star wars civilization.

Chapter 609: The White Snake Shows Its Might Again

"Be careful.|^"

The voice was as gentle as a spring breeze, Shen Zheng smiled lightly, gently pulled the two girls behind him, raised his chest and raised his head, facing the powerful enemy.

A neigh sounded suddenly, and the white snake stood upright, like a mountain proudly standing against the wind.

The power of the second world, like armor, is attached to the white snake. From the power of form, it gradually becomes tangible, layer upon layer, part of which shines outside, and part of it penetrates into the body of the white snake and merges with the white snake.

It moved like lightning, and in just a flash, the white snake had already flown out, meeting the flying yellow dust figure.Two forces, one yellow and one white, collided in the air, like the sun and the moon colliding, and a deafening bang erupted.The sound is like the sound of the world collapsing, and it is frightening to hear. [

The head of the white snake, with Huang Chen's human-shaped fist on it, was wrestling in the air. The strong human beings focused their eyes on it, and couldn't help sweating for the white snake.

The white light flickered, like the brilliance of the moon, the white snake roared, twisted violently in the air, and gradually moved forward.

"Okay!" Gong Beiyang couldn't help but punched violently.

But in an instant, the ten elders had already swung their fists together, a yellow light flashed in Huang Chen's human-shaped eyes, without bending his arms, he just sank his body, and pushed the white snake back.

Gong Beiyang's complexion couldn't help changing, and he cursed bitterly: "Damn it, the strength of a bullshit humanoid is not weak."

The human form couldn't stop moving forward, and the white snake moved backward, at an increasingly faster speed.Shen Zheng yelled sharply, moved his palms together, the White Snake's body twisted even more while screaming wildly, unexpectedly resisting the human form.

"It's useless, dying and struggling, but only lingering on one's last breath." The ten elders laughed and spoke in unison, as if they were one person.

Yellow light flashed from Huang Chen's humanoid body, the light was sharp, like a sword, its roots turned into substance, and pierced into the body of the white snake.The white snake's body trembled endlessly, as if it was in great pain, and it seemed that it was insisting on resisting the huge force so that its body would not be torn apart.

But this resistance cannot last.The other hand of the human figure of Huang Chen raised and slammed on the top of the white snake's head. The huge force caused the head of the white snake to vibrate and swing away. strangle.

The other hand was raised, the light was shining, the fingers were extended and turned into a huge sharp sword, and it was raised high, facing the white snake's head.

"Don't let him succeed!" Ying Aotian roared, and swung his halberd, the power of the fire surged like a tide, instantly surrounding Huang Chen's figure. "Everyone help me!"

Without hesitation, the other five powerhouses exerted their strongest power at the same time, combined with Ying Aotian's power, and attacked Huang Chen's human form together.Several waves of force hit Huang Chen's figure one after another, causing it to shake, and the sharp sword could not be aimed at the white snake. |^

Shen Zheng's eyes flickered, staring at the white snake, but he didn't exert any force, nor did he make any movements, as if he was stunned.Qiu Yunzhi looked at each other in astonishment, wishing he could wake him up with a loud roar, but finally suppressed the impulse.

He won't be so out of order.His ecstasy must have his reasons.But why?

Qiu Yun was puzzled, but believed that Shen Zheng would eventually find a way to survive at this critical moment.

"A group of insignificant creatures, but they want to disrupt the Holy Spirit's plan." One of the ten elders sneered, "Being overwhelmed is the best way to describe you."

Huang Chen's figure was under heavy blows in turn, but it didn't weaken. On the contrary, its body swayed less and less under the blows, and finally it was only body vibration.It braced itself to bear the blow, gradually raised its head, and suddenly raised its sharp sword high.

The light flashed up, and the sharp sword instantly turned into six rays of light and flew towards the tyrannical power of the six people.The light contained heavy power, the power of growth, and the powerful power of control. When the six people's space power met this power, it was like a fierce dog meeting a tiger.

It can only bark a few times to show its indomitability, but if it wants to defeat the enemy with is really delusional. [

In just a moment, the power of the six dimensions was shattered and shattered, while the heavy yellow awns scattered in all directions. The power of form acted on the bodies of the six people, and the bodies of the six people trembled.

Xue Su, Ying Aotian and Qiu Yun were inappropriate, while Gong Beiyang's blood was churning and he couldn't breathe for a long time.As for Ji Yujing and Zuo Qiuyan, the corners of their mouths were bleeding, and after holding back for a while, they finally opened their mouths to spurt out a large amount of blood, and their faces were as pale as paper for a while.

"Too strong..." Gong Beiyang panted, talking to himself, his face gradually turning pale.

On Huang Chen's humanoid face, a strange smile appeared vaguely, as if mocking the crowd's overestimation.It raised its hand, and the white snake was lifted up by it in the struggle. Although it couldn't keep twisting, it couldn't make its hand shake a little bit.

"This is the gap between the power of the Holy Spirit and that of a mortal." Among the ten elders, one spoke slowly. "Why struggle? Why resist? When you become a roadblock of the Holy Spirit, besides rolling away automatically, do you have any other options?"

"That's right!" One person laughed wildly, "What about mortals? Even the lowly Holy Spirit Beasts dare to stand in the way of our race, and what they will get can only be the end of destruction!"

