star wars civilization.

Chapter 630: Secret Realm Orb

Standing quietly in the mist, Shen Zheng's thoughts spread, sensing everywhere. _!~; For a moment, a faint wave of thought has been noticed by him.His eyes were cold, piercing the mist like a blade, looking there, he waved his hand: "Let's go!"

People are flying forward.

The flames rose, and the Suzaku holy spirit eggs followed closely, while the twelve kings of the star sea, each with blood-red eyes, stood by their left and right.Like the wind and lightning, the group of people instantly broke through layers of fog and penetrated into it.

The mist dissipated, and a man in gray clothes held the scepter in his forehand, concentrated all his energy, and drew out a ray of light from the scepter with the power of space.

"Surround him!" Sheng Haixiong roared, and immediately blocked all the escape routes of the man with his subordinates. [

Eggy sang loudly, the wings of flame flapped, and waves of fire quickly spread around the periphery, completely sealing off the road.

"Impossible?" The man was startled, his movement was interrupted, and the ball of light was retracted into the scepter again.He stared at everyone in astonishment: "How is it possible? How come you haven't lost yourself?"

"That's because I'm here." Shen Zheng's eyes were cold, and he stabbed at the opponent like a knife, and that person couldn't help shivering.

"You!?" The man backed away in panic, clenching his teeth suddenly. "Damn it, I didn't expect that you are not only immune to space distortion, but you can even see through my lost secret realm?"

He looked at the small force field emanating from Shen Zheng, with a frighteningly gloomy expression.

"You plotted against me while I was distracted by the scepter, but killed my friend. I will settle this account with you properly!" Shen Zheng's voice was full of killing intentions, and the man listened I couldn't help shivering.

"Friend." He forced himself to be calm, smiled slightly, and waved the scepter. "Do you know what this is?"

"I don't care what it is, I'll kill you first." Shen Zheng's eyes showed killing intent, the holy spirit boy suddenly appeared, with white snakes surrounding him, his aura instantly reached its peak.Not to mention the person who was his mortal enemy, even Sheng Haixiong and the others were startled by this astonishing momentum.

"Wait!" The man didn't expect Shen Zheng to be so powerful, and he swung the scepter in a panic. "This is the secret realm left by a worm holy emperor and worm servant in ancient times. It is said that this holy emperor finally broke through the limit, turned into a source worm, and opened up another world with his worm servant. This secret realm is his basalt worm servant. The power of the original water system is remnant. This scepter is a treasure used by the Holy Emperor in his early years. No one knows this, but I know! Because I am the holy spirit of the worm, the noble family of the central holy spirit!"

"So what?" Shen Zheng's eyes lit up fiercely.

"If I die, no one will be able to help you get the treasure inside!" The Holy Spirit shouted, "Only the power of the Central Holy Spirit family can open this scepter!"

"Then hand over the treasure inside._!~;" Sheng Haixiong threatened, "We can consider letting you live!"

"Are you taking me for a fool?" Facing Sheng Haixiong, the worm Holy Spirit didn't have that kind of good temper, his eyes were shining fiercely, showing a fierce look.

"Humans." He looked at Shen Zheng, "Humans are low-level worms, and worms are high-level humans. We are originally a family, but our strengths are different. I have stayed in this secret realm for the sake of secret treasures." It is impossible to recognize it to others after decades. I hope you understand."

"I understand." Shen Zheng nodded. "Secret treasures are not important to me. Friends are important."

The face of the Holy Spirit changed drastically, he suddenly shouted, and waved the scepter, immediately, the mist of yellow dust rushed over and enveloped the crowd.

But they couldn't break through Shen Zheng's small force field at all, they could only circle around the periphery, unable to get close to everyone.

"Die!" Shen Zheng's voice was as low as a gnat, but it shook people's hearts like thunder.The Holy Spirit shivered involuntarily, and then roared angrily: "Little human, don't push yourself too hard! I've lived here for decades, and I've already been able to control the power of this secret realm, making me my enemy..."

Before he finished drinking, the holy spirit boy flew forward and punched him hard in the chest! [

With a muffled sound, he flew out like a broken sandbag, and the mist of yellow dust all over the sky suddenly dissipated completely, and the Lost Secret Realm that wrapped everyone disappeared in an instant, and everyone returned to the water system secret realm Among them, he watched the body of the worm Holy Spirit fall on an Icelandic island.

The holy spirit boy flew to catch up, Shen Zheng and the others also rushed over, and surrounded the holy spirit that fell on the ice.

"I hate it so much!" The worm Holy Spirit struggled up, and a large piece of his chest was dented, like a sweet potato trampled by a horse's hoof.

"I have lived here for decades, and I finally found the central island. I finally met you, a person who can break through the distorted space, lead you to the central island, use your power to enter it, destroy the central hub, and destroy the world. The power to distort the space, I got a treasure, but... I ended up making a wedding dress for someone else..."

His voice became weaker and weaker, and finally he fell to the ground on his back, with his mouth open and his eyes wide open, gradually losing his life.

"What a punch!" Sheng Haixiong couldn't help sighing in a low voice.He killed a powerful holy spirit with a single punch. Sheng Haixiong was ashamed of this power.

