star wars civilization.

Chapter 631: 4 people advanced

"The orb of space is compressed and refined from the power of space that creates secret realms._!~;" Sheng Haixiong hurriedly explained. "The orb of the secret realm is directly compressed from the secret realm that has already been formed. It is powerful. If the lord of the galaxy takes it, he can directly break through the limit and become the king of the star sea, and his strength will far exceed that of the general king of the star sea; If the king takes it, it can greatly increase the strength and potential, and there is a certain probability that the power of the secret realm will be inherited, and the secret technique and other abilities of the master of the secret realm are really valuable."

"The secret realm is compressed into orbs?" Shen Zheng was surprised, looking at the six orbs, his eyes gradually showed reverence.

"What kind of strong man can compress this huge secret realm into a bead?" He couldn't help being fascinated.

"I heard that in a huge empire, there may not be many such people." Sheng Haixiong said. "This is not only related to strength, but also depends on personal talent. It cannot be forced. But once you have it, you will be a highly valued orb master, and an important talent for continuously creating strong people for the empire."

"Jewel Master..." Shen Zheng muttered. [

He raised his hand, held the six secret orbs in his hand, and played with them carefully.The power of thought slowly penetrated into it, and what was sensed was the power of various departments around it.Among the six secret orbs, there are fire, thunder, light, darkness, ice, and wind, but there is no water system.

"If using secret orbs, do they have to correspond to the space power they are good at?" Shen Zheng couldn't help asking.

"It is true for the Lord of the galaxy." Sheng Haixiong replied, "If it cannot be matched, the Lord of the galaxy will be suspicious under the confrontation between the two forces, unless there is a powerful and powerful jeweler who wipes out the attributes within the period. Go, you can give it to anyone. But if it is taken by the king of the star sea, there are not so many restrictions. The king of the star sea uses pure power, a mixture of the power of ideas and the power of space, and can absorb anything gotta go in."

"Six secret orbs are six strong men." Shen Zheng nodded slowly.

"My lord." Sheng Haixiong hesitated for a moment, and finally whispered. "My lord, if you want to keep this matter a secret, the few of us will never tell it. What do you say?"

As he spoke, he looked at the 11 people.

"That's right!" Everyone nodded together, their eyes were clear and clear, showing the sincerity in their hearts.

Shen Zheng smiled lightly.He understood what these people meant.These six secret orbs can create six strong kings of the star sea. If Shen Zheng uses them for his old team, it will naturally mean that he has six more loyal and powerful subordinates out of thin air.

"Thank you." Shen Zheng nodded. "I will hand over this scepter."

"The scepter used by the cosmic origin worm is also the ultimate treasure." Sheng Haixiong smiled. "This is definitely a great achievement. But..."

"What?" Shen Zheng looked at him. _!~;

"My lord, I would like to ask you one thing on behalf of all the brothers." Sheng Haixiong said.

Surely there is no benefit in vain?Shen Zheng remained calm on the surface, but he cried out inwardly that it was a pity.It's a pity that Sheng Haixiong seems to be a bold person, but in fact he is still influenced by the concept of power, and everything will be turned into a transaction.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"We would like to ask you to accept us as subordinates." Sheng Haixiong said, "No matter which guard city you are assigned to serve as elders, we are willing to follow you!"

Shen Zheng was startled, but he did not expect this.After a while, he smiled lightly: "So it's like this. With so many powerful friends out of thin air, of course I am willing, but I don't know if the elders will agree."

I scolded myself in my heart: How can I doubt my own eyesight?I never miss anyone.

"We are remnants and defeated generals. The clan should have given up on us a long time ago. Presumably our original position has been taken by others." Sheng Haixiong sighed, "The elders will probably agree to let you collect the rags."

"How do you call it tattered?" Shen Zheng shook his head, "You are the elite of a hundred battles, the strongest among the strong." [

The 12 people couldn't help but their eyes were shining brightly, and their hearts were full of pride.

"Thank you for your compliment!"

"I'm just telling the truth." Shen Zheng smiled. "There's nothing to do here, let's go."

After speaking, with a wave, the powerful force wrapped the corpse of the Holy Spirit, instantly smashed into dust, scattered in the wind, and disappeared.

"My lord, if someone close to you wants to advance, it's better to be here." Sheng Haixiong said, "In this way, the outside world will not be able to detect it, and it will have a miraculous effect of keeping it secret."

"Thanks for your reminder." Shen Zheng nodded, "Why don't we enter the secret realm of water and fire again, isn't it safer?"

"Exactly!" Sheng Haixiong nodded.

Shen Zheng immediately led 12 people into Dandan's secret realm of water and fire.

"Everyone, come here." Shen Zheng's thoughts flowed, calling everyone, and they immediately flew up from the floating islands in the water and fire secret realm, and quickly gathered around Shen Zheng.

"I found six treasures in this scepter." Shen Zheng displayed the six treasures in the air for everyone to see. "According to Sheng Haixiong, this is the orb of the secret realm, which is formed by compressing the secret realm. If the king of the star sea uses it, he can increase his strength and inherit the secret method, but if it is used by the lord of the galaxy, he can be promoted to the king of the star sea, and his power Also very powerful."

