know that guy should be there." Shui Qingqing said, "That's the direction, hurry up!"

"Okay!" Xue Su nodded, and flew away following Shui Qingqing's guidance.Not long after, Shui Qingqing pointed to a new direction, Xue Su followed her pointing all the way and flew quickly, and gradually sensed the breath of Thunder Dragon Worm. [

"This guy can't run anymore this time!" Xue Su snorted, the power of his body merged with the power of Xuanwu Ice Soul, and suddenly increased his speed, just like when Shen Zheng opened his eyes at this time, he would be surprised to find that The stars outside the double-layered space have already connected into a line.

The Thunder Dragon worm ran away desperately, but in an instant it sensed the terrifying aura behind it, and it couldn't help shouting in horror: "God, didn't you say that you can erase my aura, so that she won't catch up to you?"

Gritting its teeth violently, it suddenly turned around and let out a terrifying roar. The inner hyperspace vibrated in its roar, and immediately broke through a hole in the turbulent flow. With a movement of its body, it burrowed into the hole , entered the outer hyperspace.

Immediately, Xue Su lost its trace again.

The two hyperspaces of the inner layer and the outer layer, from the inside, seem to be just different levels, but in fact, there is a huge gap in terms of space alone. The distance of one centimeter in the inner layer may be the same in the outer space. Hundreds of thousands of kilometers.Just like maps of different scales.

The brontosaurus escaped from the inner hyperspace and entered the outer hyperspace, where it appeared is completely impossible to calculate.Although it can be captured, it must be able to lock the opponent's breath.

But Xue Su found that even though she was so close to the Thunder Dragon, she still couldn't lock its breath.Its aura seemed to be protected by a stronger force, and if it wanted to hide it, it could disappear out of thin air.

"Sister Xuesu, I can still sense it!" Shui Qingqing called out again at this moment, guiding Xuesu.

"Okay!" Xue Su nodded, followed Shui Qingqing's command, flew to the right for a certain distance, broke through the inner hyperspace suddenly, and entered the outer hyperspace. |^

She appeared in a turbulent stream, and when she probed, she found the Thunder Dragon Worm flying from a distance. Seeing her, the Thunder Dragon Worm trembled in shock, and almost couldn't stop hitting the snow Su body.

"Impossible, how could you find out where I am?" Thunder Dragon cried out in horror.

"Die here honestly!" Xue Su sneered and released the Holy Spirit Realm with a wave of her hand.The space with the power of the five holy spirits immediately wrapped her and the Thunder Dragon in it, and the powerful force was running on the shell, preventing the Thunder Dragon from escaping again at any time.

"What is this!" Thunder Dragon Worm snorted, and a dazzling electric light flashed on his body again, as if he was going to explode himself.

Xue Su naturally wouldn't fight it recklessly, and immediately backed away.And the Thunder Dragon Worm smiled slyly, and slammed into the outer wall of the Holy Spirit Realm that it felt was weaker.

But at this moment, the corners of Xue Su's mouth raised slightly, forming a weird smile.

The power of that outer wall suddenly strengthened, and the power of the surrounding holy spirit quickly gathered, acting on the Thunder Dragon Worm.It was immediately counterattacked by a powerful force, its movements slowed down, and that powerful force became weak in the process of consumption.

At this moment, Xue Su waved his hand and released two ice snakes in succession.Two big snakes came whistling with a chilly air, and one entangled the Brontosaurus in the rear. Although it was torn apart by the powerful thunder of the Brontosaurus, it successfully consumed the Brontosaurus. The worm's enormous strength, while the other one directly hit the Thunder Dragon worm.

The combined strength of the two ice snakes immediately knocked the Thunder Dragon Worm to the point where it spit out a large amount of purple blood. Its body twisted crazily, looking like it was dying.Xue Su didn't spare her strength, and when she waved her hands, the five great holy spirit powers in the Holy Spirit Realm crazily pressed against the Thunder Dragon Worm, and the entire Holy Spirit Realm also began to shrink rapidly, and at the same time, she released two ice snakes.

Facing these powerful forces, Thunder Dragon Worm finally exploded with the strongest force at all costs, detonating his body. [

"Shen Zheng! Don't be complacent! You have been targeted by a powerful god! Even if you kill me today, the god will find you sooner or later and kill you!"

During the roar, its body exploded suddenly, Xue Su frowned slightly, and immediately withdrew from the Holy Spirit Realm.In that world that was another space, the two ice snakes were blown away by the exploding thunder dragon insects, and the power of the five holy spirits was also ruthlessly knocked away.And the price the Thunder Dragon Worm paid was his own life.

Seeing the huge Holy Spirit Realm and the Thunder Dragon worm died together, Xue Su let out a long breath.

"It's dangerous." She gently took Shen Zheng's hand beside her. "Master, I feel that this brontosaurus didn't evolve the power of the lord of the galaxy itself, but just got a hard upgrade from others, and it can't be compared with the real lord of the galaxy. Otherwise, with My strength may be able to tie with it, but it is absolutely impossible to kill it."

