star wars civilization.

Chapter 589: Crazy from Embarrassment

The wheel blade is rotating, and in the rotation, it accumulates huge power. |^The power of the wood system transforms the devoured vitality into the power of destruction, pours it into it, and the devouring power of the forest adheres to it, ready to take all the power it encounters as its own.

Shen Zheng had to admit that this ability was a headache.

On the surface, he was evenly matched with Long Tianmo, but only he knew how much power was lost.

The power of the forest seemed to be a bottom hole, devouring all his water and earth powers, together with the power of life that he radiated, plundering his heart.

Just to keep the Holy Spirit Realm of the Second World from being destroyed, to be able to fight against the opponent's power, and to ensure that you are not affected by it, you have already paid a huge price. [

Consuming it like this, he will eventually run out of strength one step ahead of the opponent.And then, is the time of death.

The inner turmoil is not revealed in the eyes.The duel of masters is also a duel of souls.Whoever is weaker one step first will lose one point first, and whoever is weaker step by step will be weakened step by step, and will eventually be defeated.

Therefore, Long Tianmo's fiery eyes were to cover up his unease.

Shen Zheng's eyes were calm, but also to hide the anxiety in his heart.

The two can't see through each other, and each accumulates strength in silence.

He must be defeated with the force of a thunderbolt!Otherwise, it will definitely be bad for me to procrastinate!

In the hearts of the two of them, the same idea came up by coincidence.So in an instant, both of them moved.The blood spirit whip flew in the air, and the wheel blades spun along the palms, and the eyes of both of them burst into light—lights full of fierce killing intent, like the swords of temptation before the battle, stabbing each other.

Almost at the same time, the two flew forward, using their respective weapons and strength, to send a devastating blow to each other.

While the wheel blade was turning, it plundered the vitality around it, exuding a strong aggression.Just like the dense forest after the rainy season, all the trees grow wildly, their roots pierce into the soil fiercely, the seeds fly with the wind, and blossom on the ground, trying to assimilate the whole world with themselves.

While the Blood Spirit Whip is being swung, the power of the second world permeates, lightning and thunder intertwine and resonate, the power of the flame breaks through everything, intending to incinerate the world, facing the aura of wood, it exudes a violent meaning of destruction. You can't devour vitality like a forest, but you want to destroy other people's vitality.

The two forces collided driven by their respective masters.

The sky and the earth roared.

The turning of the wheel blade slowed down under the whipping of the blood spirit whip, as if encountering huge resistance, no matter how hard it was to exert great force; the flexibility of the blood spirit whip became stagnant due to the friction of the wheel blade, as if it was about to lose its vitality. become dead.

The power of the second world, especially the power of fire, impacted Long Tianmo's body, making him feel that his life would be burned by flames, and he couldn't help but roar. |^

The power of the forest made Shen Zheng feel dry all over his body, water and vitality flowed away together, as if he would dry up and shatter at any moment, he couldn't help but roar at the same time.

Amidst the roars of the two superpowers, the impact of the insect spirit weapons was about to break apart. The two bodies shook and they retreated. After a fight, they were evenly matched.

Both of them were panting—breathing a huge amount of space power.The world around me wobbles, becoming increasingly unstable.But no one wants to withdraw from the Holy Spirit Realm, for fear that one will fade away and the other party will take advantage of the power of the Holy Spirit Realm to counterattack themselves.

This is a war of attrition, an endless war of attrition.The comparison is not whose strength is sufficient, but whose heart is stronger.

The weak side will eventually retreat first. [

Shen Zheng looked at the other party, staring at the other party's eyes, his eyes were cold and affectionate, but full of strong confidence.This kind of self-confidence shakes Long Tianmo and gives him the illusion of being invincible.

And Long Tianmo's eyes were burning like fire, Shen Zheng couldn't help being shocked.He had to admit that his strength was much weaker than that of this veteran powerhouse.At least the endurance is not as good as the opponent.

