star wars civilization.

Chapter 566: We, Lords of the Galaxy

Under Shen Zheng's control, a fist-sized polygonal crystal slowly flew over from the giant rat worm's head, emitting a soft white light, and slowly landed in Shen Zheng's hand. |^

"It's the source insect crystal! It's such a big piece!" Xue Su leaned over, looking at it in amazement.

"I didn't expect it to be so big." Shen Zheng couldn't help but sigh.While waving his hands, he used the power of space to turn over the corpse of the giant rat worm. After searching for a while, it was still the same as those earth zergs he had seen before, and there was no worm nucleus in his body.

With a wave of his hand, he sealed the corpse of the giant rat worm with the power of space, and put it into the core of the space worm—this level of Zerg corpse is simply a priceless treasure for ordinary people, so bring it back to the White Wolf Star for the wolf The Fangfang Legion will increase the strength of the Fangfang Legion by a large amount.

Suddenly, he turned his head abruptly and looked in one direction.He sensed a powerful idea coming from there, and the moment he sensed it, he felt a sense of danger in his heart.He suddenly thought of the lie that the giant rat worm said just now that he was going back to sleep, and couldn't help but associate that with his current feeling. [

I understand, it actually sensed that potential danger, so it wanted to leave as soon as possible.But we are also afraid that we will know that it is anxious to end the battle because it senses that a strong enemy is approaching, so it is desperately delaying time, so it will tell that kind of lie.

"Xuesu, we have to leave here." He took back the Holy Spirit Realm, pulled Xuesu, and flew towards the distance. Halfway through the flight, he and Xuesu put away the powerful force, and then pulled her to land On the ground, running all the way under the cover of dense forest.

Not long after, at the place where they had previously fought, a black spot approached from far away, and quickly came there, looking around suspiciously.

It was a man of strong physique.

"Strange, I clearly sensed that there are powerful Zerg here, but why..." He whispered to himself, slowly closed his eyes, and the power of powerful thoughts spread across all directions.

"A battle happened?" He frowned. "Who is so strong and killed this Zerg? Interesting!"

He opened his eyes, the eyes were shining, and the power of thought spread out, searching around, but finally found nothing.However, he caught a faint breath, and followed that breath to chase down, but he lost the clue before flying far.

"Forget it." He shook his head and flew away a little puzzled.

Hundreds of kilometers away from here, Shen Zheng pulled Xue Su to a stop.It wasn't until this moment that the sense of danger in his heart disappeared, and he couldn't help but let out a long breath, and what he exhaled was naturally a strong power of space.

"Master, what did you sense?" Xue Su couldn't help asking. k

"I haven't been so panicked for a long time." Shen Zheng smiled, "I don't know who came, anyway, I feel that he is much more powerful than the giant rat worm we killed, we are just worms in front of him. "

"So powerful?" Xue Su was startled.

"You have to advance as soon as possible!" Shen Zheng whispered to himself while holding the source worm crystal. "Without strong power, surviving here is an extravagant hope, let alone getting better opportunities."

"Can this source insect crystal do it?" Xue Su looked at it, and there was a little excitement in his eyes.

"Give it a try." Shen Zheng looked up at the sky, trying to sense everything, and nodded after a while. "It should be completely safe now. Xue Su, you help me guard, I'm going to start brewing."

"Don't worry, Master." Xue Su nodded slowly.

Only then did Shen Zheng release the power of space, and began to modulate this source insect crystal.Everything went very smoothly, after a few ten minutes, the worm nucleus had been modulated into a round sphere, Shen Zheng held it in his hand, sensing the power of the source worm inside, a faint excitement arose in his heart.

He slowly suppressed the excitement, put his mind in a calm state, and nodded to Xue Su: "I think it's best to advance in the Holy Spirit Realm, otherwise there will be too much noise, and I'm afraid it will attract others."

"Understood." Xue Su mobilized the power of the source insect, and then gathered the power of the five members of the snow group to give birth to a body of light. After raising the power to the level of the master of the galaxy, he waved his hand and released the five-color holy spirit world, bringing the two together. People are wrapped in this isolated world. [

In this independent small world where nothing happens that will affect the real world, Shen Zheng firmly grasped the source insect crystal, sent his space power into it, and then absorbed its power into his body.

Immediately, he experienced a completely different feeling.

In the previous period of time, he also absorbed some source insect crystals one after another.However, compared with the Zerg with Holy Spirit crystals, the number of Zerg with source insect crystals is extremely rare. These days, he did not get many of them. Although he felt that the power of the universe source insects in his body was strengthened after absorbing it, to be honest, the effect was not good. Not obvious.

But this piece is different, it is large in size, and the most important thing is: it is generated in the body of a powerful Zerg at the master level of the galaxy.