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but shine, looking at the six orbs, their eyes were full of longing.But everyone knows that such a treasure must be of no small importance, and the quantity is limited, and only a few people can benefit from it.

"Everyone report their space power." Shen Zheng said.

Everyone was puzzled, but they each reported: Xuesu is the space of light, Qiu Yunzhi and Shen Ying are water space, Fang He is the space of thunder, Chai Feifei is the space of fog, Zhong Tianming is the space of explosion, and Xue If there are five people in a group, each has the special attributes of the five great holy spirits, namely wind, wood, water, fire, and earth.

"These six secret treasures are light, darkness, fire, thunder, ice, and wind." Shen Zheng said, "If the Lord of the Galaxy uses it, it must correspond to his own space power, otherwise his life will be in danger."

"There are still such restrictions!" Many people sighed, especially Zhong Tianming.

He smiled bitterly: "My space power is Burst, which belongs to a very special type. I'm afraid there is no such secret realm in the world."

The implication is that I am afraid that I will be promoted to the king of the star sea in my lifetime.

"You have a lifespan of 1000 years, are you afraid that you won't be able to cultivate?" Chai Feifei couldn't help but say.

"Although he has a lifespan of a thousand years, he has extraordinary talent." Zhong Tianming sighed.

"For this matter, we can only follow fate." Shen Zheng said, "Maybe in the future, we can still meet in adventures."

"That's right." Eggy yelled while flying, "Master has always had adventures. He is a person with great luck. Follow him, and you will definitely benefit from it in the future!"

"You can say it." Shui Qingqing made a face at it, and then smiled. [

"Anyway, if I hadn't followed Shen Zheng, I would be a worm controler now." Chai Feifei said, "But now I am the master of the first-order galaxy, so I am content."

"Stop flattering me." Shen Zheng smiled.Waving, six secret orbs lined up. "Shi Lanfeng, you are the legacy of Suzaku's holy spirit, and the power of space is fire, and here happens to be the orb of the secret realm of fire; Fang He, your power of space is thunder, and there happens to be the orb of the secret realm of thunder here; Xin, you are Baihu Holy Spirit Legacy, the power of space is wind, and there is also the orb of the secret realm of wind here; Xue Su, your power of space is the light of the source insect, and there is also the orb of the secret realm of light here. The four of you, enter the space of the star sea before others King Realm."

With that said, the power of space sent the four orbs in front of the four of them.

Xue Su was not polite either, she reached out and took it with a smile.Fang He blushed and smiled: "Shen Zheng, you still keep it..."

"Others don't have the space power of the thunder system, so you can put it away quickly." Chai Feifei rushed to grab it and stuffed it into Fang He's hand. "This is not only for your own good, but also for the good of Brother Shen. It is always a good thing to have another strong person to help him."

"Not bad." In the snow group, Xun Fei nodded slowly. "The four of you don't give in, and absorb it as soon as possible, so that you can become Brother Shen's right-hand man, so that some guys don't always want to bully him."

Shi Lanfeng and Yan Xin were still hesitating at first, but at this moment they finally nodded and stretched out their hands to hold the orb of the secret realm.

"Let's upgrade together!" Xue Su said with a smile.

Shen Zheng saw Yun Shikong standing beside Qiu Yunzhi, walked over and squatted down, and smiled apologetically: "Sorry, Shikong, there is no water-type secret realm orb this time."

"There will be opportunities in the future." Yun Shikong shook his head. "I'm not in a hurry."

"That's good." Shen Zheng patted his head, then looked up at Qiu Yunzhi.The other party smiled slightly: "Me too."

"It would be great if someone could compress this secret realm into an orb." Shen Zheng couldn't help but sigh. "A can one become a jeweler?"

He couldn't help thinking.

"The power of ice is the change of water, is it possible..." Xue Su's eyes lit up suddenly.

"No." Xiao Hei flew over at this moment and shook his head. "Water is water, and ice is ice. They are already two different forms. Even if it's me, I can't use it indiscriminately."

"But Sister Yun's water system is different!" Shen Ying said suddenly. "Her power of space is the water of change, that is to say... ice is also one of the forms of her power! This is completely different from ours."

"That won't work." Xiao Hei continued to shake his head, "My power can also be called the water of change! But it's just a matter of controlling the power of water better. Not all powers related to water can be directed towards this attribute. Go hard."

"Forget it, Xiaoying." Qiu Yun smiled, "There must be opportunities in the future."

"I will definitely fight for that opportunity for you." Shen Zheng's tone was firm, giving everyone confidence.

"Everyone, let's start." Sheng Haixiong said loudly.

The four of them glanced at each other, and each infiltrated their power into the orb of the secret realm.

A moment later, the power of the strong mind and the power of space surged, and the sky and the earth in the secret realm changed color and fluctuated.

After a long time, four powerful mind forces spread in all directions, completely filling the water and fire secret realm.


With the shouts of excitement, four kings of the star sea were born!

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