star wars civilization.

Chapter 648: The Secret of the Plane's Past

Arriving above the heaven, countless little angels immediately surrounded him, flying around Shen Zheng, laughing. |^

They are just the energy form generated by Shen Zheng's mind, and they have no life, but Shen Zheng still couldn't help waving and smiling at them.It gave him a feeling of coming home, a sense of intimacy.

"This way." In the clouds, Guan Gu lay there quietly, nodding to Shen Zheng.

"Grandpa Guan Gu, what do you want to tell me?" Shen Zheng flew over and sat cross-legged in front of it.

"About the matter of the Holy Emperor, and the matter of the Holy Spirit Clan." Guan Gu said. [

Shen Zheng immediately realized the importance of the matter, and stared at Ren Guangu with all his attention, waiting to listen.

"How long ago was that? How many 10 years ago, or 10,000+ years ago?" Guan Gu thought about it, and finally shook his head and sighed. "I can't remember. I'm too old. In short, a long time ago, the Holy Spirit used to spread all over the universe, but with a huge positional turmoil, the Holy Spirit and the strong human beings almost all sank into the long river of history and disappeared without a trace. "

"There are still strong human beings?" Shen Zheng couldn't help being surprised.

"Yes." Guan Gu nodded. "At that time, the universe experienced a great turmoil, and all living beings faced the danger of being enslaved. In order to defend their homeland, all the strong in the universe spontaneously organized to fight against foreign enemies."

"Is it an invader from another plane?" Shen Zheng's heart skipped a beat.

"How do you know?" Guan Gu was stunned.

"I..." Shen Zheng smiled, "I was in this secret realm once, and I heard from its original owner."

"Didn't you build this secret place?" Guan Gu asked suspiciously. "I can even sense your original breath here, everything is imprinted with your thoughts."

"I built it." Shen Zheng said, "Because at that time, it had already begun to collapse."

"The collapse of the secret realm?" Guan Gu shook his head, "The more you talk about it, the more confused I become. The secret realm is a real overlapping world, unless this universe is destroyed or there is a jeweler to make it, otherwise it will be eternal."

"The owner of this secret realm is a cosmic origin worm who opened up a plane to leave." Shen Zheng said. "He is a human being. After he became the master of the plane and left, because he was worried about his hometown, he left part of the power of ideas and space to form here, and a guide. The guide said that he used the power of rules , changed my destiny, and helped me a lot, just because I am the body of creation, and I am the person who has the hope of becoming the next master of the plane.|^”

"So that's how it is!" Guan Gu couldn't help becoming excited, "I said that I always feel that there is a force in the universe that seems to be looking for me, but I deliberately avoided it. Now it seems that I should get in touch with it. He Where are you going now?"

"Disappeared." Shen Zheng sighed, "I don't know why I offended the Sacred Emperor. He sent people to kill me again and again, and finally he came here himself, with the help of mortals, to harm me. In the end But because of excessive control over the power of the rules, I was seriously injured by the instructor. At that time, the instructor knew that he could not exist for too long, so he used all his strength to give me the power of himself and the secret realm, making me leap from the lord of the galaxy to the King of the Star Sea."

"Understood." Guan Gu nodded, "So this secret realm was already equal to you at that time. You used its structure to build your legendary secret realm, in fact, it was just to commemorate him."

"That's right." Shen Zheng nodded slightly sadly.

Guan Gu smiled, then fell silent.

After a long time, it continued: "He should have told you a lot, but he didn't explain that great war, so he may be the master of the plane who was born during that great war, maybe the one who was born in that war of aggression The end, it has something to do with him. At that time, there were many amazing and brilliant people among human beings, but I didn’t pay special attention to which one. Because to be honest, we, the Holy Spirit, don’t think highly of you human beings. But it’s different now, the Holy Spirit family is almost Perish, the universe has completely become your human world."

Shen Zheng's heart was agitated when he heard it, and he couldn't help thinking: Is the end of the great war related to the master of the plane?Yes, maybe because of this, he couldn't worry about his hometown, so he left this secret place behind.

It sighed, and then said: "When that war started, I was already a 9000 million-year-old old man, my strength was completely useless, and because I violated the rules of the family, I made friends with humans, but I made friends with a guy with evil intentions , and was sentenced to exile and imprisonment by the clan. Therefore, I missed that big battle. But I still know some specific things.”[

"Is it because that battle exhausted all the strong men in the universe?" Shen Zheng asked.

"All the kings of the human star sea died in that battle." Guan Gu said, "After tens of thousands of years, a new strong king of the star sea was born from humans. After that battle, the Holy Spirit family almost They all disappeared, but not all died in battle.”

"Is it related to the Sacred Emperor?" Shen Zheng thought of the crimson giant monster, and the world where the Holy Spirit was fighting in its belly.No matter how powerful the Loch Clan is, or how powerful the Loch Saint Emperor is, it is impossible to wipe out the other four Holy Spirit Clans, unless they take advantage of that battle of planes.

"That's right." Guan Gu nodded slowly, "I heard at that time that the Holy Emperor Loch called all the holy spirits in the plane to join the battle to defend their homeland, and because Loch is the smartest and has the most secrets among the five holy spirits, so the four The Holy Spirit Race was also willing to listen to them. But at the critical moment of that battle, the five Holy Spirit Races all disappeared."

