star wars civilization.

Chapter 633: The Fairy Born from the Insect Spirit

"Water system!" Chai Feifei yelled, looking at Shen Ying. |^ "Xiaoying, aren't you the water element?"

"I'm not in a hurry." Shen Ying smiled, looking at Qiu Yunzhi with a calm gaze. "Sister Yun, you need it even more. Then you can return to the light of the autumn sky in glory."

"No." Qiu Yunzhi shook his head, looking down at Yun Shikong standing beside him. "It should be given to Shi Kong."

Everyone looked at the boy who had just lost his father, and they were all silent, but nodded slowly.

"Shikong." Shen Zheng squatted down, putting his hand on Yunshikong's shoulder. "I said that I want to help you become a strong person, but I didn't expect to do it so quickly." [

"Thank you foster father, thank you Aunt Xuesu!" There was excitement in Yun Shikong's eyes, and there was no sign of humility.But no one thought he was unkind.After all, his mind is just that of a ten-year-old child, and because of his father's instructions, his desire for power far exceeds that of others.

"Take it." Shen Zheng stuffed the orb of the water system secret realm into his hand. "bring it on."

Yun Shikong nodded silently, and everyone gradually dispersed to give him enough space.He held the orb tightly, and closed his eyes like when the four of them took it just now, so that he could more clearly perceive the changes in the power in his body.

But after a long time, he opened his eyes again and frowned.

"What's wrong?" Shen Zheng was stunned, and hurried to his side.

"I..." Yun Shikong stretched out his palm, looking at the intact orb in his hand. "My space power can't enter it at all, so I can't absorb it."

"How could this be?" Shen Zheng was puzzled.

Yun Shikong felt sad for a while, and silently lowered his head.

"Father, actually..." he said in a low voice, "In fact, my father told me that my growth path is a path that can only rely on my own efforts, and no external force can help me."


"Because of the secret method." He said, "It's just that I'm not reconciled. I just want to get stronger quickly so I can grab this orb with Auntie Xiaoying and Auntie Yunzhi. But now I give up. My way is really only Can rely on myself."

In an instant, Shen Zheng remembered Yun Guiqing's dying words.He once said that Yunshikong will not become Shen Zheng's trouble, as long as Shen Zheng protects him and grows up.

It turns out that it won't be a trouble, and that's what it means—he doesn't need me to do anything for him at all, he just needs me to be his safe haven.

Shen Zheng let out a long sigh, and suddenly his eyes focused, he squatted down and stared at Yun Shikong's eyes. _!~;

"Shi Kong, listen." He said, "I promised your father that I will let you return to Dongyun Empire in glory and avenge your mother. I will do what I said. Even if you will never be able to advance to the King of the Star Sea in the future, I will I will also bring you back. I will defeat all villains for you and avenge you!"

"No." Yun Shikong and Shen Zheng looked at each other. "Father, I thank you, but I only want to rely on myself! I believe that I will not be like this forever, and one day, I will be like you!"

"Ambition!" Shen Zheng nodded. "As much ambition as there is, there will be as much achievement!"

"En!" Yun Shikong nodded vigorously.

Everyone gathered around at this time, and they couldn't help sighing when they learned everything. [

"Father, give it to those who need it most." Yun Shikong returned the orb of the secret realm to Shen Zheng, his eyes moved on Qiu Yunzhi and Shen Ying.Obviously, he doesn't know who is suitable for him, it's up to Shen Zheng to decide.

"Xiaoying, what do you mean?" Shen Zheng stood up and looked at his sister.

"I just said it." Shen Ying smiled, "Of course it is for Sister Yun. She is the one who needs it most."

"No!" Qiu Yunzhi waved his hand hastily, "Isn't your dream to be by Shen Zheng's side forever, to fight side by side with him, and not to be a burden to him again? It should be given to you..."

"My brother promised you that one day you will return with glory." Shen Ying smiled. "He has promised too many things to others recently. If he doesn't finish these things first, I'm afraid he will bear the notoriety of not counting his words. Sister Yun, don't I always stay by my brother's side now? That's enough. Besides , I believe that it may not be long before my brother will be able to give me the same opportunity."

"That's right." Shen Zheng nodded, and forcibly stuffed the secret orb into Qiu Yun's hands. "Let's advance."

Holding the secret orb, Qiu Yunzhi felt a burst of excitement, looked up at Shen Zheng, then at Shen Ying, with tears in his eyes.

"Thank you!" She nodded solemnly, holding the orb, and everyone retreated with smiles.

The power of space flowed into the orb, and the power of the orb quickly decomposed and flowed into Qiu Yunzhi's body.After a while, the power of thoughts surged endlessly, the power of space turbulently, waves of water spread all over Qiu Yunzhi's body, and the signs of a breakthrough were already very obvious.

However, after a long time, Qiu Yunzhi still did not see a breakthrough, and everyone couldn't help frowning and whispering, not knowing where the problem lies.

"I understand!" Sheng Haixiong slapped his thigh suddenly, "Miss Qiu's insect spirit is gone! If human beings don't have the insect spirit as a carrier to help themselves improve, it will be difficult to successfully break through!"

"What should I do?" Shen Zheng was sweating anxiously.Thousands of calculations, but missed this matter.

Suddenly, Shen Zheng's expression froze, and then became serious.His thoughts went deep into the core of the basalt insect and wrapped something in it. Afterwards, the power of space was activated and the thing was taken out.

