star wars civilization.

Chapter 563: Collecting Crystals

"Xue Su?" Shen Zheng's voice trembled a little because of excitement.

This girl who is connected with his own blood, the partner who will be promoted as he advances, is it really just a treasure that he bumped into and picked by him so coincidentally?

"Is that the name you named her?" said the voice, "I learned about Duan Tianxing's actions through the rules, so I used the rules to take advantage of their experiments, transfer part of the power to the experimental subject, and then use the rules to transfer it Send it to your planet, and finally make the rules guide it to be your partner."

"Oh my god!" Shen Zheng raised his arms excitedly. "I just wonder why Duan Tianxing can create such a powerful bugman! It turns out..."

"Okay." The voice interrupted him. "The reason why I brought you into the secret realm in the future is not just to say these things. Right now, it's good for you to know so much for the time being. Since you came earlier, it means that the rules have changed. This change indicates that the occupation and being The big battle of occupation may not be far away. You have to prepare in advance, and it is best to reach a certain height before then.”[

"What kind of height?" Shen Zheng asked nervously. "The master of the plane?"

"The next thing I will teach you is the method of modulation." The voice did not answer him, but continued on its own. "The universe is huge. For the Lord of the galaxy, it can be described as a limit. What you have come into contact with is only a small corner of the universe. Don't be arrogant, don't think that you have understood everything."

A gentle force came and surrounded Shen Zheng, and he felt that it was a kind of friendly power of thought.This force slowly seeped into his body and blended with his thoughts, he instinctively did not resist.It's as if when his mother's hand reaches out to touch him, he will never run away in fear.

Some things slowly entered his mind, as if they had existed there long ago, but were just forgotten by him. At this moment, when he suddenly thought of it, he immediately grasped everything.

That is the method of modulating the worm core - through this method, he will no longer need a modulator in the future, and can complete the modulation by relying only on his own space power.

That is also the method of modulating holy spirit crystals and source worm crystals. As long as he uses this method, he can modulate the holy spirit crystals and source worm crystals into energy bodies that can be absorbed.

"All living things on Earth have the power of the Holy Spirit and the Origin Worm." The voice said, "You can hunt and kill as much as you like, and take away the power of the Holy Spirit or the Origin Worm. But be careful, greed is by no means within the protection of the rules. You can only inherit the power of the source insects, not the power of the Holy Spirit. The rest of you can only inherit the power of the Holy Spirit, but are not eligible to receive the power of the source insects."

"Through this kind of hunting and absorption, can we become the master of the galaxy?" Shen Zheng asked.

"The situation on Earth is far more complicated than you think." The voice said, "You have to be careful to survive. I can no longer use the rules to protect you, because I have done what I can do. If I take another action , it may change the rules and destroy everything that is good. Do you understand?"

"I understand." Shen Zheng nodded, "I will be careful on my own, and I won't take the initiative to rely on anyone. By the way, I want to ask about the Xuanwu Holy Spirit..."

"That's an area I can't understand." The voice said, "I said, the universe is huge, and what you touch is only a small corner. And I, as an incomplete body, can't understand everything. I can only It's just using the rules...well, goodbye, the next time we meet, maybe it will be..."

A hazy feeling came, Shen Zheng felt as if he was about to fall asleep, he struggled desperately, and stretched out his hand to grab the owner of the voice.

"Wait, I still have a lot of things I want to ask you!"

He yelled, but in the end he couldn't even hear his own voice.He disappeared from that white world.

But at this time, the surrounding whiteness began to dim, turning into pitch black.In the darkness, a light man was quietly suspended there.He exudes a soft white light, which is not dazzling. If you look carefully, you will find that he looks exactly the same as Shen Zheng, a human of earth origin civilization.

"The true self has transcended." He whispered to himself. "Leaving my phantom, can I really save my hometown? My hometown, I have done my best for you, now I can only wait for him to follow the rules and go all the way up, and then break the rules and achieve that great realm! When we get there You will always be safe when..."

Shen Zheng slowly regained consciousness in a haze, and then found that the source insect crystal powder in his hand was still falling to the ground, and when he was fully awake, it also fell to the ground.

"Master, are you okay?" Xue Su asked with concern, holding his arm tightly.

He looked at the crowd blankly, and then realized that he had experienced the scene of entering and exiting the Xuanwu secret realm in the past.For him, he traveled through two different time and space, but for the people around him, he stayed here all the time, and the time that passed was only a moment. [

"It's okay." Shen Zheng waved his hand. "I just suddenly..."

He fascinates everyone and knows that some things cannot be shared with anyone.So he just smiled: "I just suddenly obtained some information from the source worm crystal. I think if I can use it reasonably, I might be able to absorb it successfully."

"Really?" Xue Su asked suspiciously.

"Give me the one you got first." Shen Zheng stretched out his hand, and Xue Su immediately handed him the holy spirit crystal.Shen Zheng held it in his hand, carefully recalled the modulation method in his mind, and slowly released the power of space, surrounding the holy spirit crystal in his hand.