As soon as that power entered his body, Shen Zheng felt the original power of the source insect in his body boiling up, and what changed with it was his power of thought.He felt that his mind became clearer, and many difficult questions about the use of power in the past were suddenly figured out at this moment, as if he had suddenly become a wiser than a wise man.

Not only did his thinking become more smooth, but also a lot of wisdom that did not belong to him began to flow into his mind, which was about the master of the galaxy.

In an instant, he seemed to recall the knowledge he had known a long time ago, and he had a very detailed understanding of the level of the Lord of the Galaxy.

There are only three levels at this level:

At the first level, the peak star master made a breakthrough, the wheel of the holy spirit turned into power and merged with himself, and became one with himself.This is a world that overlaps with the real world, external laws affect it, and everything that happens in it will not affect the external world.Unless it is a powerhouse of the same level as the master of the Holy Spirit Realm, who can use his own power in the Holy Spirit Realm to repel the opponent's power and escape, otherwise he will never be able to escape.

And the power in the Holy Spirit Realm will make the releaser stronger and at the same time make the attacked weaker, and it is even impossible to use space power.

At the same time, the masters of the first-order galaxies will also gain more powerful mind power. Their mind power has become insanely strong. They can be used to sense the movement in the distance, scan and scout nearby, and can resist the scan of the mind of other galaxy masters. with scouting.

In addition, because of the sublimation of power and mind at the same time, it has a long life, which can live for 500 years, and when alive, it can adjust the physical state to the best state, that is, rejuvenate.

At the second level, the Lord of the galaxy will be able to create a more powerful Holy Spirit Realm. Its function is not only the initial confinement and restriction and simple attack, but also can directly swallow the opponent's space power, and even swallow the hyperspace.At this time, the master of the galaxy, the power of thought has become stronger, and he can penetrate the power of thought beyond the distant star sea to communicate with other creatures.

The length of life will also increase to 700 years.

At the third level, the power of the lord of the galaxy has reached its peak, and it is so powerful that it is unimaginable.Their holy spirit realms and insect spirits merge into one, turning into space weapons that can instantly destroy space or create space. The power of ideas and power are integrated into one, and they can use space weapons to cross the vast universe with their own thoughts and attack people who are far away from themselves. Enemies millions of light years away!

With this kind of power, you can create your own "world". In this world, unless the power of other galaxy masters surpasses your own, the terrifying long-range attack will not be able to enter it.

The length of life will grow to a thousand years.

Feeling this knowledge, his heart couldn't help but get agitated, but reason calmed him down again, he suppressed the agitation, and only slowly concentrated his mind and adjusted the strength in his body.

The power of space is slowly changing.Shen Zheng once thought that in the realm that he, Xiao Hei and Eggy reached after working together, they had already become extremely strong, but now he found that it was just an illusion.He is still the same as before. Although the strength has become stronger, what is actually stronger is only "quantity", not "quality".When compared with the real veteran first-order galaxy master, he is not an opponent at all.

Just like the battle with the giant rat worm just now.

He sensed the changes in the power in his body, and only then did he truly know how powerful the real first-order galaxy master is.

Come on, change, let me reach that realm! [

He called out in his heart, opened his eyes suddenly and straightened up.The wheel of the Holy Spirit was suddenly formed from behind him, and it spun rapidly. The surrounding space force was driven by it, forming a terrifying vortex.The vortex continued to expand, and it was about to touch the outer wall of Xuesu's Holy Spirit Realm.

In astonishment, Xue Su hurriedly and desperately expanded her power, making the Holy Spirit Realm even bigger.

But the vortex kept chasing the outer wall of the Holy Spirit Realm, and finally, when Xue Su felt that she was about to lose strength, the vortex stopped.

The space power in the whole Holy Spirit Realm was spinning with the vortex, which made Xue Su feel dizzy for a while.

The huge vortex was constantly rotating, and at the moment when Xue Su almost resisted and was about to rotate with it, the vortex suddenly shrank into the wheel of the holy spirit, and the wheel of the holy spirit was retracted into Shen Zheng's body during the rotation.The huge power was completely shattered, covering every corner of Shen Zheng's body, his body changed instantly, cell activity increased rapidly, reaching the most perfect state.

A surging breath emanated from Shen Zheng's body, and he relaxed his body slowly, allowing the breath to flow around.Wherever he feels the breath, he can sense everything and control everything...

"Xue Su." He raised his head and looked at Xue Su.

Xue Su also changed at this time, she was no longer as unbearable as Shen Zheng's aura just now, instead, she was easily suspended in the Holy Spirit Realm, smiling lightly.There was the same aura emanating from her body, entangled with Shen Zheng's, but they did not contradict each other.

The light on her body disappeared, and she returned to her normal appearance, but the power of the master of the galaxy is still there.

The world of the Holy Spirit has changed, and those multicolored powers have disappeared, leaving only pure soft white and the light representing the origin.

"Master." Xue Su called softly.

The two looked at each other, but smiled at the same time.

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