star wars civilization.

Chapter 632: Xue Su, Orb Master

In the scorching air flow, blazing flames appeared around Shi Lanfeng's body, rising, jumping, and dancing in the air, gradually forming the shape of a fire bird, which is Suzaku. _!~;

The fire bird gathered and covered the body surface, Shi Lanfeng's body seemed to be wearing a coat of fire feathers, his figure slowly changed, gradually getting bigger and elongated, finally with a loud cry, he transformed into It is the image of the Holy Spirit of Suzaku which is more than ten meters long.He flapped his wings and flew, hovering in the high sky of the secret realm.

"After being promoted, the true form of Vermillion Bird's holy spirit has been restored?" Shui Qingqing couldn't help exclaiming.

"Look, the same is true for the heart!" Ke Meng pointed at Yan Xin.

Countless gusts of wind have surrounded Yan Xin, and the wind showed a sharp white color, which gradually turned into the image of a white tiger, and gathered around Yan Xin's body.Yan Xin's body shape also kept changing, and finally turned into a white tiger with a strong wind wrapped around her body, raised her head to the sky, and let out a sky-shattering roar. [

Megatron Quartet.

Fang He didn't undergo such a huge change like theirs, but the thunderbolts surrounded him, and instantly turned into thunderbolts, which struck the sea below him, causing the sea to flash with a light of thunder and lightning.These thunders were slowly collected, and finally condensed in his body. When he breathed, there was a sound of thunder.

The power of thought spread suddenly, showing a powerful aura, Fang He slowly opened his eyes, and the eyes flashed like electricity.

The blood flashed, and an ax flew out of Fang He's body, changing in an instant, sometimes turning into armor, sometimes turning into a giant axe, and then retracting into the body.It was the insect spirit who advanced accordingly.

Xue Su's whole body was shrouded in white light. After a long time, she turned into a body of light. The light gradually subsided, but it was not earth-shattering. It was just that when she opened her eyes, everyone felt that the whole secret world seemed to flicker.

But she didn't have insect spirits in the first place, but like Shi Lanfeng and Yan Xin, the two holy spirit relics, she didn't have the steps to evolve insect spirit weapons.

"So strong, so strong!" Sheng Haixiong exclaimed, "I can't see through the strength of these four now, but the aura they too strong, even the elders of the main city seem to be no more than that. Secret Realm The orb is indeed a treasure!"

"Can they transform back?" Ke Meng looked at Shi Lanfeng and Yan Xin, who had turned into Suzaku and White Tiger, a little worried. "To be honest, I'm used to being a human being. If I want to become a holy spirit forever in the future, I don't really want to advance."

"Look at your promise!" In the air, Shi Lanfeng let out a long and triumphant roar, suddenly gathered the firepower of his whole body, reincarnated into a human form and landed.

"Once a human being, always a human being." Yan Xin smiled, and also gathered her body back into a human body, and flew back to her companions. "Change freely, with one mind and two bodies."

"What kind of words are you babbling about? Reciting poetry?" Shui Qingqing kicked up. "Don't think that if you become the king of the star sea, I won't beat you." Then he chased Yan Xin and kicked him all over the world.

"Shen Zheng, thank you.|^" Fang Heyuan blushed slightly, and nodded towards Shen Zheng. "Without you, my whole life would be nothing more than a small person who lives on the planet and has seen the realm of the real strong..."

"Don't say that." Shen Zheng shook his head, "You are my best friend, the person who is willing to help me when I am in the most difficult time. I have done too little for you."

"You say that, which makes me even more embarrassed." Fang He blushed even more.

"Congratulations." Shen Ying pulled Shen Zheng's arm and smiled at Fang He without envy.Shen Zheng scratched her nose: "Don't worry, you will reach this level sooner or later."

"Brother, I believe you." Shen Ying nodded.

"Congratulations!" Chai Feifei leaned over, wrapping one arm around Fang He's neck. "You guys have become the king of the stars, and you will share the burden for Big Brother Shen from now on."

"What do you need to say?" Fang He smiled.

"Master, I have... good news to tell you." Xue Su suddenly smiled and flew to Shen Zheng's side. [

"What good news?" Shen Zheng's heart skipped a beat: Did Xue Su inherit some secret method from the secret realm?

However, Xue Su seemed to be connected with Shen Zheng, and smiled: "You guessed it, right?"

"Did you inherit the secret method?" Shen Zheng couldn't help asking.

"Yes." Xue Su nodded heavily. "Moreover, it is the secret method of refining space orbs and compressing secret realms to create secret realm orbs!"

"What?" Shen Zheng was startled at first, and then pleasantly surprised. "This is real?"

"Of course." Xue Su smiled, her smile was as sweet as sugar. "Otherwise, I will compress this water system secret realm into a secret realm orb right now. It's just that it may take longer."

"It's great!" Shen Zheng couldn't help hugging Xue Su and turned around a few times, making Xue Su giggle.

"How long?" he asked.

"Two to three hundred hours." Xue Su said.

"Two to three hundred hours? Isn't that just over ten days?" Shen Zheng was taken aback, "How is it shorter than the time it takes to refine the space orb?"

"Because refining the space orb is to refine the creative power of your own power with your own power." Xue Su made a face, "while modulating the secret realm, you just use your own power to modulate other people's creative power. Although the generated things It is more advanced, but the time is shorter."

"Then how do you call 'longer'?" Shen Zheng asked.

"Isn't two or three hundred hours long?" Xue Su asked puzzled.

"Forget it." Shen Zheng wiped off his sweat, "It's my fault that I misunderstood, I thought you meant that it would take longer than refining space orbs. Let's not talk about that, let's start."

