star wars civilization.

Chapter 647: Goddess of Autumn

Yi Hai was a little frightened, but he couldn't think about it. |^He can only admit that he is unlucky.

The head of the Xuanwu snake slowly stretched out, grinning: "Boy, it's time to test you."

As he said that, he bit Yi Hai's arm with one bite, and the cold light on his teeth slowly entered Yi Hai's body. Xiong firmly held him down, and at the same time injected power into his body. Cooperating with Guan Gu, he gradually integrated the power from the snake's teeth into Yi Hai's thoughts.

The two worked together and it took half an hour to complete this secret technique.After finishing, Sheng Haixiong was already sweating from exhaustion, let go of Yi Hai, and took a few steps back to wipe off his sweat.

"Okay." Guan Gu smiled, "From now on, this kid can no longer have two minds about us, otherwise I will change my mind..."[

"Impossible, impossible!" Yi Hai waved his hands hastily, "I will be loyal to the Holy League, and take the glory of the Holy League as my life. I would rather die than let the Holy League suffer any loss!"

"Exaggerated." Eggy snorted, making Yi Hai feel a little scared.

"Since you said so, then do something for me." Xue Su smiled sweetly, with that smile coupled with that beautiful face, without using any magic tricks of the holy spirit, Yi Hai was already lost.

"You... What do you need, just tell me..." He smiled obsequiously, with a look of flattering Xue Su.

"My name is Xuesu, and I'm also a jeweler." Xuesu said with a smile, "I have an important task, and I need you to help me complete it."

"Okay, okay." Yi Hai's eyes lit up.

If you can use your means to trick this girl, then things will be much easier.At that time, I will divide the relationship between them and let them mess up by themselves, so I can profit from it.I can't make it... Huh, maybe I can overturn Shen Zheng and become the leader of the Holy League. At that time...

He was thinking wildly in his mind, and asked in his mouth: "Don't worry, Miss Xuesu, no matter what kind of work it is, I can help you complete it!"

"It's not a big deal." Xue Su blinked at Shen Zheng, and Shen Zheng already understood, took out the secret secret orb of the dark system, and sent it to Xue Su.

"It's just to erase the attributes of this secret secret orb of the dark system." Xue Su smiled sweetly, and held the orb in front of Yi Hai.

"What?" Yi Hai's expression changed immediately. |^He is a jeweler, although his talent is not high as he said, but at least he knows all kinds of knowledge.To erase the attributes of the secret orb, it not only requires the cooperation of two people, but also requires one of them to pay a considerable price.

"Why, you can't do it?" Xue Su frowned, "Just now I swore that it's okay. Are you going to be loyal to the Holy League?"

"Is he lying?" Guan Gu's eyes turned cold, and Yi Hai suddenly felt an unbearable pain in his mind, which made him fear that he would be expelled from hell.

"I didn't lie, I didn't lie!" he cried, breaking out in a cold sweat. "Miss Xuesu, it's's just that kind of secret technique will make the auxiliary modulator's strength drop drastically, and even fall to the realm of the master of the galaxy!"

"Is there such a thing?" Guan Gu was startled, looking at Xue Su, he couldn't help being a little excited. "Son, why didn't you tell me to pay such a price before? If you didn't catch this Yi Hai..."

"It's okay." Xue Su smiled mischievously, "I have already discussed with the master, and I will find a jeweler at that time, and then I will be his assistant. If the strength drops, it will be me. In this way, it is easy to find cooperation of those."

"You..." Guan Gu's eyes blurred, "You silly boy!"

It let out a long sigh: "Just to save my old life, are you going to pay such a price? This makes me..."

"Grandpa, don't talk about it." Xue Su waved her hand, "Isn't everything in front of me settled? Yi Hai, are you willing to pay such a price for the Holy League? I can promise you on behalf of the master, as long as you are loyal to the Holy League from now on, even Your strength has plummeted, and we will not abandon you. On the contrary, if you perform well enough, we will find a way to restore your strength in the future. How?" [

Yi Hai looked around, and all he saw were malicious eyes, especially Suzaku Holy Spirit Egg, whose sharp beak kept aiming at his body, as if it always wanted to come up and peck some blood holes.

forget it!He sighed.No matter what, it's better than being killed, let's try to get revenge in the future...

He nodded slowly: "Okay, no problem!"

"Young man, watch them concoct." Guan Gu said to Sheng Haixiong, "Find a quiet place, that is, in the secret realm of water and fire."

"Yes." With a salute, Sheng Haixiong pulled Yi Hai, who was reluctant in every way, into Shen Zheng's personal secret realm with Xue Su.

"Others don't bother them." Guan Gu said. "Don't worry, with the lock of mind attached to his body, that kid doesn't dare to play any tricks. He has already experienced that pain just now, and he will never want to experience it again. Shen Zheng, after you arrange everything, come to you Find me on the upper level of this secret realm, I have something to tell you."

"Okay." Shen Zheng nodded, while Guan Gu soared upwards alone, breaking through the realm of the human world, and entering the heavenly layer in the legendary secret realm.

"Everyone tidy up the battlefield." Shen Zheng quickly arranged, "Help the four left behind to heal their injuries, gather the bodies of the intruders for burial. The loss in hell is not small, everyone replenishes the defense force. Although facing the powerful It won't do much for the King of the Star Sea, but when there are juniors, we don't need to take a lot of effort with it."

