star wars civilization.

Chapter 549: Crazy Star Masters

The powerful turbulent current enveloped the two of them, and although the two resisted with all their strength in horror, they were unable to fight against the turbulent current at all. k

After an unknown period of time in the haze, Shen Zheng slowly opened his eyes, only to see that he was already in a strange universe.The reason why this place is strange is not because of the strangeness brought by the intuitive sight, but because Shen Zheng searched all over his mind, but he couldn't find any linear map related to this universe.

This shows that this is a region of the universe that he has never been to.

Xue Su was floating not far from him, he hurriedly flew over, hugged Xue Su, and called her softly.Slowly, Xue Su also opened her eyes, like waking up from a sweet sleep.

"Master!" she exclaimed, "What's wrong with us?" [

"Brought to a strange universe by a force." Shen Zheng glanced around vigilantly.It was empty here, without any space turbulence. Shen Zheng took Xue Su into the hyperspace to search, but still did not find any space turbulence nearby.

"Oops." Shen Zheng couldn't help frowning. "I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to go home now."

"It seems that we still underestimated that mysterious 'God'." Xue Su bit her lip. "I didn't expect that guy to be able to exert such a powerful force. If I had known this, I would have liked it if I hadn't unlocked the power. What should we do now?"

"Let everyone come out and discuss together." Shen Zheng said and exited the hyperspace, releasing everyone in his own space worm core, and Xue Su also called out the five members of the Xue group.

"What's going on here?" Liang Tao frowned and looked around, "Although we couldn't directly see the outside in the worm core space, we felt a huge force throwing us into the turbulent flow."

"I've been dizzy for a long time!" Shui Qingqing rubbed her head and said.

"Brother, where are we?" Shen Ying flew to Shen Zheng's side and hugged his arm.

"I don't know." Shen Zheng shook his head. "It's a completely strange starry sky."

"Then...then we can't go back?" Chai Feifei muttered in horror.

"Don't talk nonsense." Fang He shook his head. "Since you can come, you can go back. Isn't it enough to find the corresponding spatial turbulence?"

"I'm afraid not.

Then, he will tell what happened after everyone was put into the worm nucleus, and what he sensed from the remaining thoughts of the Thunder Dragon worm.

Zhong Tianming and Liang Tao looked at Shen Zheng in astonishment, expressing their shock at Shen Zheng's ability to plunder the remaining thoughts.But at this time, the two also knew that they should not be entangled in this.

"God?" Liang Tao frowned, "Could it be that there is a stronger existence somewhere, such as the Lord of the Galaxy, who knew that we were going to the ancient homeland Earth, and... no, if that's the case, he can come out on his own Threatening or hijacking us to take him there..."

"Don't think too much about this god." Shen Zheng said, "I really don't have a clue."

"So, if you want to go back, you can only look for the star map." Zhong Tianming frowned, but he was obviously not too worried.He turned to Shen Zheng and smiled slightly: "Don't worry, as long as you have a star map, with Miss Xuesu's power as the master of the galaxy, although it will take some time, you can always go back. I don't believe this one who dared not show up The gods of God are so powerful that they can throw us from one end of the universe to the other. I think this galaxy may not be far from our Aura galaxy, or it may be nearby."

"But why did he do this?" Xun Fei thought about it. "Just throwing us to a strange place, so that we can't rush to the crimson spiral galaxy temporarily? What is this for?"

"Everything is a mystery." Yan Xin said, "And the biggest mystery is the god himself. It's so strange, I really don't know what kind of guy this is."

"Shen Zheng, you said that you sensed that guy in Thunder Dragon's mind as a blurry mass of mind?" Fang He asked. [

"I can't say for sure." Shen Zheng said, "After all, it is the memory of the brontosaurus. I can only perceive it like a dream, but everything in it is unclear. But what is certain is that that guy Not an entity."

"Ghost?" Shui Qingqing said without thinking, making Shen Ying tremble in fright.After all, Shen Ying still has no time to become a strong player, and he has not had much contact with the power of thoughts, and his thinking is basically still at the stage of mortals.

"Don't scare me." She couldn't help but hug Shen Zheng's arm tightly as she said.

"Or in other words, someone with a power of thought that is too powerful for us to understand." Liang Tao's face was a little gloomy.

"There is movement." Shen Zheng suddenly turned to one direction, his eyes were calm. "A star master is coming."

Before the words were finished, more than 40 space turbulences suddenly appeared out of thin air, and a star master-level powerhouse flew out of each space turbulence. Holding the insect spirit weapon tightly, as soon as it appeared, it surrounded Shen Zheng and others.

