star wars civilization.

Chapter 562: Origin Universe

The body of creation?

These four words made Shen Zheng's body and mind shake.In the past, this title has always troubled him, making him puzzled, but now, someone actually mentioned this title in front of him.

"Who is it?" He looked around in a daze, looking for the source of the voice, and then felt a power slowly moving towards him in a world surrounded by whiteness.He gradually felt that there was something more in front of his eyes, but he couldn't see it, because that thing was also white, exuding white light, soft and blind, walking in this white world was like walking in darkness at night .

"Who are you?" Shen Zheng stared ahead.He didn't see anything, but he could sense it.He knew that the speaker was right in front of him.

"What about you?" the other party asked.The sound was not far in front of him. [

"My name is Shen Zheng." He couldn't help answering, "It comes from the distant Lingguang galaxy, the White Wolf Star, which is the legacy of the earth's civilization. More than 1000 years ago, the ancestors flew away from the earth, came there, and established civilization."

"Not only there," said the voice, "including many areas in this one universe. I like to call it 'Ground Source Civilization.'"

"Does it mean the civilization originating from the earth?" Shen Zheng asked.

"Yes." The voice answered.

"You mentioned the body of creation just now?" Shen Zheng asked. "I've heard this name before, but I haven't been able to understand what it means."

"That's who you are," said the voice.

"Specifically?" Shen Zheng asked.

"After the formation of this universe, the 'rules' were also born. All development and end, all run according to this rule." The voice said, "But the rules also limit the development of the universe, making it inevitable to perish and die. Fading away. In order not to let itself disappear, the universe gave birth to the 'origin worm' outside the rules."

"You mean..." Shen Zheng was a little surprised, "Our universe was not created by the universe worm, but the universe created the universe worm?"

"Yes." The voice answered.

"I don't understand." Shen Zheng shook his head, "Since the universe already exists, how can there be any 'origin worms'?"

"That's another universe, or another world, another plane's origin worm." The voice said. "The universe doesn't want to exist alone, so the universe worm was born. The worm is born according to the rules of the universe, grows slowly, and understands all the rules of the universe, but finally breaks through the rules of the universe and turns itself into a perfect body. And in that process, the explosive power will open up another cosmic plane, and the source worm will become the master of that plane and leave this universe. After several such changes, the universe will have a partner and will no longer be alone .”

"I... can't understand." Shen Zheng smiled awkwardly. "According to this idea, the universe also has thinking?"

"No," said the voice, "that's not thinking, but the rules of evolution."

"Forget it." Shen Zheng waved his hand, "I can't understand this profound scientific truth. I just want to ask what is the body of creation."

"The universe has no thinking, and will not repeatedly create the source worm, so everything after that must rely on the rules formed by the universe and the source worm to develop. An important part of development is the body of creation." The voice said, "The body of creation is born in response to the rules of the universe and the source worm, grows in accordance with it, exerts its power at special moments, and then breaks through the rules, and finally becomes a new source worm, creating a new plane again."

"You mean..." Shen Zheng was stunned, he couldn't easily believe this fact.

In this way, isn't the body of creation the next generation of cosmic origin worms?then i...

He didn't dare to think about it any more. [

"That's right." The voice said, "You are the body of creation, the master of the new generation of planes. But whether you can achieve the ultimate goal is still unknown. There was a body of creation before, and he was another A kind of intelligent life race, which is very different from the ground-origin civilized race, is an 'accidental species'. He also received my help during the process of growing up, but eventually fell."

Bitter?Shen Zheng's heart skipped a beat.

"What do you mean by 'accidental species'?" he asked curiously.

"In this universe, there is not only a civilization of earth origin." The voice said, "but all other civilizations, the development level and the race of intelligent creatures are on the same level as earth origin civilization. This is because all of these are from above. Created under the influence of the power of a generation of cosmic worms. The power of cosmic worms spreads all over the universe, and everything in the universe will operate according to his rules. But there are also occasional chances that wisdom will be born on desolate planets and new civilizations will be formed. Although it is also affected by the power rules of the source insect, and has similar appearance and characteristics, there are still differences after all.”

"Wait!" Shen Zheng exclaimed in surprise, "According to what you say, could it be... Could it be that the previous generation of cosmic origin insects were..."

"The same type as you." The voice said, "or in other words, the mainstream intelligent creatures in the universe were created based on him. Because you were all born under the influence of his power rules. So you won't There's too much deviation."