Whose heart is stronger?Shen Zheng thought.That has to be me, or it's a dead end!

His gaze became firmer, so firm that it made Long Tianmo's heart feel even more uneasy.Shen Zheng roared, the roar was passionate and full of confidence, Long Tianmo couldn't tell that this was a display of his strength with all his might, but thought that the other party still had strength left.

Possessing the power of a second-order galaxy master, the ability of a second-order galaxy master, and the endurance of a second-order galaxy master... Long Tianmo felt that Shen Zheng in front of him was not a character, but a monster.

"You monster!" The wavering in his heart made him unable to utter such a sentence.

Shen Zheng smiled.This sentence reveals the secret in Long Tianmo's heart.He knew that the other party's heart was shaken.And in this battle, whoever falters will lose.

After the long roar, Shen Zheng rushed towards him with a smile, like a god of death who came to the mortal world to harvest life.It seems that he is not afraid of the opponent's counterattack at all, because he is the god of death, and counterattack means nothing to him.

Long Tianmo's heart wavered again, but his movements did not slow down.He roared, flames rose in his eyes, and the wheel blade spun crazily, facing the snake-like Blood Spirit Whip.

Suddenly, the blood spirit whip transformed into several whip shadows.The whip is as illusory as a shadow, and the shadow is like a big white python, swimming in the air, entwining towards Long Tianmo.Long Tianmo's heart was already shaken, he couldn't see through the strength of the white python, and couldn't help but use his strength to resist, but found that it was just a phantom.

Dispersed power, against the concentrated power, the blade was immediately deflected from the spinning track by the blood spirit whip, violently turbulent, Long Tianmo was shocked, and hurriedly controlled the blade.

The difference between one thought is already thousands of miles.

Relying on the remaining force of the whip, the blood spirit whip turned flexibly in the air, like a spirit snake turning over, from top to bottom, it landed on Long Tianmo's shoulder.The whip tip was like a snake's mouth, piercing the strength, piercing the flesh, and opened a bloody hole on Long Tianmo's shoulder, like the mark of a snake's teeth.

Blood flowed out, and along with the blood that flowed out, a force of the blood line crazily advanced into Long Tianmo's body.Long Tianmo gritted his teeth, took a step back, flew in the distance and stood still, the huge force in his body was circulating rapidly, resisting the blood force.

"Shen Zheng, you are a monster!" He looked at Shen Zheng and repeated the evaluation just now loudly.

"Many people say that." Shen Zheng smiled and drew back his whip.At this time, he was panting violently, swallowing the power of space.Therefore, the strength in his body was almost used up in the blow just now, and he had no strength left to fight back.If Long Tianmo came again, he could only wait to die.

But will Long Tianmo kill him?

No, the little uneasiness in his heart has turned into fear.The defense line of the heart has been shattered by this blow.He was scared.

Looking at Shen Zheng, Long Tianmo didn't dare to act, but Shen Zheng smiled indifferently, and even took back the power of the Second World Holy Spirit Realm first.For a while, Long Tianmo also hastily withdrew his strength and withdrew the power of the wood-type forest's Holy Spirit Realm.

This action once again proved the fear in his heart. He was afraid that Shen Zheng would misunderstand that he wanted to continue to attack, so he rushed to withdraw his strength, just because he was afraid that Shen Zheng would fight back.

He no longer thought that he could block Shen Zheng's counterattack.

"What do you mean?" He asked Shen Zheng, who was the first to charge. [

The two appeared in the air, Qiu Yunzhi and everyone in the Tianmo League saw the wound on Long Tianmo's shoulder.At this time, the blood hole was completely repaired by the huge power, but the damage on the clothes could not be repaired by the power of space.Long Tianmo's shoulders were exposed, and anyone could tell at a glance that he was injured.

Everyone in Tianmomeng changed color at the same time.

This is unexpected.No one expected that Shen Zheng could injure Long Tianmo.

Even Qiu Yunzhi was a little surprised.