The onlookers were also quite surprised, and Sheng Haixiong was even more surprised: "Jewel Master, Jewel Master! This's..." He was excited for a while, but he didn't know how to express the joy in his heart.

"The modulation must be done outside the secret realm, and there cannot be any creatures related to the secret realm in the secret realm." Xue Su said, "So everyone has to retreat outside."

"Everyone." Shen Zheng looked around at the crowd, "Let's go to Dandan's secret realm of water and fire first. The three of you have just advanced to the realm of King of the Star Sea, and you are not familiar with the use of power. Please ask veteran powerhouses such as Sheng Haixiong to help you." You explain the instructions and practice hard. It’s good that only Xue Su and I stay outside. Otherwise, the goal is too big and it is easy to be discovered by outsiders.”

Everyone entered the water and fire secret realm one after another, while Shen Zheng and Xue Su escaped from the water system secret realm, and came to the central icicle outside the secret realm. Once the icicle in the center of the secret realm was broken, all the restrictive power and the power to distort the space disappeared. Naturally, you can leave from anywhere, just like in any restricted secret realm.

Outside the secret realm, you can no longer see the secret realm with your eyes, you can only sense it with your mind.Xue Su's thoughts captured the location of this secret realm in an instant, and when she raised her hand, the power of space flowed out, wrapping that location like a membrane.

"With you, we can limit the cultivation of masters in the future." Shen Zheng smiled. "When we create a secret realm, it will be up to you to compress it. You can have as many secret realm orbs as you want."

"It's not that simple." Xue Su shook her head. "Sheng Haixiong didn't explain it clearly. After I got the inheritance of the secret method, I already possessed this part of the knowledge."

"Oh? Tell me." Shen Zheng became interested. [

"It is not easy for the King of Star Sea to create a secret realm." Xue Su said, "A truly powerful secret realm must be a work of art created by the King of Star Sea with all his heart and soul, and is the most important thing in this life. It is the only secret realm that completely belongs to itself. In this way, the secret realm can contain the power of the king of the star sea, and after being compressed into orbs, it can be promoted to the master of the galaxy and endowed with great power."

"The only one in your life?" Shen Zheng was stunned.

"Yes." Xue Su nodded. "A King of the Star Sea can only create one such secret realm in his lifetime."

"So..." Shen Zheng couldn't help being stunned, "The paradise secret realm I created on Earth..."

"En." Xue Su nodded, "It's your only secret realm. You can continuously strengthen and expand it to make it more powerful, but you can't create new secret realms elsewhere. Of course, if someone else creates a secret realm Subject, you can still use this space power to create a secret realm to help it expand and perfect the secret realm."

"I see." Shen Zheng nodded.

He asked again: "Xue Su, do you know how such a huge secret realm like the big families was built?"

"All the Kings of the Star Sea who join will contribute their only power that can create a perfect secret realm, add their own secret realm to it, and perfect the family secret realm, so that this huge secret realm can be achieved. But in that case, those Kings of the Star Sea There is no way to build a secret realm elsewhere." Xue Su replied.

"I understand." Shen Zheng nodded, "So those Star Sea Kings who have joined the major forces can't leave. Because they can't create new secret realms by themselves. Because of this, the families don't have to worry about their subordinates leaving and go."

"Yeah." Xue Su nodded, "Master, I won't chat with you anymore, the next step is to enter the key link."

"I'll protect you, you can prepare it with confidence." Shen Zheng nodded.

Xue Su smiled, her eyes fixed on the front, and her expression gradually became serious.

The power of space continuously gushes out, enveloping a point in the sea of ​​stars, Shen Zheng feels as if a real vacuum has gradually formed there, and there is nothing in it, even the space cannot be sensed.

What a wonderful secret.Shen Zheng couldn't help sighing.

Not long after, he restrained his mind, spread out his thoughts, and scanned the surrounding areas.The production process of Xue Su lasts for two to three hundred hours, if it is interrupted during this period, it must be bad.Shen Zheng must ensure that she will not be disturbed in any way.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly. After more than 200 hours, Xue Su's eyes suddenly flashed with brilliance, and she waved her hand quickly, and the membrane of space power that seemed to wrap the real void was turbulent quickly, After a while, there was a loud bang in the universe, and a brilliance flashed instantly.

"Success." Xue Su let out a long breath, the brilliance in her eyes disappeared, followed by a look of exhaustion, her body was also shaking, as if she was about to faint.

Shen Zheng hurried over to support her, and stuffed a space orb into her hand. Xue Su is now a jeweler, refining this kind of space orb is a piece of cake for her, and she is not so precious. The space orb directly absorbed it, and immediately became a hundred times more energetic.

"I didn't expect this kind of work to be so exhausting." Xue Su said, "It's even more tiring than creating a hundred secret realms. But even if you don't need the space orb to recover, you can rest for dozens of hours and you'll be fine."

When he raised his hand, the flickering light converged and turned into a small round bead, which flew in front of Xue Su, and Xue Suyi put it into Shen Zheng's hand.

"Master, it's done." She smiled.

"Great!" Shen Zheng nodded with a smile, and pulled Xue Su quickly into the water and fire secret realm, hiding the atmosphere of the secret realm, so that outsiders could not perceive the existence of the water and fire secret realm.

As soon as they entered the secret realm, everyone greeted them immediately, and Shen Ying asked with concern: "Brother, did you succeed?"

"Look." Shen Zheng raised his hand, and a transparent bead appeared in his hand.The crowd watched, and they could vaguely see that there seemed to be water turbulent in the beads.

"The secret orb of the water system!" Shen Zheng smiled, "It was concocted by Master Xuesu!"

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