star wars civilization.

Chapter 576: Fairy Qiu

"Sorry?" Yi Qing looked at Shen Zheng, "Why, Mr. Shen doesn't plan to join the most powerful Aotian League on Earth?"

"I don't join any alliance.|^" Shen Zheng said, "I am a free man."

"Freeman?" Yi Qing snorted, "Would a freeman have a team of this size?"

His eyes swept across the crowd, rather unfriendly, and finally stopped on Lu Qianli.

"I know you." He looked at Lu Qianli, "You are different from others, and you have always kept your appearance in the middle age. Your surname seems to be Lu?" [

"Your Excellency has a good memory." Lu Qianli smiled, "But I don't remember you."

Yi Qing frowned, obviously a little unhappy.

"You are not a newcomer." He looked at Lu Qianli and said, "You know all the rules on Earth. Your team is composed of the masters of galaxies. This size is already equivalent to any of the six major alliances. You don't want to join Any alliance, but you have to form your own team..."

He looked at Lu Qianli and sneered.

Lu Qianli's face changed: "We are just free people, we gather together only for the convenience of hunting insects, and we don't want to plot anything."

"Not plotting anything?" Yi Qing sneered, staring at Shen Zheng. "Mr. Shen, if you really don't want to plot anything, bring your friends and join the Aotian League. You have contributed such strength to the alliance, and the leader will also value you."

"Sorry." Shen Zheng looked at Yi Qing and shook his head slightly. "I said, I just want to be a free man."

Yi Qing's expression changed.

"Leader." Liang Tao hurried forward and saluted respectfully. "Leader, I can vouch for the captain, he definitely has no ambition to form a seventh alliance and compete with the six major alliances for the earth's resources..."

"You guarantee?" Yi Qing's expression darkened. "Which side are you standing on? Back off! Listen up five of you, from today onwards, you are members of my Aotian League. Follow me to subdue this group of people today, and I will give you a credit. "

Then he turned to Shen Zheng, and said loudly: "Listen well, Aotian League will not force free people to join, but it will never sit back and watch some ambitious lunatics do whatever they want! Today is your chance , either join the Aotian League, become an elder in the league and enjoy the honorable treatment, or..."

"Shut up." Zhong Tianming snorted coldly. "Everyone you see is the captain's friend and partner. I've made it clear enough, do you understand? We will never be separated, and no temptation of interests will work!"

As he spoke, he looked at Liang Tao and the other five, with questions in his eyes, as well as sharp accusations. k

The faces of Liang Tao and the five couldn't help turning red. Liang Tao bowed to Yi Qing again last time: "Leader, we can come to the earth this time, thanks to the captain...Brother Shen Zheng, we can advance because of you." He, Brother Shen Zheng is a dignified gentleman who values ​​promises, I..."

"What exactly are you trying to say?" Yi Qing's eyes turned cold.

"Leader, the five of us are willing to go back to the Aotian League with you." Liang Tao gritted his teeth, "I will still be by your side and serve you. But please let our friends go, don't make things difficult for them. They really All I want is to be a free man, free to hunt bugs."

"That's impossible." Yi Qing's tone was cold. "Mr. Shen Zheng said that he could concoct the Holy Spirit Crystal himself, and the facts make me believe it. In this way, he will not make deals with any alliances, and will only compete with major alliances for resources, and will not Bring us benefits. Such people... cannot be used by me, so they must be removed!"

He stared at Liang Tao: "Since you are still loyal to me, then perform well today."

"Leader!" Liang Tao frowned deeply, "Please think twice! Think about the past..."[

"Shut up!" Yi Qing's eyes turned cold, "After being promoted to become the lord of the galaxy, the wings will become stiff? How dare you talk back to me?"

"Leader!" Liang Tao retreated slightly, and the other four also retreated.He looked at Yi Qing, and there was a chill in his eyes: "You left without saying a word, it was clear that you abandoned us pawns who went to work for you. But we are still willing to be loyal to you, but because you are Old master, I don't want to turn against you. But if you insist on dealing with our friends, then we will have to offend!"

"Depending on you?" Yi Qing looked at the five of them and sneered. "I can sense that you have just been promoted, and I am afraid that you are not even proficient in using the power of the Lord of the Galaxy? Want to fight me?"

His eyes were full of contempt.

"Good job!" Zhong Tianming couldn't help nodding his head, "Old Liang, the captain really saw you right!"

"It can't be wrong." Liang Tao's face was gloomy, and he and his four companions slowly retreated to Shen Zheng's side. "We can come to Earth and be promoted to the master of the galaxy, all thanks to the captain. The captain didn't abandon us, so how could we abandon the captain? As for the leader..."

He looked at Yi Qing: "It was you who abandoned us first, not us who betrayed you first!"

"Interesting." Yi Qing stared at Shen Zheng with a gloomy expression. "Mr. Shen Zheng, your skills are really good. He is very cohesive and possesses the temperament of a leader. It would be a pity if such a person has no ambition."

"As I said, I'm not interested in such things as separatist regimes and dominance on the earth." Shen Zheng's voice was cold.

