star wars civilization.

Chapter 593: The One-Strike Kill

"At the end of the dragon sky, your time of death has come. k

It is as gentle as the dead silence after the end of the world, like the suffocation that makes life gradually come to an end.

In the Tianmo alliance city, all those who heard this declaration felt the pressure in their chests.The strong people who don't need to breathe actually have difficulty breathing.

It is their power of space, which fluctuates with Shen Zheng's words.

"Impossible, this is impossible!" Long Tianmo roared, the red light in his eyes was like blood, the pupils and whites of his eyes could not be distinguished, it was just a patch of red, like a sea of ​​blood in hell. "How can you recover your strength? What is this breath...?"[

"Power enough to kill you." Shen Zheng said in a deep voice.He lifted it up slowly, and the blood spirit whip stood up slowly, like a big snake raising its head.Then, it really turned into a giant snake.

The White Snake stood in front of Shen Zheng, looking at the formidable enemy with disdain in his eyes.Sensing that expression, Long Tianmo couldn't help being crazy about it.

No one can look down on me, I am no longer the original me.I know how to bring out my true strength.No one can stop me!

"No one!" He yelled, yelling out the words in his heart.

The blades turned, faster than ever before.Turning too fast, it broke its original balance, and it began to vibrate.The vibration did not weaken the power, on the contrary, it brought a strong destructive power.But lost flexibility and mobility.

He no longer needs these, he only needs the greatest destructive power.It is best to be able to destroy everything, but not to destroy everything, at least to destroy the enemy in front of you.

Even if the price is to destroy himself.

But he doesn't seem to realize that he is on the road to self-destruction.The madness prevented him from sensing that the vitality he devoured at this moment belonged to him.

"Die!" He yelled wildly, and the wheel blade became restless amidst the turmoil, galloping out like a runaway wild horse.

What drives it is the power to destroy everything.The surrounding space is distorted by this force, and turbulent currents appear around them. Although they disappear in a flash, it is already a miracle that they appear on the earth that cannot open hyperspace.

But the greater miracle is not revealed by it.

Facing that power, Shen Zheng's expression was solemn, but he was not panicked.He just raised his hand.

"Go." The voice was soft, like muttering to himself, without the slightest sound of murder, like confiding to a friend, or whispering in a dream.

And the white snake's gaze turned into fierce killing intent because of these two words. In the violent turmoil of the space, it flew forward, facing the wheel blade that seemed to be able to swallow and destroy the world. k

The viewers didn't think that it would burst out with the most dazzling light and produce the most violent explosion.But everything was not as expected. The moment the two forces collided, nothing happened.Because the white snake swallowed the wheel blade with just one mouthful.

Swallowed, directly into the stomach.

Then it shook its head and spat out a blood red.The blood red turned into a wheel blade in the air, without any space power on it, like a dead object without spirituality, it fell directly to the ground and pierced into the ground.

"What!?" Long Tianmo roared wildly, the roar dragged on for a long time, and then stopped suddenly.

Blood flowed from the corner of the white snake's mouth. [

Blood was also flowing from Long Tianmo's chest.In his chest, there was a blood hole, which pierced through the flesh and bones.

"Impossible!" Qiu Yunzhi was astonished, but couldn't help exclaiming. "Destroy the space, kill people beyond the space... This is the power that can only be evolved by the insect spirit of the master of the peak galaxy!"

Looking at Shen Zheng, her eyes were blurred, as if she could no longer see the man in front of her clearly.She was in a trance, and suddenly felt that the person standing in the air far away in front of her was not alone.

It is a vast universe, a vast world, and a boundless space.

She felt a little dizzy, and for a moment she couldn't tell whether she was the protector or the protected.

Long Tianmo lowered his head and looked at the blood hole in his chest, his eyes were full of astonishment, as if he didn't understand what attacked him, and he didn't seem to believe that it could attack him.He looked up and looked at the Blood Spirit Whip White Snake in the distance. There was a long distance between the two sides.Nearby, there is no trace of energy.

There was a cold light in the white snake's eyes, a killing intent.Shen Zheng's eyes also had a cold light and killing intent.He waved his hand lightly, as if to disperse the dust in front of him, and then the white snake moved again, biting fiercely into the void.

Blood spattered, half on White Snake's teeth, half on Long Tianmo's chest and abdomen.There are two more big holes, one in the chest and the other in the abdomen, the holes are round and smooth, as thick as the teeth of a white snake.

There was a gurgling sound in the throat, like a powerful roar.Looking at the white snake, Long Tianmo burst out a cry that only he could hear.To outsiders, what they heard was only the muddy sound in his throat.The last trace of vitality passed away, and the power of the forest also disappeared. His eyes were still red, but there was no more light of fire.Dim, dimmer again, and then he fell from the sky and fell on the spire of the majestic palace. Instead, he slid down the slope and hit the ground.

