star wars civilization.

Chapter 634: Reopening the Presbyterian Church

Shen Zheng led Xue Su and the twelve members of the Holy Sea Shenzhou out of the Water and Fire Secret Realm, and immediately saw an anxious figure, it was Sheng Hailong who was looking for something in the surroundings. _!~;

"Shen Zheng!" Seeing Shen Zheng, Sheng Hailong flew over in a hurry, and Sheng Haixiong and the other 12 people immediately saluted respectfully.

"Lord Elder!"

"You..." Sheng Hailong's eyes were full of surprise, he looked at everyone, and his eyes fell on Sheng Haixiong. "Aren't you Sheng Haixiong, the Lord of Wind City?"

"Exactly!" Sheng Haixiong bowed. [

"It's great that you are safe and sound!" Sheng Hailong's heartfelt joy can be seen through his eyes, which moved all 12 people.

"Thanks to Elder Shen." Sheng Haixiong said. "We are trapped in the secret realm and cannot be freed. There are only twelve of us left among dozens of people. If Elder Shen didn't save us, we would also die in the secret realm."

"Shen Zheng, this is a great achievement!" Sheng Hailong said excitedly.

"The main reason is that City Lord Xiong and the others are strong, otherwise they wouldn't be able to persist until now." Shen Zheng said.

"But..." Sheng Hailong looked around, "I just sensed a change here, but when I arrived, I didn't find anything, and I couldn't even sense the location of the secret water system. What's going on?"

"Sorry." Shen Zheng said, "The secret water system no longer exists."

"It doesn't exist anymore?" Sheng Hailong couldn't understand, and looked at Shen Zheng in amazement.

"Yes." Shen Zheng nodded, "disappeared from this world forever."

"I don't understand." Sheng Hailong shook his head, eyes full of confusion.

"Master, don't make fun of Elder Long!" Xue Su laughed, her voice was as sweet as a silver bell. "Just tell him honestly, we are the ones who 'used up' the water system secret realm."

"What?" Sheng Hailong suspected that there was something wrong with his ears. "What do you mean by 'used up'?"

"Let's take a look at this first." Shen Zheng raised his hand, and the spatial fluctuations surged, and the scepter that was collected in the worm core space floated in the fluctuations.With a flick of his hand, the scepter flew towards Sheng Hailong.

Sheng Hailong took the scepter and looked at it for a long time, but couldn't see anything.

"What is this?" he asked.

"A symbol of power." Sheng Haixiong interrupted.He knew that he should show something at this time, to show Shen Zheng that he and the other strong men who were rescued were determined to stand by Shen Zheng's side. _!~; "It is said that it is the scepter left by a worm holy emperor who became a source worm in the past and created another plane."

"Are you kidding me?" Sheng Hailong was taken aback, and carefully scanned it again with the power of his mind and space, but he still didn't find anything special about the scepter.

"It's a long story." Shen Zheng opened his mouth and told the whole story after entering the water system secret realm. The only thing he kept hidden was the secret realm orb in the scepter.

"Prince of the Dongyun Empire?" Compared with the scepter and the holy spirit, Sheng Hailong was more concerned about Yun Guiqing.

"Yes." Shen Zheng nodded, "His son has already recognized me as his adoptive father. I also promised to take good care of him, and I will take him back to Dongyun Empire for revenge in the future." [

"Easier said than done!" Sheng Hailong shook his head and sighed.

"What?" Shen Zheng felt that Sheng Hailong seemed to know something, so he asked immediately.

"That's almost an empire on the other side of the universe?" St. Hailong said. "We are separated by several forces and several great empires. Yun Guiqing, as a wanderer in the universe, wanders all the way here, but it is easy. When you go to the place where the trend is popular, let alone a few great empires, it is just a few big empires." The major forces on the road will probably not let you go easily. What's more, the distance is so long, and no one can tell what will happen on the road. If you are the same wanderer, it's fine, but you are still a member of the Holy Sea Shenzhou People, it's even more difficult."

Shen Zheng quickly figured out the truth.If he was alone and traveled through various major forces, even if he was discovered, no one would care much.But if he is the elder of the Holy Sea Shenzhou, then the meaning is different.Just as it is one thing for civilians to cross the borders of other countries, it is another for soldiers to cross the borders of other countries.

"Let's talk about this later." Shen Zheng said perfunctorily.He has his own plan, he promised Yun Guiqing, and he will never go back on his word.

"This matter is not easy." Sheng Hailong frowned, "This scepter is really mysterious, even I can't find out what it is made of, but it looks like a secret treasure. It's just that I can't find the benefits of it, no matter how powerful the secret treasure is. Use. And you said that the water system secret realm was used up, but you haven't explained it to me yet."

"This is another great news." Shen Zheng smiled lightly, "Xue Su found a secret orb in the secret realm, after absorbing it, he was promoted to be the king of the star sea, and accidentally obtained the inheritance of the secret technique, and now he has become a An orb master. The secret realm of the water system was transferred into a secret realm orb by her."

Sheng Hailong opened his mouth wide and didn't close it for a long time.

"Did I hear you right?" He nervously asked Sheng Haixiong next to him.

"No." Sheng Haixiong smiled, "Miss Xuesu is already a very powerful concocter now. It only took more than 200 hours to concoct that powerful water system secret realm."

"This..." Sheng Hailong's eyes widened, not knowing what to say.

