star wars civilization.

Chapter 577: The King Should Be Aotian

The visitor looked very young, with a black body and a black coat, and calm and sharp eyes. k

However, everyone present understood that appearance was not the criterion for judging the age of the Lord of the Galaxy.

"Let's not say a few words of praise." Qiu Yunzhi said lightly. "Leader Ying, your subordinates are being unreasonable here. I wanted to discipline you for you. But since you came in person, let you handle it yourself."

"What's going on?" Ying Aotian, the incomparable master of Aotian League, looked at Yi Qing and asked in a deep voice.

"Lord leader." Yi Qing turned his back to Shen Zheng and the others, and saluted Ying Aotian, "As you can see, this group of people suddenly appeared within the sphere of influence of the alliance. This group appears to be up to no good.”[

After finishing speaking, he quickly used the power of space to condense his voice so that the rest of the people could not hear him, and said to Ying Aotian: "My lord, this group includes my subordinates when I was in the crimson spiral galaxy, and they were only at the peak level at that time. The star masters, and now they all become the masters of the galaxy. After I asked carefully, it was related to a person named Shen Zheng here. According to him, he can actually concoct the technique of crystallization of the Holy Spirit. I intend to recruit them, But Shen Zheng is obviously an ambitious person, so he flatly refused. Such a talent cannot be used by me, and naturally he should not keep it."

Ying Aotian's eyes flashed, and he swept towards the crowd.Yi Qing turned around and stared at Shen Zheng.Ying Aotian quickly followed his gaze, and his gaze was locked on Shen Zheng.

Immediately, a feeling like being gouged out by a knife made Shen Zheng feel very sad. He couldn't help using his strength to resist, but was shocked to find that his strength was not effective at all.

"Why, Leader Ying seems to want to make things difficult for these people?" Qiu Yunzhi's face turned cold, "I remember that the rules on Earth are very simple-everyone has the right to choose whether to be a free man or join the alliance. Isn't it? "

With a slight smile, Ying Aotian's eyes softened.

"Fairy Qiu, after all this is the territory of the Aotian League." Ying Aotian said, "These friends are coming in such a way that you must ask me about the situation before making a decision, right?"

"Whatever." Qiu Yunzhi sneered.

Shen Zheng looked at Qiu Yunzhi and had a good feeling in his heart.This matter is completely related to Qiu Yun, and one of them is Qiu Yun's old acquaintance, but she can stand up to injustice, she has the demeanor of a "knight-errant" in ancient legends.And although she is like a fairy, she doesn't look weak at all, but gives people a feeling like a sharp sword drawn out of its sheath, which makes people dare not commit crimes lightly, which makes Shen Zheng full of interest in her.

This is someone special.he thought to himself. k

"Several." Ying Aotian looked at everyone with kind eyes. "May I ask if you have just come to Earth, or has it been a while?"

"Should be the leader." Lu Qianli flew forward and bowed. "I have been on Earth for more than three years, and these friends of mine are newcomers. We are all free people, and we have no other purpose in coming here, just want to trade."

"But you are in such a formation, it doesn't look like a deal." Ying Aotian smiled, "With the addition of two Holy Spirit blood relatives Zerg, you have nineteen galaxy masters in your party, which has surpassed the strength of the six major alliances. A lineup of galaxy masters from any of the alliances. Can such a lineup be called free men? I think they are planning to form the Seventh Alliance, right?"

"We didn't mean that." Lu Qianli shook his head.

"You are the leader?" Ying Aotian restrained his smile.

"No." Under the gaze of the other party, Lu Qianli couldn't help feeling a little afraid, and retreated slightly.

"I am." Shen Zheng stepped forward boldly.He already thought that when Yi Qing turned his back to everyone, he must have secretly said something to Aotian.Otherwise, Ying Aotian won't stare at him with that kind of eyes in the future.What should come cannot be avoided.

He flew forward, standing in front of everyone, facing Ying Aotian's palpitating gaze, his face remained unchanged and his momentum remained undiminished.

"Good manner, you really have the demeanor of a king." Ying Aotian looked at Shen Zheng and nodded slightly.

"I'm sorry." Shen Zheng shook his head, "I just got my friends, and I'm considered the captain of this group of people. What a kingly demeanor, I should just joke about it." [

"Friend, what's your name?" Ying Aotian asked.

"You should already know." Shen Zheng looked at Yi Qing and smiled slightly.

Ying Aotian also smiled: "Mr. Shen Zheng, just now your friend said that he has lived on the earth for three years, so he should have some understanding of the earth's forces. You should know what kind of organization the Aotian League is, right?" ?”

"The number one force on Earth." Shen Zheng replied.

"That's right." Ying Aotian's eyes did not show pride and complacency, which made Shen Zheng feel that he is not a simple person, at least a hundred times stronger than that Gong Beiyang.This is the style of a true king.