The raised dust slowly fell and covered his body, as if the god of death covered him gently and took him away.The breath of life has completely disappeared, and what lies on the ground is just a corpse, which has nothing to do with the strong.Even the smallest insects and ants can come and bite his flesh.Majesty, no longer exists here.

There were crows and sparrows in the Tianmo League, and everyone's face was pale.

"He brought the blame on himself." Shen Zheng's voice spread to every corner of the city. "But it's all about you, you don't have to be afraid. From now on, as long as you don't come to offend me, I will never trouble you again. The grievances between me and Long Tianmo are over."

The blood spirit whip turned into light and retracted into his body. The body of light slowly disintegrated, turning into light spots and dissipating.Turning around, without any hesitation, he smiled at Qiu Yunzhi, nodded, and headed north.

It wasn't until the two disappeared into the sky that the powerhouses of the Tianmo League breathed a sigh of relief.They gathered around Long Tianmo's corpse, looking at the corpse of the former ruler, they couldn't tell what it was like.

"This is not the end." A very high-ranking elder shook his head, "It's just the beginning. Our catastrophe has just begun..."

Everyone looked at him, some understood what he said, while others were puzzled.Those who understand are worried, and those who don't understand are even more worried.But everyone knows that the Tianmomeng no longer exists.

With Long Tianmo's death, the name of this faction will disappear.

In the sky, Shen Zheng staggered a little.

"Why, are you running out of strength again?" Qiu Yunzhi asked with concern.

"No." Shen Zheng shook his head, "It's just that after using the blow just now, he often felt in a trance. But he recovered after a while."

"You just now..." Qiu Yunzhi looked at him with hesitation in his eyes, but he finally spoke. "What you just displayed is not the power of the second-order galaxy master."

"It's the power of the lord of the peak galaxy." Shen Zheng nodded and smiled. [

"You know?" Qiu Yunzhi asked.

"When I was first promoted to be the master of the first-order galaxy, a huge amount of knowledge entered my mind along with the power of crystallization." Shen Zheng did not hide this point. "At that time, I had a preliminary understanding of the characteristics of the third-level master of the galaxy. I knew that the attack just now belonged to the skill of the third-level galaxy master, which transcended the long cosmic space and killed enemies in different dimensions. .”

"Can you use it as you like?" Qiu Yunzhi asked.

"No." Shen Zheng shook his head. "The strike just now is like a master calligraphy master's magic brush. It is the result of a sudden flash of inspiration, but I can't capture its trajectory, and I can't repeat it as I like."

"It's a pity." Qiu Yunzhi sighed, "If you can master it, then I point out the existence that will become the enemy on the earth."

"Maybe when I truly become the master of the second-order galaxy, I can master it." Shen Zheng's eyes were full of hope.

"Who knows." Qiu Yunzhi shook his head, "You are a person who cannot be explained by common sense, and you cannot be measured by common sense. But no matter what, you should already be sure of killing Lin Ya."

"No." Shen Zheng shook his head, "I have a feeling that Lin Ya will be far more difficult to deal with than Long Tianmo. There is a sense of danger that has been lingering around and can't go away. The only explanation is that there is a potential huge threat .No one else except Lin Ya."

"How could he do it?" Qiu Yunzhi frowned. "What kind of power is helping him?"

"Actually, there has been a mysterious force chasing and killing me." Shen Zheng said. "We call him 'God'. But he was already eliminated in a battle because of the unyielding will of a heroic star master. But the dark power that appears now seems to be stronger than him."

"God?" Qiu Yunzhi muttered to himself. "I don't know if I can help you. In fact, I have always sensed that there is a force on the earth. I don't know what it is, and I don't know where it exists. There is even nothing to prove its existence, but I Just believing it exists. Not sure why, just a feeling."

Shen Zheng looked at her and really thought she was amazing.

"Perhaps, my enemy is another force similar to him." Shen Zheng said.

Autumn Cloud's Silence.

She couldn't explain everything, so she could only let it go and watch quietly from the sidelines.But she believes that Shen Zheng will be able to break through the many dangers and reach the final...

What's the end?she thought to herself.Then I was shocked to find that I had a kind of blind trust in Shen Zheng in my heart, believing that he would be able to break through the peak and become a legendary strongman in the sea of ​​stars.

And I followed him, but not just for protection.

Instead rely on.She vaguely felt that maybe one day, the realm she dreamed of would be bestowed by Shen Zheng.

For a moment, she was in a trance again. Is she a strong protector or a weak vassal?

Looking at Shen Zheng, her eyes were complicated, and her heart was even more complicated.

But in the dark, there is a huge force at work.That power fills every corner of the world, affecting all development and changes, but people can sense it.

This force is undergoing different changes in two different places.One place is full of light, making people dizzy; one place is full of darkness, making people lost.

A person of light, and a person covered in a robe and hidden in darkness, slowly mobilizes that force, causing them to change.

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