star wars civilization.

Chapter 594: Request for Extension

In the Lin Ya League, in the quiet room deep in the palace, Lin Ya sat quietly, with the power of thoughts covering his whole body. k

A thought flowed into Lin Ya's mind, and he immediately started walking, as if a courtier had heard the emperor's call.

Soon, he came to the dark and closed room.The door opened slowly, and the light from outside penetrated into the darkness, but could not illuminate the darkness.He walked in slowly, stood still, the door closed behind him with a bang, and the world was plunged into darkness.

"Things have changed." A voice sounded, and then the man in the robe walked slowly to Lin Ya.

"What?" Lin Ya was shocked. [

"The opponent's strength has changed." The man said, "A force broke through the space barrier to help him, and his strength soared. Among the leaders, someone has died."

"Long Tianmo?" Lin Ya was stunned. "Shen Zheng is so strong?"

"You have no fear in your heart." The man stared at Lin Ya.Lin Ya couldn't see his face, or even any part of his body.But he could feel that the man was staring at him.The invisible gaze frightened him.

"I just..." He bowed his head, respectfully. "I just feel that even if he improves so fast, he is only at the level of an ordinary second-order galaxy master. And I..."

"As I said, there is a force helping him." The man interrupted him, but he didn't feel any displeasure, just shut his mouth and listened to the man.

"Now it seems that there is more than one force." The man shook his head, Lin Ya couldn't feel his smile, so he was a little uneasy.

"Just now, I sensed that his method of killing opponents has surpassed his level." The man said. "If he can use it continuously... No, if he can use it, even if it is only once a day, or it can only be used once before the promotion, it is enough to kill you."

"So strong?" Lin Ya was stunned.

"Send someone over to delay the date of the decisive battle." The man said, "It will be late... two months later."

"How long will it take?" Lin Ya asked.

"This is a test." The man said, "If he does not agree, it means that he has the ability to use that power again. If he agrees, it means that he also wants to buy more time. No matter how he responds, I can know that he details."

"And then?" Lin Ya was a little worried.

The man didn't speak, but put his long sleeves on Lin Ya's shoulders.Immediately, there was a force that made Lin Ya's blood boil. He felt like a fragile little beast being burned on the fire. He opened his mouth wide, wanting to howl in pain, but the pain forced him to do so.

The man's arm was raised, and the long sleeve left Lin Ya's body. The severe pain disappeared instantly, but a kind of boiling power gave Lin Ya a feeling of rebirth.With the power of the strong man's mind, he sensed the changes in his body.

After that moment of pain, I actually improved my strength!

"After two months, you will definitely defeat him. k

"Yes!" Lin Ya bowed, his eyes were full of excitement.

"Go." The man slowly retreated into a dark corner, hiding in the darkness, and Lin Ya could no longer sense him.

He stepped back respectfully, and came to the door with the induction of his mind, and the door opened automatically, bringing a little light.Lin Ya withdrew, the door closed again, and everything sank into darkness again. [

"What kind of power is fighting with me?" The man's voice echoed in the closed darkness.

In a side of light, the instructor slowly raised his head and looked upwards.

"Who are you? Why do you have to kill the body of creation?" He whispered to himself, "You actually use the power of the rules to change everything, so I don't have any reservations anymore. You forced me to of."

He raised his hand slowly, and some power began to spread around.That power is very weak, it seems weak, but it can move a kind of force that fills the world and produce huge changes.

At this moment, Shen Zheng landed with Qiu Yunzhi on the simple palace square on the island.

At this moment, Shen Zheng was suddenly stunned.Qiu Yunzhi didn't miss it, because she had been paying attention to Shen Zheng.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Unbelievable..." Shen Zheng looked around and suddenly flew up, Qiu Yunzhi hurriedly followed him to the sky.She saw Shen Zheng looking around, his eyes sweeping over Bian Dayang.

"What happened?" She was puzzled.

"I suddenly..." Shen Zheng seemed a little unconfident, "Suddenly I had a strong reaction, it was a reaction to the waste nuclear."

"Is there a nuclear waste nearby?" Qiu Yunzhi was a little surprised.There are indeed powerful Zergs nearby, but they are all Zergs carrying holy spirit crystals. She can perceive them with her powerful thoughts.

"Not just nearby." Shen Zheng raised his hand, swiped his fingers, and spun around. "In all directions, there are Zergs with waste nuclei in their bodies everywhere! It's strange, as if all of a sudden, the holy spirit crystals in all the Zergs turned into waste nuclei."

"This is impossible!" Qiu Yunzhi was stunned.

"Nothing is impossible..." Shen Zheng muttered to himself, and couldn't help but look down at the ground.His gaze wanted to pierce the earth, to see the source of the secret, but he could not.

But he was convinced that no force could do this except the force of rules.

Well, there is only one possibility.

Why did he do this?Didn't he already say that the power of rules can no longer be used?Didn't he already say that in the future I will rely on my own efforts?

Is there a new change?

A sense of crisis occupied Shen Zheng's heart.