You must know that although the appearance of the worm holy spirit is the same as that of a human being, as the worm holy spirit said, human beings are just low worms, but worms are higher human beings, and the difference in power between them is more than tens of thousands of miles.The power of the holy spirit family is far superior to that of humans at the same level, but Shen Zheng can kill such a powerful enemy with one blow. One can imagine how powerful he is.

There is nothing wrong with such a person, even if he is the elder of the main city.

Sheng Haixiong couldn't help admiring him, and rushed back to admire Shen Zheng.

"Has Shi Kong woke up?" Shen Zheng's thoughts spread into the Water and Fire Secret Realm, and after a while, Xue Su and Qiu Yunzhi appeared beside him with Yun Shikong.

"Shi Kong, this is the person who killed your father." Shen Zheng pointed to the corpse of the worm Holy Spirit, "He is not an ordinary human being, but the worm Holy Spirit."

Yun Shikong looked at the corpse of the Holy Spirit, his eyes wide open when he was unwilling to die, and the huge depression in his chest. After a long while, he suddenly turned around and kneeled solemnly in front of Shen Zheng.

"Father, I beg you to pass on your skills to me, so that I can also have the power to kill the Holy Spirit with one punch!"

Shen Zheng gently raised his hand, and the force of space lifted Yun Shikong up, but the boy stood up straight, then knelt down stubbornly, as if he would not stand up if Shen Zheng didn't agree.

"I promised your father a long time ago that you can return to your hometown in glory and avenge your mother." Shen Zheng said slowly, "Do you think this oath does not include making you strong?"

"Yes... I was confused." Yun Shikong lowered his head and stood up slowly.

"Shi Kong, in fact, I'm only in my 20s this year, but what you said about your adoptive father is..." Shen Zheng looked at the child, trying to get him to change his words, but in the middle of speaking, Yun Shikong knelt down again and held him interrupt.

"I called your adoptive father in front of my father." Yun Shikong said stubbornly, "That's what my father asked me to call when he was dying. I don't care how old you are, anyway, you are my adoptive father! "

"Over 20 years old?" Sheng Hailong and a group of strong men couldn't help but widen their eyes when they heard this.They stared at Shen Zheng, they couldn't believe it was true.

I'm afraid he is in his 20s, right?Everyone couldn't help but think this way.

The King of Star Sea in his 20s?Just kidding, no one will believe it.

"Okay." Shen Zheng nodded slowly. "Forget about your actual age. Your mind and physique are like a ten-year-old child, so let's count according to the actual situation. Brother Yun has saved my life, and I will repay it in this life, so I will bear the responsibility of my father on his behalf. Taking care of you, but not taking advantage of you. Get up, I recognize you." [

"Thank you foster father!" Yun Shikong kowtowed again, stood up, strode to the side of the worm Holy Spirit, suddenly lifted his foot and kicked it hard, kicking the worm Holy Spirit on the head, that's all After dozens of kicks, the head was finally smashed to pieces.A round worm nucleus rolled out from the skull fragment.

Yun Shikong bent down and picked it up, without wiping the blood on it, turned to Shen Zheng: "Father, can I keep this?"

"Yes." Shen Zheng understood what he meant, that he wanted to leave the enemy's worm core to commemorate his father, and nodded slowly.

Yun Shikong carefully put the worm nucleus in his pocket, and spat at the corpse of the worm Holy Spirit.

"Let's go back." Xue Su came over, gently took Yun Shikong's hand, and led him back to the secret realm of water and fire.Qiu Yunzhi walked to the corpse of the Holy Spirit, raised his hand, and took the scepter with the power of space.

"Is this considered to be the completion of the task?" Qiu Yunzhi handed the scepter to Shen Zheng, "I got a secret treasure and rescued more than a dozen kings of the star sea, the extremely elder boss should have nothing to say Bar?"

"No." Shen Zheng shook his head, "There is still a secret here, I want to discover it."

As he spoke, he scanned the past again with the power of his mind, but this time, he couldn't help but discover some clues.He was slightly surprised, felt it carefully, but found that the power to detect the mystery was not the power of his own thoughts, but the power of the worm's holy spirit that had been integrated into it.

He wasn't lying, he didn't seem to be a worm, and he really couldn't open the scepter.

Shen Zheng nodded secretly, slowly using that power as a guide to arouse a breath hidden deep in the scepter.The aura was attracted, and gradually expanded outwards. After more than ten minutes, it slowly revealed a little light, and it took nearly half an hour before it was completely drawn out and floated in the air.

"Secret Realm?" Sensing the power in the light, Sheng Haixiong couldn't help blurting out.

Shen Zheng also sensed that this ball of light was actually a small secret realm, he couldn't help being greatly surprised, he never thought that there was such a small secret realm in the world.

Suddenly, the secret light group was turbulent and split into six groups of light. The light gradually converged in the air, and the six groups of light turned into six round beads with different colors.

"This... this is!?" Sheng Hailong's eyes widened immediately, with an expression of disbelief.

"You recognize this thing?" Shen Zheng's heart skipped a beat.

"I know, I know!" Sheng Hailong shouted excitedly. "This is the orb of the secret realm, an incredible treasure!"

"Secret Realm Orb?" Shen Zheng asked, "What is that?"

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