There were six people in the Snow Group, four members from Shen Zheng's family, plus Liang Tao and Zhong Tianming, making a total of 12 people.The number of opponents is almost four times that of theirs, and these star masters are not junior weaklings, more than thirty of them are seventh-level star masters, and the remaining ten or so are eighth-level star masters.

If such a powerful force belongs to only one planet, it should be all the top combat forces on this planet.

"Everyone!" Zhong Tianming, who is in the position of commander-in-chief, has long been accustomed to dealing with powerful people from other planets, so he immediately flew forward and nodded politely. "We just got out of hyperspace and entered your territory when we had an accident during our journey. There was no malice."

"Kill them all, kill them all!" What responded to him was a loud shout from one of the leaders on the other side.Following this roar, all the strong men on the other side raised their weapons together, shouting: "Kill!"

More than 40 star masters exerted their strength at the same time, and the surging breath rushed to everyone like a frenzy.

"Shame on your face?" Zhong Tianming's expression darkened. "It doesn't matter if there are too many people, it's just a group of inconspicuous little characters!"

"Go back to the worm nucleus." Shen Zheng waved his hand, and the space force had already enveloped the three members of the family. "The level difference is too big, and the other party has killing intent, so it is not suitable for you to practice."

The three of them nodded, without any resistance in their minds, they entered the worm nucleus.

Over there, Xue Su also collected the five members of the Xue Group into the worm core. For a while, there were only four peak star masters left in the starry sky, proudly facing more than 40 high-level star masters.

"Everyone, please keep your eyes open." Liang Tao said in a deep voice, "You are facing four peak star masters. If there is a real conflict, it will be of no benefit to you!"

"Mr. Liang, there is no need to say more." Shen Zheng said, "I sensed that there was a powerful mind force divided into more than 40 parts and connected to their minds. Someone controlled them and gave them a powerful mind. strength."

"Which 'god' is it?" Liang Tao was taken aback.

"Maybe." Shen Zheng's eyes were cold, "Everyone be careful. These people are nothing to worry about, but I'm afraid someone will sneak up on you."

"Kill these guys first!" Zhong Tianming became ruthless for a while, and when he waved his hand, an explosion space appeared faintly in the opponent's formation, and he was about to use his strength to swallow those people.

But those people seemed to be able to sense it in advance, and immediately flew to the distance, avoiding the attack of the bursting space.Zhong Tianming was slightly taken aback, then snorted, and lightly clenched his hands to increase his strength. Immediately, a huge destruction space with a diameter of fifty kilometers was formed around him.

Shen Zheng and others who were in the center were not troubled by this space.As a veteran powerhouse, Zhong Tianming naturally possessed this kind of control, and the center of that piece of destruction space was quiet and safe. [

In an instant, the huge space of destruction exerted its own power, overlapping with the real world, trying to bring all the objects in the overlapping part into it.

However, in the blink of an eye, Zhong Tianming turned pale with shock, because he clearly saw that those high-ranking star masters just trembled twice before breaking away from the attraction of those destructive spaces, and brandishing insect spirit weapons towards them.

"What's going on here?" He exclaimed in astonishment, "Guys of this level don't dare to use my space power?"

"It's not their ability." Liang Tao said in a deep voice, "It should be what brother Shen Zheng said, the power given to them by the mysterious god behind it. Brother Zhong, let's do it directly."

As he said, he waved his hand, and when the red light flashed on his hand, a pair of tiger hook claws had been put on his hands, and the powerful electric space power was quickly attached to them, and he moved with his hands, illuminating the surroundings a piece of space.

Zhong Tianming snorted, and with a wave of his hand, he called out an elegant insect spirit long sword. The patterns on the sword were like landscape paintings.During the dance, the bursting space clings to it, faintly exuding a murderous aura.

"Let's do it." Shen Zheng shook his head and sighed.Although these people don't have any enmity with him, they can't let them kill him.With a wave of his hand, the blood spirit whip appeared in his hand, and the power of the second world spread all over the blood spirit whip.

Xue Su didn't have a weapon. She looked at the other party, and with a slight movement of her hands, the holy spirit space formed by the five kinds of holy spirit power spread all over her body, turning herself into a weapon with the power to destroy space .

The three of them couldn't help looking at her together, with a look of shock and envy in their eyes.

Even Shen Zheng was the first time to see Xue Su make a move after reaching the peak star master, and he was naturally surprised to see her using power like this.

The four peak star masters exuded an extremely terrifying aura, but this aura did not affect those high-level star masters. Like those Zerg who were not afraid of death, they killed the four powerhouses with red eyes, regardless of their own life or death.

The four of them didn't show any mercy to their subordinates, they each went to one side, and the power of destroying space played a powerful role in their strikes. When they first came into contact with each other, several high-ranking star masters were wiped out in front of this powerful force.

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