"Cloud." He said.

"Huh?" Qiu Yun was startled.

"We can't rest." He said, "What we have to do now is to continue to practice, and continue to hunt and kill the Zerg to obtain the waste core. Our time is running out." [

Qiu Yunzhi looked at him, spoke for a long time, and then nodded: "I found that although my strength is far superior to yours, I have begun to unconsciously regard you as the 'captain' like others."

"The captain ordered you to get a few powerful bugs here so that the captain can fight in blood." Shen Zheng was half joking.

"You chose it yourself." Qiu Yunzhi smiled.

After a while, Shen Zheng regretted it.

So, the cruel hell-style training started again from this day.But this time Shen Zheng was not even willing to pay for a few hours of sleep time.He never sleeps, constantly fighting powerful Zerg, and constantly absorbing waste nuclei.

I don't know if this change is global, but at least within one day, any insects attracted by Qiu Yunzhi have waste cores in their bodies, but at the same time, they also have holy spirit crystals.

Qiu Yunzhi understood it, but he didn't ask Shen Zheng.Everything is beneficial to Shen Zheng, that's enough.

"Come again!" When Shen Zheng killed six insects at the same time at dawn, but despite his blood and sweat, he still asked Qiu Yunzhi to lure the insects to attack, Qiu Yunzhi shook his head.

"I said, there is no time to rest." Shen Zheng said.

"You are too tired, so tired that even the power of your thoughts has weakened." She shook her head, her fingers far away.In the far sky, a black spot gradually approached, Shen Zheng looked carefully, but felt dizzy for a while.

"It's too late." Qiu Yunzhi said, "Let me tell you, that man is an elder of the Lin Yameng. I can see his clothes clearly, can't you?"

"It's just vertigo." Shen Zheng insisted.

"You are just working hard, not practicing." Qiu Yunzhi shook his head. "Sometimes you're mature like an old grandfather, and sometimes you're naive like a child."

"I'm only in my 20s. To any lord of the galaxy, I'm still a child." Shen Zheng smiled.

Qiu Yunzhi looked at him, and for some reason, his eyes flickered, as if he was sad and resented himself.But Shen Zheng didn't see it, he just looked at Yuankong hard.In the southern sky, black dots gradually approached, Shen Zheng could vaguely distinguish the color of the man's clothes, but couldn't see the style clearly.

He shook his head, laughing self-deprecatingly.

"It seems that I am really too tired."

After a while, the black dot came to the front. It was a majestic lord of the galaxy, and he was indeed wearing the elder uniform of Lin Yameng.

"Mr. Shen, Fairy Qiu." He saluted respectfully.

Shen Zheng's title comes first, while Qiu Yunzhi's follows, it can be seen that Shen Zheng's status has quietly changed in the hearts of others.

"I was supposed to go to the island to ask for an interview, but I sensed the aura here, so I thought it must be the two of you, so I took the liberty to come here." The other party was polite and respectful.

"Just tell me if you have anything to say." Qiu Yunzhi smiled lightly.

The smile blinded the other party's eyes for a moment.After bowing his head in embarrassment and pretending to cough, the other party said: "I am here to negotiate with Mr. Shen Zheng on the orders of my Lord Linya League leader."

"What's the matter?" Shen Zheng asked.

"The leader feels that if the preparation is insufficient, this battle will be meaningless." The other party said, "So he wants to postpone the date of the decisive battle by two months. In this way, Mr. Shen Zheng can have more time to prepare. Lord leader I want to fight Mr. Shen Zheng who is at his peak, not..."

He looked at Shen Zheng, smiled slightly, and spoke loudly.

At this time, Shen Zheng was covered in blood and sweat, like a survivor crawling out of hell.

"Tell you Leader Lin, I agree." Shen Zheng nodded and waved. "You go."

"Yes." The other party didn't hesitate, bowed, backed up, turned around, and flew away.Courteous and thoughtful, well-behaved, and quick walks.

"What does Lin Ya mean?" Qiu Yun was puzzled.

"It should be the person behind him who sensed the change in my power." Shen Zheng smiled, "He started to get scared and felt unsure, so he wanted to continue strengthening Lin Ya."

"Then you still agree?" Qiu Yunzhi frowned.

"Because I'm not sure about defeating Lin Ya, I also want to spend more time practicing." Shen Zheng smiled.

"Then you shouldn't have agreed so quickly." Qiu Yunzhi shook his head, "You should have acted angry, then intentionally made things difficult for the other party, and finally agreed."

"It's not a bad thing to let the other party think that I'm not perfect and need to continue to improve." Shen Zheng said.

Qiu Yunzhi looked at him, shook his head and smiled: "Sometimes you are really wise, sometimes you are like a child."

"Okay." Shen Zheng said, "We have more time, me fly back to sleep, okay? I'm almost exhausted..."

"Bah!" Qiu Yunzhi smiled and flew away, "If you can't fly, just fall into the sea and feed the fish."

"True love." Shen Zheng sighed and chased after him with difficulty.

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