star wars civilization.

Chapter 567: The Strong in Distress

Xue Su put away the Holy Spirit Realm, and Shen Zheng floated quietly in the air, looking at each other and smiling.

"I didn't expect it to be so simple," she said.

"It's not easy to say, I almost died." He said.

Then the two laughed together.

Unable to sense any dangerous aura, Shen Zheng was sure that this place was completely safe, so he and Xue Su invited everyone out of the insect core space. [

"This is..." Liang Tao stared at Shen Zheng with dazed eyes.

"That's right." Shen Zheng nodded, "It's just as you sensed. Both Xue Su and I have successfully advanced to the master level of the galaxy. Now we are... the master of the first-order galaxy."

"Unbelievable, unbelievable!" Zhong Tianming exclaimed, "Is it because of the giant rat that chased us down just now?"

"Yes." Shen Zheng admitted, "It has the crystal that has the same power as mine in its body. After I killed it, I prepared and devoured the crystal, and then successfully advanced. As for Xue Su... "

He smiled: "I told everyone about Xue Su's identity in the past, and a strong person like you can naturally sense it. She is an insect, and her life is activated by my blood, so she and I are the same Like a person. I made the cut, and she made the cut."

"So all of a sudden, we have two real masters of the galaxy!" Yuan Fangyu was a little excited.

"What about strength?" Liang Tao couldn't help asking. "Do you feel any changes in strength? Is it the same as when you used the joint force technique, or..."

"There are changes." Shen Zheng nodded. "In the past, we were nothing more than pinnacle star masters with great power. We relied on the Xuanwu Ice Soul to reach the master level of the galaxy, but we are still far from the real master of the galaxy. Dealing with the mysterious The Brontodragon and Hu Lanchen controlled by the 'Gods' can still handle it, but facing the truly powerful veteran galaxy master, they have more than enough ambition, but not enough strength."

"But it's different now." Xue Su smiled sweetly, "I can also feel that the power is far stronger than before, and the power of the mind has become extremely powerful, and the killing moves that can be used are no longer limited to the ice snake That kind. We can completely evolve the space force into various powerful offensive forces according to our own characteristics."

"Also..." Shen Zheng looked around the crowd, "I can sense the changes in my body, I'm sure my lifespan has been extended. Moreover, when I was promoted, I sensed that I can adjust the state of my body and let it stay at the A certain peak period. In other words, you can rejuvenate your youth."

"Of course!" Liang Tao said excitedly.

"So, we also have hope?" Zhong Tianming was also very excited. "As long as we can find a powerful Zerg at the master level of the galaxy and kill it to obtain the Holy Spirit Crystal, then we..."

Having said that, he couldn't help looking at Shen Zheng.

There was something else in his eyes.

It was a look of awe.

Not only him, but the five core elders of the Crimson Alliance all showed the same look.They are different from those close companions of Shen Zheng, to Shen Zheng, they are just close teammates, not even friends.

But now Shen Zheng has become the lord of the galaxy, with great power, he can completely treat them as worthless.If you like to take care of them, you can take care of them, if you don't like to take care of them, what does it have to do with Shen Zheng if they fend for themselves?

If Shen Zheng really left them alone, what else could they do?

"Everyone." Shen Zheng smiled lightly. "Do you think I'm the kind of perfidious villain?" [

"No, no, no!" Liang Tao waved his hands quickly. "How is that possible..."

"So, don't worry." Shen Zheng said. "After killing the giant rat worm today, I sensed an extremely dangerous aura. Now, the earth is not just a place for ascension, and there may be great dangers in it. There are many people, and we have great strength. The strength of the team needs to be further improved to survive.”

"Brother Shen Zheng, we really admire you for having such a heart." Zhong Tianming spoke with sincerity.

"Yes." The five elders couldn't help but nodded.

Shen Ying didn't say anything, she just put her arms around Shen Zheng's arm with a look of pride on her face, and after everyone quieted down, she asked in a low voice: "Brother, can we become strong like you sooner or later?"

"Sooner or later." Shen Zheng nodded.

"Everyone." He said to everyone, "I just said that I sensed a dangerous aura. The owner of that aura, even if Xue Su and I join forces now, I'm afraid I can't deal with it. So I think we should leave here."

"Not bad." Liang Tao also agreed. "To be honest, according to the size of the earth and the number of powerful Zerg here, I think this is just a remote place. We should go to a wider world to find more powerful Zerg, so that we can improve quickly."

Everyone nodded in agreement, and after discussing for a while, it was decided that Shen Zhenglai still has the full authority to decide everything.After all, only Shen Zheng has the powerful power of thought, which can sense danger and opportunity.

"Brother Shen Zheng." Liang Tao said, "I'll tell the truth on behalf of us. This trip to the earth, we all rely on you. If you can help us advance to the master of the galaxy... Thank you without saying a word, and we will never leave you at that time. Even if we meet our old master, we will not leave your team, and we will always be loyal to you."