"You talk too much." One person reprimanded in a deep voice, "Just increase your strength, kill Shen Zheng quickly and go back. There is no need to consume our original power here."

"They are leisurely!" Qiu Yunzhi frowned as he watched from afar.

"Everything depends on Shen Zheng." Ying Aotian turned his head and looked at Shen Zheng.Shen Zheng was still talking in a daze, just staring at the white snake, not knowing what to think.

No one knew that at this moment, he was looking for that sense of powerful power in his mind.Back then, it was because of that strength that he easily killed Lin Ya.Now, he believes that as long as he can master it again, he can easily break through this mortal situation and fight for a way out!

But the feeling was vague and hard to find, but it happened that the inspiration flashed from time to time, which made him feel it.When he tried his best to capture it, he hid it in the sea of ​​his heart, without knowing where it was.

He is anxious, but he knows that anxiety is good, and it will hinder him from finding it.So, he calmed down and tried to keep himself completely calm.

Xinhubo, facing the danger of death, was not afraid and flustered.Life and death are but a form, one energy transformed into another, one world transformed into another.No matter how long life is, it will eventually disappear one day.

Finally, his mind sank into a state of silence as peaceful as death.

There is nothing else in the world except him and the white snake.In addition to the attachment to that trace of powerful force, read it again.

"It's over." The old man with thick beard and hair smiled faintly, with murderous intent flowing in his eyes.

The other hand of Huang Chen's figure was raised again, and the light shone dazzlingly. It gradually grew like a tree, coiled and twisted in the air, and formed a giant sword.That sword is more complicated than the previous sharp sword, giving people a hideous and terrifying feeling, as if it is a strange monster.

"Let it die!" The beautiful woman covered her mouth and smiled. "Stop torturing it."

In an instant, Huang Chen's humanoid arm fell, and the ferocious giant sword struck at the white snake's head with the momentum of thunder.The eyes of the strong human beings changed, and everyone had a wonderful premonition that if they were struck by this sword, the white snake would truly die, which meant that the blood spirit whip, the insect spirit weapon, would be completely shattered.

Without the worm spirit, especially such a powerful worm spirit, Shen Zheng's strength would plummet.

"Master!" Xue Su couldn't bear it any longer, and finally let out an anxious cry.

Suddenly, a complex light flashed in Shen Zheng's eyes, that light contained too many things, it couldn't be explained clearly in words, it was like the second world. [

In that instant, the world became the world in front of him again, and it wasn't just him and the white snake anymore.He seemed to see something at that moment, and a knowing smile appeared on his face.He wasn't anxious, afraid, or panicked, he just raised his head and waved his hands gently.


He opened his mouth and spit out a word lightly.The voice was not loud, but everyone heard it clearly, as if the word was spoken by him in his own ear.

The ten elders couldn't help but turned their heads to look at the side at the same time. Naturally, they couldn't see anyone, and they couldn't help feeling palpitations.

The word "open" came out, and the white snake stopped struggling immediately, and there was a cold murderous intent in his eyes, showing strong confidence.It swung its giant tail, roared towards it, and bumped into the hideous giant sword.

There was no loud bang, no roar, just shattered light, like a light bulb bursting.With a bang, the giant sword disappeared.

That is the sound of the power of space being shattered, and it is the image of energy being swallowed.

The expressions of the ten elders changed at the same time, and the leader said to himself in astonishment: "What's the matter? Could it be that he has realized something again here and now?"

The white snake twisted its body, the slender fingers of the yellow dust figure could no longer trap it, and the sound of dissipating dissipated, allowing it to swim up, entrenched in the far sky, and looked at itself coldly.Huang Chen's humanoid eyes changed, there was no longer a smile on his face, and he shook his hands lightly, as if they were normal hands.

"The Holy Spirit family?" Shen Zheng looked at Huang Chen's human form and smiled faintly. "It's nothing special."

"Bold!" The bald man among the ten elders yelled, "I know you junior, do you get carried away once you get the upper hand? Die!"

When one person moves, ten people will move, and once ten people move, the Huangchen figure will immediately emit huge force and move like electricity.It came to the front of the White Snake in an instant, and punched out, bringing the power of thunder and the power of the earth torn apart.

The white snake watched quietly, then turned around and swam away suddenly, the speed was beyond imagination, it disappeared in an instant, and appeared in the distance in an instant.

"Teleportation?" An elder was taken aback.

"Nonsense!" Another elder snorted coldly, "It was the white snake who opened the Holy Spirit Realm by himself, and used the Holy Spirit Realm to move!"

"Impossible!" An elder yelled, "Our power has sealed the space here, and no one can give birth to the Holy Spirit Realm!"

"No, there is another possibility..." The bearded and haired old man gritted his teeth, his face extremely ugly. "But I thought, that kind of possibility shouldn't have happened to him. It would be unbelievable, it would be impossible!"

He roared like crazy, and in the roar, the ten people moved in unison, releasing huge power at the same time.

Huang Chen's figure also opened his mouth, let out a scream, and the sound spread, causing all the strong human beings present to cover their ears and bow in pain.

Only Shen Zheng and Xue Su stood quietly, seemingly unaware of everything.

"It's broken." Shen Zheng raised his hand, and the white snake suddenly moved, opening its mouth and biting into the void.


With a sound of destruction, one of Huang Chen's humanoid arms disappeared out of thin air.

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