"Who is the god it is talking about?" Shen Zheng frowned, "The one who can be called a god by the master of the galaxy..."

"Catch its residual thoughts." Xue Su pointed to the gradually disappearing Holy Spirit Realm, and suddenly entered it again.

At this time, the Holy Spirit Realm was about to collapse, and the power of the five great Holy Spirits in it was slackened, while the power of the Thunder Element was criss-crossing it, wreaking havoc.Shen Zheng knew that he couldn't stay here for a long time, so he concentrated his mind to sense the remaining thoughts of the Thunder Dragon, and then signaled Xue Su to fly over. His powerful thoughts constantly explored the remaining thoughts and sucked them into his mind.

"Damn it, this guy even exploded the worm nucleus!" Xue Su looked around and said with some regret.

"Let's go, I've obtained its remaining thoughts." With a wave of Shen Zheng's hand, Xue Su hurriedly led him out of the Holy Spirit Realm, and not long after he left, the Holy Spirit Realm disappeared in the shock.

"The loss of power this time is not small." Xue Su whispered to herself.

But Shen Zheng concentrated his mind and began to sense the residual thoughts of the brontosaurus in his brain.Vaguely, he seemed to have turned into a thunder dragon, saw a vague shadow in the haze, rescued himself from a terrible destruction space, and then merged with himself, endowing himself with powerful power.

At the same time, an idea related to floating life was also transmitted, instilling a thought: Shen Zheng is your enemy, he is the one who harmed you, you must kill him!

That voice has a power to confuse people's hearts, and the Thunder Dragon, which has just gained strength, cannot resist at all.

Who is that?Shen Zheng was puzzled.

At this time, he faintly sensed that the Thunder Dragon worm who had obtained this kind of promotion also paid a huge price, and its life was suddenly shortened because of this, only less than half a month long.It does gain power, but it is imperfect, and at the cost of its life.

Just like the experimental products prepared urgently to deal with temporary incidents, we don't expect them to be effective for a long time, but only hope that they can prevent temporary disasters.

But who is going to kill me?

Shen Zheng frowned.The residual thought of the Thunder Dragon Worm has been reused, he immediately drove it out of his mind, and allowed it to slowly dissipate and disappear in the air.

"Master, Qingqing said that she sensed a powerful aura." Xue Su said to Shen Zheng at this time.

"It's Qingqing again?" Shen Zheng was startled.

"Yes." Xue Su nodded, "Others couldn't sense it. Qingqing said that this breath gave her a sense of familiarity, but she couldn't figure out who it belonged to. But she can be sure, that breath The guy is very dangerous, it is recommended that we stay away from that breath."

"The Thunder Dragon said before he died that there are gods watching me." Shen Zheng looked at Xue Su, "And I also discovered a mysterious guy by sensing the remaining thoughts of the Thunder Dragon. It's just a shadow , I can't even see whether it is a human or a bug. But I feel that that guy is actually just a ball of thoughts, which is injected into the body of the Thunder Dragon, and it enhances the strength of the Thunder Dragon. Xue Su, what do you think? What's going on?" [

"Don't think about things you don't understand." Xue Su shrugged, "Otherwise it's just wasting your mind. Master, since Qingqing has suggested this, I think we should leave quickly. The farther away from here the better, when we get to the deep Red Vortex, I don't believe that guy can still follow. And if you can reach the earth smoothly, maybe you can upgrade your level, and even if a stronger existence comes out to trouble you, we will fight together with your strength, at least Can you escape safely?"

"You're right." Shen Zheng nodded. "The enemy is in the dark and we are in the light. The longer you stay here, the more dangerous it is. This god does not show up, but has to possess the Thunder Dragon, which shows that it does not have the power to face me directly. Now that the Thunder Dragon is killed, Even if the god wants to do it again, I think it has to be borrowed from others, so let's take advantage of this time to leave!"

Xue Su smiled: "Then you close your eyes, I'm going to move at the master level of the galaxy."

"It's coming again." Shen Zheng sighed and closed his eyes, Xue Su grinned and gently clenched his hand.The body of light exerted a huge master-level power of the galaxy, and immediately entered the double-layered hyperspace.The universe was instantly shrunk, and Xue Su flew towards where she came from with a touch of brilliance.

Not long after, Xue Su of the Giant of Light returned to the place where she first met the Thunder Dragon Worm. She didn't stop, but continued to move forward.Although she didn't have the linear map in Shen Zheng's brain, she still firmly remembered the flight route she and Shen Zheng experienced together, and quickly came to the turbulent flow leading directly to the crimson vortex. The inner hyperspace escaped, came to the outer layer, and then entered the turbulent flow.

But before that, she stopped first, unlocked the power, and took back the body of light, "Master, it's time for Mr. Liang Tao to come out and guide us in the direction of the Crimson Alliance."

At this moment, a violent shock came suddenly, the hyperspace was instantly shattered, and a turbulent current surrounded Xue Su and Shen Zheng.

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