"Under the Aotian League, there are [-] peak star masters and [-] star system master elders." Ying Aotian said, "The sphere of influence spreads all over the entire Eurasian continent, with the strongest strength, and the most A good insect field. The masters of the galaxy who join the Aotian League will directly have the qualification to hunt insects freely in the insect field. Even if they offend the other major forces, they don’t have to worry about anything. It can be said that joining the alliance is only beneficial, there is no Disadvantage."

"Sorry." Shen Zheng shook his head, "I still say the same thing, I just want to be a free man. I'm not interested in things like power."

"Interesting." Ying Aotian smiled, "Then why did you become 'Captain'? That is also a symbol of power."

"Everyone wants to call me that." Shen Zheng also smiled. "And I think 'captain' is not a power, but a responsibility. I have to take care of everyone."

"I heard that Mr. Shen Zheng is good at modulation?" Ying Aotian changed the topic.

"Yes." Shen Zheng nodded and admitted.This kind of thing can't be hidden, as long as he starts trading with free people, all the powerful people on the earth will know, so he didn't intend to hide it from the beginning, so he also told the truth to Yi Qing at the beginning.

"Then what else can you trade with us?" Ying Aotian's complexion sank, his face changed faster than turning the pages of a book. "You brought such a team into my Aotianmeng's territory, not for a deal, but for what?"

"I'm just looking for a quiet place so that my friends can advance quietly." Shen Zheng said truthfully.For some reason, he didn't want to lie in front of Qiu Yunzhi.

"My lord, most of these people seem to have just been promoted." Yi Qing whispered, "You can sense that their strength is still extremely unstable."

"Of course I know." Ying Aotian's face remained unchanged, still staring at Shen Zheng. "You are a person who likes to tell the truth, so let me tell you frankly that any alliance will not easily absorb elders, because too many elders will also cause excessive consumption and waste of alliance insect resources But if it is a particularly outstanding talent, every alliance will not let it go. What I value is your modulation ability. I have to admit that your modulation skills may be in the Above the leaders of the six alliances."

He paused for a moment, as if to emphasize the importance of the following words: "So you should understand how the leaders of the six major alliances will feel when they see you."

Shen Zheng looked at him, he still felt the sadness of being gouged out by a knife in his heart, but his eyes were not affected by this pain.

"Every leader will be extremely eager to get you." Ying Aotian said solemnly, "This is related to strengthening the strength of the alliance, because the true heart of any leader will not be the alliance itself, but only himself. It is everyone's true pursuit to achieve a breakthrough that may not be possible in this life, to achieve the realm of the master of the peak galaxy, to obtain a longer life, and to have the opportunity to hit the highest level. The alliance is just a process leading to this end. The road in the middle is a kind of enjoyment of the joy of controlling power in life, and it is a necessary auxiliary to reduce one's labor workload in self-improvement. Do you understand?"

Yi Qing listened to Ying Aotian's words, but his expression didn't change at all. Obviously, Ying Aotian should have told him this truth long ago, otherwise he wouldn't be so moved.

Shen Zheng was greatly shocked.

He really didn't expect that the highest authority in the alliance would say such words, and he did not shy away from his subordinates.

Ying Aotian can be so honest with the subordinates in the alliance, is this a means or a courage?Or, did it stem from a kind of extreme self-confidence—confidence in one's own strength, and self-confidence in one's ability to rule? [

Shen Zheng understands that if he is not extremely confident, he would not dare to do this.Otherwise, what awaits him will be alienation and betrayal.

At this moment, Shen Zheng's evaluation of Aotian improved again.He no longer regards Ying Aotian as an extraordinary character, but regards him as an extraordinary king.

"Because of this kind of pursuit, the masters of the six second-order galaxies are eager to get you." Ying Aotian said, "At the same time, they are also afraid that others will get you first. If you are also the master of second-order galaxies, even if you are a very junior Yes, you will also be safe. But you are only a first-order galaxy master. You have no power to protect yourself against the six powerhouses. Although your team is stronger than any alliance's elder team, that doesn't Use. You have to understand that no matter how many low-level powerhouses there are, they can't match the power of space with a move by a high-level person."

He looked at Shen Zheng, his eyes seemed to want to pierce into Shen Zheng's heart.

"Joining the Aotian League will be your best choice. Otherwise, you will face endless pursuit."

His voice was low, with a shocking power, and even more confusing, the effect of wanting to obey his orders.

After Shen Zheng's death, almost everyone was moved by it, and couldn't help but want to nod and agree instead of Shen Zheng.

"I've never been good at choosing interests." Shen Zheng looked at Ying Aotian with calm eyes, and his voice was equally calm. "I will not do things that go against my heart for the sake of interests. This is my principle. If we say that we must go against ourselves in the face of interests, then what is the point of our pursuit of strength? It is just a jump from a circle of mortals to Just another circle of mortals."

"It's very interesting." Ying Aotian said for a while, then smiled.

"Fairy Qiu, I will kill this person." He looked at Qiu Yunzhi and said calmly.

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