God!Shen Zheng was quite shocked, he never imagined that the previous generation of cosmic origin worms turned out to be... human beings!

"Then what about you? Who are you?" Shen Zheng couldn't help asking loudly.

"I am the guide for the formation of his remaining thoughts and power." The voice said, "I was born according to the rules of the universe and the source insect, and guide the latecomers to become the master of the new plane. I have been waiting for creation Once the signs of the appearance of the body of creation are discovered, they will be transferred to the place where the body of creation may be produced, and some kind of power that can cause the birth of the body of creation will be activated."

"That is to say, the catastrophe of the earth more than 1000 years ago was actually because of you?" Shen Zheng asked.

"That's not a catastrophe, but an enlightenment." The voice said, "Let them change from a weak intelligent race to a powerful and constantly evolving real cosmic creature. Learning is a painful process, and human beings must go through it in order to grow You see, they have experienced destruction and rebirth for thousands of years, and finally formed all the conditions that meet the appearance of the body of creation, and then I let them scatter into this area of ​​the universe, making the appearance of the body of creation an unpredictable variable, To ensure its smooth production. Now everything has been completed according to the rules, you appeared, and I succeeded."

"Why make everything a variable?" Shen Zheng asked puzzled.

"Because of desire," said the voice, "whether one is strong or weak, there is desire. A person who has everything wants to have everything else. This is the characteristic of living things, and it can be changed. The body of creation is powerful, but It was weak at the beginning of birth, just like you now, or another one before. He fell, and I don’t want the new one to fall again, so I have to protect it.”

"Who would notice that nothing is mine?" Shen Zheng asked.

"The top powerhouses in this universe." The voice said, "They don't know the secrets of the creation body, but they will instinctively devour the rules and luck possessed by the creation body. If I don't build a The humans of the worm civilization were scattered into the vast universe, perhaps it was destroyed by a strong person under the guidance of certain rules long ago."

Shen Zheng was silent.All this has gone beyond his comprehension, and he needs some time to digest what the other party said.

"Originally, you should have come here after becoming the lord of the galaxy. But some rules have been changed, so everything has been affected." The voice said, "You have arrived early, but you have no power to protect yourself."

"Because of what? Which rules have changed?" Shen Zheng couldn't help asking.

"The universe you are in is the 'Universe of Origin'." The voice said, "All planes are created by the cosmic origin insects born here. After they have their own planes, they will still miss their childhood. Home, and as the origin of everything, this universe has advantages that other planes cannot match. Therefore, they will want to come back and occupy everything here. But that is impossible, they have already completely separated from another plane. Fusion, if you want to achieve this step, you can only rely on the new life forms they create."

"Will there be an aggressive war?" Shen Zheng asked nervously.

"It will come sooner or later." The voice said, "Because this universe is not protected by the lord of the plane, the lords of other planes can use their efforts to open up the gap between the planes, put the creatures in their universe into it, and then occupy it. When the source worm of the previous generation was about to break through, he knew all this, and he was worried about everything in this universe, so he left me and left me with the hope of change. My mission is to protect and guide, to protect and create body, guiding him to a wider world. And today, I discovered you, the body of creation that came ahead of time. Therefore, I brought you into the core of the earth, the secret realm where I am."

"Then..." Shen Zheng couldn't help asking, "Then what is the light worm that I devoured before? The source worm of the previous generation was human, so it is impossible for him to have eggs!" [

"That is the test body I sent to you using the rules." The voice said, "It is impossible for me to directly affect everything in this world, but I can use the rules. You are used to calling it 'fate'."

"God!" Shen Zheng couldn't help sighing.For a long time, people often said that the God of Destiny favored them, but they never thought that the God of Destiny actually existed.

"Don't get me wrong, the rules have their own rules, and I can't change everything." The voice said, "I just use it to accomplish what I want to accomplish. That worm carries the power left over from the previous generation of source worms, and the other The purpose is to help you, but it is also a test. If you are not the body of creation, then the power of the source worm will swallow you, and if you swallow the source worm in turn, you will definitely grow rapidly with its help. In view of the previous generation The fall of the body of creation, in order to protect you, I used the rule twice in a row."

"What is the second time?" Shen Zheng faintly thought of a possibility, but still couldn't help asking.

"You should have thought of that." The voice laughed.

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