After some arrangements, everyone went to their own business.But Qiu Yunzhi flew over with the undercover agent.

"Shen Zheng, can you let him go?" Qiu Yunzhi asked. "This person is an undercover agent sent by the Light of the Autumn Sky to the Pearl Group. He is one of our people and cannot be killed."

"My lord." The man saluted Shen Zheng respectfully, "I, Tu Ling, is indeed a member of the Light of the Autumn Sky, and has nothing to do with the Baozhu Group. I didn't know that Miss Yunzhi was here before, otherwise I must find a way to inform the news For you."

"Let him stay for now." Shen Zheng said, "I don't want others to know about the orb group. At least, I have to wait until this guy Yi Hai helps Xuesu erase the attributes of the dark secret realm."

"I understand." Qiu Yunzhi nodded, and told Tu Ling: "Stay here and don't disagree. I guarantee that you will be able to return to the light of the autumn sky intact."

"Yes, Miss Yunzhi." Tu Ling nodded respectfully, with an extremely respectful attitude.He raised his head, hesitated to speak, and finally dared to speak.

"Miss Yunzhi, actually I think..." He looked at Shen Zheng, smiled apologetically, but continued on. "I think that since you were born in such a miracle, you really shouldn't stay outside. You should return to the clan, and the entire Autumn Sky Light will respectfully welcome your return."

"You mean she has the power she has now, and our group of partners?" Shen Zheng smiled, "We went back before, but it's a pity that even your patriarch was kicked out by some kind of Qiu Jianling."

"Miss Jianling?" Tu Ling was taken aback, "How... how could she drive Miss Yunzhi out? How dare she?"

Shen Zheng vaguely felt that there seemed to be something strange in Tu Ling's words.How dare?Qiu Jianling is the niece of the dignified Patriarch, what do you dare to do?Qiu Yunzhi's status is not high in the light of the autumn sky, is it?

"Why didn't she dare?" Shen Zheng couldn't help asking.

But Qiu Yunzhi seemed to have known the meaning of Tu Ling's words a long time ago, he just looked at Shen Zheng with gratitude in his eyes.

"Miss Yunzhi became the king of the star sea, and the insect spirit transformed into the insect spirit of the ancestor of the Autumn Sky Light Clan, the Goddess of Autumn, this is the glory of the gods, and it is a miracle given by God!" Tu Ling shouted, "No matter how courageous Miss Jianling is, she won't dare to offend Miss Yunzhi, who owns the Goddess of Autumn!"

"Goddess of Autumn?" Shen Zheng's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at Qiu Yunzhi. "Yunzhi, your insect spirit..."[

"Yes." Qiu Yunzhi nodded with a smile, with pride in his eyes. "I also didn't expect that when my insect spirit was transformed, it changed into the appearance of the ancestor's insect spirit, the Goddess of Autumn. That is the insect spirit who has made great contributions to the founding of our clan. Although the position of Patriarch has been practiced for four generations , but no generation dares to forget the achievements of the ancestors, and the Goddess of Autumn is enshrined in the temple, which is a symbol of the family's strength and status."

"Miss Yunzhi's transformation into the Goddess of Autumn is tantamount to receiving the inheritance of the ancestors of the founder." Tu Ling said excitedly, "Her status is more noble than that of the patriarch, and the rest of the people have seen her." , you have to worship piously. Miss Jianling is a relative of the direct line, so it's impossible not to know about it."

"When we went there, Yunzhi was not yet the king of the star sea." Shen Zheng smiled lightly.

"Ah?" Tu Ling was startled, then understood, and couldn't help but smile wryly. "So that's the case, I said that it is impossible for Miss Jianling... Alas!" He sighed, but he knew that the festival had already been planted. It took a lot of effort.

"You go first." Shen Zheng looked at Tu Ling and said suddenly. "Go back and tell the Patriarch Qiukongzhiguang about Yunzhi's miracle. Then, I want you to say clearly that if Qiukongzhiguang wants to welcome Yunzhi back, he must first ask Qiu Jianling to invite him in person. Then, she must be in the clan In front of the whole clan, I solemnly apologize to Yunzhi!"

"That...that's reasonable." Tu Ling thought for a while, then nodded slowly. "Although Miss Yunzhi wasn't an inheritor at that time, she was still a member of the family. It was really inappropriate for Miss Jianling to treat her like that. Okay, then I'll go back now?"

"Wait for a while." Shen Zheng said, "I just said it, at least wait until Xue Su and the others have prepared the secret realm orb."

"Yes." Tu Ling saluted respectfully.

"Yunzhi." Shen Zheng looked at Qiu Yunzhi and smiled faintly. "I didn't expect that I would be able to fulfill my promise so soon."

"Shen Zheng, it is the greatest luck in my life to meet you." Qiu Yunzhi looked at Shen Zheng with complicated eyes, and there were tears in his eyes. "Thank you!"

"My own person, why are you being polite." Shen Zheng waved his hands and smiled, "I went to see Grandpa Guangu in heaven. I don't know if the old man has something to tell me, it's so mysterious, it seems very important."

Said, flew up.

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