star wars civilization.

Chapter 588: The Lord of Tier 2 Galaxy Is Not Scary

In the air, Qiu Yun's eyes flowed like water waves, sweeping across the place where the two disappeared. k

There, there is an ever-changing force of water wave space, hovering, dancing, and can break through the isolated space at any time, and enter the world belonging to the two warring parties.

In the distance, the expressions of the two first-order galaxy masters of Tianmomeng changed, but they didn't dare to step forward to question them.The strong man in front of them is a god who can take their lives with a wave of his hands. They know that if they want to make trouble, they will not be able to stop it.

Originally, coming with him was not for protection, it was just a ostentation.Then, simply regard yourself as a decorative vase.

In the Holy Spirit Realm, Shen Zheng was covered with white light, and a holy light was released from his hand, turning into a blood whip.The whip danced in his hand, twisted in the air, turned into a huge white snake, coiled around Shen Zheng's body, spit out the letter, and his eyes gleamed fiercely. [

Long Tianmo frowned.Everything in front of him was something he had never thought of. He had thought of several possibilities, including Qiu Yun's attack, but he never expected that Shen Zheng could change into such a posture.

Can you actually have the power of a second-order galaxy lord?

He recalled the news he got from a certain channel, and it really only mentioned that Shen Zheng could use secret methods to strengthen his strength and defeat the peak of the first-order galaxy master.

No wonder he dared to fight me.

Long Tianmo gently straightened the wheel blade, the outer edge of the blade sometimes aimed at Shen Zheng, and sometimes aimed at the white snake.He wasn't sure which was more dangerous and needed to be guarded against.

Therefore, a trace of uneasiness began to ripple in his heart.Although it is only a small flame, it may become a prairie fire due to some changes.For this reason, he was even more disturbed.

Shen Zheng stared at his opponent, as if he was deciding on a strategy, but he was actually sensing his own strength.

He found that Eggy's progress was greater than his own, and compared with them, Xiaohei was much weaker, and its strength no longer played a major role, it was only an auxiliary of water system ability.But in the face of the wood-type forest that can restrain the power of the water system, Xiao Hei's power can't play much role.

But with the assistance of the two, his own strength has undergone a qualitative change, and with the power of the Blood Spirit Whip White Snake's space-swallowing power, there is no difference between him and the second-order galaxy master.

He smiled lightly, and fixed his calm eyes on the other party.

The power of the second world spreads, runs, and flows.The dominant force in the holy spirit realm is no longer the wooden forest, but one-third is occupied by the power of the second world.The power of water, the power of earth, and even the power of life are taken away by the power of the forest, but more power is destroying the power of the forest.

Lightning, flames, sharp winds... the many forces contained in the second world are relentlessly attacking the forest that devours life. k

"Leader Dragon is the challenger, so he should act first." Shen Zheng's voice was calm and calm.

"If you want to die, I will give you an early death." Long Tianmo's tone was cold, and the wheel blade flashed a cold light, making him look even colder.Raising the hand, the wheel blade moved with the arm, filled with the power of plunder, the weapon seemed to become a life-swallowing space, and slowly began to rotate.Moments later, the wheel blade was spinning, but the well-proportioned shape made it hard to see that it was spinning, and one could only hear whimpering in the air.

Such as the sound of the abyss, the ghosts of hell, it makes people tremble.

The white snake stopped circling, and quietly lay beside Shen Zheng, spitting out the letter, staring at the wheel blade, as if seeing through its trajectory every time it rotated.

The gazes of the two, one calm and the other cold, intertwined and collided in the air.In an instant, sparks burst out, and Long Tianmo let out a long howl, shaking the space and shaking people's hearts, which had the effect of confusing people's minds.At that time, the wheel blade broke away from the palm of his hand and turned into a icy lightning whirling like a vortex that swallowed everything, heading towards Shen Zheng.

Waving his hand was like pointing the mountains and rivers, and also seemed to be leading the way for the white snake. Shen Zheng's finger was facing forward, and the position was exactly where the wheel and blade must pass.As if under an order, the white snake hissed into white lightning and swam through the air, mobilizing the powerful forces of the second world, using the flames as a guide, as if explosives had exploded, and rushed towards it in an instant.

The two weapons collided in the air, and the rotating blade cut the white snake's belly, causing several scales to splash. The white snake's mouth bit the edge of the wheel blade, and the huge force stopped the wheel blade from spinning.But during this process, snake teeth and white scales flew around. [

But the rotation of the wheel blade was finally terminated, and the white snake raised his head to the sky and hissed, and retreated to repair the injury.The wheel blade trembled in the air, and the power of the wood system exiled it from the Holy Spirit Realm, causing it to gradually resume its rotation and move forward again.

The white snake's fangs regenerated, its white scales grew again, and it pounced forward with a long cry.The wheel blade spun, as if it wanted to go around the white snake, but it was not as fast as the white snake. It had already been bitten by its teeth, and the rotation stopped abruptly as the white scales and teeth flew across.

Long Tianmo's face changed slightly.The space-swallowing power of the second-order galaxy master has been added to the wheel blade. Any space force that is lower than his own will inevitably be swallowed by it and turned into something useful.However, Shen Zheng's Insect Spirit White Snake did not have any fear to confront Wheel Blade twice, it is really unimaginable.

This guy actually possesses the ability of a second-order galaxy master?How did he do it?