Slowly, under his control, the power of space knocked on the outer wall of the holy spirit crystal, one by one, and gradually punched holes in it, and then filled them with power.Those forces struck again in the potholes, creating more and smaller potholes, penetrating inward step by step.

In the end, the whole crystal was filled with Shen Zheng's power of space, and under his control, it gradually changed its structure and shape, turning into an oval bead.

The whole process is complicated, but in fact it only takes a few seconds. After a few seconds, he opened his hand, and everyone immediately gathered around, staring at the oval bead.

" this the crystallization just now?" Zhong Tianming asked.

"Now it can be absorbed." Shen Zheng said.

"Let me try it." Xue Su stretched out his hand to grab it, but Shen Zheng shook his head.

"You and I have the same power, so you can't absorb it." Shen Zheng said, "We can only absorb the crystal that is the same as our fusion power. Others can only absorb this Holy Spirit crystal. This is also The information I just sensed."

Although everyone thought it was strange, no one would have imagined that Shen Zheng could travel to the secret realm of the earth in a flash, and talked with the mysterious guide for so long, so they could only believe in Shen Zheng's explanation.

Xue Su naturally understood Shen Zheng's intention to conceal the power of the source insect, so she nodded: "Oh, then let Qing Qing come out and try."

"No need." Zhong Tianming extended his hand to Shen Zheng. "Miss Xuesu, I understand that you are afraid that we will worry, so you let your own people try. But we are all friends and partners, and trusting each other is the most basic thing. Give it to me."

"Okay." Shen Zheng smiled slightly, and put the oval bead into Zhong Tianming's hand.The holy spirit crystal was not big at first, but after it turned into an elliptical bead, it became even smaller, like a small pill. Zhong Tianming clenched his hand tightly, and as soon as the power of space surged, he completely absorbed it.

"How is it?" Several elders of the Crimson Alliance couldn't help asking.

"I don't feel anything." Zhong Tianming smiled awkwardly. "If you have to say something, it's like drinking a drop of water and eating a piece of meat as thin as a hair."

"I understand." Liang Tao nodded, "You mean that it does blend into your body and enhance your strength, but the effect is too weak."

"That's right, that's what it means." Zhong Tianming said with a smile.

"Brother Shen Zheng has such abilities, and there are such rich biological resources on the earth." Yuan Fangyu said excitedly, "Then why don't we do a big job? Hunt and kill some decent and powerful creatures and seize their holy spirit crystals , and then ask Brother Shen Zheng to help make it absorbable, after a long time, will we be able to easily advance to the next level?"

"Sure!" Liang Tao said excitedly. "I believe that there must be powerful creatures of the star master level on the earth. If they gather their holy spirit crystals, it is only a matter of time before they advance!"

Everyone looked at each other with excitement in their eyes. [

"Then what are we waiting for?" Zhong Tianming said excitedly, "Let's do it now! I can't wait!"

"Then about finding the leader?" Lin Boyang couldn't help asking.

"Let's hunt and hunt at the same time," Liang Tao said. "I think the leader also hopes that we will become stronger and help him instead of adding trouble to him?"

"Good!" Several elders nodded together.

"I can sense the aura and thoughts of these powerful creatures." Shen Zheng turned to the distance. "In the valley not far from here, there seems to be a stronger existence."

"Let's go!" Liang Tao waved his hand immediately, "Brother Shen Zheng, I'll leave it to you to lead the way."

"No problem." Shen Zheng smiled, and after locking on to the wave of thoughts there, he immediately took Xue Su's hand and flew into the air.The crowd also flew there together.

After flying for a while, they saw the valley, and everyone fell down together.And the same as the previous experience, the powerful creatures in the valley rushed out frantically as soon as they sensed the breath of the crowd, but they were four leopard-shaped Zerg.

"How amazing." Xue Su couldn't help sighing. "The most basic life is weak, and the closer it is to the Zerg, the stronger it is. But the Zerg is strong to a certain extent, but it is out of the characteristics of the Zerg."

"Not bad." Liang Tao nodded. "Above all, are the five great holy spirits. They are the heads of the five insects, but they are completely out of the characteristics of insects. It can only be said that the world is so wonderful that it is useless to ponder."

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

The four leopard-shaped worms are all very powerful. The strongest one has reached the level of a second-level star master, and the other three are also at the level of a first-level star master.But this level is not much different from ants in the eyes of everyone.

"Brother Shen Zheng, let me do it." Zhong Tianming smiled, "I am the weakest, and I won't be of much help to deal with powerful enemies. Leave it to me to deal with such small characters."

As he said that, with a wave of his hand, a mass of burst space wrapped the four leopard worms in it and quickly swallowed them.

A moment later, four crystals flew towards Shen Zheng under his control.

"Strange," he muttered, "Why don't these guys have bug cores?"

"Perhaps, it's because of these crystals." Shen Zheng said, holding the crystals in his hand.He looked around everyone, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, let's keep accumulating, strive to break through the limit in the shortest possible time, and become the master of the galaxy!"

"Good!" Everyone said in unison.

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