A pair of black tiger claws!

"What is this?" Sheng Haixiong was startled.

"Everyone, I advanced too fast, but I lack knowledge and experience." Shen Zheng looked around at the crowd and said frankly. "So many things are not well understood. Does anyone know if other Zerg-related weapons can be used as substitutes when the Zerg spirit dissipates?"

"Yes!" Sheng Haixiong said excitedly, "If it was any other weapon, it would certainly not work, but this... it seems to be the remains of the Holy Spirit, right?"

"Not bad." Shen Zheng nodded.

"That's absolutely fine!" Sheng Haixiong said, "The holy spirit is the head of the worms, and its remains can completely play this role!"

"Okay!" Shen Zheng smiled, "The sky will not stop me, the god of destiny is still standing by my side!"

Amidst the laughter, he waved his hand, and a pair of black tiger claws flew towards Qiu Yunzhi in an instant.

"Yunzhi!" He shouted loudly, and the power of his thoughts came out, calling Qiu Yunzhi to open his eyes. [

"Put it away, this pair of black tiger claws is your new insect spirit weapon!"

Qiu Yunzhi had already sensed that it was extremely difficult for him to break through, and he almost gave up, but he just insisted on feeling sorry for Shen Zheng and Xue Su, who made the orb of the secret realm.At this time, seeing a pair of black tiger claws flying towards him, he couldn't help being surprised, he used the power of space to gather them, and then penetrated them with the power of thoughts.

The Black Tiger Claw has long been surrendered to Shen Zheng, and it is also filled with the power of Shen Zheng's thoughts.This power, of course, would not resist Qiu Yunzhi, but turned into a boost, allowing Qiu Yunzhi to quickly absorb the black tiger claws into his body.

A moment later, the Black Tiger Claw had re-identified its owner and became Qiu Yunzhi's weapon.And in an instant, it assumed an important role, transforming the powerful power through itself, and then using it to stimulate Qiu Yunzhi's mind to improve.

With a bang, thousands of water waves surged into the sky, Qiu Yunzhi finally broke through the limit in an instant, and achieved the realm of the king of the star sea.

In an instant, the pair of black tiger claws flew out of her body, twisting and changing in the air.A holy light shone on it, and after a while, its color also slowly receded, and its shape changed, turning into a beautiful fairy in a long skirt with fluttering sash.

Everyone couldn't help but stare dumbfounded.

Qiu Yunzhi also looked at the fairy in a daze, speechless.

The fairy turned her head slowly, and smiled faintly at Qiu Yunzhi. The two minds were completely integrated, and they became one.

"This is the first time I've seen such an insect-spirit transformation." Sheng Haixiong couldn't help but mutter. "It is rare for an insect spirit to transform into a human form. It is unheard of to become such a beautiful fairy."

"Shen Zheng, I..." Qiu Yun's voice trembled, as if he was too excited.

In an instant, the fairy turned into light and dissipated, and returned to Qiu Yunzhi's body to inhabit, just like Shen Zheng's holy spirit boy.

"Congratulations, Yunzhi." Shen Zheng nodded slowly with a smile on his face.He didn't understand the meaning contained in Qiu Yunzhi's unfinished words, and Qiu Yunzhi didn't explain, but looked at Shen Zheng affectionately with tears streaming down his face.

"Let's not rush back to the Light of the Autumn Sky." Shen Zhengfei walked over and smiled. "You have just advanced now, your realm is not stable, and your strength should not be fully mastered. Learn more from the veteran powerhouses, practice more, and strive to fully master your strength as soon as possible. When the time comes, we will go back and scare them to death!"

"Yes, scare them to death!" Qiu Yunzhi laughed.Turning to Xuesu, she rushed over and hugged Xuesu tightly.

"Xue Su, thank you, thank you very much!" She said excitedly, "I really don't know how to thank you!"

"What's the matter." Xue Su smiled, "All the luck comes from the master. Just thank him."

During the time when Sheng Haixiong and the others were waiting for Xuesu to concoct in the secret realm, they had already known Qiu Yunzhi's life experience, so they couldn't help being happy for her at this time.

"Let's go." Shen Zheng said, "Elder Long must be waiting outside anxiously."

"I have a suggestion." Zhong Tianming said suddenly.

"Old Zhong, just speak up if you have something to say. We are all our own people." Chai Feifei said carelessly.She especially likes to be called Zhong Tianming Lao Zhong, and she also loves talking to him.The reason is actually very simple. At the beginning, she was a little girl on the White Wolf Star, and Zhong Tianming was the supreme existence in her longing.Now she and the other party have equal status and the same power, which makes her feel like her childhood dream has come true.

So the more she called Zhong Tianming so affectionately, and the more she laughed with him, the more she felt that she was quite remarkable.

Zhong Tianming smiled: "Maybe this is just the fox's scriptures of those in power. Just say it, and you have the right to listen to it. I think everyone should hide their strength. After all, Sheng Haiji is not very friendly to Shen Zheng, and it is already a feud. If you know I am afraid that we will be more worried about our real strength, and we will play tricks."

"Not bad." Sheng Haixiong nodded. "Elder Ji...Actually, as a subordinate, you shouldn't talk about him behind his back, but his usual behavior is really not very good. My lord, it's better to keep your strength."

"Okay." Shen Zheng nodded, "Then you new Kings of the Star Sea, please restrain your breath. Usually you still live in this secret realm of water and fire, so don't go out easily."

Everyone nodded.

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