Long Tianmo felt that the uneasiness in his heart began to expand. He shouted loudly and forcibly strengthened his will to win. The power of the Holy Spirit Realm was boiling, and he pressed towards Shen Zheng's second world power of the Holy Spirit Realm with a great attitude, trying to win gain absolute dominance.

"It's not that easy." Shen Zheng's face was calm, and the body of light was shining brightly.The power surged and radiated continuously, and the power of the second world exploded, rushing towards the opponent.The power of the wood-type forest space is retreating at a speed visible to the naked eye.The Second World has finally completed its mission, occupying half of the space of the Holy Spirit Realm.

"He can't be this strong!" Long Tianmo began to grit his teeth.He suspected that Qiu Yunzhi helped Shen Zheng by some means, but he couldn't sense it.He was angry, the fire in his eyes burned even more intensely, people flew like meteors, and came to the battlefield between the wheel blade and the white snake, stretched out his hand, the wheel blade was in his hand, and the surging forest power blessed the wheel blade.

"Use melee combat?" Shen Zheng smiled, "I will accompany you to the end."

His body moved, and in a blink of an eye he was approaching the white snake. When he stretched out his hand, the white snake turned into a blood whip.The power of the second world spreads and flows in it, and the whip dances like a snake, drawing a beautiful and strange shadow in the air, rolling towards Long Tianmo's neck.

Amid the stern shouts, Long Tianmo moved.The wheel blade rotated in his grasp, raised with him, mobilized the wood energy, plundered vitality all the way up, and clashed and rubbed against the blood spirit whip in the air.The light spots of countless energies scattered around, like two giant mills rubbing against each other, distorting the space.

Under the impact of this huge force, the Holy Spirit Realm became unstable, shaking, and turbulent, which made the strength of the two people scatter.

Each retreated a little.

"Shen Zheng, I have to admit that you are indeed a character." Long Tianmo said.

"Now you know you're afraid?" Shen Zheng smiled lightly.

"Don't be so arrogant!" Long Tianmo roared, "You have been promoted through this secret method, but you have temporarily obtained the power of the second-level galaxy master, which cannot last. Moreover, your use of this power will never be stronger than Us, we veteran powerhouses have stayed in this realm for at least ten years, and our grasp of all power usage is far better than yours!"

"A pig has lived in a wolf's den for ten years, but it is still a pig." Shen Zheng's voice was calm, "But a wolf knows how to bite with its claws as soon as it is born."

"I hate arrogant guys." Long Tianmo said coldly.

"Have you ever heard that what people hate the most is their other self." Shen Zheng said, "So the more similar people are, the more fierce they fight, and the more they dislike each other. But to be honest, I and Your personalities are not similar, so you are just hating me because of a misunderstanding."

"What do you mean?" Long Tianmo was momentarily confused by Shen Zheng.

"You saw in me what you thought was the arrogance and arrogance." Shen Zheng said, "And that is exactly your characteristic. You found another self in the world and saw your own ugliness, because you were angry and angry. You It's not me who hates it."

"What a sharp-tongued man." Long Tianmo yelled wildly, "but the destiny destined to die will not be changed because of your sharp tongue. The world of the strong is explained with blood and flesh flying around!"

"What you're talking about is not the world of the strong." Shen Zheng's eyes were gloomy, "it's just the world of beasts. The truth you think is the truth of the beast, not the truth of the wise. You and I are in two worlds, It’s like when a wise man meets a wild beast, he just shoots it, and there is nothing to say. Because if you talk too much, you won’t be able to understand it.”[

"Arrogance!" Long Tianmo stopped shouting instead.he laughs.The smile is cold and crazy, because of resentment, but also because of jealousy.He was jealous of Shen Zheng's talent, the secret technique possessed by Shen Zheng, and Shen Zheng's sharp words.All this is what he doesn't have, he doesn't have it, and he desires it, but he can't get it.

He lived to be 260 years old and was the oldest among the leaders of the six alliances.He kept it a secret all the time and didn't let anyone know the secret, because he didn't want people to know that he, who was on the same level as the five alliance leaders, was actually nearly a hundred years older than them.

He was afraid that someone would laugh at him for wasting a hundred years.

He is not a very talented person. In the beginning, he relied on perseverance and the powerful strength of his family.It took nearly a hundred years longer than others, and he finally became the master of the first-order galaxy, and then an unexpected adventure brought him to the earth, and in the adventure on the earth, he was promoted to the master of the second-order galaxy. Be part of a strong team.

But I always thought that he had a deep inferiority complex.Inferiority makes him intentionally violent and flamboyant, making him unable to bear the suppression of others.Therefore, he became the first person to fight Shen Zheng. Although he knew that Qiu Yunzhi was behind Shen Zheng, he couldn't bear it.

He can't stand it.

After all, because he is just a mortal.He doesn't have the talent of others, let alone Ying Aotian's kingly demeanor.He was jealous that Shen Zheng got Qiu Yunzhi's help, he was jealous that Shen Zheng possessed such modulation skills, so he even hated Shen Zheng for taking away the deal that originally belonged to him.

If Shen Zheng is not taught a lesson, he will have trouble sleeping and eating.

So here he is.So he regretted it.

He found that Shen Zheng was not as easy to deal with as he imagined; he found that Shen Zheng was actually a terrifying existence.

But it's hard to get off.

Kill, must kill him.

Long Tianmo thought in his heart.

If I can't kill him in this battle, I will plant a demon in myself.

So he must die!

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