The strength in the body calmed down quietly, Qiu Yunzhi smiled slightly: Shen Zheng, I still underestimated you.It seems that the training during this period of time is really beneficial... No, maybe it is not the result of training, but the nuclear waste...

You monster.She smiled and stared at Shen Zheng, unwilling to look away.

"It's not interesting." Shen Zheng's tone was calm, and the blood spirit whip turned into white light and retracted. "You are a guest from afar. I respect your straightforwardness, so I stop. It is meaningless to fight this battle. You can't hurt me, and I can't kill you. I will fight Lin Ya again. I don't want my strength to be exposed in advance, so forget it. Go ahead. If you really want to fight me, wait until I defeat Lin Ya."

"What is Lin Ya!" Long Tianmo snorted coldly.Lin Yameng ranks behind Tianmo League because Lin Ya is not as powerful as Long Tianmo.Although Long Tianmo was prone to low self-esteem, every time he thought of Lin Ya, he still felt a little psychologically comforted.After all, the weakest second-order galaxy master on Earth is not Long Tianmo.

But at this time, Shen Zheng's meaning seemed to be more important to Lin Ya, which made him secretly jealous.

"He was nothing at all." Shen Zheng smiled, "When we met before, I didn't feel like he was as good as you. But time has changed and things have changed. Leader Long, if I guessed correctly, before Lin Ya's appointment , doesn’t have the courage of the other five major alliances, right? Do you think Lin Ya would challenge me on behalf of the six major alliances alone if he has nothing to rely on? Although I’m not good enough, there is Fairy Qiu behind me.”

"What do you mean?" Long Tianmo's mind raced and he couldn't figure it out.

"There should be someone behind him to support him." Shen Zheng said, "Maybe in the future the strength ranking of the six major alliances will change. Leader Dragon, I advise you to keep your strength now and use it for real battles in the future. I don't Ambitious, I don't want to establish any alliance, I just want to get the opportunity as much as possible, increase my strength, step into the star sea as soon as possible, and become a real star sea powerhouse."

"What a breath!" Long Tianmo snorted coldly. "Do you think that you will be able to reach the pinnacle and break through to become a legend all the way? Shen Zheng, you haven't seen all the powerhouses in the six alliances yet."

"There will be a chance to see everything." Shen Zheng smiled calmly.

His calmness made Long Tianmo feel even more uneasy.Turning his head, what he saw was Qiu Yunzhi's smiling gaze, and Long Tianmo felt that there was a sense of sarcasm there.Yes, I should be ridiculed for coming here aggressively and leaving without any achievements.

His face turned red, and he finally gritted his teeth resentfully, turned around and flew away.

"Leader Dragon, go slowly, I won't see you off!" Shen Zheng smiled and waved.

Long Tianmo snorted coldly, and flew with all his strength, leaving his subordinates far behind.He gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, let out a roar, and swept across the vast ocean in an instant.

Suddenly, a group of powerful men appeared in front of them. They were obviously a group of free men in different costumes.

"Are you going to Shen Zheng's place to make a deal?" He stopped abruptly, staring at the group of people with red eyes.

"Yes... yes." The free man flying in front nodded boldly, " are the leader of the dragon alliance?"

"Of course it's me!" Long Tianmo sneered, smiling like a demon from hell.Suddenly, his power surged out and surrounded everyone, their space power was swallowed by his power, everyone screamed in horror, but resisted with all their might.

"What is a mere first-order galaxy master!" he roared, "I can kill you with a wave of my hand!"

In the roar, the lords of the galaxy among the free people were devoured by love, their breath of life was cut off, and they fell into the ocean one by one, leaving only a group of peak star lords, trembling in the air, almost falling into the sea by themselves.

"Tell me what I say." Long Tianmo glanced at everyone, "From now on, no one is allowed to trade with Shen Zheng, otherwise I will kill one when I see one, and kill another when I see a group!"

With wild laughter, his heart was satisfied, and he flew towards Oceania.

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