"This is really great news!" After a while, he laughed wildly, scaring Sheng Haixiong and others to suspect that he was going crazy.

"Jewel Master, Jewel Master!" Sheng Hailong smiled excitedly, laughing so much that he could die laughing at any time. "This is simply a miracle from heaven, a miracle from heaven! What kind of luck did my Holy Sea Shenzhou get?"

If he was a mortal who needed to breathe air to sustain life, he would have died laughing by now.

After a long time, he realized his gaffe, pretended to cough for a long time, then stopped, patted Shen Zheng's shoulder: "Good job, good job!"

"She took the orb she got in the secret realm privately, maybe Sheng Haiji will have an opinion?" Shen Zheng asked with a smile.

"He dares to have it." Sheng Hailong sighed. "Speaking of this matter, it is true that you used the treasures in the secret realm privately and violated the rules of the clan. But the matter has come to this point, if you are expelled, the loss of the clan will be even greater, and if you are kept, the clan will But there will be a jeweler. He is not a fool, he dare not do this."

"There is one more thing." Shen Zheng said.

"Speak." Sheng Hailong waved his hand very generously, "I can help you solve it!"

"After the water system secret realm was made into a secret realm orb by Xuesu, I gave it to my friend Qiu Yunzhi." Shen Zheng said.

Sheng Hailong was suffocated to death almost without a breath.

"Shen Zheng, you are really courageous!" He pointed at Shen Zheng and sighed for a while. "It's fine to use the treasures you got privately, it's fine to make secret realms into treasures, and even use them privately for your own people..."[

He said angrily: "If Sheng Haiji finds out about this, it will definitely end with you."

"So what?" Shen Zheng smiled faintly. "I also had an adventure in the secret realm. There just happened to be a worm's power in the scepter, which shot into my mind and just unlocked the locks of those minds. Now I don't need to rely on anyone to heal me, and I have completely returned to normal. "

"Congratulations!" Sheng Hailong couldn't help smiling after being startled.But at the same time, I was a little worried.

"Shen Zheng, then... are you still willing to join the Holy Sea Shenzhou?" He asked cautiously, fearing that his tone would make Shen Zheng run away in anger.

"Elder Long." Shen Zheng smiled, "I will never forget your kindness to me. Not for anything else, just to repay your kindness, I will also join Shenghai Shenzhou. Besides, Shenghai Shenzhou also rules my hometown If I don't join the forces of the White Wolf Star, I have nowhere else to go."

"That's good, that's good!" Sheng Hailong smiled all over his face, "I just said that I saw the right person! Shen Zheng, the universe is vast, and there are many strong people. Everyone thinks that if they reach the top, they can look down upon the world , free and unrestrained, but I don’t know that it is just qualified to step into the real society of the strongest living body. Society, no matter whether it is composed of mortals or gods, its nature is the same. The number of forces in the star sea, if you are alone A wanderer alone is of course free, but he lacks a support."

"I understand." Shen Zheng nodded. "In short, at the elders' meeting, Sheng Haiji is entirely dependent on you."

"No problem." Sheng Hailong nodded, looking at Xue Su, his eyes showed excitement again. "Let's go, the time has been long enough. It's best if the Patriarch has returned, then everything will be easy to handle."

A group of people turned back and headed towards the Holy Sea Shenzhou. After flying for a period of time, they returned outside the secret realm of the Holy Sea Shenzhou. Sheng Hailong activated the power of space, led everyone into the secret realm, and then headed for the main city. After a long time, he came to his elder's house.After arranging for Shen Zheng, Sheng Hailong and others to rest here, he immediately rushed to the present Presbyterian Church, and not long after, he came back and brought everyone to the Great Conference Hall.

The five elders had already sat down at the table in the conference hall. When they saw Sheng Hailong bringing someone back, they all turned their heads and looked over. Then they were taken aback. Sheng Haiyuan, who had a fierce face, stood up straight away. A startled look replaces it.

"Sheng Haixiong?" He exclaimed, "You... you are back? And... there are so many of you..."

In addition to surprise, there was joy in his eyes, obviously he was really happy because these people survived.

Shen Zheng took a glance and found that apart from Sheng Haiji, the eyes of the other four elders showed joy, and he thought to himself: Even Sheng Hailiefeng knows that his subordinates are safe and happy, Sheng Haiji, how do you deserve to sit in the chair elder seat?

He was very disappointed with Sheng Haiji, but at the same time, he was full of hope for Sheng Hai Shenzhou.

Among the six elders, if five elders are like this, then this family is still a trustworthy one.

"See you elders!" Sheng Hailong led 11 people to salute to everyone, and the scholarly Sheng Hailan raised his hands excitedly: "Get out soon! You must have suffered a lot after being trapped in the water system secret realm for so long , you should take a good rest. What are you still doing here?"

"It's just to tell the elders about the achievements of Elder Shen." Sheng Hailong said slowly.

Sheng Haiji's face changed slightly.

"Shen Zheng rescued you?" Sheng Haixing asked intentionally.

"If it wasn't for Elder Shen, we might have died in the water system secret realm." Sheng Haixiong said truthfully. "The space in that secret realm is distorted and can trap people to death. Thanks to Elder Shen's ability to see through space, he led us out of danger."

"Oh?" The elders were startled, looking at Shen Zheng with a touch of curiosity.

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