"Disappeared?" Shen Zheng was stunned.

"Yes, it disappeared." Guan Gu nodded. "So the universe at that time was protected by you humans. It is precisely because of this that I have a slight affection for you humans. I think that if there are still surviving Holy Spirits in the universe, they will also have the same affection for you. Be grateful."

"It's the Holy Emperor Loch who took advantage of the opportunity of the great battle to wipe out the four great Holy Spirit clans?" Shen Zheng gritted his teeth, feeling more and more that the Holy Emperor Loch was too despicable.

"Yes." Guan Gu nodded, "All the news was passed on to me by one of my descendants in the family. It has a powerful power of thought, so it has the opportunity to let me know everything from the situation of the great war to From the efforts of human beings to the betrayal of the Sacred King of Worms. It turns out that guy had planned long ago to kill all the creatures of the five holy spirit clans and turn them into a huge force for him to improve his realm and attack the master of the plane."

"This bastard!" Shen Zheng thought of those remnants of the Holy Spirit who kept killing each other but never died.That's the way the Sacred Worm Emperor retains their power and digests them slowly, and the crimson giant monster is actually the vessel that the Sacred Worm Emperor uses to retain their power.

At that time, I was expelled from the world of the crimson monster and was prevented from entering the crimson vortex. It was because the Holy Emperor of the Worm was afraid of the inheritance ability of Xiaohei and Dandan, fearing that they would suck away the power of the Suzaku and Xuanwu clans. , even more afraid that they really got the inheritance of ideas and knew about his plot.

"For his own benefit, he actually slaughtered four clans?" Shen Zheng gritted his teeth angrily.

"I'm afraid it's not just the four clans." Guan Gu said. "The news came from my younger generation that the entire Loch clan volunteered their lives to help him absorb power. Only in this way can he obtain all the inheritances of the five major clans by himself and be promoted to the master of the plane. Therefore, He will always want to kill you, because you are the body of creation and the true successor of the master of the plane. He is afraid that you will rob his luck and ruin his plan."

"If he doesn't mess with me, he might succeed." Shen Zheng snorted coldly.

"No." Guan Gu shook his head, "If he doesn't kill you, you will still be promoted to King of the Star Sea with the help of your mentor, and then you will step into the real Star Sea world and become a real strong man, so you will naturally have the opportunity to know everything. At that time, he will still be in danger. Although the world is big, there can only be one person at the same time as the master of the plane. That must be the one who has the most luck in the universe. It must have ended in failure."

As he said that, it smiled: "He met you because of his luck, and he deserved the retribution. If it wasn't for him, the Holy Spirit Race would not be on the brink of extinction, and if it wasn't for him, human beings would not suffer like that." disaster."

"Damn him!" Shen Zheng's voice was cold.

"One day, he will die at your hands." Guan Gu said. "But you can't just focus on him. You have to look farther. Children, one day, the plane war will start again, and the fate of all creatures in the entire universe will be in your hands .”

"Me?" Shen Zheng was stunned.

"If the Lord of the Plane hadn't been born, do you think the plane that has lost the Holy Spirit family and the human world has just been restored can win this war?" Guan Gu shook his head and sighed. "Perhaps the mentor has already started to change you from the time you gained that great luck. I think that when you advance to the master of the plane, you will definitely not open up another world and leave, but will stay here. That's it , the balance of the war will be tilted towards us."

"He also said that at the time." Shen Zheng nodded.

"I don't know when the war will start. You have to work hard." Guan Gu said, "In addition, I would like to ask you to use your great luck to find other Holy Spirits in the universe. Even better, so that the Holy Spirit family can continue to grow."

"Okay, I'll try my best." Shen Zheng nodded in agreement. [

"The King of Worms is not dead, he will continue to trouble you." Guan Gu said, "But judging from this incident, his strength and thoughts have been weakened to the extreme, otherwise he would not have made such an idiot to deal with you It must be that this idiot happened to pass by his hiding place and was used by him."

"I think I should go back to the place where he used to hide." Shen Zheng said. "What if he thinks of the safest place in the most dangerous place?"

"Alright." Guan Gu nodded, "It doesn't take much effort to go there, just be careful yourself."

"By the way, Grandpa." Shen Zheng suddenly remembered something, "Did you really bring us into your secret realm back then, or..."

"It's just an idea." Guan Gu smiled. "The speed of thought is just a moment, so you come back to your senses and find that you are still where you were, and you are still experiencing what you are experiencing."

"Then can you teach me?" Shen Zheng became excited. "I also have many people who want to help and take care of them. With this ability, I can help them at any time."

"If you are talented enough, you will understand when you live to 50 years old!" Guan Gu laughed, "Do you think that anyone can have this ability? No, the talented king of the star sea will be able to do so after 50 years old." Those who have this power will have no talent, and they will have to wait until they are 100 million years old at the latest."

"So long?" Shen Zheng twitched his tongue in shock. "Forget it, I still have nothing to ask you to help."

At this moment, a huge force surged in the world, and Shen Zheng was startled.

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