star wars civilization.

Chapter 610: Insect Secret Realm

"Impossible, impossible!" The old man with thick beard and hair exclaimed, "How is it possible! He is still only in the realm of the second-order galaxy master, how can he display the power of the third-order galaxy master again? Attack from the air, this is the master of the space attack!"

"Good eyesight.|^" Shen Zheng smiled. "You see me as a strong enemy, but you really don't know enough about me. This is the reason for your defeat."

His eyes changed, showing fierce killing intent: "I didn't offend you Central Holy Spirit Clan, but you have chased and killed me all the way since the crimson vortex, not only I am unhappy, but now you are chasing and killing me to the earth, with this Waiting for the means to deal with me, I naturally don't need to be merciful!"

Stretching forward, the white snake's eyes glowed coldly, and it opened its mouth to bite the void, and one of Huang Chen's humanoid legs disappeared immediately.

"Fight it!" The old man with thick beard and hair roared, and a huge force gushed out of his body.With the radiance of this power, his body also became unstable, and in the turbulence, the shape of insect shells and pieces of insect flesh faintly appeared, looking hideous and terrifying. [

"God!" Zuo Qiuyan couldn't help but cover his mouth, feeling sick for a while.Although she is a strong person, she has killed several Zergs with her own hands, but this is the first time she has seen such a monster that crushed Zerg corpses and put them into human form, so she couldn't help but tremble in her heart.

"Fight it!" The other nine elders shouted in unison, a huge force poured out of their bodies, and their bodies began to twist and twist, showing the image of a worm corpse.

Ten great forces were blessed on Huangchen's figure, and Huangchen's figure immediately returned to its original shape, moved suddenly, and rushed towards the white snake.

The white snake twisted its body and opened its mouth to bite towards the void. The Huang Chen figure seemed to have sensed it, and suddenly avoided it in the distance, but one foot still disappeared and shattered.

"This is a third-level ability, invincible!" An elder's forehead was sweating, but it turned out to be purple insect blood, which made him feel cold.

"How could he display the ability of the third level?" Some elders exclaimed, "We can only reach the power of the third level, but not the ability of the third level. How did he do it?"

That's what matters.

The old man with thick beard and hair gritted his teeth and made a grinding sound of insect bones.He recalled the Holy Emperor's order and Shen Zheng's message from the Holy Emperor in his mind, but there was no record of this kind of power there.

Why?Did the Holy Emperor not find out, or did the Holy Emperor think whether he told us or not?

If so, then what does the Holy Emperor mean...

The old man trembled in his heart, but his eyes gradually became firmer, and he shouted: "Everyone! The Holy Emperor has decided to use all his strength to push the limit. I must sacrifice myself at this moment to clear the road ahead for the Holy Emperor! When it is time for us to sacrifice our lives for our clan Time with the soul!"

Amidst his roar, Huang Chen's figure was already dodging, losing half an arm and a shoulder.The white snake was still biting fiercely in the void, and Huang Chen dodged in embarrassment, but his death was a foregone conclusion.

The strong men on the human side looked at the white snake's movements with excitement, their eyes and hearts were full of joy. _!~;

However, the roar of the elder cast a shadow over their end, Ying Aotian frowned: "Holy Emperor? Is there still an extremely strong person in the Central Holy Spirit Clan? What is Shen Zheng hindering him again... ..."

"No matter what, they are all dead." Xue Su smiled, with strong confidence in her eyes.

Shen Zheng didn't pay attention to the elder's wild screams, he just stretched out his hand and tapped lightly.The white snake followed his movements, biting towards the void continuously, and with the bite of the white snake, Huang Chen's humanoid body was more and more cracked, and finally completely dissipated under the blow of the white snake.

Turning his eyes, he fixed his eyes on the ten elders, and Shen Zheng smiled faintly: "I still don't understand, how could I become an obstacle in the way of your clan's progress?"

"The luck of the world is limited." The old man with thick beard and hair snorted coldly, "You take away too much, and leave us even less. With the changes in strength and weakness, you will stand at the top, and we can only look up. The years of struggle of our clan are measured in units of ten thousand years, long years, painstaking efforts, and it is impossible to be reduced to the end of looking up to others. Therefore, you must die!"

"In that case, the contradictions are irreconcilable." Shen Zheng shook his head and sighed softly. "It's a pity, it's a pity." [

Raising his hand, pointing at the ten elders, he finally moved slightly.The White Snake's eyes wandered in the void, locked on to the position of the ten elders, and slowly opened its mouth wide.

"Everyone, it's time!" The old man with thick beard and hair suddenly roared, stretched his limbs, and in an instant, the power of his thoughts completely merged with the body of the worm corpse, and they were firmly integrated as one, inseparable.The other nine people also did the same action without hesitation, and instantly combined with this hideous and terrifying body.

Afterwards, ten people joined hands to form a circle.In an instant, the power of thought exploded like dynamite, turning the ten bodies into fine dust, and the power of the white snake's bite could not destroy that power.

Power surged in, instantly enveloping the white snake.Shen Zheng's eyes flashed, he shouted loudly, waved his hand to connect with the power of the white snake, and the white snake instantly turned into a blood whip, which was put into Shen Zheng's hands.

But that tyrannical force also followed, enveloping Shen Zheng in it, and in just a flash, Shen Zheng disappeared.

"Master!" Xue Su yelled in panic.

"Shen Zheng!" Qiu Yunzhi shouted anxiously.

"Shen Zheng!" Everyone shouted loudly.

However, the blue sky is thousands of miles away, but there are no traces and breaths.The force field that besieged everyone also disappeared in an instant, leaving nothing behind.The mind power of the ten elders, and the body of the terrifying insect corpse, also seemed to have never existed.