"It's just because the timing is not ripe yet?" Yi Qing sneered.The power of space rippled around him, and the surrounding space suddenly became cold and windy.There is a kind of water power of the ice system, faintly turbulent in the surrounding space.

The immense power surged around everyone, making everyone feel a biting cold.Lu Qianli's face changed slightly: "He is the master of the second-order galaxy? Impossible!"

"It's not the second level." Shen Zheng slowly shook his head, "It's just the extremely powerful first level."

"Shen Zheng, let me ask you again, do you want to join the Aotian League?" Yi Qing's voice was cold.

"Okay, I'll join." Shen Zheng said calmly.

Everyone was startled, even Yi Qing, he looked at Shen Zheng in astonishment: "You...what did you say?"

"I'll join." Shen Zheng smiled lightly. "Why not join?"

"I understand." Yi Qing's face turned cold, "You have bigger plans! How can I let you succeed?"

"Interesting." Shen Zheng smiled, "When I don't join, you have to do it; when I want to join, you still have to do it. Yi Qing, just say that you want to kill me, why make all kinds of excuses? Yes Afraid that the leader of the Aotian League will punish you if they find out?"

"Punish me?" Yi Qing snorted coldly, "What a joke!"

"No." Shen Zheng shook his head. "I actually understand your thoughts. In the beginning, you had the heart to recruit, but then you found out that my influence is too strong, and I have the skill of modulation. If I join the Aotian League, I will definitely rob you That's what you don't want to see. But you can't kill me without an excuse, because after your alliance leader finds out about it, it's inevitable that you will guess your true thoughts."

"You are very smart." Yi Qing was silent for a while, and finally sneered. "The so-called, as long as you are all killed, no one will be held accountable."

"Who said that?"[

At this moment, a nice female voice sounded.The sound was like a crisp wind chime, pleasant to the ear and pleasant, as if hearing fairy music.

Dressed in white clothes and dancing in the wind, a woman who looked only eighteen or nineteen years old came from the air.She was dressed in plain white clothes, with black hair, and she had a beautiful appearance, just like a fairy in the sky in mythology.

Whether it is a man or a woman, the moment they saw her, they couldn't help being a little dazed.Not only her temperament can move Nantouzhi, but even her sexuality can't be spared.Because it is a pure beauty, a beauty that everyone can appreciate.

In terms of appearance, she was almost on par with Xue Su, but in terms of temperament, she was more elegant and noble.

If Xue Su's beauty is suffocating, then her beauty is lost.

"Qiu Yunzhi?" Yi Qing regained his composure after being stunned for a moment, and called out a name.

"You recognize me?" The woman looked at him with a cold expression on her face.

"Of course." Yi Qing's attitude changed instantly, becoming respectful and polite, forced a smile, and bowed slightly. "Fairy Qiu is famous all over the world, how could I not recognize her?"

"Captain, this is the strongest free man on Earth." Lu Qianli whispered to Shen Zheng, "Her name is Qiu Yunzhi, and no one knows when she came to Earth, but it is certain that she is better than Liu The leader of the big alliance is even earlier. She doesn't like to set up any organization, and has always been alone. I only heard about her, but never had the chance to meet her. According to the rumors, she is as beautiful as a fairy , I really believed it when I saw it today. If there is a fairy in the world, it is her."

Shen Zheng looked at Lu Qianli and couldn't help smiling.It was only then that Lu Qianli realized that he had talked too much, and even said what was in his heart, and couldn't help but blush.

"It's good to know." Qiu Yunzhi said coldly, "I just heard people say that these free people are going to be killed? I don't know which madman is so bold?"

"Fairy Qiu..." Yi Qing looked embarrassed, "This matter seems to be related to you, right?"

"Why do you say it's about me?" Qiu Yunzhi asked.

"Did you know them?" Yi Qing asked.

"No." Qiu Yunzhi shook his head.

"Fairy Qiu." Yi Qing forced a smile, "Look, after all, this is the territory of our Aotian League. They killed so many people here in a mighty way, obviously to embarrass our Aotian League. If I don't ..."

"If it's just for this, I wouldn't bother with it." Qiu Yunzhi sneered, "But I heard clearly just now that some people first wanted to forcibly recruit these free men, and later they were afraid that they would steal their limelight in the organization, so they moved I can't ignore it. I hate despicable people the most in my life."

"Fairy Qiu." Yi Qing's expression changed, but he was still respectful. "I respect you, but it doesn't mean that I will back down because of your intervention in this matter. They have threatened the interests of my Aotian League, and I must do what I should do. I think the leader knows something , will support me."

"It's up to him to decide whether he supports it or not." Qiu Yunzhi's voice became colder, and his eyes moved to the distant sky.

Yi Qing couldn't help but change his face again.

"You have just started the Internet Eye." Qiu Yunzhi sneered, "Do you think I can't sense it?"

Just as he was talking, a black spot suddenly appeared in the distant sky, and it quickly grew in size. After a while, it came to everyone, beside Yi Qing, who smiled heartily at Qiu Yunzhi.

"Fairy Qiu, long time no see, you look more and more beautiful."

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