star wars civilization.

Chapter 595: Birth of the Holy League

Time, another five days passed. k

For five days, Shen Zheng continued to fight with the Zerg and practiced hellishly.In just five days, more than two hundred source insect crystals were collected.

But these are not enough, he needs to accumulate more, absorb them all at once, and use great external force to stimulate his own strength enough to improve.

Today, he has already stood at the peak of the first order.If he can jump to the second level under this kind of stimulation, and then use the fusion skill, he may be the enemy of the world.

But on this day, Xue Su had come to her side before she started to practice. [

"Master, someone is asking to see you," she said.

"See me?" Shen Zheng asked, "Who?"

"It's an elder from the Tianmo League." Xue Su replied.

"Go and have a look." Shen Zheng took Xue Su, left the room and came to a reception room in the hall.Liang Tao, Fifth Elder, and Zhong Tianming were greeting the man, when they saw Shen Zheng arriving, the man stood up immediately, with a respectful attitude, and saluted deeply.

"Are you an elder of the Tianmo League?" Shen Zheng asked, "What do you want me to do?"

"Master Shen Zheng." The other party used a respectful title. "At the beginning, you only removed the culprit and did not pursue the responsibility of everyone in the Tianmo League. All of us, I am really grateful..."

Shen Zheng waved his hand: "My time is limited, please speak up if you have something to say. It's a polite conversation, so don't worry about it."

The other party showed embarrassment, but finally gritted his teeth and knelt down on one knee to salute.This surprised everyone.

"My lord!" The other party's voice trembled, "I am here this time, on behalf of the entire Tianmo League, to beg your lord to save us!"

"Save you?" Shen Zheng frowned, "What's going on?"

"The six major alliances coexist peacefully on the surface, but in fact, only powerful forces maintain the peace." The other party said, "Now that Long Tianmo is dead and the strength of the Tianmo Alliance has plummeted, it will no longer be able to stand on the same level as the other five major alliances, so , the other alliances no longer take us seriously. Now, except for the Aotian Alliance, the other four major alliances have sent people to threaten us to hand over the resources of the insect farm, and to give up resistance immediately and join their alliance. "

"It's just a very normal thing." Liang Tao said from the side, "You have already tried your best to protect your own foundation, so naturally you will be divided up. Joining other alliances is different from staying in the Tianmo League for you. Joining is .”

"No." The other party shook his head, "You don't know. The number of people in the major alliances has actually been maintained at a reasonable number, and the more the better. They force us to join, not to give us a chance, but to use us as slaves , to guard the worm field for them, and hunt the powerful zerg. In this way, what awaits us will be a dead end."

"Then what do you think?" Zhong Tianming frowned. |^ "Our captain is not obliged to stand up for you. As you said, it is already a favor not to pursue the crime of framing you."

"We dare not have unrealistic delusions." The other party said, he looked at Shen Zheng with sincere eyes. "Sir Shen Zheng, what we mean is that you can take charge of the Tianmo League. Of course, in that case, the name of the alliance will be changed, it should be 'Shen Zheng League'."

Everyone was stunned, and Liang Tao's eyes flashed joy for the first time.

"Let me be your leader?" Shen Zheng asked.

"Yes!" The other party hastily bowed, with a respectful attitude, for fear that Shen Zheng would refuse.

"Captain." Liang Tao used the power of space to harness his voice, only reaching Shen Zheng's ears. "If you master the alliance, you will have a huge worm farm resource. It is beneficial to us. Before we traded nuclear waste with free people, we often had to find the holy spirit crystal by ourselves, which was troublesome and laborious. If you master the worm farm, you will have these strong men as your subordinates." , naturally you can easily obtain a large number of Holy Spirit crystals. For future planning, this is the right way. I know you don’t care about power status, but it’s not just about power status.”[

"I understand." Shen Zheng nodded. "Because I have to fight Lin Ya, but I never think about other things. You are right, mastering the alliance is indeed beneficial. And if I talk about establishing power now, I am afraid no one will object .”

Looking at the kneeling elders, Shen Zheng spoke indifferently, with much excitement and joy: "Please get up. Go back and tell everyone that the Tianmo League has since been renamed the 'Holy League'. I would like to be the leader of the alliance."

"Really?" The other party looked up, his eyes were full of excitement and joy, and more excited.

"See the leader!" Excited, he bowed his head again and saluted.Shen Zheng accepted it calmly.

"Please get up." Raising his hand, there is the power of space to support the opponent.Shen Zheng smiled. "You go back and tell everyone that I'm busy preparing for the decisive battle with Lin Ya, and I'm temporarily thinking about the affairs of the alliance. You elders will manage everything on my behalf."

"This..." The other party hesitated, slightly afraid, but still bowed and spoke. "My lord, I would like to ask you to return to the alliance first."

"Why?" Shen Zheng asked.

The other party was immediately nervous, and hurriedly said: "The four major alliances have sent people to the alliance, and the leader of the alliance will return to deter them. The four major alliances dare not do anything to us again. Otherwise, I will rely on empty words, I am afraid..."

"It's good to go there." Qiu Yunzhi said. "It's an opportunity to show your attitude to the major alliances. And you don't have to face the alliance leaders directly. It's a very suitable opportunity."

"Okay." Shen Zheng nodded and got up. "Let's go. Everyone come with me and cheer."

