star wars civilization.

Chapter 590: Banning Order

"Not bad, not bad, you can repel Long Tianmo.|^" Qiu Yunzhi flew close to Shen Zheng with a smile, and was about to continue to praise, but found that Shen Zheng was too weak to fall into the sea, and supported him in shock.

"My explosive power is not bad." Shen Zheng smiled, "It's just that my stamina is not enough."

"Sure enough, it's not that easy." Qiu Yunzhi frowned. "I originally thought that in this way, you could win the battle with Lin Ya, but now it seems that you have to continue to work hard to succeed."

"Hell-style training?" Shen Zheng was sweating.

With Qiu Yun's smile, the power of space was injected into Shen Zheng's body, allowing him to fly in the sky again.Shen Zheng took out a source worm crystal, slowly absorbed it and adjusted it for a while, the strength gradually recovered. [

"Someone is doing something in the sky." At this moment, he looked into the distance and frowned slightly. "It should be the power of Long Tianmo."

"I'm afraid I have anger in my heart, let's spread it on others." Qiu Yunzhi didn't care.

"Let's go and have a look." Shen Zheng flew away, followed by Qiu Yunzhi.After a long time, they arrived at the sea area where the tragedy happened, and found that the battle had ended, and there was the figure of the peak star master flying farther away. The two looked at each other and accelerated to catch up at the same time.

The peak star master was taken aback, trembling all over his body, and he eased up after seeing clearly that it was two people.

"This friend." Shen Zheng asked, "What happened just now?"

"It''s the leader of the Dragon League of the Tianmo League." The peak star master had lingering fears, not only because he was afraid of death, but because Long Tianmo's threat had planted the seeds of fear in his heart with the power of his mind.

He was weaker than the others, so he was more deeply affected, so he escaped the slowest and was discovered by the two of them.

"What did he do?" Shen Zheng asked.

"We are free people." Peak Star Master said, "We all rushed to you to plan to trade, and we came here in groups. When we met the Dragon Leader, we could not help but kill all the galaxy masters among us. Tell us star masters to spread the legend, saying that anyone who dares to trade with you will be killed..."

Qiu Yunzhi and Shen Zheng frowned at the same time, feeling angry in their hearts.

The peak star master panicked, didn't dare to say anything, and flew away into the distance. The two watched him flee, Qiu Yunzhi snorted coldly: "Long Tianmo, that bastard, is so bold!"

"He's not the one I'm most afraid of now." Shen Zheng frowned, "I'm afraid he will contact the other five in the alliance and threaten free people together. That way..."

Shen Zheng's worries are not superfluous.

Long Tianmo killed all the lords of the galaxies to relieve his anger for a while, but when he thought of Shen Zheng's smiling face, he couldn't help but feel humiliated.

Back in his majestic palace in the center of Oceania, he felt uneasy whether he was sitting or lying down, and finally stood up, concentrating, and the power of his thoughts surged, and a thought spread to all directions. k

"Everyone," he said in his mind. "I asked for a meeting of the leaders. How about you come to Oceania for a talk?"

"Is it because of Shen Zheng?" An idea turned into a voice and entered his mind, and at the same time, the image of Ying Aotian appeared.

"That's right!" Long Tianmo gritted his teeth fiercely, "This kid is too arrogant, and now he is trading at a ratio of one to three. This is to completely cut off the benefits of our six major alliances!"

"Sorry, I don't want to participate." Ying Aotian smiled lightly. "You can do whatever you want." The power of thought gradually faded away, no longer responding. [

"About Shen Zheng..." Someone pondered.

"I'll come right away." Someone said firmly.

Not long after, in his palace, four people came one after another and sat down on the VIP seats.Among them were the arrogant Gong Beiyang, Lin Ya who challenged Shen Zheng to fight, and a man and a woman.

Both of them looked very young on the surface. The man had short hair, deep eyes, and a calm demeanor. He was Ji Yujing, the leader of the third largest alliance Yu Jingmeng; the woman had long purple hair, was pretty, and was well dressed. The ancient-style loose dress, with shoulders exposed, is somewhat sexy. It is Zuo Qiuyan, the fourth-ranked leader of the Autumn Goose League.

Except for Ying Aotian, the other five alliance leaders gathered together.

"Everyone, thank you for coming." Long Tianmo nodded with a smile.

"Let's make a long story short." Gong Beiyang looked domineering. "Are you planning to deal with that Shen Zheng? To be honest, I don't like him too. However, it doesn't seem to be a big deal, right? Besides, there is Fairy Qiu behind me, I don't want to offend her."

"Whether offended or not, she won't even take a fancy to you." Zuo Qiuyan's eyes flickered, with ecstasy floating in his eyes.

"Then what about the leader of the left alliance?" Gong Beiyang smiled frivolously, and his eyes were hooked.

"The person I want to look at must be the only strong person on the earth." Zuo Qiuyan chuckled. "If the lord of the palace can defeat No.1 in the world, I'm sure..."

She chuckled and said no more.

Gong Beiyang's complexion changed, and then he laughed loudly: "You woman, you always like to joke so much. Brother Ying and I have a very good relationship, why do we fight?" He said while waving his hands.

"If you're scared, just say you're scared." Zuo Qiuyan whispered with a smile.Gong Beiyang pretended not to hear it, and turned to Long Tianmo.