"Let's talk about this later." Shen Zheng waved his hand. "Now we should get out of here as soon as possible."

The situation at this time is different from before. Everyone knows that the earth is not like other planets, and the peak star master can run amok. Facing the powerful galaxy master-level Zerg, Liang Tao and others are completely useless, so they are all killed. Income into the space worm nucleus.Both Shen Zheng and Xue Su's strength have reached a new peak, and they are qualified to take risks on the earth, so they just joined hands to search in this world.

Shen Ying was naturally a little jealous, but thinking about it, although he couldn't fly side by side with his brother and fight the enemy together, at least he was by his side, the place closest to him, so he was content.

But in the worm's core, she stopped playing with Chai Feifei and began to practice with all her heart.

Shen Zheng and Xue Su left this mountain area and headed for the distance.In his mind, Shen Zheng had a faint feeling that somewhere ahead might be full of unexpected surprises, so he followed this feeling all the way forward, constantly spreading out the powerful power of thoughts during the flight, searching all directions .

During the search, he vaguely felt that there was a super powerful mind force on the earth, which was restricting him.The existence of this kind of power makes the scanning range of his thoughts only a few tens of kilometers, but if there is no such binding force, he feels that even if he wants to use the power of his thoughts to search the entire earth, it seems that it is not difficult.

Will it be a "mentor"?

He couldn't help but think of that white secret realm, and the remnant mind body of the previous generation of source insects in which he had never been able to see his true face.

It should be.he thought to himself.Be it mind power or hyperspace, I'm afraid they are all under his restrictions, so they can't be used at will.Well, a planet is indeed too small for a galaxy master-level powerhouse. If this kind of restraint is not added, this planet will completely become the possession of the galaxy masters.

Looking up there, he couldn't help but wonder what kind of treasure house is attracting me?

Just when he was wondering, a rocky mountain range appeared in front of him. In the center of the towering and desolate rocky mountain group, there was a man in a long robe, waving a bloody chain, fighting two worms.

The man looked to be in his 40s, and he exuded the aura of the Lord of the Galaxy. Although the robe on his body was wide, it was often impacted by force during fighting, so it was inevitable that it would stick to his body to reveal his figure.Looking up, this person is extremely thin, giving people the feeling that they can be blown away by a gust of wind. His face is also a bit long, but his eyes are not small, and his appearance is not flattering. [

And the two worms that attacked him were both in the shape of gray giant wolves, they were only fur on their bodies, but solid zerg carapaces.The strength of these two giant wolves is astonishing, they have both reached the level of the master of the galaxy, and the power of space wrapped around them is surrounded by the middle-aged man, constantly attacking and gaining the upper hand.

The middle-aged man tried his best to fight, but he was no longer the opponent of the two giant wolves. His robe was torn in many places. Although he couldn't help healing the wound with great strength, it seemed that he was intact when he went up, but Shen Zheng had already sensed it. Its vitality is constantly passing away.If it goes on like this, he will die in doubt.

But this man was not panicked when faced with the danger, and he fought the two giant wolves with great courage, and when he saw that his strength was exhausted, he laughed loudly: "Come on, you two beasts, I will be regarded as an old man today!" If you die, you will also take one of you away. Choose yourself, which one will accompany me to hell?"

"Talking human beings." One of the giant wolves snorted coldly, "Come to us desperately for a trivial thing, but in the end it ended up dying at the mouth of our brothers, don't you feel regretful?"

"Regret?" The middle-aged man's eyes were cold, "If I say regret, I regret that I let Xiaobai come here to play!"

As he spoke, tears welled up in his eyes.

"Death to death today, I want to avenge it!"

"Revenge?" Another giant wolf worm laughed, "Only by you? Small human beings, you inferior race, it is impossible to defeat the noble us. We will show mercy and send you to see yours Friends!"

As he spoke, he let out a long and triumphant howl, his body seemed to turn into the wind, and rushed towards the middle-aged man.

"Kill!" The middle-aged man roared, waved the bloody chain, and entangled towards the giant wolf.But even though the chain was wrapped around the opponent's body, it was easily opened by the wind because of its weak strength. The giant wolf broke through his weapon almost effortlessly, and opened its mouth to bite his neck.

The middle-aged man showed no fear, but a terrible smile appeared on his face.Immediately, a powerful thought drove his power, concentrating on his head for an instant, and it was about to explode his head immediately.

"I knew your intentions a long time ago!" Another giant wolf worm laughed, its eyes radiated a cold light, it interfered with the middle-aged man's mind with powerful mind power, and at the same time, it used the power of space to suppress the middle-aged man's space power. upset.

"Bastard!" There was a trace of despair in the eyes of the middle-aged man.

At this moment, a figure came like lightning and kicked heavily at the side of the giant wolf that was about to bite the middle-aged man's neck.The giant wolf screamed miserably, and was kicked into the air immediately!

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