Just go away, because his time is really precious.

At the same time, he also thought that once the Tianmo League was subdued and turned into a holy alliance, he could immediately send people to the insect field in the alliance to hunt down a large number of powerful insect races and obtain a large number of source insect crystals.

The sooner you break through, the sooner you will know how far your fusion power can reach, and you can adjust your cultivation methods in time, which will be of great benefit to you.

There was nothing worth protecting on the island, and all the collected crystals were put into the space worm core, so everyone could leave as they said.Xue Su called people from the Snow Team, while Shen Zheng called his family members, and they left the island and headed for Oceania.Flying quickly, gradually came to the sky above the vast land.

At this time, above Oceania, in the majestic Tianmomeng palace, four star system masters in different costumes looked gloomy, and looked at the Tianmomeng elders who received them with unkind eyes.

"I don't think you have any sincerity at all at the end of the day." One person said, "We've been here for a day, and you haven't made a decision yet?"

"I don't think there is any need to talk to them anymore." One person said, "The four of us directly agree on how to divide the sphere of influence, that's all."

"Naturally, our Beiyang League will take up a large share." One person's face was full of arrogance.

"In terms of distance, our Linya League is closer to here." One person said, "We should take the majority."

"We are not far away from Jingmeng." One person sneered.

"Similarly, our Autumn Goose Alliance can't suffer." One person said.

The four of them couldn't stop arguing, and finally looked at the elders of the Tianmo League together: "What do you say?"

The tone is not good, already has the meaning of threat.The reception elder was in a dilemma, he did not dare to offend any party, and he was unwilling to willingly offer his family's inheritance respectfully. He had troubles to speak of, secretly hated, but on the surface he could only shrink back.

"Is there anyone in your Tianmo League who can make up their minds?" One person slapped the table and stared.

"Which alliance are you planning to join?" One person said in a gloomy tone.

"Of course it's our Beiyang League." One person held his toes high.

"Is Beiyang League short of manpower?"

"Then are you short of manpower in Jingmeng?" Beiyangmeng elder replied.

"Lack." The other party didn't care, "It's very short, so we are determined to win the group of Tianmomeng."

"You have to think about it." One person looked at the reception elders, "They want to lure you over, not to attract talents. They already have enough talents, and they want you to join the alliance just to take advantage of the worm field. That's all. When you come to their alliance, you can only be slaves, hunting and killing Zerg for them forever, but the reward is not even as good as free people."

"Isn't that the idea of ​​your Autumn Goose Alliance?" One person sneered.

The reception elder was angry in his heart, but he couldn't speak out, and he couldn't even release his anger through his eyes.He felt as uncomfortable as his chest was about to explode, and secretly clenched his fists, feeling extremely humiliated.

"Who is here, discussing the survival of the alliance?" A voice suddenly sounded, and the overwhelming aura was suppressed in the air. Everyone in the hall felt their chests suffocated, and stopped discussing in shock.

The door of the temple opened suddenly, like a giant's hand pushing it open forcefully.One person walked in slowly, and behind him was a group of strong masters of the galaxy.Just that number of people changed the color of those present.

The elders of the four major alliances stood up at the same time. Those who had seen the visitor changed their faces drastically, while those who had not seen them were horrified, but pretended to be calm.

"Who are you?" Someone had the guts to shout out.

But the reception elder of the Tianmo League saw this person with a look of surprise on his face.He understands that if his companion's lobbying is successful, the alliance will avoid being divided by the great powers, and all members of the alliance will not have to be plundered by others and become slaves.

"I, Shen Zheng." The visitor spoke, his voice was calm, but it was as powerful as thunder.Hearing this name, the elders of the four major alliances can remain calm.

Shen Zheng! ?

The cry of fear in his heart inevitably showed in his eyes and his face.The four of them couldn't help secretly pumping their strength.

"You all want to fight with me?" Shen Zheng smiled faintly.The smiles looked like a spring breeze, implying the majesty of severe winter. The four of them felt like a knife was cutting their bodies, their hearts beat suddenly and violently, and there was a feeling of being gouged out.

"Don't dare!" One person hastily withdrew the power of dark luck and bowed. "I met Mr. Shen."

"It's polite." Shen Zheng smiled, and the man's sadness disappeared immediately.

"I've met Mr. Shen." Although they were unwilling, the other three also knowingly withdrew their strength and saluted.

"Everyone, please sit down." Shen Zheng smiled, and the smile at this time was really like a spring breeze. "The Holy League has just been established, are you here to congratulate on behalf of the four major alliances?"

"Holy League?" The four of them were stunned and spoke at the same time.

"Not bad!" Behind Shen Zheng, the elders of the Tianmo League strode forward, with pride in their eyes. "Long Tianmo went against the heavens, and he was finally defeated. It is his own fault. Now, this alliance has been renamed the Holy League by Mr. Shen Zheng, and Mr. Shen Zheng has officially become the leader of the alliance!"

The four looked at each other with horror in their eyes.

"Everyone." The reception elder said excitedly, "Do you have anything else to say now?"

"Congratulations." After a long silence, one of them was the first to speak with a smile all over his face.

"Congratulations!" The other three also scrambled to speak.

The reception elder was full of anger, but he couldn't help being agitated, and tears flickered in the corners of his eyes.

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