"Master Long, what are your plans?" he asked.

"I've already killed a group of free men at sea." Long Tianmo's face turned gloomy, and his voice was cold. "And ask other free people to spread the word, whoever dares to trade with Shen Zheng again, I will kill a batch of them!"

"Master Long, does he want us to follow you?" Ji Yujing spoke slowly, and the words hit the point.

"That's right." Long Tianmo looked at everyone, "The trading rules of the six major alliances have been worked out by us over the years. They are beneficial to all major alliances and will not harm the interests of the other party. Shen Zheng is obviously unfair now. Compete, and want to bring all the free men under his banner. I think in the next step, he may even fight us. By then, it will be too late for everyone to do anything.”

"But Fairy Qiu is behind him." Ji Yujing said, "Offending Fairy Qiu is even more detrimental to us."

"It's not like we're directly against Fairy Qiu." Long Tianmo shook his head, "We're just intimidating and threatening those free people, Fairy Qiu can't say anything, right? Besides, of course we won't do it openly. Everyone, just send When people spread the news, free people are naturally afraid."

Ji Yujing turned to Lin Ya: "Leader Lin, you and Shen Zheng's site is not far away, so Shen Zheng will naturally die by then, right?"

Lin Ya raised his head, a cold light flickered in his sunglasses, but he didn't answer.

"When did leader Lin become deep?" Zuo Qiuyan smiled slightly. [

Lin Ya didn't speak.

"Soon, Shen Zheng will die." After a long time, he suddenly spoke again. "But before that, I don't mind making him sad. I agree with Leader Long's proposal. What do you guys think?"

He glanced across the crowd, and there was a faint wave in their hearts.Several people were stunned in their hearts, but remained calm on the surface.

"Since two of you agree, we will follow." Ji Yu nodded. "In the beginning, I didn't pay much attention to Shen Zheng, and he had Fairy Qiu behind him, so I didn't make any plans. Now, as Leader Long said, Shen Zheng has gone too far. There must be Fairy Qiu behind it. What we do is also a warning to Fairy Qiu that although she is stronger and more qualified than us, she must abide by the rules and not damage everyone's interests."

Turning to Zuo Qiuyan, the voice was calm: "Leader Zuo, what do you think?"

"I support it too!" Gong Beiyang spoke at this moment, rushing to express his opinion first. "What do you guys think?"

Zuo Qiuyan sneered, ignored him, but rushed to Ji at the scenic spot: "I have exactly the same thoughts as League Leader Ji."

"I'm afraid it's not the same?" Gong Beiyang sneered, "Leader Ji wants to attack Fairy Qiu out of interest. Leader Zuo is probably out of..."

He laughed, with a malicious smile, and everyone could imagine the word "jealousy" that he didn't bring out in his words.

Zuo Qiuyan's complexion changed slightly, and then recovered, just smiled lightly, without saying a word.Although Gong Beiyang's personality is not very good, but his strength is there, Ying Aotian is No. 1, not everyone can afford to offend him.

"That's it, it's a deal." Long Tianmo's eyes shone brightly, full of excitement and pride.Force cannot win, but he finally got the feeling of victory from the side door.For a moment, a sense of superiority arises spontaneously.

Shen Zheng, you are nothing but a straw king.We are the real masters of the alliance, the ones who rule over everything on earth.You can't defeat our power in the end.

"Nothing else, I'm leaving." Lin Ya got up, glanced at everyone, then walked out slowly and flew away.

"The boy at the bottom of the list, what's so good?" Gong Beiyang snorted coldly, got up and left.While flying in the air, he couldn't help but glanced in the direction Lin Ya left.

"This guy, why does it give me a dangerous feeling today? Is there something wrong with my feeling, or..."

Shaking his head, he suddenly smiled smugly: "Maybe it's because you played with the three beautiful galaxy masters last night, and you're too tired to feel normal?"

A series of laughter echoed, and the people were gone.

In the palace, Ji Yujing looked at the direction of Lin Ya's departure and remained silent for a long time.

"Did you sense anything?" Zuo Qiuyan asked him.

"Lin Ya is not the same as before." Ji Yujing said.

"Yes." Zuo Qiuyan nodded. "I don't know what kind of adventure he had. After challenging Shen Zheng, his strength improved by leaps and bounds. If this continues, do you think there will be a day..."

"Ying Aotian will not let that day come." Ji Yujing smiled.

"After Shen Zheng's death, I'm afraid there will still be battles between dragons and tigers on the earth." Zuo Qiuyan also laughed.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Long Tianmo realized the difference between Lin Ya.He also looked in the direction of Lin Ya's departure, with jealousy and hatred in his eyes.

The five lords of the earth are not monolithic.

But this does not prevent the five leaders from joining forces to deal with Shen Zheng.

Just after this day, people from the five major alliances began to spread the news to the world: If any free person dares to trade with Shen Zheng, the five major alliances will kill and pardon him!

For a while, free people no longer dared to fly into the ocean to go to the island that could bring them hope.

But they have not given up hope, and most of them are waiting for a day to come.

After that day, all the dust will settle.Whether Shen Zheng is recognized, becomes a member of many forces, or is expelled, or even killed, there will be an ending.

People are waiting for that ending.

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