It's just a clear sky, just thousands of miles of clouds, just a peaceful scene of the earth.

"Master..." Xue Su looked around in a daze, and tears fell instantly.

"It will be fine, he will be fine..." Qiu Yunzhi muttered to himself, and suddenly grabbed Xue Su's hand. "Xue Su, don't you have an incessant telepathy with him? Whether he is can always feel it, right?"

Xue Su looked at her with double eyes, and slowly shook her head.

"I don't know." She choked up, "I can't sense anything. I can't sense whether he is alive or whether he is dead. It seems that there has never been him in the world, and I have never had the kind of heart with him. associated..."

"This..." Everyone was stunned, not knowing how to face everything.

At this time, Shen Zheng was looking around in a daze.

It is a huge city where people come and go, bustling.There are beautiful women dancing on the side of the road, and the crowd applauding and cheering; there are tall horses with knights on their backs running along the long street, and there are men and women on foot strolling along the side of the street.

In the city, tall buildings made of stone can be seen everywhere, full of strange ancient and exotic styles, with a kind of intoxicating beauty.

"This little brother, is he a snake charmer?" Suddenly someone stopped and smiled at Shen Zheng.

"What?" Shen Zheng was stunned, lowered his head to wait and see, and saw a white snake surrounding his body, walking on his arm.The white snake looked up at him, spitting out the letter, there was a gentle light in its eyes, but it had no connection with his breath or thoughts, as if it was just a snake tamed by him.

Blood Spirit Whip?

Shen Zheng gently held the white snake's body, intending to inject strength into it, but he was shocked to find that the body was empty. [

The power is gone, as if it never existed.Shen Zheng recalled carefully, but he couldn't remember how to use power, and how to perceive power.As if everything was just a dream, he woke up at this moment and forgot everything in the dream.The bizarre ability in the dream also dissipated as the dream dissipated.

"Brother?" The man looked at him curiously, "If you are a snake charmer, then you can play it, my son wants to see it."

Shen Zheng lowered his head, and found a boy next to the man, biting his finger, looking at the white snake curiously, with love in his eyes.

"You want it?" Shen Zheng bent down, smiled faintly, and spoke softly.

"Yeah." The boy nodded. "Snakes are white, white and fragrant, snakes are curved, curved like the moon!"

Shen Zheng laughed, the boy laughed, and the boy's father also laughed.

"This snake... if you can sell it, the price is negotiable." The boy's father said, "I would like to pay eight thousand... no, ten thousand."

"If he likes it, I'll just give it to him." Shen Zheng shook his head, "There's no need to mention money."

As he spoke, he gently held the white snake's body, and slowly handed the white snake to the boy.There was excitement in the boy's eyes, and he slowly raised his little hand, ready to take it.

Shen Zheng's heart suddenly tightened, as if he was about to lose something precious.The sensation made his face turn pale, his body tremble, and he couldn't help but retreat, but the boy's outstretched hand didn't catch anything.

The White Snake walked on Shen Zheng's body, as if it didn't want to leave either.

"You are..." The boy's father looked at Shen Zheng with doubts on his face.The boy stared at the white snake, his body trembled suddenly, and tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Snake, Snake, I want Snake, Snake!" The boy cried, not shouting, but tears kept coming, and his body twitched, making it unbearable to watch.

"You give it away if you don't want to." The boy's father sighed and pulled the boy away, but the boy didn't want to, just stared at the white snake and kept saying, "Snake, snake..."

Shen Zheng couldn't bear it for a while, he stepped forward, and wanted to send the white snake out again.

"wake up!"

Suddenly, a voice filled the sky, like thunder and explosions, and the whole city was shaken and violently turbulent, as if the end was approaching.The people in the city screamed in panic and ran away one after another.

"Shen Zheng, wake up!" The voice resounded, turned into thunder, and blasted into the city. The entire huge city shattered with the sound, turning into yellow dust and flying away. Pedestrians, buildings, horses, and the boy and his father were all It turned into dust and drifted far away.

What's wrong with me?

Shen Zheng trembled, and suddenly woke up, looking down, what was coiled around his arm was not a white snake, but a pure white blood spirit whip, the power in his body also moved with his heart, and the cycle was endless.

"This is the secret land of the worm." The voice sounded again, as before, with the power of thunder.Under the vibration of this sound, the yellow dust all over the sky could not gather, but scattered and danced in all directions.

"Instructor?" Shen Zheng recognized the voice and shouted happily. "Finally, you have shown up!"

"I don't have time to say this." The voice roared, "Shortly after the mysterious person left, the power of rules changed. I knew that he controlled the power of rules and wanted to defeat me, so I had no choice but to use the power of rules." Forces against him. Therefore, the fate of the earth, the entire galaxy, and even the more distant universe will undergo countless changes."

"That person may be the Holy Emperor of the Central Holy Spirit." Shen Zheng said hastily.

"That's right." The voice responded, "He has turned the entire central Holy Spirit family into his own power to control the power of the rules. With him like this, I'm afraid he already has the power to defeat me."

"He is so powerful?" Shen Zheng was stunned.

"Shen Zheng, I don't have much time." The voice sounded, "I can only tell you that the ten elders blew themselves up and died, calling out the most mysterious Loch Secret Realm of the Loch Clan. In this realm, there are extremely powerful Controlling power can affect the thoughts that confuse people, and once the thoughts are trapped and guided to make a decision, it will come true. If you just handed the white snake to the boy, you will really lose the insect spirit weapon, and you will also lose most of it source insect power."

"It's dangerous!" Shen Zheng couldn't help exclaiming.

"I can't take you away, you can only rely on yourself." The voice sounded, "You have to do this..."

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